Community > Posts By > trublu4u

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 05:34 PM

nobody in to nice guys. i'm begining to wonder myself. i guess its true nice guys finish last.

Yep. Just get a dog.

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 05:32 PM

The post about why no pictures on here reminded me of something that happened to me, like 1 1/2 yrs agosick .....

So anyway...I was talking to this guy for awhile, seemed down earth and really nice...thought what the hell...I'll meet up with him and see how it goes (never saw a pic....first and last time that happens!). Ok, so when he's like 15 minutes away, he calls me and says "I just want you to know I am a red head...and drove REALLY far to see you, hope this isn't a problem." I was like oooook...I'm usually not a red head kinda of gal (no offense to u gingers out there) and he drove such a long way...what the bad can it be. Well, long story short, he looked like a jacked up Carrot Top (yes it IS possible). It actually pained me to look at himsick

After reading that other post about pics and profiles, I couldn't get this memory out of my headfrustrated ....soooooo I thought I'd share it will all of youflowers . My gift to you.

Red-head, huh? Did he bring Mcfood?

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 05:29 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Fri 09/25/09 05:30 PM
How much money?
Oh, I'm easy there. Not too much so as to ensure my friends are really my friends.
What kind of car?
A day-glow red, Saleen Mustang, peanut butter interior!

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 05:23 PM

I would just like to know the reason to be on a dating site with no pictures of yourself? I am just curious.

1) Some people feel they're unnattractive.
2) Some are well-known celebrities, sports figures, political figures, etc. ...AND THEY'RE MARRIED!
3) Some minglers are ACTUALLY NOT HUMAN! They're "reptoid draconians"...just ask MirrorMirror!
4) Some folks do not own a digital camera...nor a scanner.
5) Some folks do not know how to OPERATE their new camera, and/or scanner!
6) Some people are so drop-dead sexy, they only want to be appreciated for their minds!
7) Some people have "disappeared" themselves, AND WANT TO STAY THAT WAY!
drinker bigsmile drinker

...enjoyed my mention of "reptoid draconians", Mirror?

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 05:03 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Fri 09/25/09 05:21 PM

I would just like to know the reason to be on a dating site with no pictures of yourself? I am just curious.

1) Some people feel they're unnattractive.
2) Some are well-known celebrities, sports figures, political figures, etc. ...AND THEY'RE MARRIED!
3) Some minglers are ACTUALLY NOT HUMAN! They're "reptoid draconians"...just ask MirrorMirror!
4) Some folks do not own a digital camera...nor a scanner.
5) Some folks do not know how to OPERATE their new camera, and/or scanner!
6) Some people are so drop-dead sexy, they only want to be appreciated for their minds!
7) Some people have "disappeared" themselves, AND WANT TO STAY THAT WAY!
8) Some people are just outrageous perfectionists!
(...going for "The Top Ten" here...)
Heck...can't think of any more. Anybody?

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:57 PM

Why not? I have paid for hookers with food stamps.

rofl rofl rofl

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:55 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Fri 09/25/09 04:56 PM

No plastic to forget and leave at home!
No paper money for which to get jacked up!
A teenage kid walks through a grocery store, looks around cautiously, then stuffs a package of steaks down his droopy jeans. Then, he heads for the door. Reaching it, he takes his first step outside...
Immediately, an electric field lights up all around him! A not-unpleasant alarm goes off... enormous, burly security guard booms, "HEY KID!!!"
The kid turns. "Huh?", he says.
"You forgot your receipt!", the guard says, giving him a small slip of paper.

does that mean.......that chick down the street named Strawberry on the corner would be free?surprised love love

Get near her, and watch the electric field "spring" to life!
And I dare not wonder why she's called, "Strawberry"...ill

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:48 PM

Worcestshire ...

Weirdest part is it is pronounced 'Worshire' ...

DON'T get me started on HOW MUCH The English (British) have butchered English ... farcical ... laugh

I think it is actually worcestershire, but I could be wrong

Alright! I'm gonna go look at the da** (dang) bottle!
I'll bet there's a tiny little town in England somewheres that it calls home!laugh

Yay! :banana: Do I get a prize? laugh

Careful asking that question around here...
...and to me...
...on a Friday night, no less!

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:46 PM

I think it would be great for us won't believe where I have to "tuck stuff" now...noway

Show us the "cigarette trick"!
Can you blow smoke rings?

