Topic: The disease of Addiction.
toreybelle's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:06 AM
Hey there all..... Jonlaw have a great wknd off yippeeeeeeeeeee!!!!bigsmile

Did "Flat Stnaley" make it in the mail???? Can't wait to get him back and see what the two of you did.

Anyone out there know who "Flat Stanley" is????? WE're not crazy, Jonlaw is just helping me with a classroom project.:wink: :wink:

jonlaw's photo
Sat 03/08/08 05:44 PM
I got him in the mail today I put it airmail but they said 7 to 10 days wow must be a hot air balloon.

Take care and let me know when you get it .laugh

Winx's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:14 PM
You guys name your mail and you say that you're not crazy?! laugh flowerforyou

Bearsman's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:50 PM

You guys name your mail and you say that you're not crazy?! laugh flowerforyou

Watch out who you callin' crazy!! laugh

I know about "Flat Stanley". My son had one I was supposed to do. Never got around to it. I regret not doin it though. Woulda been a good memory.


Winx's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:44 PM
Hi Bear, :smile:

What is a Flat Stanley? Hope all is well with you.

I went to another NA meeting tonight. It was about loving one's self. I got my hugs.

Winx's photo
Sun 03/09/08 07:01 PM
Btw, I took a freind to that NA meeting.

Bearsman's photo
Sun 03/09/08 07:43 PM

Hi Bear, :smile:

What is a Flat Stanley? Hope all is well with you.

I went to another NA meeting tonight. It was about loving one's self. I got my hugs.

A Flat Stanley is
One of the many advantages of being flat is that Flat Stanley can visit his friends by travelling in an envelope. The Flat Stanley Project is a group of teachers who want to provide students with a meaningful reason to write. Students' written work goes to other places by conventional mail and e-mail. Check out the Flat Stanley List of Participants to see where you can send a Flat Stanley or who might be sending a Flat Stanley to you.

Students make paper Flat Stanleys and begin a journal with him for a few days. Then Flat Stanley and the journal are sent to another school where students there treat Flat Stanley as a guest and complete the journal. Flat Stanley and the journal are then returned to the original sender. Students can plot his travels on maps and share the contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley returns with a pin or postcard from his visit. Some teachers prefer to use e-mail only, and this is noted in the List of Participants. Especially creative hosts send the Flat Stanleys back with pictures, souvenirs, stories and reminders of the visit.

The Flat Stanley Project is a penpal activity- but it's far more than that, too. By sending a Flat Stanley it's as if the senders and the recipients have a mutual friend- a little flat guy they can both talk about.

I know you ain't a stanley.........:tongue:


toreybelle's photo
Mon 03/10/08 08:21 PM

Hi Bear, :smile:

What is a Flat Stanley? Hope all is well with you.

I went to another NA meeting tonight. It was about loving one's self. I got my hugs.

A Flat Stanley is
One of the many advantages of being flat is that Flat Stanley can visit his friends by travelling in an envelope. The Flat Stanley Project is a group of teachers who want to provide students with a meaningful reason to write. Students' written work goes to other places by conventional mail and e-mail. Check out the Flat Stanley List of Participants to see where you can send a Flat Stanley or who might be sending a Flat Stanley to you.

Students make paper Flat Stanleys and begin a journal with him for a few days. Then Flat Stanley and the journal are sent to another school where students there treat Flat Stanley as a guest and complete the journal. Flat Stanley and the journal are then returned to the original sender. Students can plot his travels on maps and share the contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley returns with a pin or postcard from his visit. Some teachers prefer to use e-mail only, and this is noted in the List of Participants. Especially creative hosts send the Flat Stanleys back with pictures, souvenirs, stories and reminders of the visit.

The Flat Stanley Project is a penpal activity- but it's far more than that, too. By sending a Flat Stanley it's as if the senders and the recipients have a mutual friend- a little flat guy they can both talk about.

I know you ain't a stanley.........:tongue:


Thanks Bearsman for explaining that!!! couldn't have done it better!!! We've had a wonderful time w/ this project and the kids are eagerly awaiting Jonlaw's package to return w/ Flat Stanley!!!! It's a great experience!!!!

How's everyone doing???? I hope strong and encouraged to keep up the good work!!! Kim

Bearsman's photo
Mon 03/10/08 09:46 PM

Hi Bear, :smile:

What is a Flat Stanley? Hope all is well with you.

I went to another NA meeting tonight. It was about loving one's self. I got my hugs.

A Flat Stanley is
One of the many advantages of being flat is that Flat Stanley can visit his friends by travelling in an envelope. The Flat Stanley Project is a group of teachers who want to provide students with a meaningful reason to write. Students' written work goes to other places by conventional mail and e-mail. Check out the Flat Stanley List of Participants to see where you can send a Flat Stanley or who might be sending a Flat Stanley to you.

