Community > Posts By > daniel48706
She ain't the only one Boo!!!
Geez Winx, how come you went and stole my sign? |
and yet, even after all this quick and shocking news about how the individual states are "handling" medical care and insurance, and these prime examples of why insurance companies (and in some cases doctors themselves) have to be put in check, people are still complaining and b!tch!ng about President Obama trying to make a country wide plan that would effectively stop all of this widespread abuse.
The ONLY way this is going to end is if there is a country wide plan, that makes it impossible for the insurance agencies to have any kind of authority like this. In 45 states insurance companies want to force women to be sterilized before they will provide coverage Oh my god, i heard that today, a woman testifying to congress that her insurance company said they would help her if she was sterilized. Oh sure we have the best system in the world, right now. Ya right.. You have got to be kidding me. |
I will be 35 in February, and if it wasn't for medicaid, state paid insurance which I contributed to while working, I would ever be able to afford it either. And don't get me wrong, I do not begrudge the pediatrician or the meds; the pediatrician knows what she is doing and is willing to do what needs to be done, even if it isn't the "normal" routine. She believes in treating the patients no matter what. And my son does so much better when he is on them it is amazing. But hte cost is outrageously ridiculous.
Let's see, this is a true story from last month. My insurance got screwed up, and thus denied initially (thank god it has been fixed since and everything back paid by the insurance). went in for monthly doctor visit for my sons medication. He is on medicine that has to be prescribed every month, it can not be renewable. 15 minutes in the pediatricians office, letting her know the medicine was working properly and get the new scripts written: $130.00 script A: $160.00 (30 day supply) script B: $160.00 (30 day supply) script C: $17.00 (30 day supply and renewable three times) Grand total per month is 467.00 plus tax and service fees Why does that just seem insane to me. Is it because I am almost 60 and it seems high? I could never ever afford that. |
Ok Not by a television anymore! But remember the times ya mom couldn't find you And freaked!! And you were asleep in a corner or under the porch for some kooky reason Was the house given a once over? Are they sure he was on this balloon? Did they check all grounds around the house? Is this still even going on? (sorry not near TV) Was the house given a once over? Yes the police themselves searched the house, and it can be assumed the grounds and nearby area as well. Are they sure he was on the balloon? older brother made a statement to the effect of having watched him get in the balloon. |
here is the most likeyl scenario for the news being brought in.
The parents found the child missing with the balloon gone, big brother says he watched little brother climb in so panic ensues. Parents call 911, and dispatcher calls police on road to respond. This is done over a radio of some kind, which the media have complete access to. And for those who say that's just Hollywood nonsense, I have news for you; a ten year old boy can tap into radio transmissions if he cared to do so. The media heard what is going to be an instant news story and rush to the scene. Did they ever say who called the media And why?? If it was the parents that's fishy to me. I'd be to worried to think "call fox news!" Is it the cops or someone with a scanner? |
Let me make one thing very clear to everybody who wants to claim it was anything other than a very sad accident, without having any facts. It is physically impossible to keep an eye on a 6 year old child every last second of the day, non-stop. I canthink of any number of ways the child could have done this without it being a case of negligence on the parents part.
One example only. Mom is cooking dinner int he kitchen, unable to see the backyard (or wherever the balloon is). dad was with kid working on balloon but took kid in the house while he ran to use the bathroom. While dad is in bathroom and mom cooking dinner, 6 year old sneaks back outside to play with the BALLOON. Something that big would only need seconds, less than a minute to be out of reach of anyone on the ground. Some people need to grow up and realize that there is such a thing as an accident, no matter how sad or terrible it is, and not try to automatically blame somebody for what is an accident. |
Let me make one thing very clear to everybody who wants to claim it was anything other than a very sad accident, without having any facts. It is physically impossible to keep an eye on a 6 year old child every last second of the day, non-stop. I canthink of any number of ways the child could have done this without it being a case of negligence on the parents part.
