Community > Posts By > trublu4u

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:39 PM

I :heart: Neanderthals...drool

Take me! I'm yours!
Well, I would be the "hairless" variety of Neanderthal..., with a bit more brains... that alright?:tongue:

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:37 PM

i no likey hairy men particularly.

but i base my decisions of mate selection on a little more than what amount of body hair they have

Jas, you must know I love 'ya by now, what with my complements on those big, luminous eyes 'an all...
What if there's just a bit of hair on a big, v-shaped, muscular back?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:35 PM

I can handle very little back hair and if you're a Sasquatch you can forget it, unless you get your back waxed before each time you come to see me...I think it's more of a personal taste thing, some women may love it, I'm just not one of em.

I think it makes me look more like that bada**, Wolverine! But if I get it shaved, I must caution my stylist I have no "mutant healing factor" watch it with the razor!

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:33 PM

only if you don't mind it on a woman's upper lip...sure turn about it fair play...

Okay, you've got me there..., are we talking like a "handlebar" kind of growthnoway , or "with-a-few-plucks-of-the-tweezers-and-it's-gone" kind of growth?flowerforyou
I've read that, among various bodily changes a woman goes through when she has children, additional facial hair may result...
is that true?what

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:29 PM
...declaring women to be the more perfect gender, what is your impression of this man (male)?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:26 PM
...back hair on your man? (tee hee [tired of typing, "lol"]; made you look!)biggrin
Me? I've got a little growth back there...nothing a quick shave wouldn't take care of.:laughing:
You see, Mother Nature plays a cruel joke on us guys. She takes hair off our heads, and grows it on our backs!laugh
No, I still have quite a bit of hair on my head, and no, I'm not exactly a "Sasquatch", either.noway
So, spill. Mind a little back hair?:tongue:

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 07:34 AM
Edited by trublu4u on Sun 09/20/09 07:38 AM

problem with i have been cheated on by every guy i have dated except one...some say its the guys i pick...but honestly i have dated all types of guys...bad boys to good guys....yet they all cheat....and it has always been with girls younger then me....this last particular one he had younger older didnt matter but there were a lot...i only know about 7 but im sure there are not looking for sympathy...just answers because i cant figure it out on my own anymore....

Kayla...viewed your profile for clues on why this seems to happen to you with such regularity.
Some might suggest that it isn't due to the kind of guys you choose to become intimate with.
It's your generation.noway
IMHO, many of us here on mingle2 who are a bit older than you (I'm 49...)are continually dismayed by the apparent widespread degradation of morals and character which seems to escalate with every new generation. There are shining contradictions to this in many individuals who make the news.happy
Incidently, have you read the news lately? How many sports figures are in trouble with the law? How many celebrities are celebrities simply because of their looks, ABILITY to be determined later (Megan Fox...can she actually ACT? We'll see...), and how many of them behave badly in public?rant And how many who CONSUME the "products" of these various celebs PUNISH said behavior by BOYCOTTING THEM?mad
What do they do instead?
THEY BUY MORE OF THEIR CDS, TICKETS TO THE EVENTS THEY APPEAR IN, ETC.frustrated frustrated frustrated This is a telling factor.
However, in contrast to other nations who actually REVERE those who are older and quite possibly a bit more wise, THE OPPOSITE is true in this country. We worship youth and beauty, and to be old is to be ignored.whoa
...and you're being constantly cheated on...slaphead
Funny old world, ain't it? :banana:
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Get involved in community for the elderly, the disabled, the homeless...and seek your new man in these environments.
It's a start.:wink:

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 08:03 PM

That can't be an American tree....way too skinny.surprised


didn't we have this thread a while ago?

Poor, neglected woman, she is...

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:35 PM

that's awesome.

That's Photoshop.:wink:

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 06:41 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Sat 09/19/09 06:42 PM
Giving someone you just met a "chance" to prove themselves is no different from tossing care to the wind and latching onto them. So why not go the safer route, the one that requires some discipline of ones' feelings?shades
IMHO, the best way to give TIME a chance to evaluate a persons' character and their motives is to keep communication lines open with others.
Also, never let a new significant other dominate your time and attention to the point where you neglect your friends.noway From their vantage point, they may notice things about your new s/o that you don't, or WON'T.:wink:

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 08:54 AM

Is it weird to require a person to have

I mean if you meet someone that just seems to good to be true,,do you chalk it up to intuition and protect yourself from being disappointed?

