''' Strangely, this idea is still deeply ingrained in the human consciousness. It is still an unspoken law. '''
..................................................................................................................... Law or Staute...Im confuded lol. |
""""If a message is ignored because of the delivery method, how effective can it really be in obtaining the objectives of “teaching them” and “making desciples""”?
............................................................................................................................. Oh most of the messages I write regardless of the delivery is laughed off, so my motive is much greater than debate, but I can see where your coming from, thanks |
""""Some Christians today will do the same thing to spritual healers and miracle workers who do not give all the credit to the Christian God or Jesus for their work.
Things never change""" .................................................................................................................. . I guess I dont or havent experienced that here where I am from and thou I drive all over the U.S. and I have run into some shady people, no christians that I have experienced do those things. |
After u research abit the real history of these people its a real eye opener to as why empires rise and fall after about 200 years. Imagine a 1000 year ruine with out Satans evil influences and Christ as the King of the World. WOW its coming soon and I will be here, I pray, to be apart of it all.
And GOD said that ...
Such a ruler he is lol
I liked the movie with gena davis and the space aliens that crashed in her pool and they took human form. So they mimic the tv shows and drive her crazy lol
She so answered that beautifully
why is telling
"""1.)How can being forgiven from your sins make you sinless """
It doesn't only Christ can. The SIN is the choice in ones actions that disobeys GOD; as he has ten commandments to follow. (5 to love and respect and honor him above all things or people; 5 to respect and love and honor each other) In heaven their is a book that a persons sins are ecorded in for all time; so unless that person has accepted his gift of salvation, for which these recorded sins are to then be wiped away and forgiven and never remembered again; these sins will be the evidence to prove worthiness of eternal damnation of each and every one of those souls on judgment day where, every knee shall bow down to acknowledge GOD for whom he is - the Creator, the One and Only true GOD of all existence and of all matter and of all light and of all dark, and every tongue will confess before GOD that CHRIST is Lord of Lords. """2.)How can you feel good about yourself for allowing Jesus to take your sins onto himself and suffer for them? Are you not mature enough to take responsibility?""" To humble ones self, to deny ones desires and temptations, and to accept that we are truly so very small, and so very fortunate to have a GOD that by his gift and great love for his creation that he had made plans long before the earth was even created to eliminate not only Satan and evil from the heavens, but that th ere is away that every soul could repent and have a bridge to walk back to GOD - their heavenly father, so that each one whom accepts the gift of CHRIST and repents may live in peace for all eternity, rather than be in damnation and bondage and imprisoned. Feel grateful and truly blessed and very fortunate and very thankful and very grateful, and very ashamed and sad and undeserving my brother Christ by his choice did this sacrifice and died as a human and suffered so so very much for, so so many. And that he defeated Satan and death(which Satan knows he can not ever do)after three days and physically arose, alive and well, to meet with the his earthly family and disciples and was seen by over 500 witnesses, before ascending back to heaven. """3.) If Jesus takes everyone's sins upon himself then he is NOT without sin.""" CHRIST; He was a perfect man (born of the Holly Spirit - in perfection) whereas we are sinful men! (we have not obeyed GOD) He was perfectly righteous and holy and sinless! He was the one exception to Romans 3:10 (none of us are righteous, but He was!). He was the one exception to Romans 3:12 (none of us are good, but He was!). He was the one exception to Romans 3:23 (none of us are sinless but He was!) For as in Adam all die, due to Sin, (so) even so in Christ shall all be made alive for eternity. Know that there are two natures in man: the physical nature and the spiritual nature. The physical nature is inherited from Adam, and the spiritual nature is inherited from the Reality of the Word of God, which is the spirituality of Christ. The physical nature is born of Adam, but the spiritual nature is born from the bounty of the Holy Spirit. The first is the source of all imperfection; the second is the source of all perfection. In simplest terms, This is why He says: “I am the bread which descended from heaven; whosoever shall eat of this bread will not die” that is to say, that whosoever shall partake of this divine food will attain unto he eternal life: that is, every one who partakes of this bounty and receives these perfections will find eternal life, will obtain pre-existent favors, will 'be freed' from the 