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Topic: Who amongst you ladies doesn't mind a little...
trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:26 PM
...back hair on your man? (tee hee [tired of typing, "lol"]; made you look!)biggrin
Me? I've got a little growth back there...nothing a quick shave wouldn't take care of.:laughing:
You see, Mother Nature plays a cruel joke on us guys. She takes hair off our heads, and grows it on our backs!laugh
No, I still have quite a bit of hair on my head, and no, I'm not exactly a "Sasquatch", either.noway
So, spill. Mind a little back hair?:tongue:

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:28 PM
only if you don't mind it on a woman's upper lip...sure turn about it fair play...

cherie091279's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:29 PM
I can handle very little back hair and if you're a Sasquatch you can forget it, unless you get your back waxed before each time you come to see me...I think it's more of a personal taste thing, some women may love it, I'm just not one of em.

eileena9's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:29 PM
A little isn't that bad....but one guy I work with was wearing what I thought was a tank t-shirt with long sleeves....until I got closer and saw it was the hair growing down his neck, shoulders, arms....etc scared scared scared scared

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:30 PM

I can handle very little back hair and if you're a Sasquatch you can forget it, unless you get your back waxed before each time you come to see me...I think it's more of a personal taste thing, some women may love it, I'm just not one of em.
Aww..Beauty spoke

JasmineInglewood's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:30 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Sun 09/20/09 06:31 PM
i no likey hairy men particularly.

but i base my decisions of mate selection on a little more than what amount of body hair they have

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:32 PM
I no likey hairy men either...

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:33 PM

only if you don't mind it on a woman's upper lip...sure turn about it fair play...

Okay, you've got me there..., are we talking like a "handlebar" kind of growthnoway , or "with-a-few-plucks-of-the-tweezers-and-it's-gone" kind of growth?flowerforyou
I've read that, among various bodily changes a woman goes through when she has children, additional facial hair may result...
is that true?what

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:33 PM
I :heart: Neanderthals...drool

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:33 PM
eh, guys just have hair...just the way it is.

If the right guy came along with the qualities I was interested in I wouldn't

pass him by because of it. Too much would be kinda gross though..

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:35 PM

I can handle very little back hair and if you're a Sasquatch you can forget it, unless you get your back waxed before each time you come to see me...I think it's more of a personal taste thing, some women may love it, I'm just not one of em.

I think it makes me look more like that bada**, Wolverine! But if I get it shaved, I must caution my stylist I have no "mutant healing factor" watch it with the razor!

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:36 PM

only if you don't mind it on a woman's upper lip...sure turn about it fair play...

Okay, you've got me there..., are we talking like a "handlebar" kind of growthnoway , or "with-a-few-plucks-of-the-tweezers-and-it's-gone" kind of growth?flowerforyou
I've read that, among various bodily changes a woman goes through when she has children, additional facial hair may result...
is that true?what

well I have had three...and had not had to wax my upper lip but heck who knows...

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:37 PM

i no likey hairy men particularly.

but i base my decisions of mate selection on a little more than what amount of body hair they have

Jas, you must know I love 'ya by now, what with my complements on those big, luminous eyes 'an all...
What if there's just a bit of hair on a big, v-shaped, muscular back?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:39 PM

I :heart: Neanderthals...drool

Take me! I'm yours!
Well, I would be the "hairless" variety of Neanderthal..., with a bit more brains... that alright?:tongue:

jrlewis's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:39 PM
I am an esthetician and have been waxing backs for 10 years. What cracks me up is that 8 out of 10 clients don't even need to wax, they just hate hair...So what do all the really hairy people do? I guess they don't mind the hair. Too much is really just too much, though.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:39 PM

i no likey hairy men particularly.

but i base my decisions of mate selection on a little more than what amount of body hair they have

Jas, you must know I love 'ya by now, what with my complements on those big, luminous eyes 'an all...
What if there's just a bit of hair on a big, v-shaped, muscular back?

ahhhh if it is a big V shaped muscular back...why are you worried...noway

cherie091279's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:40 PM

I can handle very little back hair and if you're a Sasquatch you can forget it, unless you get your back waxed before each time you come to see me...I think it's more of a personal taste thing, some women may love it, I'm just not one of em.

I think it makes me look more like that bada**, Wolverine! But if I get it shaved, I must caution my stylist I have no "mutant healing factor" watch it with the razor!

I don't think I would have a problem with a man that shaved his back as long as he didn't ask me to do it for him...can't do that...

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:43 PM

I :heart: Neanderthals...drool

Take me! I'm yours!
Well, I would be the "hairless" variety of Neanderthal..., with a bit more brains... that alright?:tongue:

How comfy are your Cave Quarters?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:47 PM

i no likey hairy men particularly.

but i base my decisions of mate selection on a little more than what amount of body hair they have

Jas, you must know I love 'ya by now, what with my complements on those big, luminous eyes 'an all...
What if there's just a bit of hair on a big, v-shaped, muscular back?

ahhhh if it is a big V shaped muscular back...why are you worried...noway

If I wasn't so tired from working out said back (...and legs) today, I'd get up, take a pic, and post it.
I'm working really hard these days to post some more interesting pix on my profile...

trublu4u's photo
Sun 09/20/09 06:47 PM

I am an esthetician and have been waxing backs for 10 years. What cracks me up is that 8 out of 10 clients don't even need to wax, they just hate hair...So what do all the really hairy people do? I guess they don't mind the hair. Too much is really just too much, though.

ESTHETICIAN! I knew I knew that word!

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