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Religion is Child Abuse?
I will kick the subject off in another direction at some point, if nobody else does. If people choose to ignore it, it is up to them, as it is up to me what i think of them for doing so. to speak that religion abuse children is not in the best interest of those that are religious .....religion can be looked upon as being a haven for the abused or mentally disturbed ...religion provides an unique way for them to blend into society and go practically unnoticed FOR EXAMPLE if someone claim that they saw an alien ....people will think they are mentally disturbed or hallucinating but if someone claim that they saw an Angel or walked with Jesus then it's acceptable even through an Angel is actually an "alien" and Jesus is dead because religion is an acceptable delusion is why some people go undiagnosed and don't receive the help they need ... Jesus is not dead, he rose from the grave 3 days later. Christ rose. Jesus was the lamb. |
We can all agree i'm a sinner Speaking for yourself of course. I'm not a sinner. we are all sinners.....we are born sinners Wrong JJ. The term "sin" is basically owned and defined by religions. I am not religious hence I am not a sinner. Only people to subscribe to those religions that recognize that term can own the idea that they are sinners. The term "sin" is meaningless to me. It is simply a label used by certain people. Just because you don't believe in that word and or it's root meaning, doesn't mean it doesn't apply. That's like saying you don't believe in "law", so therefore "law" does not apply to you. I say it does not apply to me. You do not have the authority to say it does. You are not God. I don't belong to your faith. I don't live by the rules of your religion. What YOU believe and what I believe are completely separate. YOU think the term "sin" applies to me because you believe that it does. That is YOUR point of view. I believe it does not apply to me because I am not "religious" and the term "sin" is owned by religion. Outside of religion it has NO MEANING. I am not a sinner. I will not own that just because you think I should. You are free to THINK and believe anything YOU want about YOU being a sinner or thinking that I am one. But do not call me a sinner to my face. I don't accept your assessment of me. My apologies... didn't know it was going to be taken so personally, as again this is a religion forum, religious things are being discussed here on a general aspect as your name was not included and it was not a personal email directly to you. When a Christian (who believes everyone is a sinner and believes in sin) states that "everyone is a sinner" or that I am a sinner or you are a sinner, then I have to disagree. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." I am simply pointing out a different way of looking at it. You responded as if to correct me and what I believe as if what you believe is correct and what I believe is not. Yes, I tend to take that personal. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." This is a "General Religion Chat" forum. Everything posted in here is an "according to my beliefs", it doesn't need to be specifically posted that way just because again everything said in this forum is automatically an "according to my beliefs". That is NOT how you state it. It is not always "understood." You state everything as if it is fact and as if you are correcting someone or teaching or preaching to someone. You always do this. I know the difference because I have done both. It is always "understood" in this particular forum, this is a RELIGION chat forum. People come here to discuss things they BELIEVE in. Again, EVERYTHING discussed in this forum is on an "I believe" level. Okay if you say so. Then listen up. I hate to be the one to inform you then, that Jesus is a myth. Joshua and the battle of Jericho is a fiction. King David is a myth. Jesus is not the savior of mankind at all. And that's a fact. (Above is an example of how you "state your beliefs.") I can give you some third party sources outside of the bible of the existence of Jesus if you wish. O' Wandering Seeker... Release Jesus from the Cross that you have built upon his Word. Remove from him the nails you have placed upon his hands and his feet as did the masses in the time of the Romans. For Jesus obeyed the Father. Yet you would ask that man obey you and obey Jesus as do you (indeed you have nailed him again upon the Cross). I say to you O' Seeker that Jesus has gone to the Father. The Cross is empty and contains him not. The Grave is empty and he is not to be found there.. Christ has Risen. Roll aside the Stone of Adam and see O' Seeker... Jesus is not within the grave for he has gone to the Father (as was fortold)... Christ walks the Earth in the Flesh. The Son of Man stands before you in Glory... As was foretold... Yet you see it not for your blind clinging to the Son of God. Yet you would ask that man obey you and obey Jesus as do you (indeed you have nailed him again upon the Cross). I ask no such thing. I care not someone obey me or believe me. I'm here doing just as this forum is for, expressing my beliefs on the subjects at hand. And following discussions that are born of that. The Son of Man stands before you in Glory... As was foretold... Yes Jesus does. Jesus walks beside each and everyone of us. Cowboy do you believe we are in Revelations? I do believe so. Don't necassarily know how far we are into it or anything of that specifics. But things in the world are turning more and more towards the prophecies of revelations. Then follow the advise that exists within your book. You have stated you are a Child of God. Yet you have stated that Jesus is your God. Neither can be if the other is true. For Jesus is the Son of God and not the Father. You then become the son of a son. I also am a Child of God yet Jesus is my Brother. I am the Son of Man... But not the first born of my Father. |
