Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer - part 2 | |
The ONLY requirement to get into Heaven is to believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins.
Where does this come from? What denomination teaches this? I was Free Methodist and we were never taught any such thing. If you believe this then all you need to do is believe that Jesus died for your sins and you can run around looting, pillaging, and raping and it's all cool because you believe that Jesus died and already paid for all that crap. ![]() This sounds like pay-per-sin on cable Christianity. No wonder there's so much crime in the USA. It's all the Christians who believe that Jesus died to pay in advance so they can run around and sin for free. ![]() Thank God no one one in my family believes that crap. My family were all Free Methodists, and they believe then need to be goodie two shoes. ![]() Christianity is not based on the belief that it is ok to sin for free. I do not think I would go to Heaven just for believing in Jesus if I went around sinning all the time and used Jesus dying for my sins on the cross as atonement or an excuse for that sort of behavior. That is ludicrous too. |
The bible teaches us to admit our sins, have remorse for them, repent from them and abstain from them.
That is ludicrous too. Well, I'm certainly in agreement with you on this one. That's why I was asking what denomination teaches this, because I've seen several posters (supposedly Christians) who have suggest that this is all that is required to get into heaven. Kind of scary isn't it? I mean, to think that some people actually believe this. |
The bible teaches us to admit our sins, have remorse for them, repent from them and abstain from them. |
That is ludicrous too. Well, I'm certainly in agreement with you on this one. That's why I was asking what denomination teaches this, because I've seen several posters (supposedly Christians) who have suggest that this is all that is required to get into heaven. Kind of scary isn't it? I mean, to think that some people actually believe this. That is totally scary! Thanks for clarifying ![]() |
The bible teaches us to admit our sins, have remorse for them, repent from them and abstain from them. Thanks! It is scary to think there are some that think That is all that is required |
The ONLY requirement to get into Heaven is to believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins.
Where does this come from? What denomination teaches this? I was Free Methodist and we were never taught any such thing. If you believe this then all you need to do is believe that Jesus died for your sins and you can run around looting, pillaging, and raping and it's all cool because you believe that Jesus died and already paid for all that crap. ![]() This sounds like pay-per-sin on cable Christianity. No wonder there's so much crime in the USA. It's all the Christians who believe that Jesus died to pay in advance so they can run around and sin for free. ![]() Thank God no one one in my family believes that crap. My family were all Free Methodists, and they believe then need to be goodie two shoes. ![]() oops that helps too lol And Abra not sure which Bible they taught you out of(this is for georiagirl too) but it's there is black and white in John 3:16 HENCE the name Christianity. There was no such thing as Christianity in the Old Testament. Christianity is a 'contract' drawn up with Jesus' blood between God and man. We have all sinned,but the degree of sin shouldn't exclude one from Heaven if one repents and accepts Jesus. But that's no picnic either because then one has to stand before God in judgement of one's sins. Imagine going to your parents, your mind completely naked to them and they could see everything you ever did, and I mean EVERYTHING!! Would you be able to look them in the eye with pride? Not likely. |
oops that helps too lol And Abra not sure which Bible they taught you out of(this is for georiagirl too) but it's there is black and white in John 3:16 HENCE the name Christianity. There was no such thing as Christianity in the Old Testament. Christianity is a 'contract' drawn up with Jesus' blood between God and man. We have all sinned,but the degree of sin shouldn't exclude one from Heaven if one repents and accepts Jesus. But that's no picnic either because then one has to stand before God in judgement of one's sins. Imagine going to your parents, your mind completely naked to them and they could see everything you ever did, and I mean EVERYTHING!! Would you be able to look them in the eye with pride? Not likely. I have a King James version as well as several others. I am a non-denominational Christian. I believe John 3:16 should not stand alone as the only way to eternity. The bibles' message has to be absorbed as a whole. But you seem to get the gist. ![]() |
Would you be able to look them in the eye with pride? Not likely.
I wouldn't have had any problem with that at all. I've never done anything in my entirely life that I'm ashamed of. At least not in the sense of it being sinful. I have done some really stupid things that are laughable and embarrassing. But genuinely evil? Nope, I’ve never done anything genuinely evil. I don’t believe in a God who can’t hack imperfection. I don’t believe it’s a sin to be imperfect in an imperfect world. I also don’t think I’d want to go to a place where everything is supposedly perfect. It just doesn’t sound like a place I’d enjoy very much. What could you do without being imperfect? By the way, John 3:16 doesn’t say anything about going to heaven. It just says that if you believe in Jesus that you’ll have everlasting life. That everlasting life could be spent in hell. People totally misunderstand that one! You have to believe in Jesus to have everlasting life. If you don’t you’ll just perish and won’t be judged at all. But if you do believe in him then you will have everlasting life, that might be spent in heaven, or hell depending on whether or not you’ve been naughty or nice. John 3:16 doesn’t say anything at about any free tickets to heaven. If you don’t believe then your out of the picture altogether, No everlasting life, that means no heaven and no hell. Just perish. You have to be a Christian to go to hell. You can’t go to hell if you don’t believe in Jesus. It’s like buying a lottery ticket. If you believe in Jesus you’ve bought a ticket to everlasting life. Now the question becomes where you will spend that living eternity. If you don’t believe in Jesus then you are refusing to pay the lottery and you’ll just die when you die. No heaven or hell. Better go back and re-read that one buddy. ![]() |
I am still amazed that funches seemed to think I would be commiting a horrible sin for wanting to beat the butt of someone that was a serial killer. Someone that just killed my son by the way or at the very least let him die and not to mention all the others I knew he killed previously. And then I was sinning for calling the police on him too I guess.