What do you think? Are there people who seem too good to be true, but are actually the real deal?

What I think happens in the first six months is called lust blindness. All the emotions and hormones involved in this new relationship blind us to ignore possible subtle signs that all is not perfect. Think back to someone that you thought was "the one". If you look back clearly, at some point, there were small signs that we choose to ignore. Let's say our hormones get the best of us.

Exactly! You're very wise.
We tend to ignore these signs because we've neglected the health of our LIVES. We have discontinued dating, because that "perfect one" hasn't yet come along. So, when someone does come along who INITIALLY "rings our bell", we just sometimes latch on.
Very unwise, and sometimes downright dangerous.
Kudos to you.

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:36 AM

you cant always get what you want yours truely DEATHSPEAKER

But if you try some times
You just might find
You get what you need

Yours Truly,The Rolling Stones :smile: drinker

If everybody followed this wisdom, there would be no need for mingle2!happy

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:25 AM
Edited by trublu4u on Sat 09/19/09 07:29 AM

Is it weird to require a person to have

I mean if you meet someone that just seems to good to be true,,do you chalk it up to intuition and protect yourself from being disappointed?

What do you think? Are there people who seem too good to be true, but are actually the real deal?

No, requiring that a new significant other have flaws is to have the luxury of controlling them with these flaws later.
Say for instance an airbrushed, supermodel type gets involved with a guy who may be substantially older, overweight, balding, or any combination of the above, for the purpose of using him as a tool. By berating him later for any or all of these flaws incessantly, it is possible to beat the guys' self-esteem to a pulp so low that he is a virtual emotional slave to her.
This could be perpetrated upon anyone, in an kind of relationship...a woman controlling a man, a man controlling a woman, gay, straight, lesbian, dogs and cats, whatever.
...and it's diabolical.pitchfork Stranger still, the perpetrator of this can do this subconsciously, possessing a deep-seated need to control, the consummate "control freak".drool
I was subject to the conniving manipulations of just such a person not long ago. She wanted me to move in with her, be her rent-paying roommate, lover/boyfriend, etc. However, she was in her jacuzzi one night beneath her bedroom window mouthing off about me, and I heard her say some incriminating things.rant
She was also a nurse, having been trained in the gentle art of manipulating patients for their own good. However, this knowledge can be wielded for selfish purposes, and was, in our case.
Much to her chagrin, I escaped.:thumbsup:
The beotch...explode explode explode

my previous marriage was very much the same; what was I to do. I took those learned lessons and turned them around on her. She didn't like it when the pupil surpassed the teacher. I found it funny and rewarding. I got the kids and she got the boot.

YAY!happy GOOD FOR YOU, MAN! These days, men are expected to just bend over, while their wife/gf positions herself behind them with a strap-on...noway (and I suppose you realize we've already been pegged as chauvinists, wife-beaters, etc., for even discussing this)pitchfork
...and then it's all swept under the rug.frustrated frustrated frustratedoops (DOUBLE POST!)
The strange thing is, this same KIND of woman has a "drive" (NPI-"no pun intended") to dominate her man in just such a fashion, then will wonder where all the good men are!:laughing:
By her behavior, she will leave her man with only two choices:
either take it up the ole pooper, or leave.brokenheart
Truly, "you have to shake the whole tree to find one good apple" all too often.:cry: This is often why men who date a lot before marrying (if they ever DO get married, a 'la George Clooney)are seen as shallow. This is way off base.
I've learned to view a new relationship like walking a car lot. Sorry, but it's just a great analogy.:wink:
Always be ready to walk away. Allow time for the "glass mask" to fall to the floor and shatter. If there is indeed a "screw loose" somewhere in her head, or she has a hidden agenda, she'll betray this by trying to rush you into things, as my aforementioned "friend" did by insisting I move in with her. She DID NOT want to allow time for her "glass mask" to fall and shatter. Too bad.
But when she turns out to be SANE, honest, and understanding, love her like each day is your last together.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

trublu4u's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:25 AM

Is it weird to require a person to have

I mean if you meet someone that just seems to good to be true,,do you chalk it up to intuition and protect yourself from being disappointed?

