Community > Posts By > AdventureBegins
Spidercmb, I don't think Stenger is assuming there is no God, that is your personal, logical deduction after reading his article.... Victor Stenger is writing about our social need for faith and a supernatural belief in God, angels, the devil, astrology,various other occult or supernatural phenomena. I believe Stenger was writing about a social need for faith, and I believe individuals need two things to have religious faith: 1) exposure to religion... you are a Christian because you are surrounded by it, if you lived in a Hindu community you would gravitate toward.. I think you get my drift :) 2) a personal need and weakness.... religious people are less responsible for their actions and consequences, they lean on religion to help them deal with life, and use it as an excuse for their actions (religion is imaginary, a delusion, therefore actually a type of psychosis) We haven't even discussed the ultimate delusion.... prayer Think about it, by praying, you will cause the forward motion of the universe to change, you will alter time-space relationships... what a naive and selfish concept... prayer :( "the ultimate delusion"... Are you Sure? Prayer is not a great cosmic bolt from the blue... Prayer is like the wings of a butterfly. It effects but a small atom of the air in its passage yet can create change even to the ends of the earth... or the end of time as we know it... not with a loud shout but with a single flutter and a bit of faith. |
In reference to this quote from V. Stenger...
“Fortunately, by the same process of evolution, we humans have developed a unique quality that gives us the power to overcome our instincts. This power resides in our intellect. Only through the application of intellect to overcome the dangerous behaviors programmed in our genes can we expect to survive. And our intellect is pointing the way for us to reprogram our own genes, to rid them of the transcendental temptations that now threaten our very existence.” ------------------------------------------------ A false premise based upon muddy thinking. The DNA in question is the very REASON we survived to this point in our evolution... Removing it would doom future generations to withering upon the vine when faced with obsticals larger than mankind... They would have no 'instint' to adapt. Humanity would die. One does not remove parts from an engine until one has sure knowledge of the workings of the entire engine... else one remove the most important part and discard the spark plug that fires the process. |
Social Security is Strong Share This April 23, 2012 A new report on Monday by Social Security trustees showed the retirement program's trust fund has $2.7 trillion in reserves and will grow to $3.06 trillion by 2021, enough to maintain the unbroken record of paying every nickel owed to every beneficiary in full for another two decades. Sen. Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation to strengthen Social Security and guarantee benefits for 75 years by extending the payroll tax that most Americans already pay to those who earn above $250,000 a year. "The most effective way to strengthen Social Security for the next 75 years is to eliminate the cap on the payroll tax on income above $250,000. Right now, someone who earns $110,100 pays the same amount of money into Social Security as a billionaire. That makes no sense," said Sanders, the chairman of the Defending Social Security Caucus. He also chairs the Senate aging subcommittee. Defend Social Security Caucus Under the proposed legislation, the wealthiest Americans would pay the same payroll tax rate already assessed on those with incomes up to $110,100 a year. Social Security officials have calculated that the simple change would keep the retirement program strong for another 75 years. The legislation also follows through on a proposal that President Barack Obama made in 2008 when he was running for president. The Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act is cosponsored by Sens. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Al Franken (D-Minn.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Barbara Mikulski, (D-Md.), Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D- R.I.). Since it was signed into law 76 years ago, Social Security has kept millions of senior citizens, widows, widowers, orphans, and the disabled out of poverty. Before Social Security, about half of senior citizens lived in poverty. Today, less than 10 percent do. "I strongly disagree with some of my colleagues who want to balance the budget by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs that are of enormous importance to seniors and the working families of our country. There are ways to address the deficit crisis without attacking some of the most vulnerable members of our society. As chairman of the Defending Social Security Caucus, I will do everything in my power to make sure that the promises made to seniors will be kept." Social Security provides support for 55 million people, including 38 million retired workers, 6 million widows, widowers and orphans, and 11 million disabled workers. The most successful government program in our nation's history has not contributed one dime to the federal deficit. Of course this will not stop all the lies about "entitlement" garbage and how it is using up the tax dollars. Let me drop a bit of Reality... (thank you for the piece on Social Security... It does work where the 'entitlement' part is policed properely. You see people that did not now nor ever did pay into the system also get those benefits (in many cases by subtrefuge)... that is an 'entitlement' and not an earned benefit. That is what is creating chaos in the system. |
A question of tolerance...