One example only. Mom is cooking dinner int he kitchen, unable to see the backyard (or wherever the balloon is). dad was with kid working on balloon but took kid in the house while he ran to use the bathroom. While dad is in bathroom and mom cooking dinner, 6 year old sneaks back outside to play with the BALLOON. Something that big would only need seconds, less than a minute to be out of reach of anyone on the ground. Some people need to grow up and realize that there is such a thing as an accident, no matter how sad or terrible it is, and not try to automatically blame somebody for what is an accident. so it sounds like dad was making an experimental balloon and the kid snuck into it and untied to ropes sounds like just an accident and a precocious kid although I'm sure someone will try to make it all a case of child abuse I just read that the balloon landed and there was no one in it The father is a storm chaser, you'd think he would have been more cautious, not leaving any way for those kids to get in it. I don't know if it could be considered child abuse, but certainly negligence, no? I am sure they will be charge financially for the output of resources, maybe not. Just heard they participated in a reality show wife swap, though what the hell that has to do with it, unless it's a scam he's pulling. I believe you are correct IMO the parents didn't watch the child (where ever he is) I hope the child is safe |
Im wondering if this boy fell out before they got the ballon on camera That's a very good question. The link I poste in current events specificallyt staes the part the bo y would have been in was only made of real thin wood, and would not hold up to a crash. If thats the case, it woudl not hold an average 6 year old boy for very long either without the kid falling through. |
Wheres the kid? Thats the story Exactly! The link I posted stated something to the effect that the child may have fallen out!!! So where the hell is he? And I also agree it is a very sad accident, not a case of abuse or neglect, though I have to admit that initially my first reaction was how the hell can yuo elave your child unsupervised, etc etc etc. Thats why I couldnt comment at first without coming off jdgemental. |
Let's see, this is a true story from last month. My insurance got screwed up, and thus denied initially (thank god it has been fixed since and everything back paid by the insurance).
went in for monthly doctor visit for my sons medication. He is on medicine that has to be prescribed every month, it can not be renewable. 15 minutes in the pediatricians office, letting her know the medicine was working properly and get the new scripts written: $130.00 script A: $160.00 (30 day supply) script B: $160.00 (30 day supply) script C: $17.00 (30 day supply and renewable three times) Grand total per month is 467.00 plus tax and service fees |
I can't say anything right now about this without coming off extremely judgemental. |
How about Nana?
WoW. Congrats Lo. Grandma Lo. Has a nice ring to it..... No, it really doesn't Jeff..not liking the ring at all yet But thanks |
you have no worries in that department hun, you are THE sexy grandma of them all
I hope I'm one of those sexy grandma's..... |
I hate to say it hun, but the phrase, children force you to grow up, just is not true.
But look at this boy in this picture with me <---------------------- Looks like a baby himself...don't know if he's ready for this. He may not be ready, but he will be ready when the baby is born...Many people told me a baby makes you grow up |
Pledge of Allegience
well last I knew it was not federally mandated, and never has been federally mandated that children are required to say it. I specifically remember a big stink over schools mandating it several years ago, and getting sued for it over the words "under god". One of the biggest rivals to it at the time was the same lady who tried to get shows like "touched by an angel" taken off public television, claiming it infringed her rights to watch non-religious tv". In the end however, the courts overhearing the case about the pledge of allegiance dictated that it can not be held mandatory for a child to say it, or even stand up and put their hand over their chest if they do not wish to do so.
