Topic: Seven dead in 'terror'gun attack on US Sikh temple
no photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:53 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 08/09/12 09:55 AM

Bushido, IM not in love with guns, so I wont venture into a discussion with the proper names of weapons because I would lose

my point is the practical need or use for WEAPONS (Whatever they are called) which can wipe out DOZENS of people without ever reloading,,,,

someone 'trained' in how to use a weapon (as gun advocates almost always claim to be) would be able to take someone out, or at the very minimum disable them, just as well with SIX possible shots as with SIXTY,,,,
Your wrong is the plain and simple answer. Law enforcement officers are killed all the time when they run out of ammo and are caught reloading.

A common tactical situation occurs when the person attacking realizes he is getting return fire and takes cover. If only all such attackers were dumb enough to avoid cover and let us shoot them in the face with a single well place shot.

As soon as that occurs the capabilities of the weapons being used directly impact the encounter.

No one who has any knowledge of any conflict at any time throughout history would claim otherwise.

Get educated.

its not about the education, its strictly opinion,,,

I have military friends and family and some agree with me and some dont, ,they are all 'educated' about firearms
If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

The objective facts are what lead to the conclusions, opinions are not important. We can run a thousand tests in an objective environment and the results will show the story . . . its a good thing the military leaders don't ask your friends there opinions when developing tactics they take a scientific approach and run experiments to determine there battle field SOP. Same with police, same with anyone who takes these situations seriously. Good thing we don't rely on your gut feelings, they tend to be so far off as to be destructive.

It really is funny to me to see you double down with your nonsense instead of dealing in the actual facts of reality.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:59 AM
If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

really. soooo, profit had nothing to do with it?

weapon innovation has happened primarily for MILITARY purposes, where combat is more than a one on one proposal,,,,

where you have groups of men advancing towards GROUPS of men, yes, the need for a massively destructive gun becomes practical

when you have a nutcase advancing towards an unarmed person or populace,, massively destructive weapons only gives HIM an advantage,,,,

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 10:11 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 08/09/12 10:11 AM

If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

really. soooo, profit had nothing to do with it?

weapon innovation has happened primarily for MILITARY purposes, where combat is more than a one on one proposal,,,,

where you have groups of men advancing towards GROUPS of men, yes, the need for a massively destructive gun becomes practical

when you have a nutcase advancing towards an unarmed person or populace,, massively destructive weapons only gives HIM an advantage,,,,
All tactical situations start with a single shooter. Even in the military. Right now more than ever tactics have evolved to urban environments, so again . . . no you are wrong. Also, no supply ever existed without a demand. In a deadly encounter no demand ever existed without a need.

I imagine the weapon innovations you are talking about right now in light of these shooting is larger capacity magazines? Yes? no?

Being vague never helped anyone understand anything.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/12 10:14 AM

If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

really. soooo, profit had nothing to do with it?

weapon innovation has happened primarily for MILITARY purposes, where combat is more than a one on one proposal,,,,

where you have groups of men advancing towards GROUPS of men, yes, the need for a massively destructive gun becomes practical

when you have a nutcase advancing towards an unarmed person or populace,, massively destructive weapons only gives HIM an advantage,,,,
All tactical situations start with a single shooter. Even in the military. Right now more than ever tactics have evolved to urban environments, so again . . . no you are wrong. Also, no supply ever existed without a demand. In a deadly encounter no demand ever existed without a need.

I imagine the weapon innovations you are talking about right now in light of these shooting is larger capacity magazines? Yes? no?

Being vague never helped anyone understand anything.

Im gonna be 'vague' because I dont know the NAMES of weapons

but I am being specific enough in describing the TYPES of weapons, their capability and the practicality of a non military CITIZEN owning them,,,,

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 10:19 AM

If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

really. soooo, profit had nothing to do with it?

weapon innovation has happened primarily for MILITARY purposes, where combat is more than a one on one proposal,,,,

where you have groups of men advancing towards GROUPS of men, yes, the need for a massively destructive gun becomes practical

when you have a nutcase advancing towards an unarmed person or populace,, massively destructive weapons only gives HIM an advantage,,,,
All tactical situations start with a single shooter. Even in the military. Right now more than ever tactics have evolved to urban environments, so again . . . no you are wrong. Also, no supply ever existed without a demand. In a deadly encounter no demand ever existed without a need.

I imagine the weapon innovations you are talking about right now in light of these shooting is larger capacity magazines? Yes? no?

Being vague never helped anyone understand anything.

Im gonna be 'vague' because I dont know the NAMES of weapons

but I am being specific enough in describing the TYPES of weapons, their capability and the practicality of a non military CITIZEN owning them,,,,
No your not being specific enough, and you didn't answer my question.