What do you think? Are there people who seem too good to be true, but are actually the real deal?

No, requiring that a new significant other have flaws is to have the luxury of controlling them with these flaws later.
Say for instance an airbrushed, supermodel type gets involved with a guy who may be substantially older, overweight, balding, or any combination of the above, for the purpose of using him as a tool. By berating him later for any or all of these flaws incessantly, it is possible to beat the guys' self-esteem to a pulp so low that he is a virtual emotional slave to her.
This could be perpetrated upon anyone, in an kind of relationship...a woman controlling a man, a man controlling a woman, gay, straight, lesbian, dogs and cats, whatever.
...and it's diabolical.pitchfork Stranger still, the perpetrator of this can do this subconsciously, possessing a deep-seated need to control, the consummate "control freak".drool
I was subject to the conniving manipulations of just such a person not long ago. She wanted me to move in with her, be her rent-paying roommate, lover/boyfriend, etc. However, she was in her jacuzzi one night beneath her bedroom window mouthing off about me, and I heard her say some incriminating things.rant
She was also a nurse, having been trained in the gentle art of manipulating patients for their own good. However, this knowledge can be wielded for selfish purposes, and was, in our case.
Much to her chagrin, I escaped.:thumbsup:
The beotch...explode explode explode

my previous marriage was very much the same; what was I to do. I took those learned lessons and turned them around on her. She didn't like it when the pupil surpassed the teacher. I found it funny and rewarding. I got the kids and she got the boot.

YAY!happy GOOD FOR YOU, MAN! These days, men are expected to just bend over, while their wife/gf positions herself behind them with a strap-on...noway (and I suppose you realize we've already been pegged as chauvinists, wife-beaters, etc., for even discussing this)pitchfork
...and then it's all swept under the rug.frustrated frustrated frustrated
The strange thing is, this same KIND of woman has a "drive" (NPI-"no pun intended") to dominate her man in just such a fashion, then will wonder where all the good men are!:laughing:
By her behavior, she will leave her man with only two choices:
either take it up the ole pooper, or leave.brokenheart
Truly, "you have to shake the whole tree to find one good apple" all too often.:cry: This is often why men who date a lot before marrying (if they ever DO get married, a 'la George Clooney)are seen as shallow. This is way off base.
I've learned to view a new relationship like walking a car lot. Sorry, but it's just a great analogy.:wink:
Always be ready to walk away. Allow time for the "glass mask" to fall to the floor and shatter. If there is indeed a "screw loose" somewhere in her head, or she has a hidden agenda, she'll betray this by trying to rush you into things, as my aforementioned "friend" did by insisting I move in with her. She DID NOT want to allow time for her "glass mask" to fall and shatter. Too bad.
But when she turns out to be SANE, honest, and understanding, love her like each day is your last together.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/18/09 08:22 PM

Is it weird to require a person to have

I mean if you meet someone that just seems to good to be true,,do you chalk it up to intuition and protect yourself from being disappointed?

What do you think? Are there people who seem too good to be true, but are actually the real deal?

No, requiring that a new significant other have flaws is to have the luxury of controlling them with these flaws later.
Say for instance an airbrushed, supermodel type gets involved with a guy who may be substantially older, overweight, balding, or any combination of the above, for the purpose of using him as a tool. By berating him later for any or all of these flaws incessantly, it is possible to beat the guys' self-esteem to a pulp so low that he is a virtual emotional slave to her.
This could be perpetrated upon anyone, in an kind of relationship...a woman controlling a man, a man controlling a woman, gay, straight, lesbian, dogs and cats, whatever.
...and it's diabolical.pitchfork Stranger still, the perpetrator of this can do this subconsciously, possessing a deep-seated need to control, the consummate "control freak".drool
I was subject to the conniving manipulations of just such a person not long ago. She wanted me to move in with her, be her rent-paying roommate, lover/boyfriend, etc. However, she was in her jacuzzi one night beneath her bedroom window mouthing off about me, and I heard her say some incriminating things.rant
She was also a nurse, having been trained in the gentle art of manipulating patients for their own good. However, this knowledge can be wielded for selfish purposes, and was, in our case.
Much to her chagrin, I escaped.:thumbsup:
The beotch...explode explode explode

