Community > Posts By > TheLonelyWalker

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:14 PM


personal agendas are set aside in order to try to reach the common good...

See... I believe this is completely within the realm of possibility.

You are very possitive person. That is a good thing. If we had more people like you in this world. It would be more a livable place.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:05 PM

can anyone honestly fathom the concept of eternity? what is there to do for eternity, without getting bored?

the question falls apart by itself.
how can we now what eternity is if we are not there yet?
eternity will be what we want it to be depending upon our earthly actions.
however, we cannot define eternitu with human terms and standards. Ergo, it's very silly and naive to think about eternity in terms of boredom.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 10/18/08 12:59 PM

were talking on another thread about mans fall and some say its Satan who caused sin and others Adam and eve for eating and i who say it's god's fault!!

So here's my case in a nut shell - god started creation, god knew how everything would go, god decided to allow sin to enter into existence - therefore god is responsible for sin.

in a matter of fact:
whose final decision was it God, satan, or man?
whose act was it God, satan, or man?

All of the above...


flowerforyou bigsmile

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 10/18/08 12:53 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Sat 10/18/08 12:54 PM


This is the kind of dialogue I would wish to share.

You, TLW, are convinced in the truth in your OWN life. I completely honor that. Your approach leaves a door open for sharing instead of arguing.

I'm clear that someone with a fundmentalistic approach WOULD see a creature with ideas such as mine as evil.

That's not an issue for me. I don't feel the need to prove I'm any less evil than any other human being.

My desire for equality doesn't insist on proving any one belief as faulty. This desire does, however, take the focus off of the good/evil see-saw. Guess that looks evil to those highly invested in the war against evil.

Just as the "War Against Terror" creates MORE terror, so does the war against evil create more "evil".

Fine, if everyone chalks my ramblings off as some loopy hippy chick's fanciful notions of humanity living in peace. Don't care... This is what I see as within the realm of possibily. Not everyone in the world is fundamentalist. They just seem to bark the loudest.

Basically, I apply the concepts of good and evil to myself.
As I said in my first response people can believe in flying pigs as far as I'm concern.
I would state what I believe, I would hear or read what other people believe. But I won't be moved by what they believe. Sometimes it may be funny for me, but ofcourse due to respect for this person I won't express my amusement.
My biggest believe and this is what the Catholic Church teaches we ALL are God's creatures, so all of us God's children regardless where we stand in life.
A whole different approach from the fundamentalisitc believe.
This believe I have leads me to a nonjudgmental behavior.
That is why I'm not longer in this forum because the common denominator here is attack each other no matter what.

If we could somehow find a way to apply the ideas of Ecumenism...

...perhaps that may help diminish this desire to attack each other for our differences.

ecumenism is a wonderful word. The Holy Father John Paul II was the greatest ecumenist of the 20th century.
However, ecumenism only works when personal agendas are set aside in order to try to reach the common good of the multitudes.
The problem is that the human race is cursed with egoism in all side christian and non-christian, catholic and non-catholic.
If we follow the basic teaching of my Lord Jesus Christ (love each other as you love yourselves) we would not have all these problems.
Which leads me to think if we are not able to love others, are we able to love ourselves?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:04 AM


This is the kind of dialogue I would wish to share.

You, TLW, are convinced in the truth in your OWN life. I completely honor that. Your approach leaves a door open for sharing instead of arguing.

I'm clear that someone with a fundmentalistic approach WOULD see a creature with ideas such as mine as evil.

That's not an issue for me. I don't feel the need to prove I'm any less evil than any other human being.

My desire for equality doesn't insist on proving any one belief as faulty. This desire does, however, take the focus off of the good/evil see-saw. Guess that looks evil to those highly invested in the war against evil.

Just as the "War Against Terror" creates MORE terror, so does the war against evil create more "evil".

Fine, if everyone chalks my ramblings off as some loopy hippy chick's fanciful notions of humanity living in peace. Don't care... This is what I see as within the realm of possibily. Not everyone in the world is fundamentalist. They just seem to bark the loudest.