You said and I quote:
there is just no LOGICAL LEGAL purpose for any weapon that can do that type of mass damage in a matter of seconds,,,,,
In context of this shooting that means you think a semi automatic pistol with between 7 - 19 rounds has no logical legal purpose. (I dont know the exact model he used thus the range)

Please explain to me this opinion. Please help me understand at what round count it goes from being a logical legal purpose to no logical legal purpose and WHY?

willing2's photo
Thu 08/09/12 11:00 AM
Logic and common sense would be to have more firepower than the idiot, terrorist or feral.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 11:37 AM

What a joke.
The truly uninformed believe denial is a river in Egypt!
There are already Sharia-leaning judges siding with muslims in cases aginst non-muslims.
I laugh at the ideas of taking our weapons and giving them to feral groups like the panthers and Eugene's noi muslims.
Tell those millions of muslim and feral panther terrorists to brang on their best game.
The citizen needs to be as well armed as the criminal and ferals.
Your position regarding Sharia law is not only misguided, but stem from a total lack of knowledge and understanding. No judge can nor will recognize any law subplanting current Constitutional law. In reference to your comments regarding Sharia law, let me remind you that this position is strictly anti American. Sharia law is no differant then Native American tribal courts on Indian reservations and orCaRabbinical courts for Jews, nor are they any differant from Catholic Cannon laws, which serve approximately 60 million Catholics in America. Cannon law is not designedto dissolve or replace the American Constitution, anymore then the Jewish Beth Dins, or the native American tribal judicial system or the Muslim Sharia laws are designed to replace the American judicial system. The Catholic church, for example does not believe in divorce, but church Cannon laws allows for an annulment; therefore, in the eyes of the church, the marriage never took place. Civil law, however, holds both parties responciable for having entered into a viable contract. Sharia law, does not nor never will trump or negate or replace American civil ordinences. Sharia law is no differant then any other monotheistic religion. To insinuate otherwise is to display a severe case of irrational case of Islamaphobia.

TJN's photo
Thu 08/09/12 12:14 PM
Edited by TJN on Thu 08/09/12 12:17 PM

If you were right than weapon innovation would never have been needed at all.

really. soooo, profit had nothing to do with it?

weapon innovation has happened primarily for MILITARY purposes, where combat is more than a one on one proposal,,,,

where you have groups of men advancing towards GROUPS of men, yes, the need for a massively destructive gun becomes practical

when you have a nutcase advancing towards an unarmed person or populace,, massively destructive weapons only gives HIM an advantage,,,,
All tactical situations start with a single shooter. Even in the military. Right now more than ever tactics have evolved to urban environments, so again . . . no you are wrong. Also, no supply ever existed without a demand. In a deadly encounter no demand ever existed without a need.

I imagine the weapon innovations you are talking about right now in light of these shooting is larger capacity magazines? Yes? no?

Being vague never helped anyone understand anything.

Im gonna be 'vague' because I dont know the NAMES of weapons

but I am being specific enough in describing the TYPES of weapons, their capability and the practicality of a non military CITIZEN owning them,,,,
No your not being specific enough, and you didn't answer my question.

You said and I quote:
there is just no LOGICAL LEGAL purpose for any weapon that can do that type of mass damage in a matter of seconds,,,,,
In context of this shooting that means you think a semi automatic pistol with between 7 - 19 rounds has no logical legal purpose. (I dont know the exact model he used thus the range)

Please explain to me this opinion. Please help me understand at what round count it goes from being a logical legal purpose to no logical legal purpose and WHY?

He had a Springfield 9mm XD
16 round clip
An experienced shooter will hit a target at 50 yards that's at a range and no projectiles coming at you.
It's a total different story when someone is shooting at you. When your heart rate is up and adrenaline is beyond high levels your accuracy is greatly decreased. Most often you will miss with your first round. If your fortunate enough to be able to squeeze off several rounds while advancing towards the enemy I want all 16 rounds if not more. And yes I do have experience in a situation where I've been shot at.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/09/12 01:17 PM

What a joke.
The truly uninformed believe denial is a river in Egypt!
There are already Sharia-leaning judges siding with muslims in cases aginst non-muslims.
I laugh at the ideas of taking our weapons and giving them to feral groups like the panthers and Eugene's noi muslims.
Tell those millions of muslim and feral panther terrorists to brang on their best game.
The citizen needs to be as well armed as the criminal and ferals.
Your position regarding Sharia law is not only misguided, but stem from a total lack of knowledge and understanding. No judge can nor will recognize any law subplanting current Constitutional law. In reference to your comments regarding Sharia law, let me remind you that this position is strictly anti American. Sharia law is no differant then Native American tribal courts on Indian reservations and orCaRabbinical courts for Jews, nor are they any differant from Catholic Cannon laws, which serve approximately 60 million Catholics in America. Cannon law is not designedto dissolve or replace the American Constitution, anymore then the Jewish Beth Dins, or the native American tribal judicial system or the Muslim Sharia laws are designed to replace the American judicial system. The Catholic church, for example does not believe in divorce, but church Cannon laws allows for an annulment; therefore, in the eyes of the church, the marriage never took place. Civil law, however, holds both parties responciable for having entered into a viable contract. Sharia law, does not nor never will trump or negate or replace American civil ordinences. Sharia law is no differant then any other monotheistic religion. To insinuate otherwise is to display a severe case of irrational case of Islamaphobia.

