Topic: --- Is God real? ---
DaySinner's photo
Tue 11/27/12 07:18 PM
Edited by DaySinner on Tue 11/27/12 07:23 PM

It's not about "allying" with a higher power. There is no war going on specifically between believers and non believers. We don't believe to gain anything, including an "advantage". We believe because we have felt God, we know God. And wish to rejoice in his glory that he allows us to see/feel.

I did not mean to suggest there is any war going on. Conflict goes on within and between people for uncountable reasons. My impression is that people believe in God because they need security. But my impression really isn't very important. What might be important is what truth you find for yourself. I think that looking honestly and without fear takes great courage and spirituality.

DaySinner's photo
Tue 11/27/12 07:53 PM
Edited by DaySinner on Tue 11/27/12 08:01 PM

So, is God real? Which god are we talking about? What moves you to believe so?

Whether you are a believer, atheist, or unsure, you can only ever have an image in your mind about the thing that you question. The image is not the thing itself. It is the difference between a painting and the thing being painted. Arriving at any conclusion leaves you pretty much where you started, with an image in your head.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 11/28/12 01:42 PM

It's not about "allying" with a higher power. There is no war going on specifically between believers and non believers. We don't believe to gain anything, including an "advantage". We believe because we have felt God, we know God. And wish to rejoice in his glory that he allows us to see/feel.

I did not mean to suggest there is any war going on. Conflict goes on within and between people for uncountable reasons. My impression is that people believe in God because they need security. But my impression really isn't very important. What might be important is what truth you find for yourself. I think that looking honestly and without fear takes great courage and spirituality.

Security? God doesn't provide more for a believer more then an unbeliever or anything of that nature, in that exact context. Yes believers ask for things and receive those things, but that is because they asked, not specifically just because they are a believer. God doesn't play favorites.

And what fear? Someone can not be "scared" into believing anything. They would have to first believe before there would be any "fear". So that point is mute and irrelevant, for I do not see how it applies to what we are talking about.

no photo
Thu 12/13/12 09:31 AM
I do not believe in god. I make my own choices and live by my morals.

TBRich's photo
Thu 12/13/12 11:10 AM

I do not believe in god. I make my own choices and live by my morals.

Kooky, Kooky, lend me your comb....gosh I am old, I bet no one remembers that one.

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/13/12 03:08 PM
I learned about God when my parents were my security,, there was no 'need' to believe for that reason

I believe, always have, because to me I see what I Believe to be the evidence of what makes sense about an intelligent creator of human life and all the life around it,,,

but thats just me

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/05/13 02:46 PM

So, is God real? Which god are we talking about? What moves you to believe so?

Yes,God is real.
Jehovah the only true and living God.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

My faith and personal relationship with Jesus/God moves me and makes me believe so.

But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

corynski's photo
Tue 01/22/13 02:53 PM

Greetings everyone.....

Someone mentioned 'feeling' God in their body, so I would ask just what does 'God' feel like in one's body? Others hear 'God' talking to them..... OK. God has never spoken to me. My question is: 'Why doesn't 'God' simply show up and take over, so we could all be on the same page. Repeatedly it is said Jesus would return, promptly, but it's been 2000 years now. There are people all over the globe who know nothing of the Christian God.

I see no evidence for any gods or goddesses. The amount of evil in the world suggests something is amiss. So I have a question for you -- "If you were God, possessing unlimited power, would you create a world like this?" A world where every creature has to eat some other living creature to survive?

Would you create a world where 90% of the species you've created become extinct? A world with two sexes of humans instead of just one?

Would you create three different religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and give them three different 'Holy" books?

A world where God's servants, the Priests and Pastors, are raping school children while God watches, yet doesn't punish the clergymen, He punishes the children instead, who carry the scars! A world where God decides to kill all HIs children, except a few, with a flood because they were all lacking?

