Community > Posts By > infectious_witch
Damn it. I got rick rolled.
My fight with depression
I suffer from depression, and panic attack. I'll been carring this illness for six years. I lost my job because of it, I was force to retired in 2001. when I think I have it beat, it creeps back. madication only helps a little, my mind is racing as I'm typing this. I wish I hade a time machine to go back in time,when I was happy. I will continue to fight,and I hope everybody with this illness, continue to fight also. I want to wish everybody a Happy Holiday. We share the same problem. I've left multiple jobs in the past simply due to panic attacks. I was diagnosed at a very early age, and I still fight it till this day. Take care of yourself, man. |
is a strong word, but I really really don't like you. *shakes fist* I am going to cast a spell on you now. Do tell? If I told you, it wouldn't be any fun. Plus, I am too tired to do any magic tonight. Maybe some other night. TEASE! rofl. its been a long boring dramatic day. I understand that. Today was no better than yesterday, and yesterday was my birthday. |
is a strong word, but I really really don't like you. *shakes fist* I am going to cast a spell on you now. Do tell? If I told you, it wouldn't be any fun. Plus, I am too tired to do any magic tonight. Maybe some other night. |
is a strong word, but I really really don't like you. *shakes fist* I am going to cast a spell on you now. |
anything by the red hot chilli peppers ![]() ![]() ![]() Hell yes! |
I just met a wonderful woman from New Jersey.
That makes two ladies that have stolen my heart in Jersey. Oh, i am doing well. Thank you. |
Where art thou my LOVE?
Maybe you wont ever find your mate,maybe some of us "thought" we did but all he seems to do is push u aside for everyone else everyday and he doesnt see it Probably a young fool who doesn't know better. i guess thats what i get for giving an 18 yr old a chance I feel obligated to defend my fellow 18 year olds that are like me... we're not all like that!!! I'd show you if you lived in Cali! Damned 18 year olds. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No, black magic doesn't. They either do magic to harm or not to. That's the only difference. I totally agree. Remember I stated in another one of your threads about my opinions on such tv shows like "Charmed" and movies like "The Craft?" Well, I'm going to do the unthinkable and actually quote "The Craft" only because this one quote speaks volumes in the truth about Magick... "True magic is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both, loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life gives a balance of it's own." Ok you can burn me at the stake for quoting that stupid movie that teenyboppers think is a "how-to" guide to Wicca! ![]() Even though that movie gets a lot of ****, I like it. Not because it got me into witchcraft, because it didn't, and not because it was every little teens movie to get them started in witchcraft. I think it's because I can see what the movie was trying to say. |
Where art thou my LOVE?
My problem is that I suffer in silence because I don't feel that I may ever find her.
How I would raise my kids.
As a mother of two, it's very easy for you to say how you'd raise your kids. ![]() completely agreed. I know I was a terror in my teen years. |
ay bay bay is hurricane chris Well, Hurricane Chris is a disgrace to Hip Hop or Rap. I'll stick with KRS One. |
Life of a Witch.
for two years, it was for healing purposes. Myself and another person did a lot of healing magic for people who needed it. After that, I do the occasional magic for inspiration or just for overall health. Was it like Reiki? Yes, but it vibrates on a very different level. |
Life of a Witch.
ok. so, you use magic for health whereas i pray for health purposes???? looking for same results from different sources. right? All magic really is.. is fancy prayer, to put it bluntly. So, yeah, I guess you could say that. When one prays one is petioning a Higher Power(s) that one believes in. As I stated earlier, Aleister Crowley said "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." Performing Magick can be done without petioning (praying) to any Higher Power(s). At least that is my opinion. Agreed, once again. I wish my mind wasn't boggled at this current moment. I'd probably talk a bit more about my experience. That can be in another thread.... |
Life of a Witch.