Have you even read a Quran??? Seriously, HAVE YOU?!?! Please explain to me how fear of this faith is Unjustified???? Are you going to cite extremely liberal views of tolerance?

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/09/12 01:34 PM

Again you miss the point. Pointing out the crimes of others clearly suggests the condoning our own crimes. My point has nothing to do with religion. Its more to do with our goverments consistant and historical involvment in international gangsterism. Our continual state of denial is a greater internal threat then your perception on Islam and its universaly accepted view of a religion you obviousely know little about. Muslims have no power nor authoritive decision making in regards to the World Bank, nor are there any Muslims on the board of the International Monatary Fund. We are far from refraing from our past well documented activities of international gangsterism. The Federal Researve, owned by international bankers since 1913 are along with the afore mentioned are the greatest manufacters of war today. They along with corporate and special interest groups have financed many of the worlds most atrocious conflicts. Most under the guise of "the war on terror". Most American news outlets in harmony with

First of all the Media needs to be taken carefully in that what can be presented as truth can be fiction. Example. The Trenton Martin shooting. I am surprised we have not heard much of the fallout on the media for manipulation of evidence and releasing fictitious lies about the incident.

Second, HUMAN NATURE. Humans are innately Evil. Explaining this will be a long and arduous task to go into total details but I will just digress on history, fiction, the bible, the Quran, the Art of War. Humans have brutality and killing DOWN!

Third the argument you present is that America continues to do such acts of evil discounting China, and you act like this is indicative of ALL AMERICANS! Look up New World Order some time... At least America has attempted reparations but slavery was 140 years in the past. Even the Japanese felt the sting of racial prejudice during the 1940's and yet the Japanese Nesei units fought for America with amazing bravery and courage! the Chinese and Irish and Italian immigrants who built the rail roads and most of our nation in the late 1800s and early 1900s were treated like CRAP! My grandmother was a Lowell Girl and avoided being burned to death because her family refused to let her go to work because she was sick. I personally have felt the sting of Affirmative Action! It is so easy to point at ALL OF AMERICA AND BLAME US FOR THIS CRAP WHEN IT WAS OVER A HUNDRED YEARS IN THE PAST! So you are going to take all the progress we made since the 1960's and throw it away?


Likewise you seem to ignore the second largest bank in the world, THE BANK OF ISLAM! LOOK THAT UP TOO PLEASE! So we are to clean up our act as a nation while other nations can act "Third World?" Islam is what prevents Arabs from being a great people! It is a new dark ages you seem hell bent on protecting. Well again I have asked, Have you read a Quran? If so how can you claim to be a man of conscious defending Islam when you know full well that most of what the Holy War is about is nothing more than domination and murder in the name of a MAN who is made god under god? AT LEAST HERE IN AMERICA WE HAVE PEOPLE WHO REALLY WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE MESS OUR COUNTRY IS IN AND THEY TRY HARD TO DO SO TO FIX THIS NATION BUT THE UN SURE SPENDS A LOT OF TIME PISSING ON OUR SHOES!

You speak of the mote in my eye yet you fail to see the log in your own! Damn good bible verse!

You are not one of those people who likes Obama because he apologizes a lot are you???? Most of the time people vote in the sell outs thinking they are going to get more government help. How is that helping fix our nation?

