Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 03/04/21 08:59 AM

Did a few reports on presidents in my academic past and concluded the "bad" presidents actually did some good things and the "good" presidents actually did some bad things. Read world history... humans are fallible. Bidden might get something right

Biden is an idiot but it could all be much worse... Pelosi could be in office or Hilary. All Americans would do well to ask what can I do for America and not what can America do for me... Bidden needs all the help he can get.

With all the bad energy sent his way...God help him.

Absolutely right Ladywind; there is so much negativism from the right and the clueless not even mentioning the cultists. It's sad that people can't realize that our country needs to put the petty aside and work together.
This genius above your post shows up here and says Biden is an idiot, well Biden is the president of the United States, this guy on the other hand (who is deactivated now) is some loser with no photo who pops up for a couple of days and is gone......................who's the idiot?

Leftists call anyone they don't agree with cultists while calling for "unity". They see ANY differences as "petty" and what they really want is FORCED unity....NOT democracy.

They call people who voted for Trump "cultists"......well over 74 million people voted for him. I accept Biden as president because he won the election.....many of the same people who DEMAND people accept Biden as president NEVER accepted Trump as president.

The real idiots are people who think independent logical thinking people can't see the double standard used by idiots who didn't like Trump who are beyond just being negative, they are hateful.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 03/03/21 10:07 AM

This shut down is killing the economy

Yup. And the virus is killing a lot of people.

So wearing a mask won't kill ya, but not wearing one might kill you or your neighbor.

Good luck Texas.

BTW have you got your electricity turned back on yet?

In Macomb County Michigan the coroner had to do an autopsy on a suicide victim in his 20's. As part of the autopsy the victim was checked for covid-19 and since he tested positive he was listed as a covid-19 death.
Yeah Covid-19 has killed people......but in many places there is NO distinction made between dying WITH covid-19 and dying FROM covid-19.

Wearing a mask in a surgical setting isn't done to protect the medical personal, it's to protect the patient. Masks are, if they are the right ones and worn correctly, are most useful in preventing infected people from spreading the virus. The notion that a mask will prevent a person from getting the virus isn't necessarily true since the virus can be spread via ocular secretions and tears or contracting an infection via the eye.....but the chances of contracting the virus through the eye is low.

Now some "medical experts" are saying people should wear two masks.....are they saying that for a year we were being mislead by saying wearing a single mask was effective in protecting people from contracting the virus?

Obama's chief of staff Rohm Emanuel said NEVER let a crisis go to waste....and the covid-19 crisis is being used by many politicians to grab power, act as totalitarians by disregarding rights GUARANTEED by the constitution.

I'm not saying people should be careless, personally I'm very cautious. But IMO people need to have access to ALL information and make the decision to what risks they are willing to take because life DOESN'T come without risks. My risk tolerance decisions SHOULDN'T be forced on others....that is how a REAL liberal who believe in DEMOCRACY thinks!!!!!!!!! The root word of liberal is from the Latin word "liber" which means "free". The liberal moniker has been hijacked by leftist who believe in more government control which takes away freedom.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 03/02/21 03:30 PM
I believe in due process and Cuomo should be treated no differently than Kavanagh IMO. I won't allow his hypocrisy to cause me the be a hypocritical.

What I find really curious and disturbing is that Cuomo found it necessary to hired Elkan Abramowitz, a high-profile defense attorney who was Harvey Weinstein lawyer to represent him in possible charges resulting from the nursing home deaths investigations. He has yet to hire a defense attorney to handle the sexual misconduct charges which indicates he what he sees as the most threatening situation he is facing.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 02/27/21 09:21 AM
Election integrity has to include PROVING you are who you say you are and eligible to vote according to election laws. Allowing people to vote without proving who they are is an invitation for fraudulent behavior.

I'm an actual immigrant (not a foreign national in the country illegally) who didn't vote until I was a naturalized citizen because I RESPECT immigration and election laws. When I registered to vote I merely had to check a box saying I was a citizen.....I DIDN'T have to provide ANY proof that I was eligible to vote. You're living in a dream world if you believe that people who broke immigration laws, who are in the country illegally, should be trusted not to vote.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 02/27/21 09:00 AM
I'm no fan of Springsteen's politics.

I'm no fan of ANYONE being treated more harshly or given leniency because of their political beliefs or celebrity status.