I think peoples beliefs are their personal business, and that beliefs dont need to be tolerated unless they turn into behavior then I think certain actual behaviors exhibited by an individual may or may not be wise to tolerate,,,, Problem is, if the entire reason you aren't tolerating something is based on religion......then you are stepping into their personal business in effect which you really have no place doing. But again what if the core tenants of a faith are to lie, kill, harm, and do mean things to those NOT of your faith? Christians are annoying but they don't have a holy war on everyone else. Can you tolerate a faith out to either force you to their way or kill you? Im not aware of such a universal faith most FAITHS Im aware of have books with many doctrines that can and have been interpreted many ways depending upon who reads them,,,, you then clearly have not read a Quaran then. Read up on conduct pertaining towards infidels. One uses the Sword of Allah to bring them to the Light. However if you think that means to do unto them physical harm then you have been blinded by the Beast of War or its hatred. The Sword of Allah is the Same as the Sword of Christ... The Word... The Word harms not but heals. If a man follow the tenets of the Quaran then it is not by force of arms that one brings a person to the light... Rather it is by living the word in your deeds so they may see the path. Cutting off of the Head with the sword applies to the spritual body and not that of the physical. Any Imam that claim otherwise is but following the sands of inequity piled upon the Rock of Islam by the Choice at the Well. Aye because the Word of the Prophet went into the Well of Life with the Chosen... at the time of the Choice of the Council... What they then brought forward contains the Sands of Eniquity in the same measure as it contains the Words of Mohammad. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Edited by
Fri 04/20/12 03:53 PM
O' Sitting Thinker... Both! Is the only answer which actually fits your question. If both is not acceptable as an answer to your question than the only answer I can give other than 'both' is... It matters not if I know or believe... I am... Is this not so?'s a simply question that ask one to choose from one of two options that represents their existence it's not a question to trick you....just to enlighten you.... My enlightenment comes not from you. In truth. the options given do not even come close to representing my existance (i.e. your question is invalid to the fact of my existance as I am beyond the ability of a binary logic to measure). Knowing or believing mean nothing when reduced to its lowest common denominator. Iam. Peace be with you brother but you do not set the parameters by which my life is questioned. (by me) AdventureBegins....I simply offered a challenge with simple rules, it was expected that those that took on the challenge would play by the rules ....but it's clear now that your belief do not permit you to do as such Sure it does, because believing something is the exact same thing as knowing something. Cowboy...once again you are arguing with yourself...because didn't you follow the rules and picked one option "believe" if you can follow the rules...explain why MsHarmony and AdventureBegin are incapable of doing so.... are you more open-minded than them? O' Sitting Thinker why must you assume that others have a need to follow your rules? Explain then to Cowboy why you limited the answers. (I need no explanation as the answer is obvious). Indeed perhaps you are not as large as you believe. What makes you as you are... Knowing or believing? If it is knowing then perhaps you should examine your belief. If it is believing perhaps it be necessary for you to seek further knowledge. either "know" that you exist or not ....there really wasn't a reason to include "believe" into the question except to watch how belief limit thought Aye and you are right... Did not your belief limit you thought to the choices you allowed for the very question you sought answer for? not either know you exist or you don't why would someone pick any other option but "know" to do so points to delusion or deception Iam is more than a single point in time. Knowing what I am is larger than such a point. I move also and so does life. I am therefore also more than just a single point. All that is life is attached to what I am. Therefore I must also believe that I am to understand all that I am. Again I must say unto you that 'Both' is the only acceptable answer that will not reduce me to less than I am. |
A question of tolerance...