So, in regards to schools trying to"punish or discipline" students for not saying it, I say have the parents stand up to the school board and take it to court if necessary. The issue has laready been won in court, and like when schools were forced to desegregate, you will find some that still try to follow "the old ways". So the parents of students in these schools need to step forward and take LEGAL action in order to enforce the freedom tha has laready been granted. Benedict Arnold was originally a general, promoted once to major general, in the american continental army. He switched sides after he was passed over many times for a promotion. Somehow I doubt they would have promoted him if they thought he wasn't loyal. I also believe that there was a pledge in order to be a high ranking officer. Regardless of that, there shouldn't be a need to say a pledge to prove loyalty to ones country. That just shows lack of trust in our citizens (in my own opinion that is) benedict Arnold was always loyal to england . the pledge is not manatory nor should it be ,but makeing a big deal about not saying it shows disrespect to what ever country you live in . if you don,t want to say it don't. for someone that was always loyal to england, he battled them off a quite well. He fought them off at saratoga, delayed them at lake champlaigne as well as having a successful military career in the american continental army. He didn't defect until he was passed over for promotions a few times, and credit for his wins was given to other people, that is when he negotiated with the british. As for "if you don't want to say, don't say it" tell that to the children that schools tried to suspend for refusing to say it. I could care less if people want to say it or not. |
Pledge of Allegience
If someone wants to stop somewhere and pray, by all means, they should pray. As long as they aren't telling me I need to join them, I don't really care. That's it in a nutshell, and I am glad to see so many people DO agree with me, Fran this includes you too . What I was trying to point out though is the fact that so many people do NOT take into acount that people have the right to do just that, just as they have a right to not paricipate. |
Pledge of Allegience
Yes, they definitely have an option as well as we should. I'm curious to see what they would do if you and your friends stopped to pray. I don't know about the people on here, but where I live, my church is two lots down from my house, and I have stopped to pray right on the side of the road with my pastor hanging out his van door before, and people have both stopped and bowed their heads respectfully, and kept moving on as they saw fit. My Pastor had pulled over off the road so people could get through with no problems, and nobody else had a problem whatsoever. The sad thing is, that people keep shouting that they want their rights and freedoms, but dont realize on the flipside of that same coin, the ones they want their rights and freedom from, have the exact same rights and freedoms that are being demanded in the first place. note: sorry if there are too many rights and freedoms in that last part lol |
Funny or Not Funny???
Morbidly insightful, but not funny. well put |
Pledge of Allegience
i am not telling, ordering, dictating, suggesting or anything to anyone. I am saying that you already have the option. If you and a buddy are on the street and me and a buddy are on the same street, all four of us have as much right to be there as the next person; and thanks to the fact that this is a religiously free country, that means my buddy and I can stop and pray at the corner if we wish to do so. It also means that you have the opotion to stand there and participate, stand there and watch with disbelief, OR MOVE ON WITH YOUR BUSINESS AND JUST KEEP GOING.
It is YOUR CHOICE in how to react and what to do if you see people praying in public, just as it is their choice to pray in public in the first place. potato, potaato But for the sake of argument, let me rewrite and say that if you do not like it if people are praying in a specific place or area, then you have the right to go to a different locale, if you so choose, just as those people who are praying have the right to pray where they are at if they so choose to do so. lol, I am glad someone took this question up Fran, and am very happy to say that not once did I dictate that anyone "move, or relocate". What I said is if they do not like the fact that my friends and i are having a group prayer, and they do not want to listen in on it, then they CAN move to another locale while we have our group prayer; not that they HAVE to. Your wording my point is, to harm someone, you have to somehow HURT them, and it does not hurt anyone in any way, to stand by and let several students say a prayer together. If you don't agree wit the prayer, or the thoughts behind it, go somewhere else while it is being said. reread your post - go somewhere else - is not providing a choice it's telling someone to move. Oprahlike enough for you You're still telling people to go somewhere else if they don't like prayer. You don't want people to do that to you, yet it's ok to do to others? |
Pledge of Allegience
the patrirats
I never had to say the pledge of allegiance in order to be loyal to my country. I'm loyal to this country with or without having to say so. Children are given an education and will more than likely be loyal to this country regardless. Just because you say the pledge doesn't make anyone any more loyal to this country than someone who does. Benedict Arnold was loyal to this country before he betrayed us. benedict arnold was never loyal to this country and would not in good faith said a pledge to it . this is a volentary country we don't have to support the rats that live amongst us . back atcha what political name ends in rat? |