'darkness of their errors', and will be illuminated by the light of and by His guidance forever. He took upon himself the sins of this world and was punished, took the punishment, and felt the punishment, and suffered under this punishment and died; dead and was buried, and went to Hades and preached to the souls of the underworld and after three days, since his / those sins were washed clean, he was cleansed, threw the sacrifice and punishment and suffering, he arose to live for all eternity and was given by GOD the earned right to be King of the Whole Universe over everything and every one. Lean not to your own understanding but allow the Holy Spirit to fill you and to make room for perfection to give u the truth and wisdom and understanding of GOD. GODS Law of Rule and Punishment, being your own self judge makes you a GOD or Goddess and one can sorta act in those ways the truth is the Creator still has his rule of law and punishment in the Universe. Sin against your self is not equal in its very existence as SINing against GOD. So one can pretend to excuse themselves, but it doesn't hold water. Its a whole different level than say oh i screwed up, well im not going to do that again and ill just go buy a replacement and then itll be all done and i can go on with my life.. His rules, his commandments, his rule of law, we are the "created" not the creator. Like a child he is the FATHER, our free will to obey or not, humble ourselves and try to do better to be disciplined and stop sinning and thus repent, and accept that our big brother stepped in to talk with FATHER and got us off the HOOK because he loves us so much, he choose to take the pain so we wont get punished and can live in harmony in the heavens with Holiness and purity of heart, once he excuses our sins. Isnt it so sad HUMANITY is at the BRINK OF EXTINCTION from Nuclear HOLOCAUST, so many continue to be arrogant, self righteous, egotistical, self appointed, self indulging, blasphemous beings. GOD sent the flood destroyed every living creature and GOD can create it again, but his plan of salvation will work just fine. |
Christ died and the sacrifice has been made for all mankind whom 'accepts the gift'. Free will, free thinking, people each one, all decide for themselves whether they will accept GODS Great Salvation. It is their for the taking.
And GOD said that ...
Edited by
Thu 10/23/08 10:14 AM
""Abra... after we leave this physcial house we dwell in...
there will be a physical death to the Body... yes... but it doesn't just end there..... the Soul still WILL live on ...... SOMEWHERE"" AMNEN and AMEN ; these EARTHLY SOULS have an awesome opportunity, to get to know the love of GOD, but they continue to BLASPHEMY him and turn their hearts from his love and grace and forgiveness, AND TURN THEIR BACKS TO HIM, so what is a supreme being going to do except let them go onto to their deaths and their own fates with damnation. Who would want a thief a liar a verbally abusive soul in your home - you ask them to leave and wouldn't let them back in until they repented and apologized and came to their senses - ya know. It's not to late even now for atheists and a like minded non-Christians to seek GOD and his grace and gift of salvation. ;.;.;.;.;.;.;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; Would not an all powerful god have enough salvation to go around... Enough 'rooms' in his 'mansion' to accomodate all mankind... and more? Why must you continually limit god to such a narrow view?... while claiming he is greater than all things? .............................................................................................................................. According to Christ, GOD has many mansions that and he shall make a place for those that will live for all eternity. History in the BIBLE shows that when given instructions by GOD to build, to each king /disciple, etc he commanded, it was always big enough to suit the needs of those that needed to use it - like, a temple, or ARk, or Mansions in heaven. Christ and Moses and Paul all give great accounts of these structures in Genesis or even revelations. Christ died and the sacrifice has been made for all mankind whom 'accepts the gift'. Free will, free thinking, people each one, all decide for themselves whether they will accept GODS Great Salvation. It is their for the taking. |
And GOD said that ...
Edited by
Thu 10/23/08 09:59 AM
""Abra... after we leave this physcial house we dwell in...
there will be a physical death to the Body... yes... but it doesn't just end there..... the Soul still WILL live on ...... SOMEWHERE"" AMNEN and AMEN ; (In general)these EARTHLY SOULS have an awesome opportunity, to get to know the love of GOD, but they continue to BLASPHEMY him, and turn their hearts from his love and grace and forgiveness, AND TURN THEIR BACKS TO HIM. So what is a supreme- being going to do except let them go on to their deaths and to their own fates with damnation. Who would want for example a thief, a liar, a verbally abusive soul in your home - you'd ask them to leave and wouldn't let them back in until they repented and apologized and came to their senses - ya know. It's not to late even now for atheists and almost any like minded non-Christians to seek out GOD and his grace and gift of salvation. |