The world needs more rationality, not more superstition. Look how religions splinter into smaller groups because no one can agree upon what 'God' is, or means, or does. And just look at the suffering of all the starving children in the world, can 'God' not prevent suffering? Is God more interested in your love life?

If someone could, and would, please, show me some evidence for any gods and goddesses. My suspicion is that 'God' is NOT REAL, but is a reification involving certain ideas about creation and omnipotence, but in fact has no real 'Being' at all.

Charley/Lancing, Tn.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/23/13 06:42 AM

Greetings everyone.....

Someone mentioned 'feeling' God in their body, so I would ask just what does 'God' feel like in one's body? Others hear 'God' talking to them..... OK. God has never spoken to me. My question is: 'Why doesn't 'God' simply show up and take over, so we could all be on the same page. Repeatedly it is said Jesus would return, promptly, but it's been 2000 years now. There are people all over the globe who know nothing of the Christian God.

I see no evidence for any gods or goddesses. The amount of evil in the world suggests something is amiss. So I have a question for you -- "If you were God, possessing unlimited power, would you create a world like this?" A world where every creature has to eat some other living creature to survive?

Would you create a world where 90% of the species you've created become extinct? A world with two sexes of humans instead of just one?

Would you create three different religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and give them three different 'Holy" books?

A world where God's servants, the Priests and Pastors, are raping school children while God watches, yet doesn't punish the clergymen, He punishes the children instead, who carry the scars! A world where God decides to kill all HIs children, except a few, with a flood because they were all lacking?

The world needs more rationality, not more superstition. Look how religions splinter into smaller groups because no one can agree upon what 'God' is, or means, or does. And just look at the suffering of all the starving children in the world, can 'God' not prevent suffering? Is God more interested in your love life?

If someone could, and would, please, show me some evidence for any gods and goddesses. My suspicion is that 'God' is NOT REAL, but is a reification involving certain ideas about creation and omnipotence, but in fact has no real 'Being' at all.

Charley/Lancing, Tn.

GOd placed man here and allowed him to create the world he wanted to live in,,,,,

as far as the rest,, the circle of life seems perfectly intelligent and reasonable to me,,,

abhi24_'s photo
Fri 01/25/13 01:16 PM
Well Said Ma'am

abhi24_'s photo
Fri 01/25/13 01:19 PM

I don't believe in god myself but who am I to tell someone that does believe that he isn't real. You can make anything real with the right belief.

Well Said!!!

Religion works only on belief system.
IDK why people doesnt believe themselves but have endless belief in god

abhi24_'s photo
Fri 01/25/13 01:32 PM
Edited by abhi24_ on Fri 01/25/13 01:34 PM

Greetings everyone.....

Someone mentioned 'feeling' God in their body, so I would ask just what does 'God' feel like in one's body? Others hear 'God' talking to them..... OK. God has never spoken to me. My question is: 'Why doesn't 'God' simply show up and take over, so we could all be on the same page. Repeatedly it is said Jesus would return, promptly, but it's been 2000 years now. There are people all over the globe who know nothing of the Christian God.

I see no evidence for any gods or goddesses. The amount of evil in the world suggests something is amiss. So I have a question for you -- "If you were God, possessing unlimited power, would you create a world like this?" A world where every creature has to eat some other living creature to survive?

Would you create a world where 90% of the species you've created become extinct? A world with two sexes of humans instead of just one?

Would you create three different religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and give them three different 'Holy" books?

A world where God's servants, the Priests and Pastors, are raping school children while God watches, yet doesn't punish the clergymen, He punishes the children instead, who carry the scars! A world where God decides to kill all HIs children, except a few, with a flood because they were all lacking?

The world needs more rationality, not more superstition. Look how religions splinter into smaller groups because no one can agree upon what 'God' is, or means, or does. And just look at the suffering of all the starving children in the world, can 'God' not prevent suffering? Is God more interested in your love life?

If someone could, and would, please, show me some evidence for any gods and goddesses. My suspicion is that 'God' is NOT REAL, but is a reification involving certain ideas about creation and omnipotence, but in fact has no real 'Being' at all.