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 02:40 PM
ANDYBGOOD. First and formost I believe our fellow countrymen that are African Americans should recieve reperations for their long history living in the most racist country on earth, just as all were compensated. Affirmitive action is but a drop in the bucket regarding giving justice to a people who gave much to contributing to the status we all enjoy today. Starting from the begining, no one in America can claim the injustices nor terrorism upon a people more then Black people in America. Let us begin with White terrorism. The kkk was the generic name for literally hundreds of White terrorist groups set up to force the ex slave back in his "place" on the plantation picking the commodity at the very center of the world economy_cotton. These ku kluxers were not errant outlaws, they comprised white goverment officials, businesses, and religious leaders. The klan openly recruited in CHURCHES and Synagogues and Masonic halls, and many communities held kkk country fairs. Armed, robed and hooded,often by jewish merchants, they burnt Black businisses, farms, schools property, and yes, HUMAN BEINGS, with goverment sanction and particapation. Such goverment sanctioned terrorism ensured that Blacks would be unable to accumalate wealth and pass it on to future generations. This is important to future white prosperity because it has been estimated that up to 80% of lifetime wealth accumalation is attributable to gifts from ancestors.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 03:01 PM
Now for Jim Crow: The jim crow laws were simply reconstituted Slave Laws and they applied throughout America, in the south and north. Their aim was not to keep Blacks from "White" drinking fountains and toilets, or even to stop them from breaking the law, but to keep Blacks from accumulating property, starting businesses, engaging in trade and commerce, and establishing an independent economic base and force them back to the cotton plantations. Whites "legally" eliminating all competition from the most productive people on earth, benefitted immensely from these repressive American racial restrictions. It sem to me that considering these great injustices, Blacks in Americs do indeed deserve full reparations. It is never a long time to do right.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 03:25 PM
I find it interesting how you say "Damn good bible verse". What interesting is that you have neglected to mention more biblical policy regarding slavery. "THE HAMITIC MYTH" You see, the foundation for nearly all of Americas most destructive acts and policies has been a religous one, from the "just wars" and "manifest destiny" used to justify the Holocaust against the Indians, to the crossburning violence of the "Christian KKK. Originaly, in ancient times times, slavery victimized all races and peoples, but Medievil Jewish Rabbis who sought to justify the targeting of African human beings, invented a RACIST EMBELLISHMENT OF THE NOAH STORY which asserted that god cursed ALL BLACK PEOPLE with Blackskin. A myth many hold on to to this day. From your Bible, thereby marking them forevermore as slaves to white people. All major religions adopted this racist motiff liberally used it to justify the most profitable caucasian enterprise in the history of the planet, The African slave trade.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:36 PM

ANDYBGOOD. First and formost I believe our fellow countrymen that are African Americans should recieve reperations for their long history living in the most racist country on earth, just as all were compensated. Affirmitive action is but a drop in the bucket regarding giving justice to a people who gave much to contributing to the status we all enjoy today. Starting from the begining, no one in America can claim the injustices nor terrorism upon a people more then Black people in America. Let us begin with White terrorism. The kkk was the generic name for literally hundreds of White terrorist groups set up to force the ex slave back in his "place" on the plantation picking the commodity at the very center of the world economy_cotton. These ku kluxers were not errant outlaws, they comprised white goverment officials, businesses, and religious leaders. The klan openly recruited in CHURCHES and Synagogues and Masonic halls, and many communities held kkk country fairs. Armed, robed and hooded,often by jewish merchants, they burnt Black businisses, farms, schools property, and yes, HUMAN BEINGS, with goverment sanction and particapation. Such goverment sanctioned terrorism ensured that Blacks would be unable to accumalate wealth and pass it on to future generations. This is important to future white prosperity because it has been estimated that up to 80% of lifetime wealth accumalation is attributable to gifts from ancestors.

Oh you just opened a can of whoop *** on yourself! First and foremost what makes you think YOUR "African American Brethren" deserve any more reparations than they already got? It has been at least Seven IF NOT EIGHT GENERATIONS OR MORE SINCE ABOLITION! GET OVER YOURSELF! Where are MY reparations for MY ANCESTORS WHO WERE TREATED LIKE SLAVES AND WORST? YOU THINK THE ITALIANS OR IRISH IMMIGRATING HERE HAD IT ANY BETTER???? MOST IRISH WERE JUST SENT HERE AGAINST THEIR WILL AND MANY OTHERS CAME HERE BECAUSE THERE WAS NOWHERE ELSE FOR THEM TO GO! IRELAND WAS HAVING A FAMINE AND AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE THAT WAS CAUSED BY ENGLAND! Many CHINESE who came here were treated like slaves and even treated with more expendability since you didn't have to buy them!

Now you wish to focus on groups like the KKK? You want to blame us all for a minority fringe group? Like the Black Panthers are any better? You need to GET OVER YOURSELF! Instead of growing most blacks chose to follow people like the Reverends, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, Malcom X, Lewis Pharrokan, all of whom spewed hatred and racial bigotry towards all non blacks. Ghettos are not purpose made. People make neighborhood into GHETTOS! When a black man achieves his own people turn on him as an Uncle Tom and other lovely epitaphs like Oreo Cookie!

Likewise HOW DARE YOU SAY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS JUST? Clarence Thomas, a NOTABLE BLACK SUPREME COURT JUSTICE WAS THE LOUDEST VOICE OF HOW ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS! So you would say Segregation is good when people of your own color fought so hard against it but it is acceptable to turn it on Whites and Asians? You are sick for even thinking that turning a criminal act into a legalized policy and using against those who oppressed "your own" is "JUSTICE?" My god your own words condemn you of your selective ignorance!

