Topic: death penalty
Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:09 PM
Im for the death penalty. The victim didnt have the option of saying
goodbye to friends and family, make ammends with whatever, or chose how
much or how little it was going to hurt, or in the manner their death
would occur. Even the bible quotes and eye for an eye. Talk to the
families of their victims, look at the crime scene photos, see for
yourself they wake these monsters leave behind, the truama. There are
no words to explain. But then, this is just my personal opinion. What
do I know.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:10 PM


no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:14 PM
The unfortunate part is if we are still talking about Saddam also?
the ones who will pay the price for what Sadaam deserves our the kids
over there in the service. You know it will be hell to pay for those
guys like they dont have it bad enough already. Good part is, if its
anything like here in the US when someone needs to die, we will house
him or her for 30 years along with gym,color tv, library and the option
to say its to cold or hot outside so I dont want to work and get away
with it at our expense so Sadaam will probably die in jail of old age.
Like Chucks, just my opnion.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:16 PM

The guy from Ohio shouldnt feel a thing for his overweight problem. He
would just doze off with a shot but God forbid we make them suffer the
way the victim or families suffered. Oh no. someone might start
screaming cruelty.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:21 PM
again,,,to speak "in general ""here, "Chukee is right,,,
don't do th crime...
we must move on as a country on the whole,at "ONE" with th planet...and
each others for humanity to survive itself...
my fear is world war III ?
is it closer than we think?
or is it armageddon ???
looks like for the next millinium...
Hell in a Handbasket....don't want to sound like a gloom and doomer but
I see th news,and world events,depressing as hell to me to see it going
on,I weap for Humanity....M.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:25 PM
that's what i was sayin taino. the part about his obesity and diabetes
effecting the efficiency of the lethal injection was his defense. i
would have done it anyway. just like the guy in oregon or somewhere who
sat on deathrow and was buying extra food and shit do he could get out
of the hanging he was sentenced to. he said it was cruel because his
head would pop off. so? he's doing it to get out of his sentence.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:32 PM
Think about this..... I hear some say how corrupt the legal system is,
fair enough, but like your saying king, look at the way the system
allows itself to be played even by the lowest of scum and their lawyers.
It is all one big game. For the innocent that are falsly accused, well,
there are no words, but my opinion on death for those that take a life
when not acting in self defence, remains the same. I have NO compassion
for these animals. No humane person would do the things that got them
where they are, so the humanity plea should be stommped out where they
are concerned!

Marie55's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:34 PM
He is in Washington state - and someone is supplying him the money to
buy all that extra food. I think he deserves to hang anyway. Now the
bit about needing a kidney transplant because his kidneys are bad, bull,
I wouldn't spend a plug nickel on helping the guy. He murdered women
who had families, left kids without mothers, and he had the money, was
out of the bank and in the car, was on his way, then decided to go back
in and kill them. Premeditated, not a random or spontaneous act, he was
in his car getting ready to leave, then got out and went back into the
bank and murdered the women. They didn't have a choice- he took their
lives away from them and their families. I think he needs to go, and I
would hang him just because he was so cruel in what he did to them. Can
you imagine seeing the robber leave and feeling, Thank God, he is gone,
we are safe, and then he comes back in and you know in your gut that he
is going to kill you? The feelings they must have felt? That would
have been torture in my book. That was cruel and inhumane against them.
Not a spontaneous act on his part.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:40 PM
criminals will always find a loophole and the decent people will always
get the short end of it. i think we should quit coddleing people in
general and make them accountable since they won't hold themselves

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:44 PM
heard all month!!!!

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:52 PM
Yeah Michael I am going to have to decline on running for ANY public
office, my kind would not be tolerated much less voted in.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:05 PM
All in all folks,
I believe the people that suffered the loss or the crime should decide
on their outcome. I know what I would like to do or have done to someone
who killed one of my family members or raped one of mine. No doubt here.
A little different when it happens to your family rather than read it on
the newspaper or see it on TV.

Marie55's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:10 PM
That's a good point Taino.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:10 PM
Hey ok then,,,Chukee? you run for pres. and I'll go for th vice
pres.???sound good?
we could get a few guys from here to be th cabinet,
shit this place could be our "Oval Office",
I know a few folks to put in th fbi for us,
and run th cia too,and prop'ganda platforms
hell,,,we could just take over th world...?

BOOOAAAAAHHAAAHAA! * wrings his hands in glee*

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:17 PM
th'LORD said "Let Vengence is Mine...
eye for an eye only ends up with a 1/2 blind human race,
we have all been touched by death,of sorts,
from one end or th other,
but we should not think like that,
think from the heart,kill only if nessesary,
and live and let die,live and let live,
live for love,and love for life,LIFE...not revenge

Chuckee's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:19 PM
Nah, I'm to heartless, I'd of already blown away that 3rd world country
the size of Tx away!!! I'm tired of whaaaa, what about the innocent
people there? BS, blow their ass away. Whats happened now is going to
continue on like a vicious cycle and our children will have to fight
their children!! Blow it away!!!!! Well, I'm sure I've changed some
opinions of me for the worse AGAIN. lol

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:28 PM
I look at it like this as far as the death penalty, we are working and
paying for these criminals to live in prison, which by far is
overcrowded. They may not have the best life in there, but hell do they
deserve it. If someone hurt anyone in my family I would want to hurt
them myself, but for the legal system to just let them sit there would
really piss me off.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:31 PM
this is why I weap for humanity,,,but you should reconsider this
offer,,,you would at least get some votes here,
and for protection? not a problem there either...
some body to snipe into obliveion?not a prob,,,we should have found
Osama with a sniper by now,and we would not have th Iraqi war going on
now...but my point is we need smart folks to tell
the world how it really is,no B.S. half truths...
and you tell it like it is,and don't mind stepping on toes,,,
you too "KB"......think about it for a few...let me know...
we are tomorrows leaders.
tommorrow needs to change today...

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 10:30 PM
I'm not truly for the death penalty but I believe in justice and to
cause as much pain to that person in other to make he/she might wish
they were dead for their crime they might committed.

CrazyJ's photo
Tue 11/07/06 03:57 AM
Ok so this might make me sound like an ass but it's how I feel so here
goes. As for the death pen. yes we should have it we should use it more,
if the sickos wanna kill let them be killed. of corse I belive in the
punishment must fit the crime, should someone be on death row for
manslaughter, prob. not, murder or milti-murder? hell yes! If an inmate
who is on death row wants to die I say yes do it. Sorry but they are
just waisting money feeding and housing these murderers, I want to see
that money go to schools or roads or anything but keeping some murderer