Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer - part 2
feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:38 PM
Ohhhh yes Lex is correct.....understand funches God is truly a loving God.....But he also gets what need to be done.....done....and rest assured that he tries everything possible before he does such as this. When Mosses warned and warned Pharoah who would not listen....and did not until God took his only son....then he let God's people go.....And he wanted only the people and nothing else....But oh no that would not do....God wanted not only all the people but all their belongings and some.....

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:40 PM

Funches the only options are living until you die and living after you die unless you are still alive when Christ returns…

still equates to two Arnold say in Terminator 2...come with me if you want to live either be ruled under God or burn in's that simple...Christianity doesn't give you any other options

You have nothing to fear from God unless you are not living right.

again no one is living right because God made you imperfect and believers are supposed to follow the laws set forth by God in The Old Testament and if you are not doing that then you are going to hell and like I recently explain noone can follow all God rules without being a sociopath

You just like giving chazster a hard time but he knows what he is talking about. Most of the stuff he tells you about Science is proven to be true.

well "imageorgiagirl" Chazster is a "New Age Scientologist" blending unproven scientific theories with religion so that he doesn't have to claim faith...... so I guess if you agree with him then birds of a feather

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:40 PM

Moses had told ramses to be careful what he chose, for it would be turned against him. There are those who could argue, he was warned, he chose not to believe, so the death sentence of the first born of Egypt could fall back on ramses head due to disbelieve in the warning. You are correct that an angel carried out the actual death though.

Well yes in a sense.......Mosses told the people mark your door with an X so the angel of death will bypass those doors, and all other first born in all of Egypt will be killed.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:45 PM

Funches, according to my Bible, God did do it....

Exodus 12:12 -- For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment; I am the Lord.

Exodus 12:29 -- And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on the throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.

I guess an argument could be made that you can't rule out an intermediary -- much like people saying "Bush invaded Iraq" -- of course, it wasn't Bush who did the actual invading, he was just behind it -- but it sounds like premeditated murder to me....

well "LexFonteyne" ..if you say God kills innocent children then who am I to argue...that's exactly the point I'm trying to make ....

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:46 PM
Chazster is a Christian through and new age in that man. I think what makes it hard for people in general is the blatant finality of what they say God is all about....Now for me I know it is all true....

But I also know that you will get many more with honey then with vinegar....and people even if they won't admit it...will be scared....because the simple fact is this....God meant what he said always....and always says what he means....there is no interpretation for God....It is what it is. But then you have alot of people that just can't by into it....Which is fine their choice. But I do know this......

When the times comes and that Book of Life is opened up.....every single human being will be held accountable for his beliefs, his actions, and his works......and no work is going to get you to heaven....but I just mean that in the helping your fellow man sense.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:48 PM

Ohhhh yes Lex is correct.....understand funches God is truly a loving God.....But he also gets what need to be done.....done....and rest assured that he tries everything possible before he does such as this. When Mosses warned and warned Pharoah who would not listen....and did not until God took his only son....then he let God's people go.....And he wanted only the people and nothing else....But oh no that would not do....God wanted not only all the people but all their belongings and some.....

ok"feralcatlady" I agree with you..God is a loving God and that's why he kill innocent children because he loves Tina Turner said...what's love gots to do gots to do

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 02:54 PM

Moses had told ramses to be careful what he chose, for it would be turned against him. There are those who could argue, he was warned, he chose not to believe, so the death sentence of the first born of Egypt could fall back on ramses head due to disbelieve in the warning. You are correct that an angel carried out the actual death though.

Well yes in a sense.......Mosses told the people mark your door with an X so the angel of death will bypass those doors, and all other first born in all of Egypt will be killed.

well now look "feralcatlady" either Angels killed those innocent children or like "LexFonteyne" said God did it really makes a difference long as anyone doesn't say that God doesn't kill the innocent

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/02/08 03:12 PM
This is exactly as it is stated in Exodus 11: 4-

And Moses said, "Thus says the Lord, About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt, and all the first born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of the Pharoah who sits on his throne, even the first born of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; all the first born of the cattle as well.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 02/02/08 03:31 PM

I’ve never read what you are talking about God stoning unruly children or having someone else kill people for him in the Old Testament can you please verify?