If a law or rules he broke or ignored call for a fine then that is the punishment that should be imposed. Nothing more, nothing less.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 02/23/21 09:44 AM

Ever notice how liberals never discuss policies? It's always "Trump is a bad man, Biden is good man" EMOTIONAL stuff. It's never policies because there's just no defending Biden's decisions on cancelling Keystone pipeline, letting illegal aliens in, trans competing against women in sports, his instinct to NOT take out Osama Bid Laden when we did, and other IMPORTANT decisions. Nope, it's always emotional "feel good" stuff for the libs.

offtopic Dem bashing in plenty of threads. How do you feel Biden winning President?

I had no problem discerning how he felt about the Biden presidency which is the topic......he did include something you seemingly don't care about, the Trump bashing on this thread.
And yes I know I'm off topic......commenting on your off topic post. whoa

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 02/23/21 09:17 AM

I think Chris Rock did a routine where he said instead of trying to curb gun sales, if we just raised ammunition prices to like $1,000 a bullet, it would do a lot to cut down on shootings in this country.

Brilliant idea.......make it harder for middle, lower middle and lower income people to protect themselves from the criminals who will steal ammo. slaphead

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 02/22/21 11:21 AM
A maniac entered the gun store and started shooting.
According to an article "then several other people — whether employees or store customers — opened fire on the shooter,"

If that maniac would have entered a school, a government building or any other kind of business there probably would have been more people shot long before a cop would have got there.

What this indecent showed was that evil person with gun can be stopped by a good guy with a gun.

Detroit police chief James Craig has repeatedly called on “good” and “law-abiding” residents to arm themselves against criminals in the city. But he must be a redneck racist.....oh wait, I forgot he's a black man.

In 2015 Detroit Police Chief James Craig announced that Detroit would likely be spared a terrorist attack because so many of the city's residents are packing heat.
"A lot of Detroiters have CPLs (concealed pistol licenses), and the same rules apply to terrorists as they do to some gun-toting thug," Chief James Craig said, according to the Detroit News. “If you’re a terrorist, or a carjacker, you want unarmed citizens."

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 02/22/21 07:32 AM
1) It"s never been a secret what ISIS was doing, they even made videos of what they were doing as a recruiting tool.

2) She voluntarily left her biological family and went to the middle east and became an ISIS bride.

3) She was a radical before going to the middle east.

4) She supported what ISIS was doing and wanted to be part of it, even giving birth which is one way ISIS wanted to produce future terrorists.

5) when she became an ISIS bride IMO she became part of their "family".

Personally I don't care where she ends up. No country should be "responsible" for her. She alone is responsible for what she became part of and IMO she should be severely punished. I couldn't care less if she wants to be where her biological family is located.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 02/20/21 09:24 AM
Some people see anyone who supports any movement they don't agree with, or just thinks differently, as being part of a cult.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 02/20/21 09:13 AM

This morning the Radio host called him , lunch bucket Joe.

He was on a tv interview yesterday saying, he would get 600 million doses
Of Vaccine out to those in US by end of July.

He said there wasn't any vaccine out , when he took office as president.

Oh come on give Joe a break. He DOESN'T remember that he received the vaccine before he took office. Someone probably told him to say there wasn't a vaccine out when he took's an extension of Harris saying they started from scratch because Trump and his administration didn't leave them with anything to work with regarding covid. Admitting there was a vaccine out in record time, a time line the MSM characterized as Trump lying to the American people, would be giving Trump credit for something.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 02/19/21 12:31 PM
I listen to him occasionally. Sometimes I agreed with him, other times I didn't agree.
Personally I see him as the original "influencer"......he influenced people on the left and right which has become clear with the reaction to his death from both sides.

Personally I NEVER celebrate ANYONE'S death merely because I disagree with their politics, lifestyle, religious beliefs etc. Generally everyone who dies leaves behind someone who is hurting. If you celebrate or find joy someone's death you are also celebrating and finding joy someone else's suffering.....and that I find disgusting.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 02/17/21 01:02 PM
I'm troubled when EVERY member of either party vote identically.

Are they ALL really voting their conscience and representing their constituents or are they really protecting their political career because the the wolves in sheep's clothing who are the party leaders will eliminate them from the herd?

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 02/17/21 12:49 PM
WOW....just WOW.

Millions of tax dollars spent investigating Trump conspiring/colluding with Russia with NO evidence found yet there are those who refuse to accept the evidence because of hatred.

There are none so blind as those as those who refuse to see. SMH

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 02/17/21 11:33 AM
Trump continues to live rent free in the heads of so many people because they can't let go of hate. It only hurts people emotionally to carry such hatred, it doesn't hurt the person they hate.

