Community > Posts By > bill_greathouse

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Sun 03/04/07 11:51 AM
I have never sead names here are ponted my finger at any one so if you
want to belive you are then are you ???? I did not say you was so
thanks of what you are saying

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Sun 03/04/07 10:25 AM
thay have ansered your qusition guy ok but with a lie

like i new thay would thay are cutting us down for thay dont like

thay are only mad at us be couce we been there thay have oready
sterotyped us out and dont want you knowing its them so blam us good
job nice try

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 10:25 AM
thay have ansered your qusition guy ok but with a lie

like i new thay would thay are cutting us down for thay dont like

thay are only mad at us be couce we been there thay have oready
sterotyped us out and dont want you knowing its them so blam us good
job nice try

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Sun 03/04/07 10:13 AM
she will trune the truth around she has to after all could not have
you knwing the truth

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Sun 03/04/07 10:08 AM
any woman out here that are brave anff are can any woman be honset and
brave and come and anser these man

are all the woman on here scared to now hummmmmm??????? what you

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Sun 03/04/07 09:56 AM
thats true and one more thang if a woman shows up now theres a rely
good chance she wont be honset with you any way

as she knows its about looks are mony are both no more no less to
get to know you and tell you what you want to here you must have looks

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Sun 03/04/07 08:58 AM
thats a great i da you have you mean takes time get to no them right
now anser these if thay take one look at your pic and wont talk with
you no more how would you get to know then are them you ??????

if you meet them in person and thay tret you all nice you ahve a
good talk but then thay dont have time to talk to you any more how
would you get to know them with what time

how do you get time from some one whom oready knows thay dont want
to eveion give you a chance thay wont give you time its not being
netatve thats dune these these attatud comes from whats happion not
being negative you thank I did not oready thang of what you sead here
yes long a go but found out that was not the porblum its looks can
not take time to no one whom wont give you the time

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Sun 03/04/07 08:38 AM
well would like to say that but can only say these is truth I did
not aske to be dune the way I have and I feel the way I do from
not being given a chance in life it is sad

yes and woman do not give me the time of day let alone achance to
know me for me thay see me and strotype me right out and its over
that fsat and thay can not say its not looks thay can not see if I
for thay are the ones whom can not make time to know me for me thay are
the ones whom go with frest look dont need to talk to know you

looks is all thay need would love to be wrung here but know I am not
if you have walked in my place you could see how it is to be a vergun
not be couce you want to be but be couce your stotyped out try
going years with no one at all try that try seeing other with some one
want so bad but not alloweed woman took that right from you what I
want is for woman to see and know what thay are doing

what I want is for woman to thank how would thay like these to happion
to them

would thay like it no thay would not how would thay handel no one ever
wanting them for years

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Sun 03/04/07 08:26 AM
to have a woman get to know you for you to have a woman like me for me
and take the time to know me wow what a dream sorry dont happion
woman go bye looks me not good anuff for any woman only good anuff
to be used but not to be with

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Sun 03/04/07 08:24 AM
no I gave up on that in real life are on here how do you eveion
try any more a person can only be put down so many times in there life
be for its hard to get back up again a date whts that can you tell
me what that is only a dream to have a real date

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Sun 03/04/07 08:20 AM
me pic get me know were I can be as nice as possable

I can dress up all nice and be all cleaned up

it dont matter what I do its all the same thang for years now ok and
lots and lots of woman whom put me here made me these way

how eles am I to feel are say for I can do every last thang these
othr guys do and I wont get any were at all thay will ok thay not
strotyped out bye woman see at list when men had controll every one
had some one sad ant it that woman dont have harts like men did

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Sun 03/04/07 08:14 AM
yes I see that ok and thay give you the time of day you got the
chance to know them wowo good thay would never stay around long
anuff to talk with me to no me one look it was over is just like
that thay dont take the time to know me are my hart ok sorry I did
not aske to be put here

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Sun 03/04/07 08:09 AM
wish I could say you are right all the way but can say these yess
looks can be gone like that ok yes its the hart

but how would any woman ever know what my hart is at all thay wont one
look it was over dont want to know you dont care to eveion no you so
how would thay ever know you ???????? at list good looking get to know
some one get given a chance

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 07:55 AM
thanks now thats truth

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Sun 03/04/07 07:47 AM
I bet you cant say you tryed for years been trun away bye well over
300 guys and for no reson at all other then looks strotyped out at
frest look as you have not your a woman and unless I was a nice
looking guy I dont stand a chance

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Sun 03/04/07 07:33 AM
to be a man if you are a man and you want a woman in your life then
heres what you must know

1 you must be good looking

2 you must have mony

3 you must work out

4 looks again as these is the most emproten thang to all woman and
most all guys

these thangs are what you must have if you are born a avrage man and
you dont fit in to these thangs

plane these most all woman in the us will strotype you out at frest

the ones whom dont will us you get what thay can from you but
remember your strotyped so thay will noot give you the time of day ok

do you have feeling yes you do do you have wants like every one
elss do yes you do

do you dress up clean up and be at your best to try and meet a woman
yes you do

will a woman eveion give you a chance no she will not will you be
alone for years yes you will

will any woman care no thay wont

will a woman be alone for years no she wont the only woman who are
alone like that are the ones whom want to be but for a avrage guy
now he will be alone for years not be couce he wants to be but be
couce woman forced him to be

now guys with looks are mony thay dont see these why woman will never
do them these way so thay have no idea woman are these low life

at list years ago when men had controll all woman and men was made
sure that every one would have some one men made sure of it

but now that woman have controll well thay not like men was making
sure every one had some one no thay not that way at all

thay all want the same types of guys and any guy who dont fit there
wants is forced in to a life time of lonlyness bye woman

how would you all like to have these dune to you

would it feel good to know every woman you will meet for year after
year after year will strotype you right away

that you are not good anuff for eveion a date let alone to have a

so when you need some one to talk to talk to your salf when you
want some one to hold hold your salf

if you need sapport sopprt your salf want to wake up nexst to some
one good luck you will never be allowed that

want a girl to go to the prom with heheheheh
sorry that been taken away from you you are a guy not allowed to
sorry you dont fit what woman want thay know it at frest look thay
dont have to eveion no you your looks told them every thang thay need
to know

wellcome to are world wellcome to how woman realy are at list can
say one thang when men had controll thay hade real harts and cared
about every one not just them salfss and made sure every man and woman
had some one

and woman thay have not a hart see thay all have 150 to 200 guys
all wating hopeing to have some one in line for them so thay will never
be alone but will force men to do these thangs are die alone

sad but true hat saying these dont like to but these is truth good
looking guys will no understand for thay never been here take hes looks
away from him he would find out when we went year after year after
year being strotyped out bye every last woman he meet

sad story but a true and it is very sad so many go all alone so many
are forced in to it as if a woman was forced in to what she do to us
men she would not like it at all she would then understand the deep
hurt and the real want to not eveion care if you live are die not
eveion care at all why should you after all you are dened a life bye

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Sun 03/04/07 07:10 AM
my dream date wow not hard at all just to have a woman whom would know
me for me for who I am \
and love me for me thats all dont thank I am asking to much

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Sat 03/03/07 08:20 AM
thats right sex is not what makes it work sex is only one part

but so many I thank go with sex is love and sex is not love

so any way woman will not tell the truth and guys wont ether but do
no if you are a nice guy like I am and some others I know are you
will be alone always

woman will strotype you out for no reson other thn thay can and lie
to cover it up sorry to say it but its truth both sexss like
running only after looks and woman and men strotype but woman
strotype a lot more then men do

and force lonlyness on to ones whom dune nothang to them

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Sat 03/03/07 08:04 AM
sure wish you was right that the right one would come along but how
many years must one be all alone bye them salfs be for any one would
give a ****

seems to me every ones only in to looks and game playing any way
ok may be not every one but at list 95 percent are all about looks
geting sex are mony but looks and mont top on there list

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Sat 03/03/07 07:48 AM
there was these guy and these woman thay meet on line

thay talked every day on chat and then strted calling one another on
the phone at list ones a week

these keep going for a bout a year and thay new one another good bye

so thay deside to meet and do thay meet and go get somethang to eat.

as thay are talking she says to the man I dont thank I want to date
any one right now

thay go on talking and eatting and she lives gos home he gos home and
thay steel talk she aske him to come up to her house help her with
some work she needs dune

he says ok he gos and helps her
he realy likes her so he desides after getting back from her house and
helping her to aske her out

so he duess now she tells him sorry she oready seeing a guy and
then tells him your a nice man you have a good hart some day some one
will come along for you

see what happions to nice guys she stotyped him out that day when she
meet him for real life thats why she sead she did not want to date

be hide hes back she looks for a new man see so being your salf
being a nice guy got him were ?????????

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