Topic: death penalty
michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:03 PM
oh,,,somebody just f;n shoot me now puuuuuleeeeeeeze?

TheShadow's photo
Mon 11/13/06 08:26 PM
Believer, Maybe when it is like ten years down the line they come to
that idea of forgiveness. But when it first happens It is really rare
that that would happen.

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 11/14/06 10:33 PM
How about when a Governor set a criminal out on parole as the former
Governor Of mass Dukakass did with a Willy Hortin.

michael1313's photo
Wed 11/15/06 12:07 AM
thought hortin got shot in his head after he got out???

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 11/15/06 01:02 AM
If Willy Horton got shot. then There is a GOD I geuss. Thank you God.
Thank you God or Godess.

karmafury's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:42 AM
Sometimes justice given outside the system works best.

no photo
Fri 11/24/06 10:31 PM
"Eye for ane eye. Tooth for a tooth" "As ye have killed by the sword, so
shall ye die by the sword."

Sluggo's photo
Sat 11/25/06 01:34 AM
I say put the Electric Chair near my house and wire the chair to my
Bedroom Switch: We'll save money of the Executioner (because I'll do it
for Free!!!!)

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/25/06 01:45 AM
No. Willy Horton got out and proceded to capture and rape a woman.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 12:41 PM
If sentenced to death row and the prisoner has shown no remorse after
all the dna evidence has proven it was him/her then fine kill him/her.
But if sentenced to death row and the prisoner is showing remorse
commute the sentence to life in prison without the chance of parole.
Make the priosoner live daily with what he/she did.
My biological father is in prioson for murder 1st degree, has shown
remorse since day 1. Sitting in prison for life! Has a parole hearing
for the first time 3/2009. Won't get, doesn't deserve to get it. Yet my
1/2 sis and step-bro asked the court to spare him from death row. So the
closest the prosecutor could get him to death row is have his cell share
a wall with death row.

just my 2 cents that doesn't really matter much in this forum

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 12:49 PM
The majority of my college degrees are in the law enforcement arena. I
am for the death penalty and have met very few in law enforcement that
are against it. For me the belief comes from seeing the devastation of
entire families because of the actions of these perpetrators. The only
improvement I could see made would be for the remaining family members
to handle it outside of the prison system. Rape my daughter, I take care
of it. Kill one in my family we come for you ourselves. In some cases
vigilante's should have a place - but only the directly affected in each
case. I know, strange view, but you asked. LOL

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 02:02 PM
and to think I am studying criminal justice.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:24 PM
.. in the bible if a person commits a capitol offence it goes something
like this.... There must be at least two witnesses. A witness doesent
have to be a persons testimony, it can be DNA, A photograph, phone
records, ect. Now if it is proven in court, (actually done thru the
church,) then the Victoms relative or next of kin can decide thus.. They
can demand death, or they can accept a counter offer from the condemned.
Mabe the victom would be happy to recieve the condemned land or chattle.
Mabe not, but this decision is in the hands of the victom, not the
courts. The catch is this... the victom can have one or the other but
not both. The condemned has one chance to make a counter offer, which
makes the victom thier new best buddy in thier eyes.
This doesent only apply to capitol crimes, but indeed any crime. For
thier to be a crime in the bible, there must be a victom that comes
forward. The bible shows the maximum penalty for each crime, but the
victom has a lot of say in the actual penalty using the procedure stated
above. This system, weighted in favor of the victom, makes much more
sense to me than our corrupt system.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/30/06 08:24 PM

Is that in the New Testament, or the Old?

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/30/06 08:31 PM
To Whoknows.

Should we hunt down OJ with hound dogs?LOL

How are we going to know whether the criminal is really remorseful or
just trying to get his/her sentience commuted?

They could fake remorse you know.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 08:33 PM
i think our system is corrupt as well rambill but it's one of the best
in the world. people constantly tryin to put one on the system ruin for
everyone else. i don't think biblical law would work in a "modern" world
because no one has any character or integrity when it comes to that and
if they did strike a deal most people would never pay up.

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 06:02 AM
i think it would work just fine myself... lack of charactor by reniging
on the deal would result in a nice public execution. Now theres a
deterrant. The reality I think would be like this... There would be a
lot of public executions at first,then the crime rate would drop to near
zero. If you could have your spouse killed for adultry, it would vanish
from the scene. If you stole someones work van, you would owe them three
in return. Crime wouldent pay at that point. Also the Victom would have
the trump card which is sorely lacking in this society.
As for our system being the bestin the world, not buying that either.
In Isreal, they folllow closer to the biblical laws... at least as far
as the penaltys go. iF YOU ARE FOUND TO BE A HOMOSEXUAL, THEY have a
tower that thet drop you from. If you are caught stealing, they cut off
a hand. The same tower is used for adultry. (sex crimes tower???)A
friend of mine lives there and he claims that he could leave 10,000
stacked up on his front porch, go on vacation, and when he comes back it
would still be there. The bottom line is this: there is swift justice in
Isreal, and the crime rate, in reality is almost zero because of it.
remedy for the victom, which is central to biblical laws.

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 09:42 AM
In the US you can die of old age while running appeal after appeal. If
found guilty by a jury of 12 of their piers, then get a rope and go to
the closest tree on the courthouse lawn and hang them publicly. I think
the crime rate would drop considerable in this country then. As to the
cases refered to in Ohio, take him out of the cell, down the stairs and
hang him on the closest tree, do not waste anymore of the taxpayers
money. An the overweight prisoner in Washington, who excuted the bank
tellers, had him a pistol with one shell and tell him he has 3 minutes
or the state will do it for him. An definantily don't waste the taxpayer
money on a kidney transplant.If this is offensive or cruel, sorry, but
they have all been convicted of cruel crimes. We have prisoners in texas
on deathrow for 20 years or more. I think it is stupid to continue to
waste the taxpayers money in this fashion. I have one more small beef
with the judical system too. I do not think convicted felons should live
in air conditioned, central heated, color satallite TV cells. I have a
real problem when a criminal lives better than many (including me) hard
working honest American citzens......

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/05/06 11:21 PM
I am for the death penalty of murderers. I dont think that just because
a person violates their probation or parole 3x by getting drunk on house
arrest they should get a life sentance either though. Personally I think
electric chair is not a painful thing as your dead before you have a
chance to scream out even. Although I do not think it should be shown on
public access cable tv week either like ted bundy was in stark down in
florida. It is not a pretty site to watch especially for the younger
people. I dont think leathal injection is painful either it is not like
the gas chamber where you see the person gasping for air though.

no photo
Wed 12/06/06 03:56 AM
read the good book god says we shell not kill
so no there should be no death row life in person fine and if thay
were found not gulty later on at list you would have not killed some one
who was not it but any way we do not have the right to take a
fathers job are juge others that is for god to do and any one whos
dont get there life strte will anser to him there is lots of eveil
and good here and its all in the good book read it