Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:36 PM
i'm going to stay in w/my fugly and order some emo pizza or chinese emo takeout

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:11 PM

**drives to north dallas and cleans skanktricil's mirror** Now look again.....if this doesn't work we may need to get you some glasses. smile2

maybe that's it... i do have glasses i jes never wear 'em. but the thing is they aren't x-ray glasses, so i can't see what's on the inside. and i'm not sure my mirror reflects what's on the inside either.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:08 PM

no wait! i had an even better idea! instead of jackets we can make masks to cover up the fugly! just like when it's an ugly girl, u drape the american flag over her face and eff'er for glory.

Oh, I prefer brown bag on my face....laugh laugh laugh

teeheehee, u kno. whatever works... lick ur forehead so u can get a page from a magazine to stick even.. hahahaha!! laugh

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:02 PM

I think I am on the wrong thread. I wanted to check out the "fuglies" but I am having no luck finding them here. Can someone point me in the correct direction????

fat & ugly, all present and accounted for.

where do u need directions to?

apparently to your house so I can clean your mirror for you

it's in dallas, north dallas

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:55 PM

I think I am on the wrong thread. I wanted to check out the "fuglies" but I am having no luck finding them here. Can someone point me in the correct direction????

fat & ugly, all present and accounted for.

where do u need directions to?

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:50 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/01/09 02:50 PM

laugh Your all pretty boyslaugh

it's not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that counts. c'mon, get with the program. :D

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:47 PM
waving :wanking:

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:43 PM

no wait! i had an even better idea! instead of jackets we can make masks to cover up the fugly! just like when it's an ugly girl, u drape the american flag over her face and eff'er for glory.

Dude! What would be the point, covering up our God-given fugliness?
I say leather jackets. What does everybody else think?

oh i dunno, maybe we could make the masks all be uniformly fugly so as to identify us versus other fugly guys who aren't part of the club?

it was just an idea

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:40 PM
no wait! i had an even better idea! instead of jackets we can make masks to cover up the fugly! just like when it's an ugly girl, u drape the american flag over her face and eff'er for glory.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:36 PM

Yo, dude! Let's make a "Holly sandwich", THEN we'll start our "Fugly Guys Club"!

we need to get Holly4459 in between us. sm:)e

that would be fun!

c'mere holly, we gonna make a sandwich with u cutie.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:32 PM

Not to be insensitive, but does it really make you feel better to post these types of threads? You might be better served by talking to someone- a counselor, a doctor, a priest, anyone who can help you. Unless you think being depressed is funny, and you're doing this for attention, in which case, yeah it's not and doing things to get attention is not mature behavior.


sorry i didn't see the delete thread button or i'd have hit that one

thanks for the adjustment/check or whatever. i'll be sure to keep my posts where they belong.


skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:28 PM
this is sooooo exciting! u think we can make jackets and setup yearly excursions/get togethers/reunions whatever? big weenie roast? hahahahahaha

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:27 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/01/09 02:38 PM
raises hand

* i was first! teeheehee:banana:

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:23 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/01/09 02:30 PM
emo pizza

that's my rant for now. it didn't make sense as so few things in life ever do. sm:)e

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:04 PM


hahahahaha GOOD ONE!


klonopins ne1?

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 01:19 PM
Dude, I'm ugly, too! There's got to be some group somewhere...

i dunno if there is or isn't a group already out there, but what if u n me start our own club? u wanna?

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 01:16 PM

Again only do this for yourself. Never do any kind of dieting or exercising because you think it is the right thing to do and others tell you to. Do it for yourself and because you want it.

People have been so programed to think it is a have to thing and it isn't and we should not be apologizing to anyone if we are not what the tv says we should be. People are all different and we should be glad of it and enjoy it.

If you want to eat fatty foods and like your roll, more power to ya. If the doc says you need to do something about it and you choose not to, more power to ya.

If you decide you would like to do something about your weight and seek out advice from people then listen to this post.

But only do it for yourself.

no screw that! DO IT FOR ALL OF US! PLEASE! people need to stop thinking it's ok to be fat n lazy, and that they should only do what pleases them. that's irresponsible and morally twisted thinking. this idea that being fat is ok as long as u love urself is soooooooo not right. please read carefully, as i did not say that being fat means u are unworthy of love or that u shouldn't love urself if u are fat. i'm just saying u shouldn't be ok with it either. if it's ok to be fat then it's ok not to strive to better oneself and by that same token, it's ok not to strive to better one's surroundings, etc..

please lose weight if u are overweight. not only for ur health, but also because a fit person is more aesthetically pleasing. if u won't do it for urself, think of the rest of us and lose weight for our benefit. kthnxbai

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 12:04 PM
heroin... and then to really get moving a speedball (cocaine and heroin).

looking at myself in the mirror motivates me to go to the gym... sometimes. as does looking at the number on the scale. the promise of a yummy smoothie with vanilla protein motivates to a certain degree. i love vanilla.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:13 AM

People with ugly attitudes are fat.....

fat heads.grumble

Hi Lee! Miss you girl! flowerforyou

I just stumbled across this thread. This topic is very close to my heart since I am fitness trainer.

I deal with the gamut of people who want to change their body image. Most are typical, but some people are so distorted in their thinking because of the media.

The mantra and lifestyle I implore to my clients is to exercise for health. If you have good physicals, blood work-ups, etc, and you like the way you look in the mirror naked -- then be happy! (hoping they have a healthy expectation of body image). I play counselor more times than fitness guru.

I encourage my clients to think in terms of BMI or body fat percentage rather than using the scale.

My biggest, daily hurdles include deprogramming the young girls from the myths of diets, eating disorders, and those infomercial exercise divas!

This is a subjective discussion. Everyone remember to play nice and try not to hurt anyone’s feelings regarding their bodies. Beauty is meant for broad interpretation.

i don't like the way i looked naked in the mirror. i look fat... i am fat. i'm working on it, but then i'm also ugly and u can't fix ugly.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/01/09 01:56 AM

People with ugly attitudes are fat.....

fat heads.grumble

i am fat. i has a fat head.