Community > Posts By > TheLonelyWalker

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 08:00 AM
that is the best way to control an empire, to terrorize its subjects.
so who is the terrorist?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:58 AM
if we follow the first eleven chapters of the genesis literally.
well then yes, the whole universe was created in 7 single days, eve was created from Adam's rib, and ofcourse women should be consider less than men. adam named all the animals and plants, etc.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:55 AM
they died for the imperialist hunger of the damn government.
that is why every single american soldier has died, to feed the tiger.
the tiger which wants more power over all the world.
But remember even Rome fell, and when it did, it did it hard.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:52 AM
you see dear, animals are God's creatures and He loves them as well. Obviously, not in the same manner as He loves us His very own children.
Animals were not given a supernatural soul which always tends to its creator.
Animals were just given a spirit which only tends to preservation and survival. When they die they just stop existing, as oppose to humans whom when they die they transcend.
Thus, it does not matter whatsoever if animals die or not because they just disappear from any plain of existance at all.
Whereas Man has to come back to meet his creator again.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:46 AM
absolutely correct. I give it another name, though.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:45 AM
as far as dead, the teaching is correct.
however, for animals to become meat eaters there must have been an extremely long evolutionary process in their system to change the way they fed themselves.
then again your assertion is correct how can we mention dinasours if they were here millions of years before the Bible was written.
again the theological principle there is that sin brings dead (that is what I believe). Man was not meant to die. Man was presented with an option obey or disobey to the Creator. Man disboyed, thus there must be a consequence. Man had to die and from there all the way to us.
Notice, that I say Man, and not Adam. My speech is very general and not too just one single individual.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:38 AM



Storm, sorry I missed you but you have mail.flowerforyou

What's new Miguel? flowerforyou

hi, dear
everything is OK
what's good in ur side of the world?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:36 AM

I just wasn't sure if it was just ME that missed that part in the bible about dinosaurs becoming meat eaters because of Adam's sin...

you did not dear.
that is no where in the bible. that is a corruption of the doctrine from those who claim to be christians.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:34 AM

some pain never goes also feels good to acknowledge and nurture it from time to time...

I quite don't agree. People are not meant to be in pain. People are in pain for a long period of time because they want to.
I understand when the impact is really close, it's hard to recover, but eventually the pain must go.
Even people who have had car accidents are in extreme pain, however, with the right treatment the body starts recovering. The body has its ways of healing itself.
Therefore, it follows that the soul and the heart must have their ways of healing themselves after a period of time.
However, if after a reasonable period of time is still in pain for something that happen 10 years ago well, I'd say that person is just addicted in an unhealthy way to pain and suffering.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:25 AM

No, not at this site necessarily. Rather, what is your purpose in life?

that question gets its answer day by day until the person's last day in this earth.
and that question is fully answered when the person meets his/her creator.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:22 AM

Well the problem is that with creationism... they are claiming that the world is 6,000 years old. Well we dinosaur bones millions of years old. They are claiming at this museum that dinosaurs and man were created on the same day...

was that a fundie christian museum?
if that is the case well dear you know the answer. they are fundies, and there is no proof in the world to make them see that the first chapters of the genesis is an allegory, a collection of ancient stories running through the middle east way before Moses which only purpose is to illustrate basic theological principles in an easy way to understand for the men who were going to read them at the point in time when the Genesis was written.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:15 AM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Thu 11/13/08 07:17 AM

I am not trying to trivialize your feelings, but I have a suggestion that is quite simple. Yes, it is easier said than done, but only if you are not dedicated to the idea.

Forgive her. Forgive yourself. That is it.

Blame and focusing on events that are past are good for only one thing; to learn about yourself and develop tools to prevent those same mistakes from happening, providing they were in your power in the first place.

a lot of wisdom.
the first step in healing is compassion, and compassion leads to forgiveness.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:12 AM
what channel was that?
what do adam and eve (allegorical characters) have to do with dinasours (real animals)?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:09 AM
Then my friend you need to realize that no matter how much you loved her, no matter how much it hurts, she was not the right woman for you.
Starting from this premise you have to keep moving, sadly the world does not stop just because we are down, hurt, or broken.
We need to get going no matter what.
And if you keep going somewhere down the road the real woman who is right for you, the one who will love for who you are, and make you the happiest man alive will show up eventually.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:05 AM

i dont believe we comeback or go to a better or worse place,when we die i believe its eternal sleep.we are mostly made up of carbon so where does carbon go when it dies?

if carbon is all what we are, how come you are able to articulate your thoughts, and typing them down.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:03 AM

hi TLW waving how have you been? I have missed you! I hope all is well.

I'm alive, ergo I'm well, dear.
I wish the best of the world for you.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:00 AM

Do Christian or so called Christians love one another? Do they even love others that are not Christians.

What if Christians showed love for their neighbors, or strangers? How would that effect even their own environments around them?

Do you think you can do in it in Jesus name, and not towards your own self interest?

So... here is my CHALLENGE to all you so called CHRISTRIANS......
Show some unselfish love for your fellow person for ONE WEEK...

Then post the results in this thread.....

with all due respect. very silly thread.
simply because the good that the right hand does. the left hand does not need to know.
whatever good or bad things a person does is between that person and God, assuming that this (again) silly thread is oriented specificly to christians.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:57 AM
well i wonder why did she leave?
just because one day she woke up and decided to leave or there were underlying reasons for her to leave.

if it's the latter then are you sure you worked as hard as you claim, if not then you are not getting over it because you have not been able to determine where did you fail, and therefore, you probably are scare to find somebody else and fail again.

Just my reasoning from your statement, not judging at all.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:51 AM

no, it's inconsistent with any logic whatsoever, as far as i understand. which means that somebody else may have a different reasoning which i don't care.
I'm just saying that as far as I understand reincarnation is an absolute nonsense.

ah shucks Miguel, i was hoping you'd believe Obama was a re-incarnation of JFK - :tongue: flowerforyou

damn. I got caught there.:laughing:

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:50 AM

that's good to hear. sorry we lost touch

i'm sorry too
that's life.

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