Topic: God creatd Satan so God = Most Evil
Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:11 PM
One person I met believes in God, but denies that God had anything to do with the Bible. You see, he thinks he speaks for God by denying the Bible, but he condemns others whom he perceives to be speaking for God.

Hmmm? I wonder why he perceives that they speak for God????

Surely it couldn’t be because they claim to.


That would be too obvious. noway

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:32 PM
Hello Rabbit flowerforyou

May we take a little walk?

What if we strip off the labels that have been attached to the biblical version of God?

What if we remove the very human qualities that have been used to describe that which cannot truly be described?

May we agree that whatever 'God' is ... it is the source of all creation ... an energy that moves into form, through form and out of form? Energy first ... then matter follows...

What is up without down?

What is left without right?

What if God has no agenda other than to grow and know itself?

If there is ONE thing ... ONE source ... there can be no experiencing because there is nothing that IT is not ...

Experience and growth is only possible when there is something to lap up against. Without at least the illusion of separate there can be no emotion, no senses ... no experience and therefore no growth...

Good and evil are just concepts like everything cannot exist without the other ... without one, there is no frame of reference for the other.

If you see a coin laying on the ground ... and I asked you to only pick up the tail side...could you? Both are part of the whole ...without one the other cannot exist...

I also believe that God's time is NOW. No past, no future ... just a perpetual state of NOW. All possibilities existing NOW.

We are constuctive or destructive co-creators in this. What we dwell upon does indeed grow.

Just look at the energy being directed into things like the war ... both for and against it ... for or against doesn't matter ... all of that energy is being directed to the war... growing it...

I have used this description many times in the threads but it is one that makes sense to me so I will repeat it here.

I imagine God to be a creative source ... I am visual so I imagine that to be like the ocean. We are like waves ... crests within the whole ... still attached ... made up of the same stuff ... but individualized as a time as these unique personalities ... separate from one another ... or at least appearing to be.

The wave individualized as Sherrie for a time ... experiences that which is around her ... she laps up against other waves ... against her environment ... experiences emotion and senses ... learns, grows ....

...but I am not separate from this creative source...

All I experience and learn is experienced and learned by this source ... God, if you will ... as I am experiencing and learning it...

I have choices. I am responsible. I allow that which lives in me and through me.

I can choose to walk in the light or I can choose to walk in the shadow.

Is that God's fault for creating evil? Without evil, good doesn't exist. In all actuality ... I do not typically label things as good and evil ... they just 'are'.

I do not believe in the notion of a man in a red suit and pokey stick any more that I believe that God is some big humanized ego in the sky.

I do, however, believe in this creative source ... and that all things exist ... now ...and that by me living my life ... I am doing my part for God...that IS my mission ...

God's gift to me is this life ... as Sherrie. My gift to God is a life well lived and that God may come to know more of Itself through me...

And when my time is done, I will sink back into the whole of the ocean ... still a part of the whole ... that I never truly left.


feralcatlady's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:50 PM

I can choose to walk in the light or I can choose to walk in the shadow.

Now isn't that a lil contradictory.......Would not walking in the light be with God, and walking in the shadow with satan.....and would not those to be Good and evil......Or even walking in the light...good and walking in the shadow evil.......hmmmmmmm

Is that God's fault for creating evil? Without evil, good doesn't exist. In all actuality ... I do not typically label things as good and evil ... they just 'are'.

But you just labeled it....above......

God's gift to me is this life ... as Sherrie. My gift to God is a life well lived and that God may come to know more of Itself through me...

First off again contradiction....God if you just take the word itself is a masculine word....therefore can con be an it. And I really don't think God could know himself more through you.....because he is all knowing......

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:51 PM
Artgurl wrote:
What if God has no agenda other than to grow and know itself?

No there’s a profound thought. drinker

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 11/28/07 12:55 PM
ok thats a fair statament....but then Why are we here?

creativesoul's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:07 PM
When one communicates with another... they must speak the same "language"...

This does not, however, mean that both have the same level of understanding or equal value of any given word in particular...

It is used to best explain a notion to the listener... in his/her own "language"...

s1owhand's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:12 PM
we are here because we are part of God's experience.
we are because we think....


damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:16 PM
So if I follow the logic here right...

a cat poops in a litter box, the litter rocks rub against each other causing a spark, sets the poop on fire and burns down my apartment, therefore its the cat's fault?