We can all agree i'm a sinner Speaking for yourself of course. I'm not a sinner. we are all sinners.....we are born sinners Wrong JJ. The term "sin" is basically owned and defined by religions. I am not religious hence I am not a sinner. Only people to subscribe to those religions that recognize that term can own the idea that they are sinners. The term "sin" is meaningless to me. It is simply a label used by certain people. Just because you don't believe in that word and or it's root meaning, doesn't mean it doesn't apply. That's like saying you don't believe in "law", so therefore "law" does not apply to you. I say it does not apply to me. You do not have the authority to say it does. You are not God. I don't belong to your faith. I don't live by the rules of your religion. What YOU believe and what I believe are completely separate. YOU think the term "sin" applies to me because you believe that it does. That is YOUR point of view. I believe it does not apply to me because I am not "religious" and the term "sin" is owned by religion. Outside of religion it has NO MEANING. I am not a sinner. I will not own that just because you think I should. You are free to THINK and believe anything YOU want about YOU being a sinner or thinking that I am one. But do not call me a sinner to my face. I don't accept your assessment of me. My apologies... didn't know it was going to be taken so personally, as again this is a religion forum, religious things are being discussed here on a general aspect as your name was not included and it was not a personal email directly to you. When a Christian (who believes everyone is a sinner and believes in sin) states that "everyone is a sinner" or that I am a sinner or you are a sinner, then I have to disagree. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." I am simply pointing out a different way of looking at it. You responded as if to correct me and what I believe as if what you believe is correct and what I believe is not. Yes, I tend to take that personal. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." This is a "General Religion Chat" forum. Everything posted in here is an "according to my beliefs", it doesn't need to be specifically posted that way just because again everything said in this forum is automatically an "according to my beliefs". That is NOT how you state it. It is not always "understood." You state everything as if it is fact and as if you are correcting someone or teaching or preaching to someone. You always do this. I know the difference because I have done both. It is always "understood" in this particular forum, this is a RELIGION chat forum. People come here to discuss things they BELIEVE in. Again, EVERYTHING discussed in this forum is on an "I believe" level. Okay if you say so. Then listen up. I hate to be the one to inform you then, that Jesus is a myth. Joshua and the battle of Jericho is a fiction. King David is a myth. Jesus is not the savior of mankind at all. And that's a fact. (Above is an example of how you "state your beliefs.") I can give you some third party sources outside of the bible of the existence of Jesus if you wish. O' Wandering Seeker... Release Jesus from the Cross that you have built upon his Word. Remove from him the nails you have placed upon his hands and his feet as did the masses in the time of the Romans. For Jesus obeyed the Father. Yet you would ask that man obey you and obey Jesus as do you (indeed you have nailed him again upon the Cross). I say to you O' Seeker that Jesus has gone to the Father. The Cross is empty and contains him not. The Grave is empty and he is not to be found there.. Christ has Risen. Roll aside the Stone of Adam and see O' Seeker... Jesus is not within the grave for he has gone to the Father (as was fortold)... Christ walks the Earth in the Flesh. The Son of Man stands before you in Glory... As was foretold... Yet you see it not for your blind clinging to the Son of God. Yet you would ask that man obey you and obey Jesus as do you (indeed you have nailed him again upon the Cross). I ask no such thing. I care not someone obey me or believe me. I'm here doing just as this forum is for, expressing my beliefs on the subjects at hand. And following discussions that are born of that. The Son of Man stands before you in Glory... As was foretold... Yes Jesus does. Jesus walks beside each and everyone of us. Cowboy do you believe we are in Revelations? |
