Community > Posts By > FeelYoung

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 08:01 PM
Honesty, kindness and laughter would be a pleasant change.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 07:52 PM
Edited by FeelYoung on Sun 03/10/19 07:58 PM

What exactly do you mean when you say “your moneymaker keeps going to enjoy”

yes, what does that mean? When I was younger, it meant you were a hooker. Is that what it still refers to? CAT - I want a share of that 10,000 points cuz I read it all. AND I am still bewildered. With that much typing time, Bella, you could easily have followed RockGnomes suggestion and phoned for help. Long Distance Relationship, what does THAT mean? that you lived in a foreign country and used your husband as a way to get to America? Just asking, not accusing you. There's way too much for a normal person to deal with here. Just call Legal Aid and get a divorce, Stop thinking a sugar daddy is going to support you and make everything ok. Stop buying his clothes. He weighs 450 pounds, crushes you when you have sex and he wears dirty clothes, but people think he is a nice guy -- WHAT? that makes NO sense. You state that YOU own the house. YOU have investments. If you truly have those things, then you should find it easy to pick up the phone and call Legal Aid. Good Grief, there is so much nonsense in your writing my head is twirling !!

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 07:33 PM
the only thing YouTube is good for is short documentaries, old westerns and music.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 07:32 PM
YES - SITE IS ROCKing with ROCK's 10,000th post. Obviously this man knows about time management ! I will NEVER get to ten thousand.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 07:18 PM
Chuck - that doesn't work for me --- it deletes them at the time I click, but when I leave the site and return, all the photos return also. :(

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 04:55 PM
the dems will have so many candidates it will look like the Republican 2016. Of course, for US, the best man won. Wonder if it will happen that way for the Dems.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 03/10/19 03:08 PM
the topic is To Be Rid of a President.... and the topic does NOT say how. There are many ways. Dems can talk all they want, but if they are aiming (no pun intended) for assassination, that is treason. As far as I am concerned, I believe their character assassination is treasonous also. Most of them are truly tunnel vision persons who cannot think for themselves. i.e. all the old men standing behind AOC and stupidly nodding their heads. They don't care about their own families, their grandchildren, not even the honor of the country. Even Pelosi was smart enough to say the New Green Deal would cost too much money. Hopefully the american public will wake up before the elections and get rid of some of the Dems who should be term limited Its ridiculous to have 80 year olds running our country.

FeelYoung's photo
Sat 03/09/19 06:49 PM
something my daughters and I did when I was divorced is that if a big argument was looming on the horizon, one of us would change the subject. That did not mean the situation was forgotten, but it gave us all an "easy out" to calm down. LATER, whichever of us were disagreeing would talk it over. There wasnt always a good solution, but everyone had their opinion heard without actually turning red in the face or shouting. I still do that. If I realize the other person just wants to "fight" and has no interest in listening, I change the subject or sometimes just walk out of the room.

FeelYoung's photo
Sat 03/09/19 01:07 PM

PLUS,as the video of her that her opponents dug up,and posted online to 'TRY' to embarrass her shows,she is also cute as a button,and is an EXCELLENT dancer!!

Heck, I have college friends that fit THAT description. I guess Dems are dumber than I thought if they consider cute and dancer as a reason to vote for someone.

FeelYoung's photo
Sat 03/09/19 11:49 AM

Such long answers. Mine is short. TRUMP

Short answers are usually a good sign of a closed mind. Ever try to have a conversation with someone who simply answers using 1-word responses? Pretty boring.

Short answers are all that the Majority of Democrats can understand.

FeelYoung's photo
Fri 03/08/19 04:38 PM
Such long answers. Mine is short. TRUMP

FeelYoung's photo
Fri 03/08/19 12:16 PM

A live-in cook and house keeper that always wears a sexy French maid outfit.drool

Personally I'd like a shirtless French BUTLER -- if you find one, send him my way. You can keep the maid.

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 03/07/19 07:16 PM
PAIN to me is listening to Omar attack Israel. She needs to be censored. Pelosi doesn't really know what to do with her, all that matters to most Dems is that she is young. Also they don't want to appear to attack HER religion. Sheesh, she wears that scarf and I can't wear a MEGA hat ? ridiculous. Get rid of her Dems -- she and AOC are going to COST you votes,, not Gain votes. Both of those young women are true PAINS in the Bottom.

And, no, I did not forget the illegal masses at our border.

Listen to our Border Patrol...some are Dems, some not and they all agree its BAD.

*I have the right to remain silent, but don't have the ability to do so.

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 03/07/19 07:11 PM
Let ME open the door for YOU. ( at local U-stop gas station)

FeelYoung's photo
Thu 03/07/19 06:40 PM
All this POSTing makes me feel like going POSTal.


FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 08:13 PM

"Yahoo News"

News for yahoos. None of it is true. Half of the stories they put up is "Sponsored Content", which is clickbait. A way to advertise the life out of you, and contaminate your device with viruses.

WE really don't have good news media. That's why I get MY news from Aljazeera and The Guardian. Also the Western Journal out of Arizona.

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 08:10 PM

lol my poor doggy gets blammed for every then , but when it comes to farts
ya, you know its her , she can clean out a house on a bad day easy

but i still after all these years find it amusen , when she wakes her self up with a fart , sniffs the air and gives me a evil look like i did it

DAT - that is SO funny. i love DOGS

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 08:03 PM
Watching Northwestern beat Ohio State and break their 10 game losing streak.

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 07:59 PM
Heck I can't even find a FRIEND - so good luck finding a WIFE. LOL

FeelYoung's photo
Wed 03/06/19 05:31 PM
heating up some chili that I made fresh for lunch. I make small batches, so i get 3 meals out of it and don't have the freeze the remains.

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