I guess we Christians are just horrible people to some. So what?...we're not least we strive to be... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well I sure don't see how you could possibly come to that conclusion at all. On the contrary a psychotic sociaopathic serial killer would not be following the bible very much at all. The average believer tries his best to follow God's laws. it's simple..a psychotic sociaopath when they hear the voice of God commanding them to do something will most likely do it without question...your average believer wouldn't and would just blame their failing to do so on their imperfections I am amazed that you would even say something like is pure lunacy. I doubt that type of person would do anything God commanded them to do because he is already following Satan without question. The average believer is not a killer. They try not to sin. The average believer doesn't just blame their sins on their imperfections... they ackowledge them and try not to sin to start with and if they do sin they try and make atonement for that sin. sorry "imageorgiagirl" but the more religious a person is the more delusional they will appear to be |
The bible teaches us to admit our sins, have remorse for them, repent from them and abstain from them. "imageorgiagirl" it repent from sin or repeat the sin |
I am still amazed that funches seemed to think I would be commiting a horrible sin for wanting to beat the butt of someone that was a serial killer. Someone that just killed my son by the way or at the very least let him die and not to mention all the others I knew he killed previously. And then I was sinning for calling the police on him too I guess. I guess we Christians are just horrible people to some. So what?...we're not least we strive to be... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the point I'm trying to make "imageorgiagirl" is that the bomber didn't kill your child the bomber merely didn't aid you in saving your child and that senerio takes place in some shape form or fashion everyday the same reasons why you want to kick the bomber's butt may be the same reasons why the bomber blew up the school children and didn't aid in the saving of your child from the cliff ...both of you have made your problems someone else problem by resorting to violence against someone that has done no harm to you only a harm that you "believed" was done |
The flesh isn't perfect regardless of being a believer or not. The point of the bibles' teachings are so that we can learn to discern between right and wrong and try to do what is right, well "imageorgiagirl"..the reality is that only a psychotic sociaopathic serial killer could ever follow all the laws set forth by God and make it to Heaven and the average believer only pick and choose which of God laws to follow Are you saying only a sociaopathic serial killer could ever follow the 10 commandments? Lets see.. o wait they can't because they killed someone. The 10 commandments are not really that hard to follow. |
The flesh isn't perfect regardless of being a believer or not. The point of the bibles' teachings are so that we can learn to discern between right and wrong and try to do what is right, well "imageorgiagirl"..the reality is that only a psychotic sociaopathic serial killer could ever follow all the laws set forth by God and make it to Heaven and the average believer only pick and choose which of God laws to follow Are you saying only a sociaopathic serial killer could ever follow the 10 commandments? Lets see.. o wait they can't because they killed someone. The 10 commandments are not really that hard to follow. well "Chazster"'s more than just the Ten Commandments involved you're not including the laws set forth by God in the Old Testament into the equation ....stone unruly children to death..that's kind of hard to do without breaking the first commandment also people will tell you that they hear God if God tells you to kill someone...would you do it without question ....the first excuse people will say is that God wouldn't tell them to kill how would they know what God wouldn't tell them to do...God told others to kill why not you and would you do it without question |
Pretty sure God told Moses to forget the old laws and follow these set forth by him. Could that be because some of old teachings were actually made by man and not God, or that the actual meanings were misinterpreted?
Pretty sure God told Moses to forget the old laws and follow these set forth by him. Could that be because some of old teachings were actually made by man and not God, or that the actual meanings were misinterpreted? "Chazster" were no old laws there was just the Laws set forth by keep getting the wannabe God Jesus in the New Testament mixed up with the God in The Old Testament also it's not hard to mis-interpet a stone up aside one's head would have sounded less delusional if you have said that the word "stone" was mis-interpeted and meant "stone on drugs" God told moses to get bad children stone on drugs until they over-dosed on them...hence the phrase...Stone all un-ruly children to death |
I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying. Again you used your favorite word and used it incorrectly
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I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying. Again you used your favorite word and used it incorrectly ![]() ![]() come on "Chazster" even you knew you sounded delusional on that argument but I'm real proud of you that you didn't try and introduced one of your millions of unproven scientific scientology theories to try and prove your point that a stone is not a rock |
There is nothing in John 3:16 that says that a person will go to heaven if they believe in Jesus.
This is the single most misunderstood verse in the entire Bible. John 3:16 simply says that if a person believe in Jesus they will have everlasting life. Period. It doesn’t say where that everlasting life will be spent! According to this verse a person must believe in Jesus to be eligible for everlasting life otherwise they will just perish when they die. Therefore anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus cannot go to an eternal hell, because to go to eternal hell would require everlasting life. According this verse only Christians can go to hell. It’s like buying a lottery ticket. To have everlasting life one must believe in Jesus. That will get you a ticket to ever lasting life. But that doesn’t say whether you will spend that everlasting life in heaven or hell. That will be determined by your behavior. People who aren’t interested in everlasting life only need to denounce Jesus as their Lord and Savior and the will be guaranteed to just perish when they die. No chance for heaven, no chance for hell. Just perish. That’s what so many Christians don’t seem to understand. When you become a Christian you are saying, “YES! I want to play the game!” That just gets you in the game. It doesn’t guarantee your fate. Not by a long shot. You could easily end up in hell. In fact Jesus says that most people who play this game actually do end up in hell. It probably has the same odds as the lottery. Better off not playing. ![]() At least that way you’ll know your fate with certainty. You’ll just perish when you die and not have everlasting life. No worries about going to hell. You can’t go to hell if you have no everlasting life. |