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Topic: You can't smoke, but you can drink.
NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 07:32 PM
owl no one said that you were non liberal
Actually, you did;
where are you getting your stats from ..enquiring minds would like to know ..is it from the non liberals

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 07:37 PM
Weed is the least harmful drug out there
You of course have a source to support that statement? Some sort of evidence not anecdotal in nature...
Sorry, wrong answer
Could I become chemically dependent on marijuana?
Yes. When you’re chemically dependent on marijuana, it means you crave it and you need to use more and more to get the same effect. You may have withdrawal symptoms, such as depressed feelings, trouble sleeping or nausea, when you stop using it. Because marijuana is a lot stronger now than it used to be, people are also more likely to abuse it and become dependent on it than they were in the past.
If it can be used for medical diseases it should should be used in regular uses right?
What constitutes "regular" use? Cocaine is used medicinally; should it be allowed for "regular" uses?
Just another hypocritical law
Why is it hypocritical?

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 07:43 PM
if the demand for pot is so great why watch the profits go to other countries that will use the money against us
You're really trying to use the argument that because demand is high we should reap the profits?

Please don't ever go into politics.

You know, there's a pretty high demand in some Islamic sectors for nuclear technology. We could probably get quite a hefty profit by supplying it to them. Why shouldn't we?

There's a high demand for handguns in some sectors of the United States, especially untraceable ones. We should set up shop immediately!

creationsfire's photo
Tue 01/01/08 08:16 PM
yawn night all, no politics here......just time to sleep......good luck with this threadyawn

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:11 PM

Weed is the least harmful drug out there
You of course have a source to support that statement? Some sort of evidence not anecdotal in nature...
Sorry, wrong answer
Could I become chemically dependent on marijuana?
Yes. When you’re chemically dependent on marijuana, it means you crave it and you need to use more and more to get the same effect. You may have withdrawal symptoms, such as depressed feelings, trouble sleeping or nausea, when you stop using it. Because marijuana is a lot stronger now than it used to be, people are also more likely to abuse it and become dependent on it than they were in the past.
If it can be used for medical diseases it should should be used in regular uses right?
What constitutes "regular" use? Cocaine is used medicinally; should it be allowed for "regular" uses?
Just another hypocritical law
Why is it hypocritical?

Actually chemical dependency usually means that you habitually use a substence even in the face of negative consequences. The condition of using larger amounts of something to gain the same effect is called tolerance.

The assertion that MJ is more potent now than in the past is somewhat misleading. MJ potency is generally a genetic trait with some environmental factors, mainly the pollination or lack thereof and also UV radiation. The prevalence of more potent pot may have increased throughout the years due to breeding programs but these breeding programs can also have an adverse effect on potency. Generally equatorial sativas are known as the most psychoactive due to high amounts of THC and less CBD and CBN whereas indicas have less THC and more CBD and CBN. Breeders tend to cross the two because pure sativas have lengthy flowering times, grow very tall and are not well suited to indoor growing.

In short the basis for pot being stronger is really the average, there is more sinsemilla and less seeded pot than in previous eras. The most potent plants back in those days would rival the most potent plants today.

I think some of the other points on that site are valid. The side effects and physiologic effects. It's hard to say whether or not it causes more lung cancer than cigs, studies I've seen usually say the results are confounded by the fact that a lot of mj smokers also smoke cigarettes and also the studies have not been done over a long enough period of time yet.

In general I don't think it's a particularly healthy or productive use of time to smoke pot. Nor drink alcohol or play video games nor be on JSH past your bedtime laugh or any number of things people choose to do for recreation. But I also don't think it's that bad either.

no photo
Tue 01/01/08 11:44 PM
owl why do you incessantly ramble off the beaten path we are talking about one subject and yet you attempt to back up your argument with everything else weed man not nukes not hand guns weed ..quit twisting things around maybe you should go into politics because you always take the conversation nine miles around no where ...