Mossop... Witchcraft is a religion, indeed. But I am not a religious follower nor am I someone who worships or even applies the religion into my daily life. I simply work in magic while having my own beliefs and idea. Nothing is taboo anymore it seems. Witchcraft has been a popular and controversial thing for a very long time. The only real problem now is that people will take such a good system and make it into whatever they feel is necessary just so people will get the wrong idea. Ok I'm confused... you believe that Witchcraft is a religion... you practice Witchcraft... yet you are not a religious person and you do not follow any religion. Please elaborate. Exactly. I believe Witchcraft is a religion, and also a practice. I practice witchcraft. I am not one who studies the religion. It's the religion part that I wish for you to explain to me. What religion part do you not practice? What is it exactly about witchcraft that makes you believe it's a religion. It's almost like you are eluding to Witchcraft and Paganism are interchangeable terms, which in my opinion, they are not, because Paganism is a term used to decribe a wide array of different religions. It's like you are saying you are practicing Witchcraft but not practicing Paganism. Am I correct? pa·gan /ˈpeɪgən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey-guhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks. 2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. 3. an irreligious or hedonistic person. –adjective 4. pertaining to the worship or worshipers of any religion that is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim. 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pagans. 6. irreligious or hedonistic Read number two. I am Pagan in that sense. My ideas are Pagan. My lifestyle is Pagan. As for Witchcraft being a religion, even I can say that I am not 100% sure that it actually is. For the most part, I do not follow by dogma or ritual or worship. I simply use magic. ![]() ![]() I added my own definition of "pagan" in another thread "Are There Pagans Out There?" Here's what I posted... "The word "pagan" comes from the Latin word "paganus" which meant "civilian" or "country dweller." "Paganus" is also related to the Latin word "pagus" which means "the country district." Early in the Christian church's history the churches were mainly found in the larger cities, which meant that the majority of city dwellers were Christians. However, the further outside of the city you went you would find less and less Christians. In fact you would find those who still practiced the land's native religion/spiritual practices. City dwelling Christians referred to such people in a derrogatory was as "pagans." The same can be said of the word "heathen" which originally meant "one who lives on the heath." In modern times Paganism refers to any religion that is not of Christian, Judaic, or Islamic origins. As for Witchcraft/Magick... it would be interesting to hear from you as you go along your Witch's journey how your opinions of the matter, (Is the practice of Witchcraft/Magick itself a religion or not?) come along. I agree with your defintion, and yes.. an Atheist would sure laugh if I were to call them Pagan. I've not used magic in a while. This is probably due to my recent move and new life. I am not comfortable doing magic when I am not that comfortable with myself. |
Life of a Witch.
ok. so, you use magic for health whereas i pray for health purposes???? looking for same results from different sources. right? All magic really is.. is fancy prayer, to put it bluntly. So, yeah, I guess you could say that. |
A Bay Bay. I don't know who he is... but he should be killed.
Life of a Witch.
infectious, please explain how you "use magic" do what exactly? just curious. ![]() ![]() lady v, nice pic, very pretty. ![]() ![]() for two years, it was for healing purposes. Myself and another person did a lot of healing magic for people who needed it. After that, I do the occasional magic for inspiration or just for overall health. |
Life of a Witch.
Mossop... Witchcraft is a religion, indeed. But I am not a religious follower nor am I someone who worships or even applies the religion into my daily life. I simply work in magic while having my own beliefs and idea. Nothing is taboo anymore it seems. Witchcraft has been a popular and controversial thing for a very long time. The only real problem now is that people will take such a good system and make it into whatever they feel is necessary just so people will get the wrong idea. Ok I'm confused... you believe that Witchcraft is a religion... you practice Witchcraft... yet you are not a religious person and you do not follow any religion. Please elaborate. Exactly. I believe Witchcraft is a religion, and also a practice. I practice witchcraft. I am not one who studies the religion. It's the religion part that I wish for you to explain to me. What religion part do you not practice? What is it exactly about witchcraft that makes you believe it's a religion. It's almost like you are eluding to Witchcraft and Paganism are interchangeable terms, which in my opinion, they are not, because Paganism is a term used to decribe a wide array of different religions. It's like you are saying you are practicing Witchcraft but not practicing Paganism. Am I correct? pa·gan /ˈpeɪgən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey-guhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks. 2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. 3. an irreligious or hedonistic person. –adjective 4. pertaining to the worship or worshipers of any religion that is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim. 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pagans. 6. irreligious or hedonistic Read number two. I am Pagan in that sense. My ideas are Pagan. My lifestyle is Pagan. As for Witchcraft being a religion, even I can say that I am not 100% sure that it actually is. For the most part, I do not follow by dogma or ritual or worship. I simply use magic. |
Life of a Witch.
devilwas, Silver RavenWolf is a good and enjoyable read for witchcraft. In my opinion Ravenwolf is too "fluff bunny" with her writing to gain the interest of teenagers who wish to become "teenage witches." It's a load of BS that rides the coat tails of the shows like "Charmed" and movies like "The Craft" which also made teenyboppers think that such shows and movies were "how to" guides to Wicca. ![]() Thank you so much for saying that. finally, someone agrees. |