Topic: death penalty
Ontario's photo
Sun 10/29/06 03:13 PM
Well...a human being is not a dog...!
There are people with terminal illiness that would like to go but
society won,t allow it...because its inhumane.

The system is too corrupt to allow a person to be executed...!

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:04 PM
Face it Ontario LIFE is inhumane and cruel we do not live in utopia and
the world is not always happy bunnies, sure people are wrongly convicted
and all of the vicitms are wrongly and unjustly KILLED.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:38 PM
Ya go girl behind evey word you have said 100%. Ya know I still remember
what most of you dont' back when Sharon Tate was hung in her living room
and her un-born baby was cut out of her and left on the floor to die. Do
you think her killers gave her anything for pain naw she was wide awake
while they cut her open. And Charles Mansion is still alive in prison we
give him a computer, Tv and want ever he wants and keep him away from
the general public in fear for his life. He got lucky cause the death
penalty had been taken away around the time of his trial. But..... guess
that is right huhh. And that has been 32 years ago.

Marie55's photo
Sun 10/29/06 05:25 PM
That's right and Manson keeps coming up for parole, but doubt they will
ever let him out. I talked to a psych who had talked to him, said he is
"crazy like a fox." He knows he has it good. While I was working in
prisons, we executed Wesley Alan Dodd for molesting and murdering little
boys - he didn't fight it, wanted it, fought the attorneys wanting to
appeal for him. He was put to death and no one mourned, except for maybe
his family. The pain and grief some of these people cause families is
unimaginable. I talked to families of inmates all the time - some had
written them off, others were fighting for their release. I could tell
you stories, but won't and can't legally. I have seen adult female
coworkers break into tears over what they were typing in a criminal
history summary, usually about a crime against a baby. I saw one "I
only gave her what she wanted" - SHE was 13 months old. Should he be out
walking the streets after his sentence, hell no, so he can give other
little girls what they want??? When the state came out with the 3
strikes law, you should have seen those boys sweat. They were all
worried about whether it started now with this crime, or if they counted
prior crimes, for some it was their third time in prison. I wouldn't
hurt another person walking down the street and would help anyone who
needed it, but death penalty, if it is proven with all the DNA and
technology out there today, oh yeah. Some of these guys are a waste of

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 03:43 PM
True, CCP...but we as a society cannot become as such.
If one person dies unjustly by the the death Penalty it most be

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 03:51 PM
watch the heavens split and hell freeze over.. I am gonna have to agree
with.....ONTARIO....Look out here comes the lightening bolt..WILL

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 03:57 PM
The Truth is the Light willy...!

LaceyElizabeth's photo
Mon 10/30/06 04:00 PM
the death penalty should be used in some situations...let the crime fit
the consequences.........but we have to remember people make mistakes
therefore we could be killing the wrong person!

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 04:06 PM
There are lots of people that deserve the death penalty...starting with
those who don,t like the cowboys... but
really... we have all read those stories about people being set free
after years on death row.
Find every person set free...there,s maybe 20 more that won,t be
and killed by this corrupt system...unjustly.

LaceyElizabeth's photo
Mon 10/30/06 04:14 PM
so true ontario

Ontario's photo
Mon 11/06/06 01:51 PM
Okay...Saddam, to be Executed...what a shocker...what did he do
that this country...our presidents has,nt.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 01:57 PM
he pissed us off and paid the price, ont.

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 01:59 PM
...any questins on that bright one?

Ontario's photo
Mon 11/06/06 02:03 PM
Well, Sir.....what goes around comes around...........!

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:26 PM
that's about the gist of it too considering the crime that they are
trying him for happened back in the 80's and they didn't consider it
enough of a travesty to put him on trial back then....basically just
amounts to a wild goose chase except they found someone to take the fall
since osama got away.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:44 PM

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:44 PM
oopps,caps were on...

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:53 PM
i don't kiss anyones ass and i don't hold true to party politics so i'd
never win an election...just ask ontario lol

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:55 PM
people are "Unjustly killed" EVERY DAY"Ontario"!
look at BagDahd...too many people die for no good reasons...
just for being in th wrong place?

It is Their time to go?

Utopia is not our world,and to think otherwise
would be foolish...
we should build a kingdom of no hate,GREED,or suffering?
no easy answer to this one true,but why do this kind of crime in th
first place?
why kill fellow man?
none of these are good enough reasons to kill...
defense of your loved ones is the only one I can come up with...

Marie55's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:58 PM
I agree with what you are saying about innocent people going to jail, it
does happen, more often than we can imagine I am sure. There are
dishonest people everywhere, in every system, and I have even heard
women say they would claim that there husband molested their kids just
to keep him from getting visitation - that is beyond wrong, but I know
it happens, by sick and twisted minds. But, I also still believe that
there are cases, if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that do deserve
the death penalty, use DNA, all the technology you can find to prove
their guilt, but there are some people out there that are beyond scary,
Jeffrey Dahmer was one of them and his own kind (inmates) took him out.
I don't want an innocent person hurt, is there a way to protect every
innocent person from not being hurt, probably not. But I also feel that
3 strikes is too many for some crimes, why not just 1 strike, depending
on the crime, providing again, you have the proof that they are guilty,
some have even admitted to the crimes, etc. Why set them free after
their sentence to go out and commit another two crimes, and destroy more
families and lives before they can be held for the rest of their lives.
The murderers are bad, but some of the sex offenders are even worse in
my opinion. They are beyond sick. I also have issues with someone
getting out of jail time and getting confinement in a state hospital for
committing murder, because they were "sick" at the time. What if they
were sick because they were using drugs when they committed the murder.
Didn't they make a conscious choice to take the drugs? Yes, they
committed the murder under the influence, but made a conscious choice to
take the drugs, so why should they be committed to a state hospital
instead of doing prison time for committing a murder?? This last issue
really bothers me, as it is a case that happened awhile back, and I
don't agree with how it was handled. Your thoughts?