Students make paper Flat Stanleys and begin a journal with him for a few days. Then Flat Stanley and the journal are sent to another school where students there treat Flat Stanley as a guest and complete the journal. Flat Stanley and the journal are then returned to the original sender. Students can plot his travels on maps and share the contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley returns with a pin or postcard from his visit. Some teachers prefer to use e-mail only, and this is noted in the List of Participants. Especially creative hosts send the Flat Stanleys back with pictures, souvenirs, stories and reminders of the visit.

The Flat Stanley Project is a penpal activity- but it's far more than that, too. By sending a Flat Stanley it's as if the senders and the recipients have a mutual friend- a little flat guy they can both talk about.

I know you ain't a stanley.........:tongue:


Thanks Bearsman for explaining that!!! couldn't have done it better!!! We've had a wonderful time w/ this project and the kids are eagerly awaiting Jonlaw's package to return w/ Flat Stanley!!!! It's a great experience!!!!

How's everyone doing???? I hope strong and encouraged to keep up the good work!!! Kim

Sorry, cain't take the credit. I copied it from a Web site.


toreybelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 04:23 AM
SO CLEAVER BEARSMAN!!!!!!!!!!happy happy happy happy

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:35 AM

Would wisdom that has a chain around it's neck learn 12 steps to make one able to live with a chain, or would one simply remove the chain from around it's neck......the very reason many of my friends have failed over and over again and became addicted to other things, even several the 12 steps themselves!!! And none within the 12 step program are told that they have what they need within, but told to look to a higher power, when the higher power is within....themselves!!! not a higher power in the sky.....most are bible believeing and even the bible say any religion close the mind, as it always says to look here or there, but never says you were perfect to begin with and something convinced you you were not and why you became addicted and become easily offended to anything more than what was known yesterday....but any that drink of total truth that is within each never wish again, EVER, and nothing can ever control again, PERIOD....nothing can control less it was FIRST thought to be evil or bad at the root or beginning.....if a tree becomes diseased, would one treat with sprays and 12 steps or would it be better if one knew what caused the disease to start with to REMOVE it from the tree all together....the subconcience of each has the power to create and travel like a thought, and we would be told to stay and try to learn to wear a chain.....the true test of the WHOLE truth is if each be never have to think again of something is free, not to always be on gaurd for to loose your life again....many told me i needed twelve steps and they did not work, for they only treated a symptom, but not until one told me the WHOLE truth did i ever come to a place that nothing tied me to fear which is to be controlled....but indeed, it was first the knowlegde of the 12 steps that made me KNOW there had to be something more....there is great comfort I admit and many friends I have from there till this day, but for one that want total freedom to live as a youth again it is possible easily.....tell one that be adicted to sex to abstain from sex is the answer and the addiction become all the greater.....there is no thing that when it know the reason for its own personal addiction that can ever be addicted again to anything, as the thing that held power over is GONE, not learned to deal with and not worn around the neck as a prize. I care about the feelings of others and wish to offend no one, but i care more about the freedom and happiness of others than to base what i will say on fear that something easily offended will be stirred to emotion.....if one be IN control rather than controlled by all, what other human can bring out any emotion that not be in total control?

I think I finally get what you're saying, cuz I was really not following you the other day. And through all I've been through with my weigth loss of 170lbs. I must say I see where you're coming from and yet I'm a firm believer in God. Let me explain. I got to the root of the problem of why I became extremely overwt. by looking at the why, when, how much, etc.... am I eating this????? Looked at the horrible phys. complications that I had gained (diabetes, hi bp, colest., triglyc., endemic, you name it.... 12 medications/day).
MY BELIEF IN GOD helped me to trust that I had the strength in Him and He gave me the strength within by showing me HIS love, and helped me to LOVE MYSELF again, to the point where I WANTED TO LIVE..... I was extremely suicidal (tried sev. x's to end it).

It was through GOD bringing to me a complete stranger to tell me that they knew I tried to kill myself and how God had stopped her from killing herself via a miracle just months prior. He showed me the route inwhich I was to go to use as a tool to lose the weight, and to then look at the reasons I gained the wt. and to deal with them. I can proudly say that through God's help, and love, and the strength that God gave, and enabled me to find within myself that I've only gained 4 lbs. in the 4 yrs. since I've had the gastric bypass and had lost 170 lbs.!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

it was aid the only god was love, so i too praise love, and the man that brought the love to ya, as god/love for that time, and you found within god/LOVE......have no other gods before me it was said, and said god was love, so have no other gods greater than LOVE, and that holds true for all, but everything try to find god and not see it is only LOVE. God is something to worship, as said, so worship LOVE, and why said LOVE one another, not a word called god.

lurchs_sister's photo
Tue 03/11/08 02:48 PM
In this we have something in common...

Without God in my life I would have walked a road that led to certain distruction and emmintne end.

I found drugs and alcohol at a young age and watched my parents do these things as I grew up so I understand where you are all coming from.

In my time with these things I saw many things and did many unspeakable things as well. I have asked forgiveness and it has been given and I now have a wonderful gift from it all... I am able to share the things that I went through with others and share the positive things that have come from finding God and this lets me help others.