If you feel the people you don't like or who you disagree with must be punished, hurt or destroyed the problem really isn't with the people you disagree with, the problem resides within you.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 02/17/21 10:03 AM
I'm in Michigan and I just had to deal with snow and cold temps.....the normal things I have to deal with during the winter. I have a small generator in the event of a power outage which in my area are rare. I believe in the 5 "P's"....prior planning prevents poor performance.

My brother lives in Florida now and when he first moved there he told me people were wearing the same kind of clothes when it was 65 outside that we wear when it's below freezing. It all about what you are used to.

What should be learned now is that wind and solar powers are vulnerable to cold weather and that natural gas is vulnerable in southern states.
I hope lessons have been learned and hope there will be a concentration of efforts to rectify the problems....that anti renewable energy and anti fossil fuel zealots will put helping people ahead of their positions on energy.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 02/16/21 09:21 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Tue 02/16/21 09:22 AM

Biden and his Administration failed in the impeachment of Trump.

That's a Plus.

Trump WAS impeached by the House of Representatives. He WASN'T convicted by the Senate.

Biden and his administration DON'T have the authority to impeach ANYONE, included current or past members of congress.

I could see law suits being brought to expunge the Congressional record of the 2nd impeachment. The lack of hearings, calling of witnesses and most of all "due process" because of the rush to impeach him 11 days before leaving office might be grounds for a law suit.

Then there is the Senate trial where in the case of presidential impeachment trials, the chief justice of the United States presides. Senators act as jurors during impeachment trials.....this time it was juror who presiding over the trial.

Personally I saw this as another example of Congress doing what they do best......waste time and money by both parties.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 02/15/21 02:31 PM
Definition of a cultist:

A: a devotee or member of a religious cult

B: : one who exhibits great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, etc.

By definition holding the IDEA that Trump must be destroyed, having an OBJECTIVE to destroy him, and being part of a MOVEMENT ON denigrating, destroying and/or deprogramming his supporters would actually make a person a cultist.

Voting for, or supporting ANY politician, doesn't make a person a cultist. SMH

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 02/11/21 08:48 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Thu 02/11/21 09:05 AM

to impeach Donald Trump this time, it is. If convicted he:

Loses the 200K plus pension

Loses the million dollar a year travel allowance

Loses his fulltime Secret Service detail

Loses the ability to run again in 2024

You really need to do some research b4 posting misinformation.

From Michigan State University College of Law's Professor Brian Kalt


Asked "Does a president lose post-presidential benefits (pension, etc.) if impeached and convicted?"

Kalt's answer "Yes, but only if convicted while in office. The law gives benefits to those who either finish their term or resign (specifically, if "service…terminated other than by removal".

Even if Trump is convicted it WON'T be while he is in office.

As far as the security detail goes

"Former presidents and spouses "for their lifetimes" (unless the spouse of the former president remarries)"

There is NO language regarding a former president who is impeached and convicted AFTER leaving office.


Other benefits that can be taken away by a vote in the senate ONLY if convicted AFTER leaving office

Office staff and space
Travel and security expenses, including for family (the security for travel ISN'T the regular security detail)

The ability to run for a second presidential term

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 02/08/21 07:55 AM
Covid is real and should be taken seriously especially by people who are in the "high risk" group.

What is also real is there are politicians who have, and are, using Covid as an excuse for more control over the lives of people and violate not only constitutional rights but basic human rights.

Here in Michigan our governor told us she was using science to make decisions regarding restrictions. When Covid restrictions were implemented you couldn't buy a can of paint at a store that had 50,000 sq feet. You couldn't buy a can of paint at Home Depot or Lowes that have wider aisle making "social distancing" easier but you could buy paint at an ACE Hardware with more narrow aisle. You couldn't use a boat,regardless of size, with motor but you could use a boat without a motor, regardless of size and the ability to social distance. Out of state residents who owned vacation homes were allowed to travel to their properties but in state residents weren't allowed to travel to their vacation homes. Eventually those restrictions were lifted because of social pressure, not because the "science" changed.
I couldn't find ANYONE who could point me to any science that supported those decisions......and I was told by some people that I was questioning those decisions just because I hated the governor.

I'm in a high risk group, I've restricted my activities knowing the risks and my susceptibilities to being infected but I don't think everyone else should be FORCED to do what I have DECIDED to do.

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