"imageorgiagirl" ..haven't you even heard of the angel of death..Uriel ...or the destroying angels that killed for God...remember when all of the egyptians first borns were killed...well an angel did the deed ..I used angels so you can't blame the killing on crazy Man because sunday school seems to leave out those stories that angels were little more than hitmen for God...

also God said to stone to death those that worship other Gods other than himself...which includes mothers fathers sons daughters friends or whatever...I'm amaze you don't know these things
I just got through rereading Exodus 11:1 where it talks about the firstborn of the Egyptians being killed because Pharoh wouldn't release the children of Isreal. It says nothing about an angel carrying this out. Uriel the angel isn't in the bible at all... it is a made up name given by man to fantasize the supposed grim reaper.

well "imageorgiagirl" then explain who killed the Egyptians's first born...I always heard God never do the dirty if it wasn't Man or angels then it had to be God that killed all those children
God did it himself after the pharoah had all of the firstborn of the Isrealites killed because they worshipped God and the pharoah refused to. He did it to show them he was God and to force pharoah to release the Isrealites.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 03:46 PM

This is exactly as it is stated in Exodus 11: 4-

And Moses said, "Thus says the Lord, About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt, and all the first born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of the Pharoah who sits on his throne, even the first born of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; all the first born of the cattle as well.

well "feralcatlady" what is it far it's 3 votes me you and "feisty wench" that the angel of death killed those innocent children and two votes 'imageorgiagirl" and "LexFonteyne" that God killed those innocent children ...this is beginning to turn into a murder mystery feralcatlady...who done it?????????

Chazster's photo
Sat 02/02/08 04:01 PM

did you even read the post I was refering too lol?laugh It was abra that used the term eternal life because that is what is in the bible. He wondered if people that didn't believe in jesus would die and that would be it. I merely asked the question that even if they didnt exist for eternity, how do we know that death is the actual end of existence. Again these are not my religious view. Apparently you don't read.

"Chazster" in Christianity they are only two options...spend an eternity under the rule of a God or spend an eternity buring in what's the point of threatening people that they will spend an eternity burning in hell if this is not an indication that there is existence after the point is that you didn't comprehend the post Abracadabra wrote when you tried to do your "spin doctoring" on the word "eternal"

I didn't spin doctor anything, but w/e think what you want(I wasnt even referring to Christianity, there are many religions that believe in life after death,reincarnation etc. My point was that even if life wasn't eternal how do we know it ends at death) . Also feralcatlady knows I am a Christian. I never once tried to verify my faith with science. I am an engineer so I am a man who uses science and believes in its principles, but I am also a Catholic. I also asked you before to name what scientific theories I have used that are unproven, yet all you do is just say I use them. I don't appreciate you spreading slander about me and if you continue to do so I will report it.

Thanks feralcatlady for standing up for meflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 04:33 PM

I didn't spin doctor anything, but w/e think what you want(I wasnt even referring to Christianity,

"Chazster" the conversation was about Jesus so yes you were referring to Chrisitianity unless you can tell of another religion that has a person named Jesus ...Dude just admit the truth... you're still trying to "spin doctor"

there are many religions that believe in life after death,reincarnation etc.

again name one with a Jesus

My point was that even if life wasn't eternal how do we know it ends at death)

well "Chazster".."this you know because the bible tells you so"..didn't they teach you that phrase in sunday why are you questioning it since you claim to be a chrisitian

Also feralcatlady knows I am a Christian. :

Scientology is just another splinter sect of Christianity you can still be a christian...

Chazster's photo
Sat 02/02/08 04:51 PM
Lets see, Jews believe Jesus existed just not that he was the son of man. So he could have still said it.

Scientology does not believe Jesus was the son of God so they are not Christians. I also said I was a Catholic.

Again eternal. I was not referring to Christianity. If you want to then Abras whole post about people not believing will just die and not be eternal is moot since it is commonly taught that everyone has an immortal soul.

You still never stated any so called "unproven scientific theories" I used.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 05:12 PM

Lets see, Jews believe Jesus existed just not that he was the son of man. So he could have still said it.

but do Jews believe Jesus has anything to do with eternal life, also Jews were not mention ..again you are trying to "spin doctor" lick the wounds and move on

Scientology does not believe Jesus was the son of God so they are not Christians. I also said I was a Catholic.

and some chrisitian beleive that Jesus was God and not the son and they still refer to theirselves as christians ..

You still never stated any so called "unproven scientific theories" I used.

your inclusions of Dark Matter theory and that energy can't be destroyed time to search for others because today is greasy food beer and watch a crappy sci-fi movie night

Chazster's photo
Sat 02/02/08 05:48 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sat 02/02/08 05:52 PM
Lol you asked me to tell you something that can't be seen or proven like God so I said Dark Matter, sorry I answered your question..(ask and you shall recieve)

Oh you mean the "law"of conservation of energy(also know as the 1st law of thermodynamics). Its a law and not a theory. Its one of the fundamental laws of physics and is accepted by most if not all physicists. I am sure if you tell a physicists that I believe in that law he will tell you I am a radicalists.laugh

Look at the definition of Christianity. Look up what Scientology is. Christianity is the belief in the teachings of Jesus. And Jesus said he is the son of God. Scientology says nothing about following the bible or Jesus's teachings.