I praise Him daily for giving me another chance and making me stronger through all He saw me through. I live through Him and He works through me...

toreybelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:58 PM

In this we have something in common...

Without God in my life I would have walked a road that led to certain distruction and emmintne end.

I found drugs and alcohol at a young age and watched my parents do these things as I grew up so I understand where you are all coming from.

In my time with these things I saw many things and did many unspeakable things as well. I have asked forgiveness and it has been given and I now have a wonderful gift from it all... I am able to share the things that I went through with others and share the positive things that have come from finding God and this lets me help others.

I praise Him daily for giving me another chance and making me stronger through all He saw me through. I live through Him and He works through me...

Thanks for sharing that sister. I'm happy for you. God Bless you!!!

millertime69's photo
Wed 03/12/08 04:15 PM
Hello, Im Marv, an addict. Going on 4 years clean, 2 of em because of incarceration, so sort of against my will at the time. During my incarceration I became a born again christian and was very active in AA, NA, and a state substance abuse program. This past Monday night I had the priviledge of going back to prison, this time voluntarily and as a citizen, not a number! It was very inspirational n brought back lots of memories. I was the guest speaker at their NA/AA meeting and so many of the guys really want to clean their act up, but its a sad reality of how low the success rate is. Its a tough demon to battle and if you try to do it on your own very few will make it. My question is have any of you done any service work such as going in to your county jail or a state facility?

jonlaw's photo
Wed 03/12/08 05:49 PM
In this we have something in common...

Without God in my life I would have walked a road that led to certain distruction and emmintne end.

I found drugs and alcohol at a young age and watched my parents do these things as I grew up so I understand where you are all coming from.

In my time with these things I saw many things and did many unspeakable things as well. I have asked forgiveness and it has been given and I now have a wonderful gift from it all... I am able to share the things that I went through with others and share the positive things that have come from finding God and this lets me help others.

I praise Him daily for giving me another chance and making me stronger through all He saw me through. I live through Him and He works through me...

Thanks for sharing sister I think all of us that have this disease have done things in which we would not normanly do. Thank God so being so forgiving and allowing us to help others.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 03/12/08 05:52 PM
Hello, Im Marv, an addict. Going on 4 years clean, 2 of em because of incarceration, so sort of against my will at the time. During my incarceration I became a born again christian and was very active in AA, NA, and a state substance abuse program. This past Monday night I had the priviledge of going back to prison, this time voluntarily and as a citizen, not a number! It was very inspirational n brought back lots of memories. I was the guest speaker at their NA/AA meeting and so many of the guys really want to clean their act up, but its a sad reality of how low the success rate is. Its a tough demon to battle and if you try to do it on your own very few will make it. My question is have any of you done any service work such as going in to your county jail or a state facility?

Hello Marv nice to meet you brother yes have the big house in common as a place where our disease took us, but thats not who we are today and God is allowing us both the privledge of helping others. I am so glad you are here and hope you stay and I can learn more from you .:smile:

Winx's photo
Sat 03/15/08 06:37 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 03/15/08 06:38 PM
I posted this on the forums today. It sucks to see someone so young lose their life so foolishly.

I posted this earlier this afternoon. The 28 y/o girl did not make it.

Sat 03/15/08 01:06 PM
The ambulance, fire engine, and police cars arrived at the house next door. A man in his 20's owns the house next to mine and he has a roommate. He has been a good neighbor and has helped me before.

They had had a party and were drinking until about 4:00 a.m.
They woke up to find one of their female friends face down in bed. She was not breathing. All that they know is that she was drinking all night and taking Xanax.

The paramedics started her heart up again and took her to the hospital.

Please say a prayer that she makes it.

jonny63's photo
Sat 03/15/08 07:44 PM
Sorry to hear that she did'nt make it,I'm sure she'll be missed,
I prey for her.

livelife68's photo
Sun 03/16/08 01:12 AM
I have not posted in here in quite some time. It's good to see this thread is doing so well. Good job jonlaw.

I posted this on the forums today. It sucks to see someone so young lose their life so foolishly.

I posted this earlier this afternoon. The 28 y/o girl did not make it.

Sat 03/15/08 01:06 PM
The ambulance, fire engine, and police cars arrived at the house next door. A man in his 20's owns the house next to mine and he has a roommate. He has been a good neighbor and has helped me before.

They had had a party and were drinking until about 4:00 a.m.
They woke up to find one of their female friends face down in bed. She was not breathing. All that they know is that she was drinking all night and taking Xanax.

The paramedics started her heart up again and took her to the hospital.

Please say a prayer that she makes it.

Sorry to hear of this loss winx. Unfortunatly this disease takes lives. Some people don't find the help they need in time. Thank you for posting it. I use it as a reminder that I have a disease that can kill me. I'm one who tries to find a positive in any situation. As selfish as it may seem, this post has helped me stay sober for one more day. For that I am grateful and I again, thank you for posting it.flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sun 03/16/08 06:52 AM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/16/08 06:56 AM
Thank you. That is why I posted it here. It is a reminder.

Congrats on another day sober. flowerforyou