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Topic: Stand With the Truckers!
Bart's photo
Fri 02/11/22 06:38 PM
The liberal swamp has oozed across the border to Canada. Now their prime minister and the Canadian police are going to extreme measures to silence Canadians and imprison citizens for honking their car horn or possession of a gas can or giving food or water to the Truckers that are expressing their right to refuse to inject a drug into their body that they don’t feel comfortable doing. These Truckers are doing this not for themselves( they are 85% vaccinated) they are doing this for all people that value personal freedom. Soon the truckers here in America will be joining their Trucker brothers with their own convoy. It’s time to end the mandates once and for all or else the liberal party will bury itself. It wasn’t long ago these same liberals were cheering on the Truckers for delivery thru the pandemic.

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/11/22 11:43 PM
It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

jaish's photo
Sat 02/12/22 03:02 AM

It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

It's not so tiny a shot for some of us. (after 2 shots + recent booster shot). It can be, esp. the first shot, a life & death experience.

Detail: Covid vaccines are nothing but generating a new breed of antibodies. known that when person receives the first shot, the bank of existing antibodies, (including those for small pox, polio, etc.; pre-existing in normal people) is activated to squelch this 'unknown'. For a person like me, (no, I'm not a trucker; but a site construction guy exposed to unhygienic food, water); the range of antibodies is larger and 12 hours after the first shot I went through a 30 min. period of fever & near seizure. The day I took the booster shot, I actually said my goodbyes to a relative, before night.

It's a tough situation for people exposed to tough outdoor conditions and I think their PM is not handling it right.

Rock's photo
Sat 02/12/22 04:22 AM
Whilst I am fully vaxxed,
and all boostered up...

F'k the mandates!

no photo
Sat 02/12/22 06:40 AM

It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

It's not so tiny a shot for some of us. (after 2 shots + recent booster shot). It can be, esp. the first shot, a life & death experience.

Detail: Covid vaccines are nothing but generating a new breed of antibodies. known that when person receives the first shot, the bank of existing antibodies, (including those for small pox, polio, etc.; pre-existing in normal people) is activated to squelch this 'unknown'. For a person like me, (no, I'm not a trucker; but a site construction guy exposed to unhygienic food, water); the range of antibodies is larger and 12 hours after the first shot I went through a 30 min. period of fever & near seizure. The day I took the booster shot, I actually said my goodbyes to a relative, before night.

It's a tough situation for people exposed to tough outdoor conditions and I think their PM is not handling it right.

I had it. About 3 weeks before the pandemic ever started. I decided to not do the shots. I was feeling sick for about a day and a half, then I went to work. After a day outside, I felt pretty good.

I got curious, I started searching for reasons why I didn't get as sick as others. It was that I wasn't obese, I didn't have contributing issues that would cause me to die. Since that time, when I got exposed to others that had come down with it, I never got it. I'm immune.

I decided to NOT expose myself to the virus again. My body is my body. Then the Johns-Hopkins study said that .2% of the people who got shots, wore masks, still got it. Besides, any booster is only good for 90 days anyway.

But we are not immune to government overreach. Their are waay too many government officials that get drunk with power and love to tell people what to do. Truckers are, for the most part, are Independent Contractors. They call their shots. If one company fires them for whatever,they drive down the street to the next terminal, pull in, walk in,"I'm a truck driver, here's my log book, I'm ready to drive." and the next company hires them.

Now, The Truckers are trying to deliver us freedom. Freedom from oppressive socialist dems, who want to tell us how to live. (I'm getting huge laugh that Tow truck drivers won't touch them!) And now, the government is trying to take away the money donated to them from GiveSendGo. Trudeau is in hot water, biden is trying to jump in to the same pot with him.

Let him.That way, he can get hung out to dry with the rest of dem party.

Ryan 's photo
Sat 02/12/22 06:46 AM
I am fully my choice. That bring said NO government has the right to force people to put something in their body that they do not want in their body.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 02/12/22 07:03 AM

I am fully my choice. That bring said NO government has the right to force people to put something in their body that they do not want in their body.

Yup, this is what it's all about!

I am not vaccinated at all, neither are my kids (thank goodness!), nor my mother. She does have underlying issues which is exactly why she doesn't want to take any risks with the poison they put in you.
Way too many people get all kinds of weird chit because of it. That includes the booster shot. I've read from so many people that got in trouble and wonder what they can do.

