It's a hundred
Its 102 here with heat index of 115 And we had 80 mile an hour winds here last night with more on the way later!! Anyone wanna trade? I spent 3 hours cleaning branchs out of my yard and still part of the city has no power!!! And I am a vollenteer for Special Olympics tomarrow I hope its cool for them but I think not!!And people say no global warning? Al Gore is right on!! Wow Mike, no trade! Did Special Olpmpics years ago, was a coach. What great energy! Thanks for doing that. |
It's a hundred
It seems okay here in Arkansas just as long as I don't go outside. Yes, alls fine otherwise. But I miss going out and walking. |
It's a hundred
Much nicer in Toronto today. It is now 80F and overcast and they keep telling us it is going to rain but it never happens. I do declare, if it rains anytime before 10PM I am going out for a short walk and enjoy the soaking. We don't get too many opportunities to walk in the rain here so seize the moment when it comes. Would be a whole lot better if I had a friend close by to walk with. Well we haven't had rain in ...6 months? Yes, it would be nice to have a friend close by, what're gonna do? I take the furs out about 11 or 12 at night, even then just for a quick block. Usually we walk for a hour. It's making me lazy not going. |
It's a hundred
Shasta and Ms Harmony.. your both sitting there in the middle of the fricking desert...what do ya expect???? lol,, I know, I know,,,, what was I thinking,,,, I know, I tried to talk my ex out of moving here, but his company had such a decent buy out package. Simply cannot wait for the power bill next moth. |
It's a hundred
Makes me feel lucky to be in the Pacific Northwest, this spring and summer has been the coolest in temperatures for a few years, than we get that cool front being close to the ocean. Quiet you, or you're gonna have unexpected company |
It's a hundred
and stupid out there today. The only thing is that this is end of August weather and that's the temp in the shade. Anyone expeience out of whack weather out there also? Last summer, it was abnormaly cool and remember thinking that this summer was gonna be brutal. They're even saying not to walk your animals during the daylight hours due to the cement burning their feet. Even up at the North - New England, it's a killer and been a killer for 2 weeks now. 95s and 100s with close to a 100% of humidity, it's like being cooked alive in a big pot of soup. Thats what I mean. Things are way out of whack, as far as the enviorment temperatures. Last year we had 6 inches of snow! (in the winter ) |
It's a hundred
Well shoot, this is Death Valley Weather, and that's HOT during summer. The birds land on the bird bath, mouths open, gasping. no ****. Have been leaving med. size 2 bowls of H2O out for the land furs, they're almost empty next am. Shasta and Ms Harmony.. your both sitting there in the middle of the fricking desert...what do ya expect???? |
It's a hundred
The humidity has been unbearable here for days now! It's been the hottest July we have had in years! Somthing weird is goin on!! And I have no AC !'. Might go buy one! Keeping ice cubes in cliffys water! I dunno how you could do it without one. When living in NJ for a while, thought could luve without. Broke down during a heat wave, took me 3 stores to find a window a/c, all sold out. |
It's a hundred
Yes, Nev is something. Am originally from Ny and when visiting a couple of summers ago, it was 80 and 75% humdity with a breeze. I was outside, loving it. My brother and SIL were complaining how hot it was...they never knew this. I compare it to roasting a turkey and the first time you open the oven after a couple of hours with the blast of heat in your face is like opening the front door here.
It's a hundred
Edited by
Sun 07/18/10 03:19 PM
and stupid out there today. The only thing is that this is end of August weather and that's the temp in the shade. Anyone experience out of whack weather out there also?
Last summer, it was abnormaly cool and remember thinking that this summer was gonna be brutal. They're even saying not to walk your animals during the daylight hours due to the cement burning their feet. |
I think the men in our age group are more interested in dating women 10-20 years younger than themselves, making them fool themselves that they are that young also. Unfortunately I would rather date someone closer to my age, but only get interest mostly from men 10-15 years my senior. That bums me out, i would just like to be around someone who we have the same frame of reference. When I was younger, wasn't interested in dating someone that much older than me and still aren't. Oh well...their loss .
Happy birthday Jayne ! I hope your day was awesome...... And, wish for you is that the coming year is soooooo much better... It couldn't have been said any better so amborrowing it. Happy Belated! |
One man's trash....