Charley/Lancing, Tn.

GOd placed man here and allowed him to create the world he wanted to live in,,,,,

as far as the rest,, the circle of life seems perfectly intelligent and reasonable to me,,,

I dont know why people here always refer christian religion as a ultimo religion.
There are many more which has there own beliefs.
Anyways ..Child suffering in Africa coz of some severe disease, it cant be a baseless reason that he might have done something wrong in his past.
You cant make some child suffer if you are a good god.
And i guess bible too says that 'god always forgives' so why he does not forgive to those poor little kids who are suffering for nothing.
If someone is dying of hunger and he continuos to pray for whole one day, go is not gonna bring the food to him. Either we have to feed him or he has to find a way to food.
Thats all from my side!!!

2smileloudly's photo
Sat 01/26/13 05:20 PM
Is God Real ???

Religion and our concept of god (or gods, mankind has invented 2800 of them so far) is purely imaginary... it is all in our minds, made up superstitions and myths.....

People who believe in imaginary beings are delusional
People who talk to imaginary beings are delusional
People who believe in imaginary superstitions like prayer are delusional
Delusion--a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.

Religion should be classified as a Psychosis....
an entire imaginary, delusional belief system

We can call it Religious Belief Syndrome… an acronym could be… Religious B S

Ras427's photo
Sat 01/26/13 05:56 PM
I once believed in a imaginary friend when I was a child. As a man I no longer believe in ghosts. If you believe in god, nothing wrong with that if its what comforts you. There is no way to prove either way wiether there is a god or not. When death arrives you will know. Until then a belief is just that a belief, trying to convince someone is often fruitless. Personally I believe someone has pulled a fast one on the masses. But thats just me.

Ras427's photo
Sat 01/26/13 05:59 PM

Is God Real ???

Religion and our concept of god (or gods, mankind has invented 2800 of them so far) is purely imaginary... it is all in our minds, made up superstitions and myths.....

People who believe in imaginary beings are delusional
People who talk to imaginary beings are delusional
People who believe in imaginary superstitions like prayer are delusional
Delusion--a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.

Religion should be classified as a Psychosis....
an entire imaginary, delusional belief system

We can call it Religious Belief Syndrome… an acronym could be… Religious B S


DaySinner's photo
Thu 01/31/13 09:59 PM
Edited by DaySinner on Thu 01/31/13 10:35 PM
There is no way to prove either way wiether there is a god or not.

No need to prove unicorns don't exist. Why would anyone feel the need to prove that God does not exist?

But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

And so the bible is used to divide man against man, saith me. And saith any man hath eyes to see. For truth does not come from a book but from truth! That we may see for ourselves.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:03 PM
The effects/affects of the belief are real.


creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:04 PM
Truth comes from truth?


How's that work?

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:21 PM

Such an interesting thread. So many stating there opinions as facts. When one does this then their own reality is based on there own wants of what is true. This is not the truth but a 'perceived reality'.

But in the end there is truth. 1 + 1 = 2. Sun rays will warm the earth. Clouds will block the sun. And somehow the spark of life started on this earth. All theories aside there is a truth.

You are all right in that faith alone does not prove there is a God. But choosing to not seek truth is foolish. And deciding there isn't a God without seeking truth is foolish. May no-one believe in God just because I do.

So go back and read how many people state this or that as fact when it really is just an opinion. In the end, go seek the answers yourself. They are there. Open your heart to seeking truth not trying to make the facts fit what you want to be the truth.

My faith is not blind. It is based on seeking answers. Testing everything in the pursuit of finding the truth. Watching those who are at peace and those who are not.

It is a waist of time to try and convince anyone who doesn't really want to know the truth.

Good luck. God bless.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:39 PM

So, is God real? Which god are we talking about? What moves you to believe so?

Yes. Talking about the Lord Jehovah, the Christian God. I've been privileged to see a lot, and that experience makes me believe.