So to each their own, as long as they don't make it mandatory to take it, or anything else for that matter.

Kudos for the truckers to stand up for their right to choose!

no photo
Sat 02/12/22 07:27 AM
If our leaders and media weren't so liberal and destructive I could maybe believe what they have to say about COVID, vaccines and whatever. As it is they are a waste of out time and money. Very immoral and corrupt. But I think I found something to use to my benefit in their beliefs. Since it's ok to identify yourself as man, woman or whatever you want then I shall identify myself as God. All can bow down and worship me. And as God I don't need to worry about COVID or anything. Problem solved !

Downstream's photo
Sat 02/12/22 10:27 AM
Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/12/22 11:03 AM
Huge amount of people can't even get food ... shelves are empty ... supply chains are screwed up .... but who cares !!!!
It your right to protest whatever you want and God Bless you .... but once you have made your point , that should be the end of it !!! End the blockades etc and then wait to see if any changes are taking places .... to start over ...
Democracy used to be the will of a majority .... now it's the will of the minority's the new world !!!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 02/12/22 12:00 PM

Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

If people get harmed it's because of the governments that want to force everyone to take their crap.

Also, it is not minor compared to anything! This is about our fundamental right to choose, and our fundamental freedom.
If government gets away with removing these fundamental freedoms and rights of every human being the entire world will go to smithereens. Nothing minor about it at all, this is huge!
Mankind has fought for centuries to finally get these rights, and now they're about to be taken away from us again, throwing us back in the Middle Ages when we didn't have a say either.
This is the most important thing in the world. Everything else hinges on this. If we lose our say in matters the idiots in power can (continue to) do whatever the hell they want to us, the planet, everything!

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/12/22 12:25 PM

Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

Ironic that lockdowns and mandates have also stopped huge numbers from from going to work, funny how when BLM protest blocked things off the government was not concerned about potential deaths from people being blocked, and had no regards for people's inconvenience, they actually encouraged people to go out and protest even in the middle of a pandemic.
Ironically the truckers blockaid could easily end simply by ending vaccine mandates. Do vaccines actually work? In the short term they may help a small number of people with preexisting conditions survive, they have not kept people from getting the virus, with people showing less or no symptoms of the virus they are much more likely to go out and spread the virus to others so there is probably an actual increase in cases due to the vaccine, and long term is yet to be determined. Does anybody remember when they told people to stop eating butter because it's very bad for you and start eating margarine because it's made of plants it has to be good for you, right? How many commercials are there that say have you or a loved one taken this drug or used this product and became ill or died? You may be entitled to be part of a lawsuit. Just because people can't see it now does not mean it will not have grave affects in the future. I have no problem with old people and those with pre-existing conditions getting vaccinated by their choice, but don't be forcing this on children with little or no risk of serious outcomes.

no photo
Sat 02/12/22 01:57 PM

Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

Ironic that lockdowns and mandates have also stopped huge numbers from from going to work, funny how when BLM protest blocked things off the government was not concerned about potential deaths from people being blocked, and had no regards for people's inconvenience, they actually encouraged people to go out and protest even in the middle of a pandemic.
Ironically the truckers blockaid could easily end simply by ending vaccine mandates. Do vaccines actually work? In the short term they may help a small number of people with preexisting conditions survive, they have not kept people from getting the virus, with people showing less or no symptoms of the virus they are much more likely to go out and spread the virus to others so there is probably an actual increase in cases due to the vaccine, and long term is yet to be determined. Does anybody remember when they told people to stop eating butter because it's very bad for you and start eating margarine because it's made of plants it has to be good for you, right? How many commercials are there that say have you or a loved one taken this drug or used this product and became ill or died? You may be entitled to be part of a lawsuit. Just because people can't see it now does not mean it will not have grave affects in the future. I have no problem with old people and those with pre-existing conditions getting vaccinated by their choice, but don't be forcing this on children with little or no risk of serious outcomes.

That is something I object to, kids getting the Vax. Three, out of one million kids could get it. At their young ages, their bodies can become immune to it, and it doesn't even make them sick. A friend's granddaughter got it. He said, aside from even testing positive for it, you couldn't tell she was even sick. This was known back when it all started.