We can all agree i'm a sinner Speaking for yourself of course. I'm not a sinner. we are all sinners.....we are born sinners Wrong JJ. The term "sin" is basically owned and defined by religions. I am not religious hence I am not a sinner. Only people to subscribe to those religions that recognize that term can own the idea that they are sinners. The term "sin" is meaningless to me. It is simply a label used by certain people. Just because you don't believe in that word and or it's root meaning, doesn't mean it doesn't apply. That's like saying you don't believe in "law", so therefore "law" does not apply to you. I say it does not apply to me. You do not have the authority to say it does. You are not God. I don't belong to your faith. I don't live by the rules of your religion. What YOU believe and what I believe are completely separate. YOU think the term "sin" applies to me because you believe that it does. That is YOUR point of view. I believe it does not apply to me because I am not "religious" and the term "sin" is owned by religion. Outside of religion it has NO MEANING. I am not a sinner. I will not own that just because you think I should. You are free to THINK and believe anything YOU want about YOU being a sinner or thinking that I am one. But do not call me a sinner to my face. I don't accept your assessment of me. My apologies... didn't know it was going to be taken so personally, as again this is a religion forum, religious things are being discussed here on a general aspect as your name was not included and it was not a personal email directly to you. When a Christian (who believes everyone is a sinner and believes in sin) states that "everyone is a sinner" or that I am a sinner or you are a sinner, then I have to disagree. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." I am simply pointing out a different way of looking at it. You responded as if to correct me and what I believe as if what you believe is correct and what I believe is not. Yes, I tend to take that personal. Instead, you should say that "according to my beliefs, (or Christian beliefs that I have been taught) we are all "sinners." This is a "General Religion Chat" forum. Everything posted in here is an "according to my beliefs", it doesn't need to be specifically posted that way just because again everything said in this forum is automatically an "according to my beliefs". That is NOT how you state it. It is not always "understood." You state everything as if it is fact and as if you are correcting someone or teaching or preaching to someone. You always do this. I know the difference because I have done both. It is always "understood" in this particular forum, this is a RELIGION chat forum. People come here to discuss things they BELIEVE in. Again, EVERYTHING discussed in this forum is on an "I believe" level. Okay if you say so. Then listen up. I hate to be the one to inform you then, that Jesus is a myth. Joshua and the battle of Jericho is a fiction. King David is a myth. Jesus is not the savior of mankind at all. And that's a fact. (Above is an example of how you "state your beliefs.") I can give you some third party sources outside of the bible of the existence of Jesus if you wish. O' Wandering Seeker... Release Jesus from the Cross that you have built upon his Word. Remove from him the nails you have placed upon his hands and his feet as did the masses in the time of the Romans. For Jesus obeyed the Father. Yet you would ask that man obey you and obey Jesus as do you (indeed you have nailed him again upon the Cross). I say to you O' Seeker that Jesus has gone to the Father. The Cross is empty and contains him not. The Grave is empty and he is not to be found there.. Christ has Risen. Roll aside the Stone of Adam and see O' Seeker... Jesus is not within the grave for he has gone to the Father (as was fortold)... Christ walks the Earth in the Flesh. The Son of Man stands before you in Glory... As was foretold... Yet you see it not for your blind clinging to the Son of God. |
What are you talking about? I had no connniption fit, it is none of your business what works I have done or haven't done. These works done is for God, not for you. So again, what are you talking about? Cowboy...since you admitted that you are not a Christian and admitted that you don't follow Christianity...then it no longer matter whether you do "Works" or not...since that only applies to Christians but anyway the debate was about Christianity ...not your made up nonsense Who follows Christianity? I I would like for just one person to say that Christianity is the way to eternal life. Jesus is the path to eternal life, not specifically Christianity. That is where one would make the mistake of following Christianity before they followed Jesus. Cowboy Satan's 'minions' can indeed speak the name Jesus Christ... the mind of such are confused so they believe a lie. But no matter... You state over and again that Jesus is the path to eternal life... I submit to you that Christ is that path... Jesus is but the Lamb of God. It was Christ that has risen. The Blood of the Lamb is not within the Chalice of Supper for it has been consumed that Christ rise as was the Word (in the flesh). Leave be the path of Jesus lest you also become the Lamb... Follow instead that Path which is unsealed by the Advent of Christ. Rise to God. That Adam might find Glory and Eve join him in heaven. Jesus is Christ. Jesus went to the Father. But you see (or perhaps not) that at this point you have returned to the Stone of Adam... You follow the sun and not the Gory. In the Morning the Sun Rises in the East so you walk to the East (it is like unto a guiding star for you). At noon you can not walk East or West for your guiding light has ceased to move. In due time the Sun you follow sets to the West and so you walk again to the point you started from. Oh wandering seeker... Take thine eyes from the Light of the Son and look into the Glory that shines upon him... There is a Guiding Star. You speak that Jesus went to the Father as the Father is in one stagnant spot... God is omnipresent, he is simotaneously everywhere. The purpose of the Lamb of God... to fulfill prophesy so that the Annointed One might Rise in the Flesh. Christ. Rise with him and leave to the Last Supper those that have not consumed the truth. For in truth as long as you cling to the feet of Jesus, Christ can not rise up in you. You hold Jesus to the cross and so God does indeed stand still for you. The cross is empty. Christ has Risen. |