Now about you being Afro American, You are spitting in the faces of a lot of BLACK AMERICANS I KNOW, most of whom do not like being refereed to as Afro American! If you can Find AFRO AMERICA ON A MAP PLEASE SHOW ME WHERE IT IS! Then tell all your Afro American friends if they have issue with America to Emigrate there and SHUT UP! I got black friends from the islands of the Caribbean who are Mystified at the attitude of most Black Americans. I cannot think of the number of BLACK AMERICANS OF THE PAST I HAVE KNOWN WHO WERE LIVING THE 1960's AND THE QUEST FOR RECOGNITION AS AMERICANS WHO ARE REVOLTED AT THE IDEA OF BEING THOUGHT OF AS ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST AMERICAN! Please tell me you are not one of those A&M Baptist Church A HOLES? You know Jessie Jackson came up with the term Afro American and really that name has made itself synonymous with blacks who call themselves NI@@ERS! I am a mutt white boy. I am not Lilly White. I am Mediterranean white mixed with Irish. I am not Anglo Saxon or Caucasian. You wouldn't know the difference anyways. I am just an American and why it is that more people have to be something other than that just stupefies me sometimes.

I can see clearly your education has not been anywhere near as good as that of others who debate here because you cyclically go back to the KKK and White America! I can CLEARLY TELL YOU YOU KNOW NOTHING OF OPPRESSION!

And then you dare to hint at Jews being criminals? HOW DARE YOU EVEN BRING THEM UP AT ALL? So now you wish to address how oppressive they are too? Your grasp of history is seriously limited! You forgot what they went through in the 1930s and 1940s? YOU WANT TO COMPARE HOW BAD AMERICA IS TO OTHER NATIONS?

Have you ever volunteered time to a foreign nation? I have. Corozone Foundation made housing In Mexico for the poor and likewise used community outreach and community involvement to help come up with a Charity I could get behind. When you are standing in the middle of a Mexican Shanty town outside of the Tecate Brewery you get a whole new appreciation of what a slum REALLY IS! Try going to another country and look at the hell others have to endure and tell me how bad America is. Corozone Foundation will not do their Volunteer program with Americans any more because it is too unsafe for us to try helping them with the drug war going on there. And you DARE Talk about racism? Imagine being the poor Guatemalan trying to get to America through Mexico. Mexicans HATE Guatemalans! Why do you think they are targeted more by the Gangs in Mexico than other illegals crossing through their country illegally?

Get off of your high horse! YOU ARE A RACIST PRETENDING TO NOT BE! Whitey did not FucQ up the life of the Black man! White man BOUGHT SLAVED IN THE LATE 1800s BUT WE BOUGHT THEM FROM BLACK MEN WHO CAUGHT THE OTHERS AND SOLD THEM TO US FOR LIQUOR AND COTTON! You want to point your finger at the KKK and Neo-Nazis and act like they are speaking and acting for all us "WHITE FOLK?" You are so sadly fooling yourself! You also ARE MORE A PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH EQUALITY THAN A SOLUTION! When you can get past overcompensation and "Justice" maybe equality has a chance of working properly for a change.

I am not about to let ANYONE of ANY COLOR, CREED, OR RELIGION think they got or deserve a one up on anyone else for the reasons you illustrate here. They are not reasons. They are an excuse to invoke a witch hunt!

Six black kids mob a white kid and beat him with a pole and they are misunderstood? Six white kids mob a black kid it is a hate crime? Sorry but I am not going to sit back reading this malarchy to not challenge any double standards! How about the wacky Jamaican who went crazy in a Subway station with a gun in NY and killed three people because of BLACK RAGE? How is YOUR attitude going to end racism? By making people so hyper sensitive to it they over react at every turn? I suppose you think because I am white I owe you something because of some perceived notion that I had to have something to do with crap that happened LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN? Maybe a little guilt by association?

DUDE GET OVER YOURSELF! You are not coming off as smart as you think you are!

