Topic: .....COME HOME....... | |
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Tue 10/21/08 03:06 PM
Everyone Needs Love.
And God Knows that is what every soul yearns for... to simply be LOVED. Sometimes our earthy parents did not know how to love us..... Maybe because they knew not how to... because no one loved them either. But God Does Love... and IS Love... and Love Us All ... with an Everlasting Love !!! and God is just waiting for His people that He created.... to Realize this... and Come Home .... into the Safe Haven of Rest.... into the Father's Open Arms... where Love Flows Forever and Free.... from the Heart of the Father. Every soul yearns for this Love.... and this being reconnected back into Fellowship with the Father. Every soul...whether one realizes this or not. God never meant for any of us to be without Love. God IS that Love...Provided for all. Come Home to the Father ...won't You, Sweet People Here? God is waiting... with Open Arms. God Loves You. So do I. So.... What are You Waiting For? |
By the way you describe it I guess I never left home in the first place.
There was never a time in my life when I felt unloved, alone, or disenchanted in anyway. At least not on a cosmic level. I would like to have a flesh and blood companion to share life with, but I'm certainly not desperate for one. That would just be like icing on the cake. Or at least it seems like it would be nice. Maybe not. They say the grass is always greener on the far side of the hill. Overall, there's nothing missing from my life other than a flesh and blood companion. I've always been well-connected to the cosmic spirit since birth. Maybe that's why I've never been drawn to religions. They have nothing to do with the spirit in truth. |
Ive never felt a need for "love" per se in my life. I know that sounds negative but it really just means that romantic love (with either sex) has never been anything that I felt was a requirement. When it happens, wonderful. I dont go out of my way to look for it or draw it to me in any respect. I enjoy the company of men at certain times and thats about the extent of it.
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Tue 10/21/08 06:47 PM
Probably the strongest desire I have is to communicate with other people. I find that I am happiest when I am doing that effectively and unhappiest when I am not doing it at all.
Personally, I think of that as a perfect example of “in this world but not of it”. Of course I can have negative emotional reactions to things “of this world”. But it is the true and honest communication with other beings that gives me the most “spiritual” satisfaction. Now I’m not sure what this “love” that you speak of is. It seems to be one of, if not the, slipperiest words in the English language. But it also seems to me that there is a strong desire for some ineffable thing that is akin to acceptance or approval or acknowledgement or something along those lines. And if that’s what you mean by “love” Morningsong, then I would agree that the desire for it appears to be innate. In cliché terms, I would say that “No man is an island” sums it up pretty well. My biggest problem with obtaining that acceptance from an undetectable source (i.e. “god”) is that I have no way of knowing whether or not the acceptance actually occurred. Yes, I could “have faith” that it occurred. But I see no practical difference between that and self-delusion. There is no empirical way for me to differentiate between the two. |
Flesh and blood companion....would a goat work? You wouldn,t have to worry about her credit card spending habits lol
Flesh and blood companion....would a goat work? You wouldn,t have to worry about her credit card spending habits lol I actually do have a cat. And that company is meaningful. I would definitely miss the cat if he were not here bugging me every day. I have aquariums with fish and live plants in them. They are very healthy miniature ecosystems. And I do feel a certain conection with them too. It's funny, if you take the fish and plants out of the aquariums the room is suddenly much less 'alive'. I also feel a very innate companionship with with nature. I live in a forest. I'm tempted to call it a magickal forest, but I think all forests are magickal. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with the trees and all plants actually. So it's like I'm living in the womb of a forest that nurtures me. I also feel a connection with the heavens and the earth. I always have. And yes, even rocks. In fact I have some rocks I actually talk to (and let's not get into the sex jokes on that one. ) I guess I've always felt a deep connection to the cosmos and perhaps they's why I've never felt alone at any time in my life. I've always felt like mere a part of the whole world. How could I ever feel alone or unloved. And then of course, I love myself termendously. You can tell this because every paragraph I started in this post, save for this one, began with the name I call myself. |
Edited by
Wed 10/22/08 03:53 AM
"I" Is the most commonly used word in the English language incidentally .
I didnt even think of that Abra. Animals have always been a source of involvement and connection in my life either through various occupations or as pets. It was probably so obvious I overlooked it. I cant imagine not having animals in my life. In fact now I live on a fleece producing farm. Alpaca have always been very special animals in Peru and intertwined in people's lives there, the economy of the country and even their religion and spirituality. Alpaca and llamas of Machu Picchu Peru. A couple of my girls actually can trace their lineages all the way back to this area. We keep DNA records on them for this information I really could not imagine an existence sans animals. Its not only my livelihood but a source of enjoyment and personal satisfaction. They need me and I need them. I wont go so far as to say its a "spiritual connection." But it might very well be just that. This is a very beautiful poster I actually have up on my wall in my room. Its a quote by Henry Beston. He was a naturalist and a writer. "We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate for having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein do we err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with the extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth." Henry Beston Author (1888-1968) |
Flesh and blood companion....would a goat work? You wouldn,t have to worry about her credit card spending habits lol I actually do have a cat. And that company is meaningful. I would definitely miss the cat if he were not here bugging me every day. I have aquariums with fish and live plants in them. They are very healthy miniature ecosystems. And I do feel a certain conection with them too. It's funny, if you take the fish and plants out of the aquariums the room is suddenly much less 'alive'. I also feel a very innate companionship with with nature. I live in a forest. I'm tempted to call it a magickal forest, but I think all forests are magickal. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with the trees and all plants actually. So it's like I'm living in the womb of a forest that nurtures me. I also feel a connection with the heavens and the earth. I always have. And yes, even rocks. In fact I have some rocks I actually talk to (and let's not get into the sex jokes on that one. ) I guess I've always felt a deep connection to the cosmos and perhaps they's why I've never felt alone at any time in my life. I've always felt like mere a part of the whole world. How could I ever feel alone or unloved. And then of course, I love myself termendously. You can tell this because every paragraph I started in this post, save for this one, began with the name I call myself. Abracadabra you are simply delightful |