I'll bet every truck that's in this protest, has a driver in it, or near it. Not one has parked it in the middle of the street and walked away from it. Unless they were arrested.

I'm loving to hear every squealing dem complain about this. And watching them dropping their mandates because, all of a sudden, they are not so sure of re-election. (Including beat-o, who all of a sudden has become pro second amendment? WHAT a LIAR!!!)

I hope the left is taking notes on what a peaceful protest this is. If Trucks start burning, we will know antifa is the cause of it.

Bart's photo
Sat 02/12/22 06:03 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 02/12/22 06:09 PM

Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

Some things are worth a little inconvenience. How about the harm of thousands of folks losing their jobs and income. Sometimes you have to make a stand. When you have a government stealing gas, cans , firewood from private citizens .when your getting arrested for honking your horn or giving people food , then it’s time to push back against their over reach. It may be in Canada now but it’s coming here. How far will we let them go. Sparkling crystal is 100% right. If we just give in whenever they snap their fingers than we might as well be in Russia or China. Enough is enough…. My definition of liberals isn’t skewed . It’s right on time with what we all see coming from their ideological, out of touch agenda.

Mark 's photo
Sun 02/13/22 04:32 PM
Waite and see what happens when they turn up 5 G full lol lol

no photo
Sun 02/13/22 05:13 PM

It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

LMAO talk about brainwashed.. IF you knew how to Research, you would know THousands of healthy people are DYING from the shots all over the world.

Mortman's photo
Sun 02/13/22 09:33 PM
Edited by Mortman on Sun 02/13/22 09:34 PM

It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

LMAO talk about brainwashed.. IF you knew how to Research, you would know THousands of healthy people are DYING from the shots all over the world.

My research is limited by the fact that I'm not a professional statistician or researcher. So where might one find those "THousands of healthy people" dying from the shots? Thousand of people have died after getting vaccinated, but with billions of doses received, even five thousand would be a fairly insignificant amount, percentage-wise. Saying those deaths were the result of the vaccine is suspicious, since people die everyday, and the vast majority of vaccinated people don't even get sick from the shot. The people at the front of the line for vaccination were those who were old and/or with underlying health conditions, so saying a 95-year-old woman died two weeks after getting the shot doesn't impress me.

Articles I've read, and anecdotal evidence from my friends and family in the medical industry (sister's a nurse in Texas, wife's friend is a doctor), the vaccines make people 45 times less likely to die from Covid. What have you got?

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 02/14/22 09:23 AM

It's asinine, because the vaccine saves millions of lives and it's such a tiny shot. Protesting the vaccine is almost as dumb as people taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine instead. Such Idiots!

I'm vaccinated, 3 shots, I'm not anti-vax......and NEITHER are MOST of those truck drivers.
But in TYPICAL leftist mode people like YOU are putting forth misinformation by conflating being anti mandate with being anti vaccine. Since 90% of the truckers are vaccinated people who paying attention, even to a person with limited connotative reasoning, it's OBVIOUS that they aren't anti vaccine. Only an asinine person would say that the protest is about being anti vaccine rather than what it's ACTUALLY about, anti mandate.

Only idiots CAN'T see that leftist, who AREN'T REAL LIBERALS, who believe in totalitarianism rather than democracy, are trying to conflate DIFFERENT issues. SMH

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/14/22 11:50 AM
as far as I can see in Canada , the truckers are generally protesting against the corrupt Liberals , who happen to form the Government , and are not anti-vax , as they all are vaxed I believe.... but like everybody else , they want an end to the pandemic and the many restrictions in place to control the spread of the virus ..unfortunately there are still a lot of misconceptions flying around and people are confused .... so yeah ! bottom line is the Government has gotta go ..... just like the USA ' government gotta go to ... mishandling the pandemic on both sides of the border is not something that is being accepted by the citizens hence all this turmoil .....
protest for freedom but also don't forget your responsibility....

Bastet127's photo
Mon 02/14/22 07:32 PM
The trucker’s freedom convoy is for, and about, truckers. They are protesting covid19 vaccination requirement or face 2 week at home quarantine when returning across the border. To me, it seems they care about how non-vaccinated truckers may lose downtime due to quarantining, but they don’t seem to care much about the effect their convoy is having on other’s welfare.

Since the initial start of the freedom convoy others have joined in protesting all Covid19 mandates.

It seems to be a disheveled mess.

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