I was living once next to a very affluent town. Twice a year they had 'trash day' meaning anything that couldn't be put in the regular trucks day. A friends daughter was having a baby. I was driving and stopped short. There were a brand new bassinet, baby carriage and stroller. I asked her if her daughter needed those items, and we went back and got them. That was a great find!
Receiving Gifts
Just a couple more thing on my thoughts to the OP. I have received a gift occasionally from a man that I had no feelings for, or he was taking things too seriously. At that point, I felt a tad of what you are describing, a little angered or being put on the spot. I was raised with gentle manners and thanked the person but gave the gifts away to people I knew would appreciate them (a jeweled bracelet 2x). I even attempted to not take them but saw the hurt in their eyes, so obliged. The other thing is, I have received gifts from people that have since passed on, my mom for instance. I treasure those gifts for they bring back, good memories and love that had been put on the shelf. Some day, when you do find someone you really care for, your thoughts may melt a little on this idea. All our actions really stem from something that happened to us at one time or another, perhaps you might want to figure out what it is that makes you feel it is alright for your feelings to be the only ones that count when there are 2 involved? I understand where you are coming from but if a person truly cares for me; he will respect my wishes to not buy me a gift. What you are saying is my feelings don't count when someone wants to give me a gift. Shouldn't it be a two way street? My memories are held in my heart and in photos; they don't need to be placed on a mantle. No, I am not saying your feelings don't count. But I will say that if people (not necessarilly you) bend a little more and attempt to get along, this world would be a lot easier. Many problems arise on this planet because people won't budge. What do you really like to do for another, in your personal relationships? What if they rejcted your thoughts or actions? Lets say you made a really nice dinner for your loved one, and they came home and just said I don't want it? Thats what I think we're trying to show you. Or anything that you did that you put thought and energy into that you thought your love would appreciate, and it was rejected. Many gifts take time and careful thinking when being sought out. Just trying to get you to see the other side of the coin. Thats all. You asked in the beginning what were our thoughts? |
When the thought of staying home on a Saturday night is far more comforting than going out with some friends til 11pm.
And if you go out, you play catch up the following 3 days... |
there is no justice, just us.
Receiving Gifts
Just a couple more thing on my thoughts to the OP. I have received a gift occasionally from a man that I had no feelings for, or he was taking things too seriously. At that point, I felt a tad of what you are describing, a little angered or being put on the spot. I was raised with gentle manners and thanked the person but gave the gifts away to people I knew would appreciate them (a jeweled bracelet 2x). I even attempted to not take them but saw the hurt in their eyes, so obliged.
The other thing is, I have received gifts from people that have since passed on, my mom for instance. I treasure those gifts for they bring back, good memories and love that had been put on the shelf. Some day, when you do find someone you really care for, your thoughts may melt a little on this idea. All our actions really stem from something that happened to us at one time or another, perhaps you might want to figure out what it is that makes you feel it is alright for your feelings to be the only ones that count when there are 2 involved? |
Gentle thoughts
you forgot:
-No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. -Envy is a waste of time,. you already have all you need. -if we throw all our problems in a pile, then saw everyone else's, we'd take ours back. -all that really matters in the end is that you loved. -what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. -It's never too late to have a happy childhood, but the 2nd one is up to you and no one else. -When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no as a answer. -Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special. -Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. -The most important sex organ is the brain. -No one is in charge of your happiness but you. -Frame every so called disaster with these words: in 5 years from now will it matter? (that goes for 5 months/days/hours and minutes) -Forgive everyone everything. -What other people think of you is none of your business. -Time heals almost everything. Give time time. -However good or bad a situation is, it will change. -Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. -God loves you because who God is and who you are, not because of something you did or did not do. -Don't audit life, show up and make the most of it. -Growing old beats the alternative- Dying young. -Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere. -Always choose life. |
If you know
In my marraige, we changed but that was after moving west, and it wasn't for the better. After we divorced tho, we both became very introspective and changed again, both for the better.
My boss gave me a pair of crafted earrings. Kinda nice, i wore them 2x, and the second time a woman comes up to me and says : where did you get those, I made them? I was nervous about telling her then she said, you must have gotten them from a craft fair here, I do alot of those. My boss had told me that they had been a gift to her but she didn't wear drop earrings.