Edited by
Thu 04/12/12 09:21 PM
What are you talking about? I had no connniption fit, it is none of your business what works I have done or haven't done. These works done is for God, not for you. So again, what are you talking about? Cowboy...since you admitted that you are not a Christian and admitted that you don't follow Christianity...then it no longer matter whether you do "Works" or not...since that only applies to Christians but anyway the debate was about Christianity ...not your made up nonsense Who follows Christianity? I I would like for just one person to say that Christianity is the way to eternal life. Jesus is the path to eternal life, not specifically Christianity. That is where one would make the mistake of following Christianity before they followed Jesus. Cowboy Satan's 'minions' can indeed speak the name Jesus Christ... the mind of such are confused so they believe a lie. But no matter... You state over and again that Jesus is the path to eternal life... I submit to you that Christ is that path... Jesus is but the Lamb of God. It was Christ that has risen. The Blood of the Lamb is not within the Chalice of Supper for it has been consumed that Christ rise as was the Word (in the flesh). Leave be the path of Jesus lest you also become the Lamb... Follow instead that Path which is unsealed by the Advent of Christ. Rise to God. That Adam might find Glory and Eve join him in heaven. Jesus is Christ. Jesus went to the Father. But you see (or perhaps not) that at this point you have returned to the Stone of Adam... You follow the sun and not the Gory. In the Morning the Sun Rises in the East so you walk to the East (it is like unto a guiding star for you). At noon you can not walk East or West for your guiding light has ceased to move. In due time the Sun you follow sets to the West and so you walk again to the point you started from. Oh wandering seeker... Take thine eyes from the Light of the Son and look into the Glory that shines upon him... There is a Guiding Star. |
Chocolina said : Then if there is nothing before God : John 1 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God is not true and all your Jesus-Word claims ... simply logic ... ![]() CowboyGH Lie : Wow!!! Just noticed what it says I said in this quote eg., Cowboy Said.... I did not say that. God has always been, there is no before God, therefore there would be no knowledge before God. Don't know who originally posted that quote, but I would really appreciate people not lying about what other's have said while discussing. because in the end of page 25 CoybowGH said: That would work, if there was a "before God". lol. There is no before God, God has always been and will always be.... simply logic. What in the world are you talking about? Where is the lie? lol. Not one of those quotes you have quoted say differently then one another. They all say the same thing, there is no before God. Please explain your logic here using these exact same three quotes. CowboyGH , 1st - Is there something before God ? 2nd - Where in the bible Jesus confirmed in front of John that he /Jesus/ is the Word ? 1st - No, there is no before God. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. There is no before God, nor will there be an after God. 2nd - John 1 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Notice whom is in reference here "the only begotten of the father". Then later on we'll find this - Matthew 3:17 17And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. So obviously, the "Word" when it was made flesh was Jesus. For the "Word" when it was made flesh was of the only begotten of the father. And then later on the Father states Jesus being his beloved son. Such a Beauty Filled Gem of Brillance. Yet do you chip away at its facets so as to make a flaw upon it. The word was made flesh to the Diciples by Jesus so they might understand that it dwelt among them, (and we beheld his glory, the glory AS OF the only begotten of the Father,) indeed they saw Christ full of grace and truth. Yet you do not see as of and so think it IS Jesus. Instead you have followed the footsteps of Jesus and arrived at you... But take not the step that places you with Christ becuse you can not take your eyes off Jesus and look at the Glory that is upon him. The Christ that dwelt among them was the Word made Flesh... Each of them ascended with Christ... Christ is in you. You are the Word made flesh. Why then do you still chase Jesus? |