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:45 PM

ANDYBGOOD. First and formost I believe our fellow countrymen that are African Americans should recieve reperations for their long history living in the most racist country on earth, just as all were compensated. Affirmitive action is but a drop in the bucket regarding giving justice to a people who gave much to contributing to the status we all enjoy today. Starting from the begining, no one in America can claim the injustices nor terrorism upon a people more then Black people in America. Let us begin with White terrorism. The kkk was the generic name for literally hundreds of White terrorist groups set up to force the ex slave back in his "place" on the plantation picking the commodity at the very center of the world economy_cotton. These ku kluxers were not errant outlaws, they comprised white goverment officials, businesses, and religious leaders. The klan openly recruited in CHURCHES and Synagogues and Masonic halls, and many communities held kkk country fairs. Armed, robed and hooded,often by jewish merchants, they burnt Black businisses, farms, schools property, and yes, HUMAN BEINGS, with goverment sanction and particapation. Such goverment sanctioned terrorism ensured that Blacks would be unable to accumalate wealth and pass it on to future generations. This is important to future white prosperity because it has been estimated that up to 80% of lifetime wealth accumalation is attributable to gifts from ancestors.

Oh you just opened a can of whoop *** on yourself! First and foremost what makes you think YOUR "African American Brethren" deserve any more reparations than they already got? It has been at least Seven IF NOT EIGHT GENERATIONS OR MORE SINCE ABOLITION! GET OVER YOURSELF! Where are MY reparations for MY ANCESTORS WHO WERE TREATED LIKE SLAVES AND WORST? YOU THINK THE ITALIANS OR IRISH IMMIGRATING HERE HAD IT ANY BETTER???? MOST IRISH WERE JUST SENT HERE AGAINST THEIR WILL AND MANY OTHERS CAME HERE BECAUSE THERE WAS NOWHERE ELSE FOR THEM TO GO! IRELAND WAS HAVING A FAMINE AND AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE THAT WAS CAUSED BY ENGLAND! Many CHINESE who came here were treated like slaves and even treated with more expendability since you didn't have to buy them!

Now you wish to focus on groups like the KKK? You want to blame us all for a minority fringe group? Like the Black Panthers are any better? You need to GET OVER YOURSELF! Instead of growing most blacks chose to follow people like the Reverends, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, Malcom X, Lewis Pharrokan, all of whom spewed hatred and racial bigotry towards all non blacks. Ghettos are not purpose made. People make neighborhood into GHETTOS! When a black man achieves his own people turn on him as an Uncle Tom and other lovely epitaphs like Oreo Cookie!

Likewise HOW DARE YOU SAY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS JUST? Clarence Thomas, a NOTABLE BLACK SUPREME COURT JUSTICE WAS THE LOUDEST VOICE OF HOW ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS! So you would say Segregation is good when people of your own color fought so hard against it but it is acceptable to turn it on Whites and Asians? You are sick for even thinking that turning a criminal act into a legalized policy and using against those who oppressed "your own" is "JUSTICE?" My god your own words condemn you of your selective ignorance!

Now about you being Afro American, You are spitting in the faces of a lot of BLACK AMERICANS I KNOW, most of whom do not like being refereed to as Afro American! If you can Find AFRO AMERICA ON A MAP PLEASE SHOW ME WHERE IT IS! Then tell all your Afro American friends if they have issue with America to Emigrate there and SHUT UP! I got black friends from the islands of the Caribbean who are Mystified at the attitude of most Black Americans. I cannot think of the number of BLACK AMERICANS OF THE PAST I HAVE KNOWN WHO WERE LIVING THE 1960's AND THE QUEST FOR RECOGNITION AS AMERICANS WHO ARE REVOLTED AT THE IDEA OF BEING THOUGHT OF AS ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST AMERICAN! Please tell me you are not one of those A&M Baptist Church A HOLES? You know Jessie Jackson came up with the term Afro American and really that name has made itself synonymous with blacks who call themselves NI@@ERS! I am a mutt white boy. I am not Lilly White. I am Mediterranean white mixed with Irish. I am not Anglo Saxon or Caucasian. You wouldn't know the difference anyways. I am just an American and why it is that more people have to be something other than that just stupefies me sometimes.

I can see clearly your education has not been anywhere near as good as that of others who debate here because you cyclically go back to the KKK and White America! I can CLEARLY TELL YOU YOU KNOW NOTHING OF OPPRESSION!

And then you dare to hint at Jews being criminals? HOW DARE YOU EVEN BRING THEM UP AT ALL? So now you wish to address how oppressive they are too? Your grasp of history is seriously limited! You forgot what they went through in the 1930s and 1940s? YOU WANT TO COMPARE HOW BAD AMERICA IS TO OTHER NATIONS?

Have you ever volunteered time to a foreign nation? I have. Corozone Foundation made housing In Mexico for the poor and likewise used community outreach and community involvement to help come up with a Charity I could get behind. When you are standing in the middle of a Mexican Shanty town outside of the Tecate Brewery you get a whole new appreciation of what a slum REALLY IS! Try going to another country and look at the hell others have to endure and tell me how bad America is. Corozone Foundation will not do their Volunteer program with Americans any more because it is too unsafe for us to try helping them with the drug war going on there. And you DARE Talk about racism? Imagine being the poor Guatemalan trying to get to America through Mexico. Mexicans HATE Guatemalans! Why do you think they are targeted more by the Gangs in Mexico than other illegals crossing through their country illegally?