The point is Islam doesn't believe Jews are Gods chosen people and if they(jews) or any nonmuslim for that matter doesn't accept Allah they are punished. Same goes for christianity if you don't accept Jesus you will be punished. The Judaic God will punish you if you don't believe in him. Thing with christianity you have to accept God and Jesus or you're chit out of luck. I don't believe in any of it so which hell am i going to?the Islamic hell or the Judaic christian hell? The Mansion of Many Rooms (and a multitude of Fragrant Gardens). God measures the heart and not the religion. |
A question of tolerance...
I think peoples beliefs are their personal business, and that beliefs dont need to be tolerated unless they turn into behavior then I think certain actual behaviors exhibited by an individual may or may not be wise to tolerate,,,, Problem is, if the entire reason you aren't tolerating something is based on religion......then you are stepping into their personal business in effect which you really have no place doing. But again what if the core tenants of a faith are to lie, kill, harm, and do mean things to those NOT of your faith? Christians are annoying but they don't have a holy war on everyone else. Can you tolerate a faith out to either force you to their way or kill you? Im not aware of such a universal faith most FAITHS Im aware of have books with many doctrines that can and have been interpreted many ways depending upon who reads them,,,, you then clearly have not read a Quaran then. Read up on conduct pertaining towards infidels. One uses the Sword of Allah to bring them to the Light. However if you think that means to do unto them physical harm then you have been blinded by the Beast of War or its hatred. The Sword of Allah is the Same as the Sword of Christ... The Word... The Word harms not but heals. If a man follow the tenets of the Quaran then it is not by force of arms that one brings a person to the light... Rather it is by living the word in your deeds so they may see the path. Cutting off of the Head with the sword applies to the spritual body and not that of the physical. Any Imam that claim otherwise is but following the sands of inequity piled upon the Rock of Islam by the Choice at the Well. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
O' Sitting Thinker... Both! Is the only answer which actually fits your question. If both is not acceptable as an answer to your question than the only answer I can give other than 'both' is... It matters not if I know or believe... I am... Is this not so?'s a simply question that ask one to choose from one of two options that represents their existence it's not a question to trick you....just to enlighten you.... My enlightenment comes not from you. In truth. the options given do not even come close to representing my existance (i.e. your question is invalid to the fact of my existance as I am beyond the ability of a binary logic to measure). Knowing or believing mean nothing when reduced to its lowest common denominator. Iam. Peace be with you brother but you do not set the parameters by which my life is questioned. (by me) AdventureBegins....I simply offered a challenge with simple rules, it was expected that those that took on the challenge would play by the rules ....but it's clear now that your belief do not permit you to do as such Sure it does, because believing something is the exact same thing as knowing something. Cowboy...once again you are arguing with yourself...because didn't you follow the rules and picked one option "believe" if you can follow the rules...explain why MsHarmony and AdventureBegin are incapable of doing so.... are you more open-minded than them? O' Sitting Thinker why must you assume that others have a need to follow your rules? Explain then to Cowboy why you limited the answers. (I need no explanation as the answer is obvious). Indeed perhaps you are not as large as you believe. What makes you as you are... Knowing or believing? If it is knowing then perhaps you should examine your belief. If it is believing perhaps it be necessary for you to seek further knowledge. either "know" that you exist or not ....there really wasn't a reason to include "believe" into the question except to watch how belief limit thought Aye and you are right... Did not your belief limit you thought to the choices you allowed for the very question you sought answer for? |
A question of tolerance...
