Nice thoughts, yet the point actually is to make one think beyond the circle. Anything could be true, I won't be one to say IO know what or who, just thoughts that gop randomly threw my head one day. You said who created the aliens, well that would lead back then to the age old q, who created God? Or is this just a dream we dreamed one afternoon, far away and long ago? Did you ever notice that we actually do create our own experiences, existance? If you look deep enough, it is, every day a creation. Long before and long after.
We dared
it is or YOU are ?? ![]() It is, for me, it depends on the day... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Unity Church
I went to my first Unity Church service this morning. Found a local group. The message was on Karma and it was one of the better ones I've heard. They were a little too "love, love, joy, joy" for me. But, overall my experience was good. I know every church is going to be different depending on the actual people attending, but I am wondering if anyone else has ever been to a Unity Church and what you thought of it overall? Is Unity affiliated with Unitarian, Universal Unitarians? If so I went back E. for awhile, until my church was so small they had to close it and we had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get to the other one. Which we did but there, a large congregation, was pretty much gay and my ex wasn't comfortable and i wasn't allowed to drive due to uncontrolled seizures at the time. |
i very much enjoyed reading 'The Power Of Myth' by Joseph Campbell (i believe that`s his name,,been many years) Yes, he's always been one to diverge beyond. The point is question, grow, learn. Everything we beleive may not be as it seems. |
I could write a biography and chances are there would be 'alot' of similarities between my life and the 'lives' of many other fictional female single mothers. The truth is , unless we are THERE to see and hear and touch it, I will always feel that what we read in books is only learned through faith in their accuracy and the integrity of those writing it. I personally have that faith in the Bible that I dont have in mere 'legends'. Noone should fake their faith or feel pressured into it. If it isnt sincere, its pointless. So if you dont FEEL faith in some books, dont believe them. The wonderful thing is we all have the CHOICE to believe or not. Legends, whose to say all are true or aren't? It's just a matter of expanding your choices. People did beleive them at one point, switching over to the Bible? I beleive, but not in the Bible- OT. And the New, well, again written way past, alot of it is good saying what Spiritual teachers do, advanced souls that is. |
There are some who follow Zecharia Sitchin and his theory of the aliens...that would make it all about the gold though and how un important we really are. I think were more valuable than that...I could be completely wrong. We are without Ego, which is what most stories are intending to convey. Money...hmmmm bits of metal, rock and paper? Written numbers and we base everything on that and what told, the mass majority at least. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 08/01/10 11:38 AM
Last night I was thinking of Greek Myths and Legends. There's books, movies and lots of them, all saying the same thing.
Then there's the Old Testament. Hmm, do we see alot of similarity? I do. They were both written by people, from hand me down tales of long ago. The Greek Gods had all the emotions as The Jealous mean God of the Bible. Did alot of punishment, bribery and favoritism. Maybe they were all aliens who did run the show for awhile, and left, give up in disgust. In other words, to beleive the Bible, I have to beleive the other legends. Just because one incited churches to make money then worship and for centuries insited fear to behave, what are the real differences that can make one more plausible than the other? None. One thing for mankind, we have great imaginations. I have seen people do things, a old toothless man crumple up a peice of paper and drop it, it exploding into flames; a vet move a pencil back and forth by his mind...maybe we are descending from aliens. I'd love to see a mother ship arrive one day and tell us all what idots we are; how they made the change in Evolution as a experiemnt..Maybe they are whom we call God. |
We dared
Can't help ya there Man, it's out of my mind.
Ladies do you like bald men?
so I don't need to shave my head ??? Nah...just the back...this way everyone's happy. No one sees it until you leave the room. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ok you people are crazy...
Edited by
Sun 08/01/10 10:48 AM
Ya know, there is something about someone who thinks OTHERS are crazy...
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Thoughts For The Day
Sometimes I think I need OP # 4. hehe
Breakfast with Buddha, first fiction in quite awhile. Intersting so far.
Night of the Living Dead. First and foremost Zombie film.
Ladies do you like bald men?
Both are okay, but don't like shaved bald. Why men do it, makes me think they're trying to hide something. It's alot more work. Like hair on a man's head yet doesn't make me stop if they are losing or lost it.
Your photo .
4 or 5 months?
Peripheral Crow
Edited by
Sat 07/31/10 06:33 PM
I was reading the other day about the black holes, apparently they're not, they have runaway stars in them, roaming aimlessly. Earth would be far better placed near one of those, considering your poem.
![]() ![]() The other part was about gaalxies/ universes colliding and there were pictures. That night, gazing up at the night sky, felt the same exact way. Eons, the mountains on the horizon, there before we, and a flash, long after we're gone. we are but a fleck of dust in some giants eye, and yet moan and b*'s all not important. because tomarrow you won't be here or there. Funny, we simply take our lives way too seriously. Go. Look up and out tonight. Makes ya feel pretty darn humble, at least it always does for me |
Alzheimers test
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This is just funny ... ![]() REALLY nice work; put sunscreen on tatts, otherwise they fade real bad. |
One Thing Today
Chicago is REAL bad, Gnag turf wars, killings every couple of days, don't matter who it is. Sigh
work today. |