Topic: Positive Words For WiccanCowboy & His Unit | |
Prayers are going out to you and the units out there fighting for OUR country and OUR freedom
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen."
In our hearts and prayers always...come home safe!! |
The ones that say they disagree with what your fighting for are only saying it because they're afraid to do it themselves. We want you on that wall - we need you on that wall. Thanks for taking care of us.
You guys rawk! Strength, Love & Light! Sending you a Lucky/Magical Dragon!! _____________b___A _____________$b__Vb. _____________'$b__V$b. ______________$$b__V$$b. ______________'$$b._V$$$$oooooooo. .. _______________'$$P*_V$$$$$""**$$$b.____.o$$P ________________"_.oooZ$$$$b..o$$$$$$$$$$$$C ________________.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b. ________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ___________.o$$$o$$$$$$$$P""*$$$$$$$$$P"""*$$$P _________.$$$**$$$$P"q$C____"$$$b________.$$P _________$$P__"$$$b "$ . .$$$$$b.______*" _________$$______$$$._____"***$$$$$$$b. A. _________V$b___. Z$$b. ._______"*$$$$$b$$: __________V$$.__"*$$$b. b.__________"$$$$$ ___________"$$b_____"*$. *b._________"$$$b _____________"$$b._____"L "$$o.________"*" .ooo.. ________________"*$$o._______"*$$o._________.o$$$$$$$$b. __________________"*$$b._______"$$b._______.$$$$$*"___""*. _____________________"*$$o.______"$$$o.____$$$$$' ________________________"$$o_______"$$$b.__"$$$$____...oo.. __________________________"$b._______"$$$$b._"$$$$$$$P*""""" __________________________. "$$_______"$$$$b__"$$$$P" ___________________________L."$.______.$$$$$.__$$$$ ____________..______________$$$;______o$$$$$$__$$$$ _________._$.l _____________"$$'____.$$$$$$$P__$$$P _______.I_.$b b_'.___________"P .P*""*$$$$;__$$$ _____.$P__$$o_"._".__.________" ." _____$$$$___$$; ____.$$;__$$$._"A_"$._".________'_______o$$$P__.$P ___.$$$b__$$$$._*$._"$$$$o.___________.$$$$P___$" __.$$$$$__$$$$$._"$$o."**$$$$o.'__.o$$$$P"____P __$$P"$$b_$$$$$$o__"*$$$$boooooc$$$$$$$P"___. __$$__$$$."$$$"*$$.__"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$C__.o" __I"__$P"$."$$b._"*$.____"**$$$$$*"*$$$$$$$" __'___$__"$."$$$.___""'______________"*$$* ______$.___"."$$$$o__________tien ______"I_______"$$$$b. . _________________"$$$b."$o. ___________________"*$$."$$$o. _____________________"$$o_$$$$b. _______________________'$$o'$$$$$b. ________________________'$$.'$$$**$o _________________________'$$.$$$._'$$ __________________________$$;_$$$o._"$. __________________________"$:_$$_"*o _______________________$._.$$_$; _______________________;$.$$P_$ _______________________"$$$$ P' ________________________$$$;: ________________________$$P _______________________o$P _______________________$P _______________________I' _______________________ That is your small protection dragon. He shall take well care of you. So that nothing bad happens to you & yours... |
Wiccan, and all our men and women in uniform, come home safe, and also victorious because I don't want you guys to have to go back in their 20 years down the road to get it right.
You are all in our hearts,prayers and thoughts each and everyday..God bless you all for what you do for us...May God always protect you and keep you safe
Your always in my prayers even though I don't know but 2 men over there.
Honored to have such brave guys and Ladies fighting to keep us safe |
i just want to say thanks to all the men and women who were brave enough to go over there and fight our battles for us. i know a guy who went over there and recived the purple heart for his bravery. and now i have a cousin who i think is about to go over there i just want them all to come home safely.
Coming from a military family I have been taught the reason that we are free is bacause of so many that have sacrified in the past Too all the soldiers currently serving I thank you for helping to continue to protect everyones freedom.
Bless you and all that you do for us!
My love and support are with you,,, Angels of light sing within your souls,, Hugs to you,, safe journey,,,, Blessed are we,, Blessed are you.....
I will simply say THANK YOU. Thank you for having the courage to do what's right, no matter the cost. Thank you for being there to protect us and keep us all safe. Thank you for the hope you inspire and the love you give! My thoughts are with you and everyone overseas, far from home. Remember that we are here to give strength if you ever need it, for you are our strength! I thank you in the name of all women who wait with love in their hearts for their men to come home Be safe guys!
Wiccancowboy, From one veteran to another, I salute you and all of our servicemen and women, for the job that you are doing ovetr there and throughout the world. May god bless all of you, protect you and bring you all safely home again.
wiccancowboy, thanks so much for all that u do for our country to help preserve our freedom. my thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of our brave service people. may God bless you.
Becca |
God's blessings on you and all your fellow soldiers. Please let them all know we have not forgotten about them (you). We won't forgot or fail to support our troops.
Take care of you!