I think peoples beliefs are their personal business, and that beliefs dont need to be tolerated unless they turn into behavior then I think certain actual behaviors exhibited by an individual may or may not be wise to tolerate,,,, Problem is, if the entire reason you aren't tolerating something is based on religion......then you are stepping into their personal business in effect which you really have no place doing. But again what if the core tenants of a faith are to lie, kill, harm, and do mean things to those NOT of your faith? Christians are annoying but they don't have a holy war on everyone else. Can you tolerate a faith out to either force you to their way or kill you? Are you sure? Read your history Andy. Every Religion that man places upon the Foundation that is God has cycles. Christianity was as is Islam now (and also attempted to 'subdue' the world of men at a point in its history). Holy war is neither holy nor is it 'war' it is the vain pursuit of men based upon false interpretation of the Word given so they may 'control' as though they were God. When next you read the Quran take not the interpretation of men as a 'gospel' upon it. Change instead the word Sword from a weapon of steel to what it is. The Sword of Allah cuts not nor does it force for it is the Word. See Jihad for what it IS and not what men place upon it as a Vile Garment. Jihad is the struggle of the INDIVIDUAL against the wispering of his own vainity... The only true Jihad is that which occures between a man and his PERSONAL faults (Each man has his own evil... Each man has a duty to battle THAT evil and not the 'evil' of his neighbor - which only Allah judges). In time Islam will see also this truth as did the Church of Peter... Islam will 'cycle' into peace. |
God and religion.
If it had not been Columbus than another would have that piece of history attached to their name.
Mankind expands into the parts of reality that mankind can reach. Reguardless of who take the step... When a new vista beckons someone will. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Edited by
Thu 04/19/12 10:36 AM
O' Sitting Thinker... Both! Is the only answer which actually fits your question. If both is not acceptable as an answer to your question than the only answer I can give other than 'both' is... It matters not if I know or believe... I am... Is this not so?'s a simply question that ask one to choose from one of two options that represents their existence it's not a question to trick you....just to enlighten you.... My enlightenment comes not from you. In truth. the options given do not even come close to representing my existance (i.e. your question is invalid to the fact of my existance as I am beyond the ability of a binary logic to measure). Knowing or believing mean nothing when reduced to its lowest common denominator. Iam. Peace be with you brother but you do not set the parameters by which my life is questioned. (by me) AdventureBegins....I simply offered a challenge with simple rules, it was expected that those that took on the challenge would play by the rules ....but it's clear now that your belief do not permit you to do as such Sure it does, because believing something is the exact same thing as knowing something. Cowboy...once again you are arguing with yourself...because didn't you follow the rules and picked one option "believe" if you can follow the rules...explain why MsHarmony and AdventureBegin are incapable of doing so.... are you more open-minded than them? O' Sitting Thinker why must you assume that others have a need to follow your rules? Explain then to Cowboy why you limited the answers. (I need no explanation as the answer is obvious). Indeed perhaps you are not as large as you believe. What makes you as you are... Knowing or believing? If it is knowing then perhaps you should examine your belief. If it is believing perhaps it be necessary for you to seek further knowledge. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
any limit placed upon someone regarding how they perceive their own existence, is equally 'abusive' and with that you just explained why your religious belief is abusive because it forbids you to pick only one of the options .... clear case of limiting thought Asking a binary question limits thought when one asks a full spectrum entity to limit its response to a flat topology. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
O' Sitting Thinker... Both! Is the only answer which actually fits your question. If both is not acceptable as an answer to your question than the only answer I can give other than 'both' is... It matters not if I know or believe... I am... Is this not so?'s a simply question that ask one to choose from one of two options that represents their existence it's not a question to trick you....just to enlighten you.... My enlightenment comes not from you. In truth. the options given do not even come close to representing my existance (i.e. your question is invalid to the fact of my existance as I am beyond the ability of a binary logic to measure). Knowing or believing mean nothing when reduced to its lowest common denominator. Iam. Peace be with you brother but you do not set the parameters by which my life is questioned. (by me) |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Funches... Knowing and believing... I know I exist. I beleive you exist (you keep showing up in the reality I know). Msharmony had the right of it. BOTH. AdventureBegins...the question was constructed to include no other existence but the one that dared to answer