Edited by
Thu 10/23/08 09:36 AM
10. There wouldn't be anyone to feed the disgusting left-overs to.
9. You would have to start mowing the lawn and cleaning up dog doo-doo yourself. 8. You would no longer have him as an excuse to tell the kids NO! 7. There wouldn't be an "In-House" Roto Rooter man, to clean it off after the fixin'! 6. You'd make his/her life too darn easy! 5. The bounced checks would then only hurt your credit. 4. A girl's night out wouldn't mean as much with a sitter there, instead of him, all bent out of shape. 3. You would miss out on all the "GOLD" fiftieth wedding anniversary gifts. 2. The shoes the dog insists on destroying would then be your own. 1. You know darn well that a divorce would send him into a mid-life crises, and he would find a 20-year old babe! http://operamom.com/topten.html That Are Some Of The Benefits Of Staying Married? It takes a lot of work, but solving problems within a marriage is one of the strongest messages you can give your children. Couples that work through issues end up with stronger marriages and a level of happiness beyond anything they could have imagined on the day they took their wedding vows. Marriage and staying married, is not only beneficial to the children of the marriage but offers great benefits to those who choose to stay in the marriage. Below are a few things to consider if you are contemplating divorce. Unless you are in an abusive relationship or one strife with infidelity with increasing STD disease you might want to reconsider that divorce. 1. Emotional Benefits of Marriage: Contrary to popular belief, marriage gives men and women an equal mental health boost. In 1972, sociologist Jessie Bernard looked at symptoms of anxiety, depression, neurosis and passivity in married and unmarried people. She found that men were better off married than single, and concluded that they got those benefits at the expense of women. That became a central tenet of the women's liberation movement in the 1970s, and is still often cited. But psychologist David de Vaus from La Trobe University in Melbourne points out that Bernard's research only looked at a narrow definition of stress. "It is well known that women are much more likely to score highly on those disorders," he says. Most research has ignored the fact that mental disorder can manifest itself in men in the form of drug and alcohol abuse, de Vaus claims. So, in conclusion, marriage benefits both men and women when it comes to emotional health. 2. Marriage can make you look younger. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan 30, 2006 (UPI via COMTEX) -- Danish researchers say a happy marriage and plenty of money can take years off of a person's appearance. The study, conducted by the University of Southern Demark, found that a married woman who has not spent a lot of time in the sun, could look at least seven years younger than a woman who is single. Also, marriage can make a woman look almost two years younger by the time she reaches middle age. 3. Financial reasons to stay married. {p]It is clear that divorce often comes with a financial penalty: 47 per cent of divorced people say divorce made their financial situation worse. In fact, respondents to the survey also reported that because of their divorce: * 35 per cent had to go into greater debt. * 22 per cent had to seek financial support from friends and family;. * 28 per cent had to sell household items or personal assets; and. * 27 per cent had to sell or redeem financial investments. Children are affected financially as well. One poll found that 44 per cent of people said it was extremely difficult to save for post- secondary education after divorce. 4. Children of divorce are more likely to divorce.]/ol] Children of divorced parents often vow not to repeat the same mistakes their parents did. They want to avoid putting themselves and their own children through the pain and stress that comes from divorce. 5. Better Health for both partners for several reasons including greater financial position, better health care options, better diet and higher nutritional intake daily and more exercise, vacations on more regular basis. "Growing up in a divorced family greatly increases the chances of ending one’s own marriage, a phenomenon called the divorce cycle or the intergenerational transmission of divorce" says Wolfinger, assistant professor in the University of Utah’s Department of Family and Consumer Studies. Wolfinger has spent a decade studying the marriages of children from divorced homes in America. These children are more likely to marry as teens, cohabitate and marry someone who is also a child of divorced parents. And they are also one-third less likely to marry if they are over age 20. The number of unmarried couples living together increased 72% between 1990 and 2000. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 he number of unmarried couples living together increased 72% between 1990 and 2000. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Living Alone As of 2000, the most common household type in the U.S. is people living alone. 27 million American households consist of a person living alone, compared to 25 million households with a husband, wife, and child. Unmarried childbearing and parenting: 41% of unmarried partner households have children under 18 living in them. - U.S. Census Bureau, America's Families and Living Arrangements 2000 - Wonder how that compares to single parents with children living below the poverty level? About two-fifths of children are expected to live in a cohabiting household at some point. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 - 55% of different-sex cohabitors get married within 5 years of moving in together. 