Get off of your high horse! YOU ARE A RACIST PRETENDING TO NOT BE! Whitey did not FucQ up the life of the Black man! White man BOUGHT SLAVED IN THE LATE 1800s BUT WE BOUGHT THEM FROM BLACK MEN WHO CAUGHT THE OTHERS AND SOLD THEM TO US FOR LIQUOR AND COTTON! You want to point your finger at the KKK and Neo-Nazis and act like they are speaking and acting for all us "WHITE FOLK?" You are so sadly fooling yourself! You also ARE MORE A PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH EQUALITY THAN A SOLUTION! When you can get past overcompensation and "Justice" maybe equality has a chance of working properly for a change.

I am not about to let ANYONE of ANY COLOR, CREED, OR RELIGION think they got or deserve a one up on anyone else for the reasons you illustrate here. They are not reasons. They are an excuse to invoke a witch hunt!

Six black kids mob a white kid and beat him with a pole and they are misunderstood? Six white kids mob a black kid it is a hate crime? Sorry but I am not going to sit back reading this malarchy to not challenge any double standards! How about the wacky Jamaican who went crazy in a Subway station with a gun in NY and killed three people because of BLACK RAGE? How is YOUR attitude going to end racism? By making people so hyper sensitive to it they over react at every turn? I suppose you think because I am white I owe you something because of some perceived notion that I had to have something to do with crap that happened LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN? Maybe a little guilt by association?

DUDE GET OVER YOURSELF! You are not coming off as smart as you think you are!

rofl rofl :thumbsup:

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:48 PM

Now for Jim Crow: The jim crow laws were simply reconstituted Slave Laws and they applied throughout America, in the south and north. Their aim was not to keep Blacks from "White" drinking fountains and toilets, or even to stop them from breaking the law, but to keep Blacks from accumulating property, starting businesses, engaging in trade and commerce, and establishing an independent economic base and force them back to the cotton plantations. Whites "legally" eliminating all competition from the most productive people on earth, benefitted immensely from these repressive American racial restrictions. It sem to me that considering these great injustices, Blacks in Americs do indeed deserve full reparations. It is never a long time to do right.


You are one entitled BIGOT! GREAT INJUSTICES????? TRIANGLE SHIRT FACTORY! THE COAL INDUSTRY! HOW ABOUT CHILD LABOR UP TO THE 1960s? How about all those children lost and killed sorting coal? How about all those children lost and killed in mining accidents?


It took longer to end child slavery than it did to end slavery for BLACKS!


Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 07:22 PM
The Compromise of 1877 is arguably the most devastating single event in the history of Blacks in America. That is when a group of politicians convened at the Wormley Hotel in Washington, D.C, to attempt to resolve the deadlocked presidential election of 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samual Tilden. They agreed that if Hayes were awarded the presidency, he would remove the federal troops protecting the ex slaves in the south, and the former southern slaveholding classwould be free to return power and establish new forms of slavery (convict lease law would replace slavery) without federal oversight or control.This is the exact point in American history when Whites determined that the Blackman and woman would forever be a second citizen in all aspects of American society.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/09/12 07:45 PM
After 12 years of "emancipation", Blacks were returned to virtual slavery, and assigned to permanent political, social, and economic inferiority. A Jewish congressmen from Louisiana, William M. Levy, gave the speech that convinced the lawmakers that this wicked act that scholars call "The great betrayal of the Negro people" was the best policy for America. Blacks had made great strides in developing private businesses, but the kkk targeted these businesses for destruction as in Rosewood, Fl. and Tulsa (Black wall st.) Okla. and many, many other lesser known places. Blacks lost billions in investment dollars to whites through these acts of terror. Blacks businesses were oftrn uninsured because of the racist policies of American insurence companys, so the destruction of a Black business was totally unrecoverable. Whites had no such disabilities in growing their businesses.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:25 PM

After 12 years of "emancipation", Blacks were returned to virtual slavery, and assigned to permanent political, social, and economic inferiority. A Jewish congressmen from Louisiana, William M. Levy, gave the speech that convinced the lawmakers that this wicked act that scholars call "The great betrayal of the Negro people" was the best policy for America. Blacks had made great strides in developing private businesses, but the kkk targeted these businesses for destruction as in Rosewood, Fl. and Tulsa (Black wall st.) Okla. and many, many other lesser known places. Blacks lost billions in investment dollars to whites through these acts of terror. Blacks businesses were oftrn uninsured because of the racist policies of American insurence companys, so the destruction of a Black business was totally unrecoverable. Whites had no such disabilities in growing their businesses.