the question which is why your attempt to use parables to include my existence is an attempt to deceive .... the fact that the religious are not willing to answer the truth about their own existence is why they can't be trusted to tell the truth about a so call God existence and an example of why religion is abuse...and abuse to children...because it teaches them how to find ways to lie to others and to themselves Funches... Your attempt to stat my facts as if they were a parable is a false reasoning. a parable would have been a story. Fact. I am. Fact. That that I am interacts with an avatar that is attached to a name 'funches'... I believe that you are simply because you exist in my am. No decption has occured. Deception would be if I tried to tell you that your are not because I did not believe the reality of your existance. 'Both' is the only possible answer to you question and still remain honest to what I am. me. has not a whit to do with either religion OR god. Just reality. AdventureBegins...either your using parables or you have a mild case of dyslexia but either way the question pertains only to your existence here's the question again ....remember choose either "know" or "believe" when answering the question about "your" existence THE QUESTION: do you "Know" that you yourself exist or do you "Believe" that you yourself exist? THE ANSWER: Both! (what I KNOW I also BELIEVE)... BOTH! Further explanation... To know is to believe. BOTH! If you pluck a hair from your head and split it into two pieces which piece came from you? AdventureBegins...."both" was not one of the options ....the options were "Know" or "Believe" all you have to do is pick one....why do religious people find this impossible to do .....especially when it pertains to their own existence so come on AdventureBegins here's the question again, give it the old college it for the Gipper, if you have to do an "Eeny Meeny Miny Mo" ...but pick can do it THE QUESTION do you "Know" that you yourself exist or do you "Believe" that you yourself exist O' Sitting Thinker... Both! Is the only answer which actually fits your question. If both is not acceptable as an answer to your question than the only answer I can give other than 'both' is... It matters not if I know or believe... I am... Is this not so? |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Funches... Knowing and believing... I know I exist. I beleive you exist (you keep showing up in the reality I know). Msharmony had the right of it. BOTH. AdventureBegins...the question was constructed to include no other existence but the one that dared to answer the question which is why your attempt to use parables to include my existence is an attempt to deceive .... the fact that the religious are not willing to answer the truth about their own existence is why they can't be trusted to tell the truth about a so call God existence and an example of why religion is abuse...and abuse to children...because it teaches them how to find ways to lie to others and to themselves Funches... Your attempt to stat my facts as if they were a parable is a false reasoning. a parable would have been a story. Fact. I am. Fact. That that I am interacts with an avatar that is attached to a name 'funches'... I believe that you are simply because you exist in my am. No decption has occured. Deception would be if I tried to tell you that your are not because I did not believe the reality of your existance. 'Both' is the only possible answer to you question and still remain honest to what I am. me. has not a whit to do with either religion OR god. Just reality. AdventureBegins...either your using parables or you have a mild case of dyslexia but either way the question pertains only to your existence here's the question again ....remember choose either "know" or "believe" when answering the question about "your" existence THE QUESTION: do you "Know" that you yourself exist or do you "Believe" that you yourself exist? THE ANSWER: Both! (what I KNOW I also BELIEVE)... BOTH! Further explanation... To know is to believe. BOTH! If you pluck a hair from your head and split it into two pieces which piece came from you? |
In the past one could speak and it be lost in the sands of time. In this day one can not. What you do and what you say will echo in time for this tool man has built. The words we place into the City of Knowledge from the Gates man has built will be read by others. Some may see your words and so follow that Temporal Loop into death... (still God will gather them up into heaven in each their measure). They will sit at the feet of Jesus (who is close to God) yet by that following they will not be close to God (for Jesus is between them and God and so makes a shadow). Jesus can not be between someone and God, for again Jesus is God. sir... As you have chosen to post by quoting my post you have indeed attempted to limit my right to beleive... and then forced upon my post you believe that God is other than God is... As you believe so is it for you... State so in your own post and muddy not mine. I muddied no post. I replied to some words, I knew not if they were your words or joe bob's down the road. I responded to the comment, not the person nor did I alter anything of what the person said. This is a community forum for those of Mingle2, if your post was at a specific person in which you only wished for that person to respond, you would have placed their name prior to your message. This was not done, so it was posted to the general community of Mingle2 which I am part of. That is a