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:55 PM

You have one of those days where you are sitting there bored out of your skull, when suddenly think you ask yourself......... "Why does some poop float?" I am not going to answer your "silly" questions but post them anyway. laugh laugh laugh

You must have been watching "Dr. Oz"...a health show which deals with such weighty matters (couldn't resist the pun!)
My guess is that if a person isn't drinking enough water, constipation will set in, making the poop more compact, heavy, and stubborn in coming out. Therefore, it will sink. Otherwise, if a person is properly hydrated, the poop will float, because it hasn't been so compacted.
Poop is no laughing matter. It is a very convenient little package which displays exactly the state of our health, mind, and diet.
The smell is a strong indicator, as well (Ew...another pun!).
Remember the scene in "The Last Emperor", where the young emperors' poop was examined and smelled of by those whom I assumed were his personal physicians?
The Chinese have always demonstrated their innovative approaches to such concerns as health...a very intelligent people.

I recently watched a video on this subject, (for a biology project) hence the question. Surprising how many people do not know facts about their bodies and how it works.

Does this mean I win a prize???happy
Yes? Whatever could it be?
A new car?
Golf clubs?
Or does no one give a sh**?:banana:

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:40 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Fri 09/18/09 12:52 PM

You have one of those days where you are sitting there bored out of your skull, when suddenly think you ask yourself......... "Why does some poop float?" I am not going to answer your "silly" questions but post them anyway. laugh laugh laugh

You must have been watching "Dr. Oz"...a health show which deals with such weighty matters (couldn't resist the pun!)
My guess is that if a person isn't drinking enough water, constipation will set in, making the poop more compact, heavy, and stubborn in coming out. Therefore, it will sink. Otherwise, if a person is properly hydrated, the poop will float, because it hasn't been so compacted.
Vegetables and fruits will probably float if not chewed well. Meat will probably sink. There will be little or no bouancy in any food if not completely masticated.
Poop is no laughing matter. It is a very convenient little package which displays exactly the state of our health, mind, and diet.
The smell is a strong indicator, as well (Ew...another pun!).
Remember the scene in "The Last Emperor", where the young emperors' poop was examined and smelled of by those whom I assumed were his personal physicians?
The Chinese have always demonstrated their innovative approaches to such concerns as health...a very intelligent people.

trublu4u's photo
Thu 09/17/09 05:39 PM

Damn right bro. They grow em right in Texas.

Texas is likely similar to Vegas and L.A. A surplus of outrageously gorgeous cougars there. They had moved to any one or more of these places early in life, got a job as a waitress while auditioning in the entertainment field, yet it just didn't happen.
They settled for marrying an oil tycoon, producer, etc., and later divorced them. Now they live in a nice home, receive a generous alimony check and child support each month, and spend their free time (which is substantial, since the judge forced her rich hubby to provide her with "the lifestyle to which she'd grown accustomed=housekeeping staff, etc.), watching Oprah, cooking shows, and prowling the bars at night, looking for fresh, young meat.
Wadda life!:wink:

Yeah, Texas...a great state for cougar huntin'!:wink:

Hmmmm.....I think you have this wrong. I spent quite a few years in Texas, then a shorter period of time in Nevada. I went to college in Texas as well. I would say many educated/talented men and women live and work in Texas. I knew many people and did not see what you are suggesting.
Does it happen of course but could happen in any state.
I still have loyalty to Texas, a great state.

trublu4u's photo
Thu 09/17/09 12:10 PM

Paris Hilton

Nicole Ritchie

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt

Scary Spice- Mel B

actually any of those Spice Girls...

if I think of some others, I'll post them.

Spice Girls and Cheetah Girls, too?

trublu4u's photo
Thu 09/17/09 03:21 AM

Damn right bro. They grow em right in Texas.

Texas is likely similar to Vegas and L.A. A surplus of outrageously gorgeous cougars there. They had moved to any one or more of these places early in life, got a job as a waitress while auditioning in the entertainment field, yet it just didn't happen.
They settled for marrying an oil tycoon, producer, etc., and later divorced them. Now they live in a nice home, receive a generous alimony check and child support each month, and spend their free time (which is substantial, since the judge forced her rich hubby to provide her with "the lifestyle to which she'd grown accustomed=housekeeping staff, etc.), watching Oprah, cooking shows, and prowling the bars at night, looking for fresh, young meat.
Wadda life!:wink:

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