using Farrakhan quotes..

its common practice to use a hyperlink to the site where you copied and pasted their material..

it also gives the readers of these posts some perspective as to where you get your information to develop these opinions.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/09/12 10:57 PM

The Compromise of 1877 is arguably the most devastating single event in the history of Blacks in America. That is when a group of politicians convened at the Wormley Hotel in Washington, D.C, to attempt to resolve the deadlocked presidential election of 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samual Tilden. They agreed that if Hayes were awarded the presidency, he would remove the federal troops protecting the ex slaves in the south, and the former southern slaveholding classwould be free to return power and establish new forms of slavery (convict lease law would replace slavery) without federal oversight or control.This is the exact point in American history when Whites determined that the Blackman and woman would forever be a second citizen in all aspects of American society.

That was then. You cannot legally hold the son guilty for the crimes of the father UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE COMPLACENCY! YOU CAN'T! Again you digress to a monochromatic assessment of the issue here which is wholly fallacious! You seem to forget the HUGE leaps made during the 1960's but the real fight began in the 1950's. I think the single most devastating event in black history was when BLACK AMERICANS CHOSE TO LISTEN TO THE VOICES OF ANGER, HATRED, AND RACISM IN THE FORM OF THE REVEREND JESSIE JACKSON, THE REVEREND AL SHAPRTON, LEWIS PHARROKAHN, AND MALCOLM X! Sadly Malcolm X had epiphanies they were leading people down the wrong path but he died too late to correct his mistakes! Martin Luther King Jr. had the right Idea and JESSIE JACKSON PERVERTED IT! THAT HISTORICALLY WAS WHEN THINGS GOT WORST FOR THE BLACK MAN! THEY ENSLAVED THEMSELVES LIKE SO MANY OTHERS OF OTHER COLORS INTO THIS HATE CYCLE! Instead of helping black people integrate with the rest of "US" they made the black man isolate themselves. And worst is they make black men hate each other!

I can come up with names of successful black people in American history that were well to do even back in the America's of the 1800s. Hell, turn of the century (1900) San Pedro had a very aesthetically challenged black woman who was not only very well to do she owned land, businesses (PLURAL!) and ran a lot of community outreach between blacks and whites! She was SELF MADE! There were Black men of success even in the days of your vaunted oppression of America back when racism was REAL AND EVERYDAY! BACK WHEN A BLACK MAN WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SECOND CLASS!

So now this is how I see black America these days, You got Black Americans which as far as I am concerned are just like me. We are all people no matter what.

Then you got the bigoted ignorant haters. These are black people hiding unde3r some delusion the world is the sickness not their beliefs! This is where I see you currently! You cling to ideals that have no place in Modern America! The real problem hides behind our government and comes from deregulation, privatization, and other forces that political lobbying allows. You voted for Obama didn't you? About those promises YOUR BOY MADE... Oh but he really isn't black is he? But then again if he was a competent leader his race would never matter and it should not matter now except people make a point of saying "I voted for him because he was black." Again a SUPER IGNORANT REASON TO VOTE FOR SOMEONE! But this illustrates how messed up your position in this is with the arguments you raise!

And then there is the black MOTHER FUCQERS who call themselves Ni@@ers and they just don't care about anything other than themselves! I have come across my share of these ignorant trifling pieces of human filth in my time. They got to get all fronting on my whiteness because my color offends them! These are the KKK of the black world. These are the trailer trash of Black America! And yet for some reason culturally we reward people with these slacker values. But the thing is that like any color there will always be some low born bottom feeding garbage eating stink pigs of humanity no matter where you go.

But to look at all of America and to discount how much effort has gone into trying to raise racial sensitivity and embrace the ideal that we are all equal under our laws YOU FALL RIGHT INTO THE SAME BS THAT INFLAMES THIS SITUATION ALL OVER AGAIN.Affirmative Action was overcompensation and we keep doing that all too much because a lot of people like yourself get entitled to a little and you want more and more and more. Sorry but I am not buying that argument either! You are taking the growth of our community and trivializing it. The American Indian has suffered a lot from a lot of overcompensation too! Stuff meant to help them wound up hurting them because stupid white folks who felt guilty over every little god damn thing under the sun went crazy and didn't think at all of the consequence and effects of their ideas! Many of the subsidies they received drove them deeper into poverty! These days though many Indian tribes are starting to see a renewal of their lives but it is taking a lot of work on all sides to make that happen in a way that doesn't destroy their culture!

God if you and more people in general could just get over yourselves and "YOUR race" long enough to see that it is thinking like yours that inflames these problems we might be able to finally manage a rational address of these issues for real!!

You try to paint racism in an exclusive tone and it isn't exclusive to anyone!