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:42 PM

Here is my story and I'm sticking to it... I vacuumed my carpets in order to clean them well my carpet cleaner decided it did not want to work anymore so I had to go rent one...................Sooooooooooooo

Okay so far ya'll know I'm down to cleaning my carpets....... Well I get the bedrooms, hall and office done I proceed into the living room. When I realize it is time to change the water again well I had just changed the plug where it was plugged up to now the cord is on the far side of the living room to my left as I stand in front of the cleaner.

Sooooooooo I proceed to unlatch the hook to take the container off with the water to dump it which I will remind you holds 3'5 gal to start with..... Sure after you clean the carpets you loose some of that water but with this one not much.

Sooooo now I have it unlatched and step to my left in order to get a good grip on the handle as I turn towards the bathroom to empty it......

Well..............yeppiers ya guessed it, what do I do but trip over the cord and here I have a hold of this container with at least 3 gallons of water you get where I'm going here don't ya well it happens I fall down to my knees the water not only splashed up and gets me in the face, hair and down the front of my shirt but..............proceeds to spill forward at least away from me anyway and yeppers now I have about 2 gallons of it back on the floor all right in front of the door going to my hallway......

I get up water is literally dripping from my hair and I'm having to wipe off my face with the parts of my shirt that is dry...luckily I had my glasses on so none of the cleaning stuff got in my eyes and where it all fell did not get on any furniture so much easier to get it up....Goood thing this is one I rented since mind just broke and has a hell of a suction on it.

Okay now that I have actually gotten my mess all cleaned up and refilled the carpet cleaner to finish my job I started. I did look in the mirror in the bathroom for I look like a drowned rat and had to start laughing figured hell I would share this with ya and give everyone a good laugh as well......

No I'm not hurt did bump my knee pretty good and felt it in my shoulder as well as my left hand. Other then that just my pride got hurt......:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Okay anyone else with a good story to make us all laugh for a bit... What did ya'll do in the past that went the wrong way but made you laugh in the end???......whoa :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

laugh The first time I tried to shave, I used shaving cream with an electric razor!
My dad got a real kick out of that one!
laugh My grandpa was bad to sleepwalk. One hot night he peed in the floor fan!
surprised My uncle got his hoo-ha hung in his zipper!
shocked An old, stray cat wailed incessantly every night at my grandmas'. One day she looked out the window, and saw it standing next to an old television stored in the shed. She got her single-shot .22 rifle, fired at it, and missed. However, she DID hit the TV screen, which exploded, instantly killing the cat!

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:32 PM
No plastic to forget and leave at home!
No paper money for which to get jacked up!
A teenage kid walks through a grocery store, looks around cautiously, then stuffs a package of steaks down his droopy jeans. Then, he heads for the door. Reaching it, he takes his first step outside...
Immediately, an electric field lights up all around him! A not-unpleasant alarm goes off... enormous, burly security guard booms, "HEY KID!!!"
The kid turns. "Huh?", he says.
"You forgot your receipt!", the guard says, giving him a small slip of paper.

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:23 PM
Britney effin' Spears! (ew...)
The Three Stooges!:laughing:
Margot Kidder!
George Castanza, Cosmo Kramer, Elaine Bennes, and Jerry Seinfeld!:banana:
Red Skelton!drool

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:07 PM

Worcestshire ...

Weirdest part is it is pronounced 'Worshire' ...

DON'T get me started on HOW MUCH The English (British) have butchered English ... farcical ... laugh

I think it is actually worcestershire, but I could be wrong

Alright! I'm gonna go look at the da** (dang) bottle!
I'll bet there's a tiny little town in England somewheres that it calls home!laugh

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:04 PM

Worcestshire ...

Weirdest part is it is pronounce 'Worshire' ...

DON'T get me started on HOW MUCH The English (British) have butchered English ... farcical ... laugh

Hmmm...I always thought "farcical" related to a musical toot?

Nah, that's a tootical musical you're thinkin' of ... :tongue:

(In the female tongue...) "Hiney music"!

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:03 PM

Worcestshire ...

Weirdest part is it is pronounced 'Worshire' ...

DON'T get me started on HOW MUCH The English (British) have butchered English ... farcical ... laugh

"Farcical"? ME??? I DID NOT! IT WAS YOU!
Whoever smelt it, dealt it!

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:01 PM

I always thought it was Horse's

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 04:00 PM

Thank you trubu4u after this comment :

Pulchritude, pulchritude...dang it! I just can't spell PULCHITRUDE!
The purple vein on me 'ead is PROTRUDING!