Basically, I apply the concepts of good and evil to myself.
As I said in my first response people can believe in flying pigs as far as I'm concern.
I would state what I believe, I would hear or read what other people believe. But I won't be moved by what they believe. Sometimes it may be funny for me, but ofcourse due to respect for this person I won't express my amusement.
My biggest believe and this is what the Catholic Church teaches we ALL are God's creatures, so all of us God's children regardless where we stand in life.
A whole different approach from the fundamentalisitc believe.
This believe I have leads me to a nonjudgmental behavior.
That is why I'm not longer in this forum because the common denominator here is attack each other no matter what.

I see that trend (your common denominator) as just a wave that will, at some point, subside (still waiting).

I have been waiting for almost two years now.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 05:59 AM

all the Christians here think or believe that the first chapter of genesis was/is written in the sequence as stated? meaning is the creation story laid out exactly as it occurred day by day? it seems to indicate that simply by saying the number of days from one thru seven - i understand this - but since i don't have the holy spirit to tell me absolutely without doubt, i was wondering if all The C's, are in agreement on this or not - or if sharpshooter or others have a different take on this and if so what is/are those takes?

you already know my answer.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 05:58 AM
the concept of confession of sins is absolutely correct, yet the public act of confession it's absolutely wrong.
the confession of sins is between the person and God.
In my particular case as catholic I confess my sins to a priest, but this priest has to be a person I know and I trust. Not just any random priest.
Just to be clear and answer a question that will eminently come:
The priest does not forgives the sin because God is the only one who forgives, but it's visual rite of something that happens in the spiritual world. In my personal life I always go to confession for the advice I can get.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 05:47 AM

were talking on another thread about mans fall and some say its Satan who caused sin and others Adam and eve for eating and i who say it's god's fault!!

So here's my case in a nut shell - god started creation, god knew how everything would go, god decided to allow sin to enter into existence - therefore god is responsible for sin.

in a matter of fact:
whose final decision was it God, satan, or man?
whose act was it God, satan, or man?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 05:41 AM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Thu 10/16/08 05:42 AM


This is the kind of dialogue I would wish to share.

You, TLW, are convinced in the truth in your OWN life. I completely honor that. Your approach leaves a door open for sharing instead of arguing.

I'm clear that someone with a fundmentalistic approach WOULD see a creature with ideas such as mine as evil.

That's not an issue for me. I don't feel the need to prove I'm any less evil than any other human being.

My desire for equality doesn't insist on proving any one belief as faulty. This desire does, however, take the focus off of the good/evil see-saw. Guess that looks evil to those highly invested in the war against evil.

Just as the "War Against Terror" creates MORE terror, so does the war against evil create more "evil".

Fine, if everyone chalks my ramblings off as some loopy hippy chick's fanciful notions of humanity living in peace. Don't care... This is what I see as within the realm of possibily. Not everyone in the world is fundamentalist. They just seem to bark the loudest.

Basically, I apply the concepts of good and evil to myself.
As I said in my first response people can believe in flying pigs as far as I'm concern.
I would state what I believe, I would hear or read what other people believe. But I won't be moved by what they believe. Sometimes it may be funny for me, but ofcourse due to respect for this person I won't express my amusement.
My biggest believe and this is what the Catholic Church teaches we ALL are God's creatures, so all of us God's children regardless where we stand in life.
A whole different approach from the fundamentalisitc believe.
This believe I have leads me to a nonjudgmental behavior.
That is why I'm not longer in this forum because the common denominator here is attack each other no matter what.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/16/08 05:33 AM
fundamentalism discriminates agaisnt women.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:16 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Tue 10/14/08 07:17 PM
is the child product of a raped responsible for the rape?
if we accept that life has the same value in any form full developed or in fetal state
then which one has more value that of the mother or the fetus.
is the fetus some sort of being which does not have life?
the fact that a human being is not full developed make him or her of less value of a full developed human being?
who are we to decide who lives or die?
it is correct a human being has the absolute right to do whatever he/she wants with his/her body.
however, when there is a pregnancy it is not one body anymore there are two bodies there.
so does the right to do what i want with my body gives me the right to do what i want with another human being's body?
not judging anybody just making questions.
at the end questions of life and dead cannot be answered if we are not in the very same position as the person who has to make the decision.
God gives guidance to those who has to make these choices. keep the little babies close to you.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:07 PM

And where does Intelligent Design come into theory?