What are you talking about? I had no connniption fit, it is none of your business what works I have done or haven't done. These works done is for God, not for you. So again, what are you talking about? Cowboy...since you admitted that you are not a Christian and admitted that you don't follow Christianity...then it no longer matter whether you do "Works" or not...since that only applies to Christians but anyway the debate was about Christianity ...not your made up nonsense Who follows Christianity? I I would like for just one person to say that Christianity is the way to eternal life. Jesus is the path to eternal life, not specifically Christianity. That is where one would make the mistake of following Christianity before they followed Jesus. Cowboy Satan's 'minions' can indeed speak the name Jesus Christ... the mind of such are confused so they believe a lie. But no matter... You state over and again that Jesus is the path to eternal life... I submit to you that Christ is that path... Jesus is but the Lamb of God. It was Christ that has risen. The Blood of the Lamb is not within the Chalice of Supper for it has been consumed that Christ rise as was the Word (in the flesh). Leave be the path of Jesus lest you also become the Lamb... Follow instead that Path which is unsealed by the Advent of Christ. Rise to God. That Adam might find Glory and Eve join him in heaven. |
"The path to Jesus is more then just the knowledge we are given through the scriptures. It is everyday learning and getting closer to, an everyday walk with God makes the relationship, not specifically what is read out of a book. "
in this much you speak a truth. Yet the path to Glory rests not with Jesus. Rather does it rest in Christ. He is Risen. |
You ask that they believe Jesus is God... and you quote them many fine Gems from the Book of Gods Son as though these Gems paved the way for your thought. Indeed you ask them... unto the Grave. For Jesus went to the Grave... Christ is Risen. God is as Iam (as He will Allways be). I ask no one to believe as I. This is not a forum for trying to convert people, change their opinions, or views. This is a place for sharing your view on spiritual/religious matters, that is it. What think you then of my 'opinion'? For my opinion is that people will read this in a thousand years... If they have no knowledge of the Word they will believe by what they read. If they read a falseness they also will run in circles looking for Jesus where is Adam and so not see what is in the Glory for staring overlong at the lamp. I think your opinion is your opinion. There is no such thing as a "bad" opinion. That is how you feel, there is no need to judge you on how you feel, to look down on how you feel, it's just that, how you feel and or believe. If one searches for Jesus, they will find him. There is no running in circles, it is a straight path. But sir... If an unwary one comes upon your word and searches for Jesus by the same path they will come to YOU. They will then miss Christ. The Word was made Flesh by the Lamb of God. From that then came the Glory of God. By the Advent of Glory has Christ been made Flesh as was the Word. For Christ is Risen. |
You ask that they believe Jesus is God... and you quote them many fine Gems from the Book of Gods Son as though these Gems paved the way for your thought. Indeed you ask them... unto the Grave. For Jesus went to the Grave... Christ is Risen. God is as Iam (as He will Allways be). I ask no one to believe as I. This is not a forum for trying to convert people, change their opinions, or views. This is a place for sharing your view on spiritual/religious matters, that is it. What think you then of my 'opinion'? For my opinion is that people will read this in a thousand years... If they have no knowledge of the Word they will believe by what they read. If they read a falseness they also will run in circles looking for Jesus where is Adam and so not see what is in the Glory for staring overlong at the lamp. |
You ask that they believe Jesus is God...
and you quote them many fine Gems from the Book of Gods Son as though these Gems paved the way for your thought. Indeed you ask them... unto the Grave. For Jesus went to the Grave... Christ is Risen. God is as Iam (as He will Allways be). |
Indeed there is more.
You have inserted you into the equation. (my is you when you write it. I is also you when it comes from your pen). I give to you a sample of your insertion of you into the Word as Gifted us by Jesus. "Luke 4:12 12And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. ============== This verse and many other's show why I said both in your questoin. The lord "THY" God... the lord "your" God. Jesus is the one whom created us eg., these are the generations the LORD God made .... Jesus never says "your God, our God, or anything of such" When speaking about his father. Also never says "our father, your father, ect". Says his father, his god. Luke inserted his 'you' into the Word (but did so more carefully than do thou). For he used a simply sentance and gave a large lesson upon the Word. You used a stick of double ink... and muddyed the waters with you. So I give to thee the lesson of Luke. Tempt not the Lord thy God by tempting his Children with you (for he stands with each of them also). |
Jesus walks not upon the land. He is with his Father. Christ is here. Which then would you follow. Jesus. Or God. I follow both, Jesus Christ our God. I had expected quotes of many words and saw none. Yet I see also that you could not wait and so did post them. You have a smoothness with your words. I said Jesus OR God... You have added U to the equation between the O and the R and produced by that vain addition a false variant. To do so with my words mean nothing. (I am but the Son of Man and so just a spec of dust). Yet you do this same thing with the Word as given by the Son of God (inserting you into the equation)... and by that some might be confused and so not see the Glory of God. |
Jesus walks not upon the land.