I just spit my coffee all over computer screen I was laughing so hard rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Just make yersef another cup!
And hold on real tight!
I'm thinkin' that it's gonna be...
another long, long night!!!
laugh laugh laugh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: biggrin

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 12:53 PM

Is it just me or does it creep anyone else out when men have profile pics of themselves at the computer with no shirt on. Maybe its just the men in my age group.

I don't think of myself as a prude or uptight but it gives me the creeps. I guess to me it looks like some dirty old man breathing hot and heavy, whacking off looking at women online.

First impressions go a long way. Put a shirt on!

Just curious what others have to say. So lets hear it.

I haven't really studied the male version of this phenomenon, but I've noticed that when the girls do it (the raunchy cleavage shots, etc.), you can pretty much assume the rest of the profile will be either empty or bland enough to induce a narcoleptic coma. If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe.

Lexy, maybe you shouldn't pummel them with those big words, like "narcoleptic", nor especially "pulchitrude", unless you post this...

Some people think they are so smart that no one else could possibly be as smart. In reality not always the case.

My father has narcolepsy and I would guess that 90% of the people here know the definition. As far as pulchritude, which you misspelled by the way, by the way it was used with the reference to cleavage shots it did not refer to me. But sense you mentioned it when was the last time you have used or read it in a sentence???????????

I highlighted the quote from trublu4u because he was talking to Lex about how Lex should also include a link to so those people who don't know the meaning of the words.....possibly like the one he misspelled....could be looked up right away.

By the way....

pul·chri·tude (plkr-td, -tyd)
Great physical beauty and appeal.
[Middle English pulcritude, from Latin pulchritd, from pulcher, pulchr-, beautiful.]89

This was not used in reference to the cleavage shots only but as a separate sentence, If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe. It is also the answer to your original statement, in some cases where the profile has no other information on it.

To answer your last question.....Lex uses big words like that all the time, writers tend to do that.

Pulchritude, pulchritude...dang it! I just can't spell PULCHITRUDE!
The purple vein on me 'ead is PROTRUDING!explode

Just take your are out of the Spelling Bee.....SIT DOWN!!!:tongue: :tongue:

Uhm...reality mispeld it, too...around three times when you were defining it.
Da** difficult word 'ta spell!
Now try "worsteshire", as in what you put on steak!happy

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 12:52 PM
How do arrange so many women who are a'humpin' yer laig, ALL AT THE SAME TIME?
Can you stack 'em, or something?
Do you have to waddle to the fridge for a beer?laugh

trublu4u's photo
Fri 09/25/09 12:49 PM

Is it just me or does it creep anyone else out when men have profile pics of themselves at the computer with no shirt on. Maybe its just the men in my age group.

I don't think of myself as a prude or uptight but it gives me the creeps. I guess to me it looks like some dirty old man breathing hot and heavy, whacking off looking at women online.

First impressions go a long way. Put a shirt on!

Just curious what others have to say. So lets hear it.

I haven't really studied the male version of this phenomenon, but I've noticed that when the girls do it (the raunchy cleavage shots, etc.), you can pretty much assume the rest of the profile will be either empty or bland enough to induce a narcoleptic coma. If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe.

Lexy, maybe you shouldn't pummel them with those big words, like "narcoleptic", nor especially "pulchitrude", unless you post this...

Some people think they are so smart that no one else could possibly be as smart. In reality not always the case.

My father has narcolepsy and I would guess that 90% of the people here know the definition. As far as pulchritude, which you misspelled by the way, by the way it was used with the reference to cleavage shots it did not refer to me. But sense you mentioned it when was the last time you have used or read it in a sentence???????????

I highlighted the quote from trublu4u because he was talking to Lex about how Lex should also include a link to so those people who don't know the meaning of the words.....possibly like the one he misspelled....could be looked up right away.

By the way....

pul·chri·tude (plkr-td, -tyd)
Great physical beauty and appeal.
[Middle English pulcritude, from Latin pulchritd, from pulcher, pulchr-, beautiful.]89

This was not used in reference to the cleavage shots only but as a separate sentence, If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe. It is also the answer to your original statement, in some cases where the profile has no other information on it.

To answer your last question.....Lex uses big words like that all the time, writers tend to do that.

Pulchritude, pulchritude...dang it! I just can't spell PULCHITRUDE!
The purple vein on me 'ead is PROTRUDING!explode

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