40% break up within that same time period. About 10% remain in an unmarried relationship five years or longer. - Smock, Pamela (2000). "Cohabitation in the United States." Annual Review of Sociology. The majority of couples marrying today have lived together first (53% of women's first marriages are preceded by cohabitation). There are 100 million single and unmarried adults in the U.S. (some living alone, some living with partners, families, roommates, etc.). - U.S. Census Bureau, 2003 - Probably should own a DATING PAY WEB-SITE - great market! OOPS!! One-third of divorce litigation is caused by online affairs - This Is An Internet E-Mergency"!! Marital status of American adults: Men: 1890: 48% unmarried 1900: 47% 1910: 46% 1920: 42% 1930: 42% 1940: 40% 1950: 32%( industrial revelotion) 1960: 30% 1970: 34% 1980: 37% 1990: 39% 2000: 42% Women: 1890: 45% unmarried 1900: 45% 1910: 43% 1920: 41% 1930: 41% 1940: 40% 1950: 34% (industrial revalution) 1960: 34% 1970: 39% 1980: 41% 1990: 43% 2000: 45% 33% of all births are to unmarried women. - National Center for Health Statistics, 2000 data (report released 2002) 41% of first births to unmarried women are actually babies born to cohabiting couples, not "single" women, within 5 years of moving in together. 40% break up within that same time period. ./,.//,/.,/.,/.,/.,/.,/.,./,./,/,./,./,/.,./,/.,/, DISEASE ISSUES; In 2006, 1,030,911 chlamydial infections were reported to CDC from 50 states and the District of Columbia. The reported number of cases of chlamydial infection was nearly three times greater than the reported cases of gonorrhea (358,366 gonorrhea cases were reported in 2006). From 1987 through 2006, the reported rate of chlamydial infection in women increased from 78.5 cases to 515.8 cases per 100,000 population (Figure 1). These increases in the reported national chlamydia rate likely represent increased chlamydia screening, increased use of nucleic acid amplification tests, which are more sensitive than other types of screening tests, and improved reporting, as well as the continuing high burden of disease. In 2006, state- and outlying area-specific chlamydia rates among women ranged up to 988.6 per 100,000 (Figure 2). Chlamydia case rates continue to remain high in all races and ethnicities (Figure 3). In 2006, the rate of chlamydia among blacks was over eight times higher than that of whites (1275.0 and 153.1 cases per 100,000, respectively). In 2006, case rates were higher than 2005 case rates in all racial/ethnic groups, with the exception of Asian Pacific Islanders. Among women, the highest age -specific rates of reported chlamydia in 2006 were among age 15- to 19-year-olds (2862.7 cases per 100,000 females)(probably due to higher than average sleep overs between same sex teen females and sexual expermintation) and 20- to 24-year-olds (2797.0 cases per (vastly due to same sex experiences) ((Just when women thought it was safer to have SAME-SEX sexual relationships as opposed to hetro-sexual relationships. Condoms reduce a lot of the diseases women are susceptible to get in a hetro sexual relationship, where as in a same sex relationship cleanliness is not practiced any better and more often than not - not at all. )) http://www.cdc.gov/std/Chlamydia2006/CTSurvSupp2006Short.pdf .,.,,,,.,.,..,.,.,.,,..,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,., The number of unmarried couples living together has increased tenfold between 1960 and 2000. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000. |
DIE? no! But life in hell for all eternity, in bondage and in punishment. Guess oil and water, or water and fire, just don't mix in heaven iether. lol and oil and fire is so explosive, lol.
confess your sins...
hey if the shoe dont fit..., obviously it wasnt directed that way. just a general rule of thought for people to consider. lol
Now go in peace :)<(joking) |
And GOD said that ...
One day a group of the most evil got together and decided that man had really made a mess of the earth above and that they could do better...
... and they all agreed that no longer should GODs creation of man and women be the only man of its kind. ... They picked their leader Satan, to go tell GOD, that they were done with Him. So Satan walked up to the edge of heaven and asked for an audience with him. Satan said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need you. See, we can make the earth shake and make the mountains fall to earth. We can make the rocks in the heavens to come crashing down to earth. We can make the winds blow so hard, and pick up anything and move it to and fro, from here to there. We can make the moon turn red or black so its light can not been seen by men from the earth. So why don't you just go on and well take it from here." God listened patiently and after the Satan was done talking, God said, "Very well! How about this", GOD said? "Let's have a man making contest". Show me you can make a man, just like the way I did, like the way I made Adam, and only better, I will turn away. To which the Satan replied, "OK, great!" And Satan said, "Sure, no problem" with a sheepish grin on his lips, he proceeded to bend down and grabbed himself a big handful of dirt. God just looked at him, shook his head and said, with the most serious of faces "No, no, no, no, OH nooo Satan. Thats my dirt. You have to get your own dirt!" |
Information needed...
So being a D_evil_ishly good person is an oxymoron?
.....COME HOME.......
Flesh and blood companion....would a goat work? You wouldn,t have to worry about her credit card spending habits lol
confess your sins...
They know its offensive to others. They are grown-ups too.
confess your sins...
Blessed are the innocent in heaaven.. AMEN