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:30 PM

<I can choose to walk in the light or I can choose to walk in the shadow.>

Now isn't that a lil contradictory.......Would not walking in the light be with God, and walking in the shadow with satan.....and would not those to be Good and evil......Or even walking in the light...good and walking in the shadow evil.......hmmmmmmm

<Is that God's fault for creating evil? Without evil, good doesn't exist. In all actuality ... I do not typically label things as good and evil ... they just 'are'.>

But you just labeled it....above......

<God's gift to me is this life ... as Sherrie. My gift to God is a life well lived and that God may come to know more of Itself through me...>

First off again contradiction....God if you just take the word itself is a masculine word....therefore can con be an it. And I really don't think God could know himself more through you.....because he is all knowing......

Contradictory? What about that is contradictory?

I can choose to lift someone up or I can choose to hit them with a stick.

If you want to call one God and one Satan then that is because it fits YOUR frame of reference...which is perfectly fine ...

It is not mine...

The label is a CONCEPT...and concepts are MAN MADE.

When I have been physically attacked I did not run around spewing the notion that it was Satan's work ... any more than I believed any accolades received were a gift from God ...

It is ALL just experience. Some I'd like to have more of ... some I would rather not experience again. All valuable in their learning.

And I view none of it as separate from God ... I cannot be separate. The WE ARE ONE is quite literal.

God - Him? Again we disagree but only because we come from a different frame of reference. My definition of God is not yours as you can plainly see from my illustration in the earlier post.

I see no reference in ANY dictionary I have looked in that says God is a masculine word.

She doesn't get bent our of shape if I refer to Her as a plank... it is just a word... the creative source is the creative the creative source ... is the creative source...

And you believe God to be all-knowing ... I believe God to be ALL. There is a vast will leave it at that.

"Why are we here?" I answered that ...

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:54 PM

Artgurl I am talking about the Christian God that is all knowing and all powerful. The creator of Satan. You are addressing something else. All of you other Christians who say I shouldn't blame God for his creation that seems really weird cause you want to always give him credit for every little bit of creation. I still stand uncorrected here God is the creator of evil in the universe.

wouldee's photo
Wed 11/28/07 01:57 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 11/28/07 01:57 PM
CLOUDY DAY !!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

set the cat free and be glad.:wink:

smokin drinker bigsmile

let a little sunshine in......flowerforyou bigsmile

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:01 PM

Don't you see the smile on my face? If you could only know the inward peace that real truth brings. Try opening up your mind to the truth and all things will be revealed to you.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:05 PM
Ahhh I see artgurl......Then tell me something...With your God what is the point to life if you just go into the ocean as floxum of the sea....What purpose if any are you here for. And does that also mean that when your life is over you reflect your life as living as You intended and all fine and dandy. And what purpose did your God have for creating you?

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:06 PM
All of you other Christians who say I shouldn't blame God for his creation that seems really weird cause you want to always give him credit for every little bit of creation.

Little Red Riding Hood is never at fault.

It’s always the Big Bad Wolf.

Don’t you read fairytales Rabbitz?

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:09 PM

So you agree with me right feral God Created Satan.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:13 PM
Man created every god in every religion in history. Man had to have a reason for the evil in the world so he created the nemesis to god. All religions have an evil force of which they blame all wrong doings on. The even scarier thought is some of the greatest evils in history have been done in the name of the person's god.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:18 PM
My God? There is only ONE Feral ... you just define it in different terms than I do.

If you are EVERYTHING ... you cannot experience ANYTHING.

We are the experiencing arms of God.

You seem to be intent on this notion of US vs THEM ... I am not ... so we will never agree...and that is fine.

You will live what rests well within will I.

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything either. I just share what is true for me ... if it resonates with others they pick up pieces ... if it does not the words lay on the floor where I drop them. It matters not ...

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:24 PM

Thanks artgurl for your commentshappy

Now onto the Christian God the creator of all evil in the universe.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:32 PM
I repeat for those who cannot comprehend. Man created every god in every religion in history. Man had to have a reason for the evil in the world so he created the nemesis to god. All religions have an evil force of which they blame all wrong doings on. The even scarier thought is some of the greatest evils in history have been done in the name of the person's god.

There is no one true religion there is only each and every person's personal belief.

Religion is not a bad thing, it is the humans who create the evil behind a religion.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/28/07 02:33 PM
apologies for the side track rabbit flowerforyou

I have answered feral's questions and will now leave your thread...