Community > Posts By > Ryan

Ryan 's photo
Wed 03/16/22 06:00 PM
hey folks.. the first slaves were not African... they were....Irish
but you don't see the Irish bellyaching.. nope. we melted in...we didn't demand our own vocabulary, our own Christmas....National Anthen. or money from the U.S. know.. we just worked hard and RAISED the children we fathered ..
Ahhh... easy to be a father...harder to be a Dad

Ryan 's photo
Wed 03/16/22 05:52 PM
oh come on , give me a break. tune on the news in NYC. Baltimore, Philly, S F , ect ect and tell me who you see attacking the Jewish and Asian old people. . its black people.
you have 13% of the population in the urban areas committing 70% of the violent crimes.
check that with the F.B I
take your head out of the fr#$&ing sand and call it the way it is.

Ryan 's photo
Mon 03/14/22 05:23 PM
regarding the " biotches" who turned me down for a date .
I asked my now wife for a date when I was the 6th grade. we married at 18.. we are now going on our 45th year if marriage.
just here for the occasional forums

Ryan 's photo
Mon 03/14/22 04:43 PM
no I'm not
I am equating my post to the fact that the vast majority of hate crimes against the elderly Asian and Jewish population in our urban cities are committed by..blacks. And I do not base that statement on 1 crime or 10 crimes, or 50 crimes. I base it on data going back well over 5 years....more like 10 years. to the point where aporox 6-8 years ago where the Jewish leaders in NYC asked for a explanation from the black leaders. including Sharpton as to why these attacks were happening...
this is not new and it is very well documented. Have you seen the camera photos of the attackers over the last 5 -10 years?
But of course maybe my eyes deceive me so
what is the color of the vast majority of the attackers Motown?...what color do you see?
or are we not allowed to say what or eyes and the cameras show?

Ryan 's photo
Mon 03/14/22 03:46 PM
it's never..ever ..a attack on a able bodied person. Never on a person who can fight back...never
It is sickening to see the elderly treated like this
This guy even called her a " Asian bi%#h as he beat the hell out of her.
So clearly it is a hate crime( which he is being charge as) but the question that never gets answered is " why?..why do they hate Asians and Jews?. what did these 2 ethnic groups do to the black people?

Ryan 's photo
Mon 03/14/22 02:39 PM
In the never ending saga of black people beating up old Asian and Jewish people, his guy punched a 67 year old Asian woman in the head 125 times in NYC a few days ago
. ...125 times....125 punches to someone's Grandmothers head... think about that
yet as always. totally ignored by the left , BLM. Sharpton. ect. ect. and the corporations that were fast to throw buckets of money at their " cause"
Can any of you black folks shed some light on why your race is bent on beating up old Asians and Jewish people?

Ryan 's photo
Wed 03/02/22 06:08 PM
yes, people are not happy at all. Republicans, Independents AND Democrats
just the polls
This President is a failure...across the board

Ryan 's photo
Mon 02/28/22 01:47 PM
newsflash Mort....he ain't running in 2024. I mean honest ...look at his failures in 1 year. Do you think the country can take 7 more years if that
Do you honestly believe his handlers would let him
in 7 years he will be in the Shady Oaks rest home getting his meds in a paper cup.

Ryan 's photo
Sat 02/26/22 06:10 PM
maybe...but why should we give a s#&t about them...I mean really why? cause...I don't.....they don't like us at all...but they like our.....$$$$. what a shock.

time to take care

Ryan 's photo
Sat 02/26/22 05:48 PM
And that sensitive information such as Russia is pulled thin and can't fight 2 campaigns was passed on to ....Mort
you understand estimate Russia...and China
but a blind eyed Dem would

Ryan 's photo
Sat 02/26/22 04:41 PM
so Mort, is Biden your man in 2024?..still have that Biden bumper sticker on your car or did you scrap that off under the cover of darkness?

Ryan 's photo
Sat 02/26/22 03:49 AM
yes, its called " the game of giving our hard earned money to a cause the we the people don't give a s#@t about"
and we had no say in the " gift"

Ryan 's photo
Fri 02/25/22 11:04 PM
And that's a very scarey thought

Ryan 's photo
Fri 02/25/22 04:26 PM
He's not running. The folks behind the curtain will come up with a " unforeseen " medical reason why he can't
and incompetence is not a medical condition although he is in stage 4 of it.

Ryan 's photo
Thu 02/24/22 11:45 PM
And at the onset of war, bombs and missiles falling in the Ukraine our climate Czar John Kerry said he hoped Putin would be keeping the environment in mind while invading the Ukraine.........
This is the caliper of the morons running our country.

Ryan 's photo
Thu 02/24/22 03:58 PM
a lot of Dems are retiring or decided not to run again. Yesterday one from Texas changed parties to be a Republican. I think many of them just can't defend the actions of Bidens administration AND the actions of the splintered Dem party AND I think deep down they know they will lose if they ran again.
The entire Biiden cabinet is a JV team..not a star on it.. not one

Ryan 's photo
Thu 02/24/22 04:04 AM
well I'm not worried. We sent V.P Harris to speak for us. We're in good hands..............
Biden is upset because his handlers wouldn't let him go home to Delaware last weekend while all this was going down.

Ryan 's photo
Wed 02/23/22 03:17 PM
Personally I think the Dems are going to get shallacked ..big time.. but I would like to hear other views. especially from the left
I think they dug their own graves with WOKE. defund the police. bail reform,ect, ect . I think they can't distance themselves fast enough from those failures.. but the damage is done.these on top of Bidens & Harris's dismal numbers and failed leadership
Does anyone from the left actually think that Biden is going to run for another term? That he is not essentially a lame duck President right now? Does anyone from the left think that the Dems will continue to hold the senate?....even though their infighting had made that a moot point .

Ryan 's photo
Tue 02/22/22 05:00 PM
I lived there in 2011 and 2012. I first started going to China for work in 2001, I would go in 3 times a year and spend about 3 weeks each time visiting the factories that made our stuff. we sold flatware. cutlety and ceramic dish sets. Usually because of quality or social compliance issues that were found .most all the factories were in rural areas or industrial zones. . I would stay at hotels along the way set up by our China office. but when I lived there ( to build a factory) they built me a apartment as " western" as they could.. there were no hotels and even if there were the people I had to work with would have never respected me if I didn't live where they live and eat what eat .. so I did. In my travels I stayed in many cities Beijing, Shanghai. Tianjin, Shenzhen dct. I liked the cities but life outside them is totally different. And I love Hong Kong..I would go there ( or to Shenzhen) at times to get some rest and western food when I was building the factory
I am sure you have made some life freinds in mainland. I know I have . And I learned a lot there
when I fist arrived there they gave me the blueprints which were in chinese.. I don't read Chinese.. I had some very trying times and also some great times.
in my " apartment" they were able to install a western toilet and they were very proud of it.. and I was very grateful because I didn't have to use the hole in the floor. ;). you know the one

Ryan 's photo
Tue 02/22/22 03:41 PM
V.P Harris when asked
" absolutely the sanctions can stop Putin . in the next breath she said. " but he has already made up his mind"....
the puppet show is on world display...again

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