Again about eternal life, if you want to go christian with it then abras whole point of not believing in Jesus would mean you don't have an eternal soul and life would be moot. I understood this as such I was not referring to Christianity whether he was or not.

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 05:49 AM

Lol you asked me to tell you something that can't be seen or proven like God so I said Dark Matter, sorry I answered your question..(ask and you shall recieve)

I asked for something that exist not some unproven scientific theory in that case you could have just said the tooth fairy

Oh you mean the "law"of conservation of energy(also know as the 1st law of thermodynamics). Its a law and not a theory. Its one of the fundamental laws of physics and is accepted by most if not all physicists. I am sure if you tell a physicists that I believe in that law he will tell you I am a radicalists.laugh

you said that energy cannot be destroyed and I said that is only theory and that energy was just being displaced and redistributed around in a vacuum and outside that vacuum it could possibly be destroyed...anything controlled by laws can be broken..especially theories

Look at the definition of Christianity. Look up what Scientology is. Christianity is the belief in the teachings of Jesus. And Jesus said he is the son of God. Scientology says nothing about following the bible or Jesus's teachings.

I'm saying that scientology is just another form of "New Age" Chrisitianity for those christians that wish to keep the God but dump the religion... Satanism is just anouther form of Christianity as christianity is just another form of Judaism

Again about eternal life, if you want to go christian with it then abras whole point of not believing in Jesus would mean you don't have an eternal soul and life would be moot. I understood this as such I was not referring to Christianity whether he was or not.

"Chazster"... "Abracadabra" mention Jesus in it and if you can't come up with another religion with Jesus in it besides Christianity then it was Christianity that was being referred to..

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/03/08 07:55 AM
You didn't ask for something that existed, you asked for something that fit the premise of God. Something that "could" exist that can't be proven. (I never stated this actually existed only that it could fit the same premise as God, which your question was just another use of you "arugements of ignorance" saying that if we couldn't find something that is just like God we are delusional lol)

Law of conservation of energy is a law not a theory. There are differences between laws and theories. It works in an Isolated system not a vacuum. The Universe as a whole is an Isolated System.

If they don't believe in the teachings of Jesus they are not christians. Its that simple.

Ok then if Abra was talking about Christianity then I will change my response too "no they wont not exist because the bible teaches us that everyone has an immortal soul)

no photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:21 AM

Something that "could" exist that can't be proven. (I never stated this actually existed only that it could fit the same premise as God,

any delusional person can say what could exist...that's why I ask you for something that "existed" that was unseen and incomprehensible and you gave Dark Matter...Dark Matter like God is a belief not fact

Law of conservation of energy is a law not a theory. There are differences between laws and theories. It works in an Isolated system not a vacuum. The Universe as a whole is an Isolated System.

"Chazster explain why a vacuum isn't an isolated system

If they don't believe in the teachings of Jesus they are not christians. Its that simple.

those that keep the God but dump the rest of the religion are called "Chrisitians in denial" or "sleeper cell christians" can go back and forth and be a christian anytime you want unless you get ex-communicated and even after that you can still join a splinter christian sect like scientology

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:00 PM
Yes God and Dark Matter are both beliefs. I never claimed either to be fact because they can not be prove.

I never said a vacuum is not an isolated system, but an isolated system is not always a vacuum. Just like a square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. (law of conservation of energy states an Isolated system and not a vacuum, the only actual isolated system is the universe as a whole)

You are wrong about christians. Look up what a christian is will ya. There are plenty of religions that believe in God but not Jesus, hence they are not Christians. Yes at any point you can change your beliefs, but as long as you don't believe in the teachings of Jesus you are not Christian. Thats why Christ is in Christian. You can make up all these terms and spout nonsense if you like, but the other Christians and myself know what it means.

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:02 PM

any delusional person can say what could exist...that's why I ask you for something that "existed" that was unseen and incomprehensible and you gave Dark Matter...Dark Matter like God is a belief not fact

Its not a delusion unless there is proof to the contrary. So scientists who believe in Dark Matter are not delusional, just like people who believe in God are not Delusional because there is no proof to the contrary.