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 12:25 AM
i askjed if you got your information from the non liberals quite a bit different than saying owl you are a non liberal ..notice anything different about those two statements ..another twist like ive been saying...noway

infectious_witch's photo
Wed 01/02/08 02:56 PM

drugs affect different people differently but pot has medicinal purposes if not than why would doctors be able to prescribe it thats my main reasoning behind wanting to see it legalized i personally do not drink or smoke but if the demand for pot is so great why watch the profits go to other countries that will use the money against us as opposed to using the profits towards our own needs while also creating new jobs .you could still have a legal age limit like alcohol

Plenty of drug money goes back to our economy. I hear people say how it has a medical use. Thats great. How many people that want to smoke pot have a medical use for it. Thats like me saying I smoke pot because it helps people with glaucoma yet I have no issues with my eyes.So how many people just want to get it approved for medical use so it's easier to score and get high.Granted noone that I'm aware of has stolen a car stereo for weed. I do see how hanging with people that first drink then smokes pot eventually somebody shows up with a 8 ball. I have no problem if someone is a recreational drug user. Getting drunk and stoned everyweekend is not a recreational user in book.Many people start out with the best intentions in the world,and then get caught up into the scene of drugs and alcohol. As a user you might think your habit or addiction is harmless and thats fine for you.Just don't tell people because they want no part of you that they are the ones that are messed up.

you still are not getting the point.
you are not comprehending what I am asking.
This is not "Why Weed is Bad 101".
If you want to keep going on about this, please take it to another thread. Your argument is a tired one.

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:26 PM
here than let me give it to you straight not many people want to date a weed head because they feel that they will not be going any where hopped up in a dream world you cant apply for alot of jobs because of drug testing therefore you limit yourself surely you can understand that some people dont want to be around others who are addicted to any thing therefore you limit yourself again i guess if you want to smoke because you enjoy it than you are going to have to find someone who agrees with you ..pretty basic huh ..hows that for dating a weed head 101

Oshana's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:29 PM
I've asked the same question for over 30 years and I still don't have an answer. I used to smoke every day all day long but I rarely do now.

All I can really tell you is as long as you are not harming others and you don't let it take over your life, you should be ok. If someone judges you solely on the basis of smoker or nonsmoker that says more about them and their narrow way of looking at things than anything else.

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:40 PM
i personally have no problem with it and i can see where you feel that there is a hypocrisy by those who drink but lets face it its how society has been made to view it ..its a matter of preference and double standards like every thing else we deal with whether we like it or not its just a fact of life...nothing personal

buttons's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:43 PM
cause... alcohol is legal..... pot isnt.... if u are smoking pot around someone that drug tests at work they will lose their job........ but u can drink around them and they wont test positive for drinkinglaugh laugh

buttons's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:44 PM
i drink but no longer smoke pot for years just cause of those reasons........ and i do believe alcohol is worse for your body...

rocketman1872's photo
Wed 01/02/08 03:45 PM

infectious_witch's photo
Wed 01/02/08 04:30 PM


"And I think its gonna be a long long time, 'till touch down brings me around again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home. Oh no no no. I'm a rocketman. Rocketman. burning on this fuse out here alone."

scoobs12's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:42 PM
read it again. Your missing the point. Forget about if it's good or bad. You asked why people who don't smoke weed but drink don't want to go out with daily pot users.Forget about it's medical purposes.That fact is. As a adult who cares about other things such as providing for a family, children,and yes saving for there college and giving a family the best that I can. Most of us that Drink on ocassion or don't drink have different priorities other than getting high.Like I said in a earlier post that you thought was rediculous.Not all people who don't drink and don't smoke are super successful.However,I have yet to meet a daily pot smoker or a daily drinker who has brought anything to the table that is worth a s@@@.The mood swings are rediculous and all I ever hear is everybody is responsible for their failures in life.I'm sure there are some daily smokers that might argue they don't fit the bill.At this point in my life I'm not going to waste time hoping this drug user might be different.

Lovindasheetz's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:54 PM
me personally. i'm not a smoker. i am an occassional drinker, but if thats the persons habits then u can either accept them 4 it and move past it. OR leave them alone. it all depends on how u feel about the person and not their "extracurricular" activities.

scoobs12's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:58 PM

me personally. i'm not a smoker. i am an occassional drinker, but if thats the persons habits then u can either accept them 4 it and move past it. OR leave them alone. it all depends on how u feel about the person and not their "extracurricular" activities.


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