WhispersandWinks's photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:07 PM
It is called responsibility/maturity/accountability. And yes, indeed, it DOES suck...big time!!!

I tell you, though, with the attitude you have...that young man is blessed to have you in his life.

I'm very proud you will be holding yourself to a higher standard. You are an inspiration! flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:00 PM
Edited by WhispersandWinks on Mon 12/17/07 08:01 PM
I watched "Taboo" the other night and they did a segment on it. Man............what a wicked concoction! I had to google it to find out more about it. It is attributed to VanGough's cutting off of his ear and said to be one's free ticket to an insane assylum. Hmmmm................

There was another segment about some South American bark-derivitive drug (sorry, forgot the name of that one) that is a very powerful hallucinagen. People from the U.S. actually PAID to go to this village to "experience" the "trip;" not the boat trip. OK, here's the deal...........I can vomit and have severe diarrhea right here at home.................FREE!!! No thank you....the side effects outweigh ANY benifits I may (or may not) experience from the bark of any tree..... sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick

WhispersandWinks's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:50 PM
((((((((((((((((((((((((((:heart: :heart: jselwood:heart: :heart: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

My brother and his wife lost their only daughter in the same way. My heart goes out to you. But, my friend, Joshua is just in lay-away. If you are a believer, you know you will see him again one day.

(BTW--My eldest son's name is Joshua Scott)

In my prayers.................

WhispersandWinks's photo
Mon 12/17/07 05:58 PM
I remember all of the above.........

Anyone remember Outer Limits????

The Public Servic Announcement, "It is 10:00. Do you know where your children are?"

**Yeah, I know...I'm a dinosaur**

WhispersandWinks's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:03 AM
Christmas can be one of the most difficult times to "get through" because it heightens our senses of awareness, I think. Unless, like N2S suggests, we do for others, we tend to focus on what we no longer have ie: friendships, family members, jobs, homes, etc.; things we may have had in happier, more prosperous seasons of our lives.

It is only when we focus on OTHERS that we can truly appreciate the season.

No doubt it is a difficult endeavor, if you are hurting. Be determined to give just a little love away this Christmas. That seed you plant by doing so may very well yeild a garden of joy for another hurting person.

Merry Christmas to all of my JSH friends~~~~~~~~ :heart:

WhispersandWinks's photo
Fri 12/14/07 11:59 AM
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+++++++++++++++++ Has to take Aleve regularly R/T patting herself on the back because she is QUEEN of the I SUCK CLUB!!! :tongue: bigsmile

WhispersandWinks's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:06 AM

Check out my profile! Check out my profile! Look at me! Look at me! Me! Me! Me! Me me! Pick me! Pick me!

***is not neurotic or insecure and has no emotional or physical baggage.***
You are RIGHT, sir, you just cut your chances of meeting "the" one by 80%! LOL

Well, I've got to say....your personality really is revealed by your profile, so anyone who has a gripe about you after meeting you DID NOT read it! LOL

I appreciate your honesty and not "flowering-up" your profile. flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:55 AM
AAAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, shucks, LEX, blushing , thank you! And I've told you that I very much love all the writing on yours, but that's just me. I'm a sucker for a man who knows when to use "their" or "there." :wink:

Wow, honestly, I'm honored........you made my day...most likely my week, month, and year!!! flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:50 AM
How many of you are signed up for them? On what sites?

I sign up daily on Ellen's show...... PICK ME! PICK ME!

WhispersandWinks's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:38 AM
OK, being the martyr that I am...I offer myself up to the peer-review gods. Besides, I'm working on my core character and being able to take constructive criticism. Newly married and with an already fragil self-image, I've been REALLY tested as of late.......

So, go ahead and I'll take it gracefully...and change if necessary.


WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:14 AM
MARY, DID YOU KNOW!!! Sung by the writer....Mark Lowry! Gives me goose bumps!!!

WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:35 AM
You were not impressed, were you, Joyce? I sense disappointment. Do tell................

WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:23 AM
Thanks, Kojack, I will. I guess it is possible that he would get angry about my doing so, but if it helps him in the long run......

WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:21 AM
Wow, I think you guys know me..........I'm glad you are giving me good advice, because, YES, I would want to "fix" him. Thanks, guys............. flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:09 AM
Thanks, Jill, I did. He did tell me a bit of what had transpired...a breakup with his girlfriend and a brief discription of the surrounding circumstances. But, as we all know...with a day or two, it is NEVER as bad as it seems.

And yes, I did ask him to contact me....I hope he will.....

WhispersandWinks's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:00 AM
Someone I used to chat with on this site sent me a disturbing note.

OK, he was kind of vague about what was going on in his life while we were communicating. For instance, we had been having pretty personal talks when all of a sudden....nothing. I didn't think anything for a couple of days, but then it went into several days with no response to my emails.

Because of that, I became worried and told him so in my emails.

Well, when he did get back to me, he had little explanation for the time offline. OK, so in the meantime, the relationship between Tom and I became more serious. So, after explaining to this person that I could not deal with the secrecy, avoidance, side-stepping, etc., I moved on; at least from the "couple" stage, anyway.

Yes, I deleted him from my friends list, and did not respond to his subsequent emails. The reason I did this is because I did not want to mislead him into thinking there was anything serious between myself and him.

So.........when I saw that he was "off the market," I emailed him and told him that I was happy for him and wanted to keep in touch because I, too, was happy/newly married.

He responded to me this morning and said that he had had the worst night of his life and that a bullet to his head was "looking pretty good."

I wrote back and told him to talk to someone and NOT to entertain that thought anymore~ Now I realize sometimes a person needs to vent, but I am kind of worried.

I know I have little to no control over the situation, but I am worried, nonetheless. He doesn't post here, and he is not on my friends list. I just feel bad for him and guess I just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas.

I'm VERY limited here.......I don't have any vital info on him such as his address, telephone number (we talked via computer), friend's phone numbers or names, etc.

I think I know that there is nothing else I can do, so if you will, just keep him in your prayers.............


WhispersandWinks's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:32 PM
I see "DENIAL" is more than a river in Egypt..............
SSSSSSssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. we may wake her...... yawn noway

WhispersandWinks's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:24 PM
Peace and love to you and yours..........Merry CHRISTmas, friend flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:22 AM
Joyce...........you are an intellegent woman.....TAKE the advice you would give to your very best friend....... flowerforyou

WhispersandWinks's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:11 AM
Guys.........has your female counterpart ever requested to watch you shave (your face!), or simply stood behind/beside you and watched as you did?

Girls...........do you find that watching your special man shave is a turn-on? I CAN'T be alone here?

And being the "inspector" when he's done has a REAL payoff! :wink: :tongue: