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Topic: death penalty
no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:24 PM
how do you feel about the death penalty....there is a man right now in
ohio who is requesting a stay of execution because he is overweight and
has diabetes. he claims that the combination of his health and lethal
injection would be painful, this is the same guy who murdered a family
that belonged to his cult in his barn.

gaillygail39's photo
Fri 10/20/06 12:19 AM
so go figure. he worring about pain when he cause pain.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/20/06 12:50 AM
I got a phone number he can's for the waaahhhhmbulance
1-800-BOO-HOOO ext wahwah

tallygop18's photo
Fri 10/20/06 05:09 AM
Instead of living years off tax payers, they should have their execution
a week after their second appeal. If he don't like the injection, use a
gun, a rope, or the electric chair, but get r done.

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 05:25 AM
whether you are for the deathe penalty or not(i'm for it)don't you think
there is something wrong with a criminal who did not care if their
victims suffered cruel and unusual punishment trying to use it in their
own defense to avoid execution? i do.

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:18 AM
what about the people who get life instead of the death penalty

nascar8fan_31's photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:51 AM
I feel if they would put the Scott Peterson's and etc. in general
population, instead of protecting them...we wouldn't have as many on
death row to have to support for eons....

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:18 AM
yeah and we have to pay taxes to hold them

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:50 AM
doesn't apply to lifers terrence, this guy is tryin to stop his

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:54 AM

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/20/06 07:12 PM
I am against the death penalty because of even a
1% chance that an innocent person could be executed.
Could you imagine the feelings that an innocent
person on death row would feel? There have been many
cases of people on Death Row being found not guilty
based on new DNA evidence. These were innocent people
who would've been executed. I am against the death penalty.

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:57 PM
i agree with you jimi. i don't have anything against the death penalty
but there is just too many people that are wrongly accused in this
country to keep the death penalty.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:28 PM
Kill them all, let God sort them out.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:46 PM
Please excuse, if this offends... but DO UNTO OTHERS!! I think death
is an "easy" way out for THEM. Let them live, but let them suffer!
Make them work for they're keep... give them NO luxuries. Prison should
be PRISON... NOT a FREE ride!! If prison was just that... they would
welcome death as an alternative!!

Marie55's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:36 AM
There is a guy in Washington State on death row fighting it now because
he is too fat - got that way sitting on death row (so who was sending
him the money to buy all that extra food, candy, etc., putting money on
his books???), anyway they use hanging up here. His argument is that his
head would snap off because of his weight. There is no doubt of his
guilt, he is on camera robbing a bank. Robbed the bank, took the money
and left, got in his car, went back inside, told the women tellers to
bend down and executed them and then left again. He had no conscience
about them or their families, no feelings for anyone else. Then, last I
heard he was having kidney failure and may need a kidney transplant,
wanted the state to pay. Don't think this happened, but haven't heard
anything about him for some time. I think he deserves to die. They say
every appeal costs the state $1 million dollars, ridiculous. Give them
two appeals, you lose, you die. I am sure there have been innocent
people in the past who were executed but with DNA evidence and better
technology now days, I would think the possibility is less. Some people
just deserve it. Costs the state a fortune to keep them on death row.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:52 AM
So?? if the fucker's head snapped off he wouldn't feel a thing..wait..I
guess I'd agree with him...firing squad would be better considering the
way he killed those tellers

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:29 PM
Fry em!!! Yeah as you can see I am for the death penalty,as far as
should we let em live cause they think they may experience pain whn its
time cuz they are overwight and got other disease..too damn bad!! You
can be damn sure that thought never entered thier heads if it was
hurting the victims of their crimes. FRY EM!!!

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:31 PM
Wow CCP...a poet is usually more sensitive...!

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:35 PM
Ontario what you know about me would fit on a pin head...there is oh so
much more to this mere mortal poet than you think. I hear daily how
prisoners fuck the system over daily while regular people in the real
world struggle daily to make it, rarely if ever do any of the prisoners
think or feel a bit of remose for what they did to thier victims or the
families of the victims.

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:40 PM
Fair Enough...However the death penalty is cruel and inhumane
and should be abolished...!

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