mistatement... It matters not if you were answere 'joe bob' you quoted a post and responded as though what was in the post was incorrect. (a direct assualt). You are indeed smooth with the tongue. If you wished to post your own version of beliefe why then quote another and make it as though it be small. My post was my belief... I have stopped attempting to bandy the Word with you as you read it differenty than do I(and so I quoted you not). Post your belief (but use not mine as though it be a bit of dirt to walk upon. All the quoting of a post means is showing what the post is in response to. Doesn't mean the quoted post agrees or disagrees with what comes forth in the post of the quoting. It shows what it's in response to and helps keep the discussion organized and clean, rather then looking like a bunch of random comments. None of my posts are random. Each one is as the placing of a rock upon the Sand Garden. Ripples then trace from it so that the whole become a work of art. Indeed in the post I referenced your 'following' post is a direct contradiction of the belief I hold and appears as if a person had stepped with ill intent upon my garden. IT would have been better served as a seperate statement and then would have been a proper counter point. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Funches... Knowing and believing... I know I exist. I beleive you exist (you keep showing up in the reality I know). Msharmony had the right of it. BOTH. AdventureBegins...the question was constructed to include no other existence but the one that dared to answer the question which is why your attempt to use parables to include my existence is an attempt to deceive .... the fact that the religious are not willing to answer the truth about their own existence is why they can't be trusted to tell the truth about a so call God existence and an example of why religion is abuse...and abuse to children...because it teaches them how to find ways to lie to others and to themselves Funches... Your attempt to stat my facts as if they were a parable is a false reasoning. a parable would have been a story. Fact. I am. Fact. That that I am interacts with an avatar that is attached to a name 'funches'... I believe that you are simply because you exist in my am. No decption has occured. Deception would be if I tried to tell you that your are not because I did not believe the reality of your existance. 'Both' is the only possible answer to you question and still remain honest to what I am. me. has not a whit to do with either religion OR god. Just reality. |
In the past one could speak and it be lost in the sands of time. In this day one can not. What you do and what you say will echo in time for this tool man has built. The words we place into the City of Knowledge from the Gates man has built will be read by others. Some may see your words and so follow that Temporal Loop into death... (still God will gather them up into heaven in each their measure). They will sit at the feet of Jesus (who is close to God) yet by that following they will not be close to God (for Jesus is between them and God and so makes a shadow). Jesus can not be between someone and God, for again Jesus is God. sir... As you have chosen to post by quoting my post you have indeed attempted to limit my right to beleive... and then forced upon my post you believe that God is other than God is... As you believe so is it for you... State so in your own post and muddy not mine. I muddied no post. I replied to some words, I knew not if they were your words or joe bob's down the road. I responded to the comment, not the person nor did I alter anything of what the person said. This is a community forum for those of Mingle2, if your post was at a specific person in which you only wished for that person to respond, you would have placed their name prior to your message. This was not done, so it was posted to the general community of Mingle2 which I am part of. That is a mistatement... It matters not if you were answere 'joe bob' you quoted a post and responded as though what was in the post was incorrect. (a direct assualt). You are indeed smooth with the tongue. If you wished to post your own version of beliefe why then quote another and make it as though it be small. My post was my belief... I have stopped attempting to bandy the Word with you as you read it differenty than do I(and so I quoted you not). Post your belief (but use not mine as though it be a bit of dirt to walk upon. |
In the past one could speak and it be lost in the sands of time. In this day one can not. What you do and what you say will echo in time for this tool man has built. The words we place into the City of Knowledge from the Gates man has built will be read by others. Some may see your words and so follow that Temporal Loop into death... (still God will gather them up into heaven in each their measure). They will sit at the feet of Jesus (who is close to God) yet by that following they will not be close to God (for Jesus is between them and God and so makes a shadow). Jesus can not be between someone and God, for again Jesus is God. sir... As you have chosen to post by quoting my post you have indeed attempted to limit my right to beleive... and then forced upon my post you believe that God is other than God is... As you believe so is it for you... State so in your own post and muddy not mine. |
Religion is Child Abuse?
Knowing and believing... I know I exist. I beleive you exist (you keep showing up in the reality I know). Msharmony had the right of it. BOTH. |