1st question:
yes, darwinians can be christians because truth cannot contradict truth.
darwinians just talk about evolution as far as biology. There is nothing in the Bible agaisnt this. The only thing that the Bible teaches (I'm not saying it says in the bible textually that means that the bible teaches through proper interpretation) is that the human soul is created individually at the moment of conception. This does not go against evolution at all.

2nd question:
The problem with intelligent design is that this theory says that God just created the Universe, but after that He has not intervation in the events within it. Human events included.
Such theory falls in the very beginning. How come a Creator can create something and just then forget about it? That just does not make any sense whatsoever.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:01 PM

Don't we all experience the same journey, regardless of beliefs?

If we ALL have within our selve's the ability to pass through this process with or without religion, wouldn't accepting those who don't choose the path of religion allow for ALL to move into peace?

well, that is what I always say. I believe what I believe, and I'm convinced that is the truth in my life. I guide my life through it.
Other people can believe in flying pigs if they want to or if they are happy with that.
Fundamentalistic approach in christianity is the one that asserts that everybody else is evil and is going to hell.
I'm a catholic. Even myself, being a catholic, am condemned to hell as far fundamentalism preaches.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:26 PM

I have been dating this wonderful man for the past 11 months.Things were great but we have a little problem that is going to end up being a big one if it doesnt get better. I am 5 years younger than him and I think that we are sexually incompatible..........I have a high labido and he what should I do end it now or should i try other things(which I have but) its kind of becoming a pain............(Advice Please!)

lack of bed satisfaction always leads to look for it in other places out of the house.
so to avoid such thing, better look somewhere else before the relationship becomes more serious, and then you are going to have to deal with the problem of cheating.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:22 PM

What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? ...Strike out at whatever it feels threatened by!

it sounds like the US foreign policy.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:18 PM
catherine-zeta jones
she looks so latina even though it seems she is british or something like that.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:16 PM

The Christian solution to this phenomenon is to hand it over to God and recognize that Jesus Christ who died, absolves us for all our sins.

Died and resurrected. If Jesus would not have resurrected our sins would still be there.
Resurrection is what brings salvation.
My Lord's dead was just a step in the divine plan for salvation.
However, His resurrection was the climax through which we are saved.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 10/12/08 01:58 PM
What is life?
Not other thing than
several cycles
starting and ending.

What is the purpose of cycles?
It cannot be any
other thing than

At the end of each cycle
we need to have learnt
at least one thing, and
be ready for the next cycle.

I am here at the ending
of one of my cycles.
What did i learn?
I learnt a lot.

Am I ready for the next cycle?
Hell yeah!!! I am.
I endured it, I busted my ass.
I expected a different result.

However, I'm stronger.
I'm an eternal survivor.
I'm still a LonelyW@lker.
But what else if I was born alone.

I'm closing this cycle.
I will go back to my origins.
And start all over again.
I will find my destiny.

No matter where in the
world I am, be sure
that you are always
going to be in my heart.

I will keep going
to see what this next cycle
has for me.

TLW (10/12/2008)

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 10/12/08 01:39 PM
In this day we remember
those who were robbed and killed.
They were at peace until
the menace arrived.

Hungry and thirsty
for power and gold.
They did not care,
they just killed and destroyed.

They brought dead
to the new land.
A land of peace and simplicity.
They just wanted more.

With the excuse of the
expansion of the empire
America was broken.
One single mass of land
was divided.

Native Americans,
original and real Americans
were killed by the invader,
so the empire could grow.

Americans who walked free
from Alaska to Argentina
were deprived from their liberty,
and the empire of death grew.

The empire just changed names.
Today the empire is still hungry.
The empire has the Americas
subyugated in ignorance and misery.

After 500 years the same concepts
of imperialism and expansionism
remain the same just with a different name.
When is that our Americas
will finally wake up, and
earn its long deserved freedom.

TLW (10/12/2008)


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 10/12/08 01:25 PM
“The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty”
Simón Bolívar quote

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