He is with his Father. Christ is here. Which then would you follow. Jesus. Or God. |
Cowboy said...
"for he left his glory behind and took on the FORM of a servant." in speaking of Jesus. Indeed there is more than one worm in the Apple you have Proffered. Jesus brought the Glory with him... and gave it to us all as Gift. That Christ might rise up. |
Christ is here. Jesus is with the Father. However you have dark glasses of your own making. My light can not penetrate the thickness. Be at peace. Christ is here, so is Jesus. Jesus and Christ is one in the same. As again "Christ" is not a name. The meaning of the word "Christ" has been shown and explained why Jesus is referred to as Jesus Christ and what makes him our Christ. Jesus is omnipresent, he is not in one location only. He is not here or there at a time. He is everywhere simultaneously. Of course he could not have been as such while he walked the Earth, for he left his glory behind and took on the FORM of a servant. He was no in the form of God when he walked among the Earth bringing us the new covenant. Christ is here. Jesus is not. The meaning shown on this thread as 'christ' is but to be found in the writings of christian men...(and so subject to their bias). Because I have been shown a falsness I must believe it true? I think not. True meaning of the Word Christ is 'annointed one'... Searching for Jesus in this time is to follow the many paths that lead in circles or into false paths. |
Christ is here.
Jesus is with the Father. However you have dark glasses of your own making. My light can not penetrate the thickness. Be at peace. |
Edited by
Wed 04/11/12 12:19 PM
I'm here to discuss, you are here to belittle. didn't you claim that no children drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark? ......and I have to teach you that God did indeed murder those children so perhaps it's you that belittle yourself Yes I did make the comment, no denying what I said. But I was wrong, I was not thinking. was you also not thinking when you claim that you are not a Christian but have on your profile that you are a Christian, and when this was pointed out you changed your post again and claim you were a Christian... it is the thousands of posts such as this in which you belittle yourself and make youself appear as a religious nutcase I never changed that though. I am a child of God, YOU can call that Christian if you will, but I hold to no title as such. Your mum is God? Wow! Bet she makes the best cookies. My father is Jesus Christ. Without him, I have no life. Cowboy statements like that are probably what got people to thinking that Jesus the man was the son of God. Jesus called God his father. We all know that Jesus (the Christ) supposedly never had any children. (Some say he did) But in any case, he cannot possible be your "father." You speak completely symbolically practically all the time which makes you appear to be living in a make believe world. I would just like you to stop talking like that sometimes and talk like a real person who exists in the real world. In the real world the things you say don't make any literal sense. I was going to post to this but JB said it better. However Cowboy I will say this again since you dance about it when I do say it. Jesus is not here. Iam Jesus is here, search and you will find. Christ is here. Jesus is with the Father. Have you not read the warnings when you delved with such intent into the book? "Christ" is not a name. Christ - the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. Thus we call Jesus, Jesus Christ, for he is our Christ, our promissed savior. Found a better definition of christ straight from the webster's dictionary which most people us, in the USA anyways. And this will show why we refer to Jesus as Jesus Christ even though his sername is not "Christ". 1 : messiah 2 : jesus 3 : an ideal type of humanity Christ means messiah, messiah means savior. So therefore we refer to Jesus as Jesus Christ, for he is our savior. Christ means Annointed One. At the time of Jesus there were yet words of the Prophets which had not come about. Therefore though he became Christ he was not yet the Messiah (all is not yet fulfilled). Ah, but he is the messiah. No, not all prophecies have yet been fulfilled, but nevertheless he is the only way to Heaven. No one will go to Heaven till all prophecies are fulfilled, but yet he is there and is the only way to Heaven when the time comes. For example - A policemen is not only a policemen when he's doing his job. He is always a policement. A fireman is not only a fireman when there is a fire, he is always a fireman. And so forth and so forth. No the examples are not fully the same, just the statement of they are even when they are not doing that job. Jesus is and always will be the messiah, not just at judgement time. There is a worm in the Apple you have presented so that a descerning person must first pick out the worm before he may consume the Apple. Christ is not a policeman. For when a man is a Prince he remains a Prince for all of his life... Yet when His father is King no more then does the Prince change and become a King. The father yet remains iam. |
so then by your melody most of the human race has no hope of heaven.
Of a certanity there is a falsness to that path (there is too much of the Darkness of Futility in it). Every human is a Child of God and so inherits the Kingdom of Heaven (each in their measure). The Father denies not one of his Children. |