Topic: Marriage
navygirl's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:30 PM

My thoughts about young/married people today...they lack the maturity that the past generations held onto so well. And I find it sad the older generation is so few is far between in sight. They had it right. Tradition lasts.

Mariah, lots of women were trapped in marriages where they were beaten and even murdered by husbands. There were no 'services' for them to escape to. I think there are even people on this site that can attest to that.

They beat them still. Violence is a cycle that spreads and doesn't change in life, unless the person stops it. While I believe that to be true, times still haven't changed. But I know then it was near impossible to get out of. My Auntie Betty who passed away a few years ago told me a story of her best friend being abused by her husband whom she was in a arranged marriage with. Those situations are much more trying and I agree more challenging to leave. That's not to say because its happened then, it won't happen now. There's always that risk. I know what that is like too.

Yep, this is so true. Watched my mom get beat and now my sister is living with an abusive man. Myself, I broke the chain by having the guy arrested that hit me from behind.

navygirl's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:32 PM

What an interesting pile of assumption. We were talking about marriage, and the availability of divorce, not feminism.

Ignore him as he makes comments like that all the time. I swear that man is a woman hater.

navygirl's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:38 PM
Edited by navygirl on Wed 01/25/12 05:40 PM

I think the interesting thing about my friends that are married or are even in a long term relationship is how they seem to lose the spark they had. They seem more serious and though they may love the other person; they don't seem to love life as much. I wonder why that is? Now I am not saying you can be a wild child in a relationship or marriage but why does it seem that the person has had the life sucked out of them?

I really don't know. I felt like part of me died when my husband did.

You obviously had a happy marriage and I am sorry for your Loss. I am just basing what I say on how I see my friends changed by marriage or relationships. They just don't seem to have any fun; like all they joy has been taken out of their lives and I find it sad.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:45 PM
I was married. My ex and I had seven good years. Last two were hell. She lied, cheated on me, and then put me through months of wishy washy "I want to work it out- I don't want to work it out"....blah, blah, blah. Thing is, when we divorced, I never felt I needed to re-marry cause I should. I wanted to date. I wanted to take my time.

If I met (or meet) the right girl, and then it leads to both of us wanting to marry, then of course I would do it. I'm not gonna marry cause it's the next step, or cause people think I should. But I would marry for reasons she and I felt were right for us to.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:56 PM

I was married. My ex and I had seven good years. Last two were hell. She lied, cheated on me, and then put me through months of wishy washy "I want to work it out- I don't want to work it out"....blah, blah, blah. Thing is, when we divorced, I never felt I needed to re-marry cause I should. I wanted to date. I wanted to take my time.

If I met (or meet) the right girl, and then it leads to both of us wanting to marry, then of course I would do it. I'm not gonna marry cause it's the next step, or cause people think I should. But I would marry for reasons she and I felt were right for us to.

Youre a smart guy, sir.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:24 PM
Nothing screams "COMMITMENT" like metal rings and threat of legal action!!



MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/25/12 07:09 PM
People still cheat even if they're not married.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/25/12 07:39 PM

People still cheat even if they're not married.

True. And maybe I am naive (and if so, I will accept it), but I have faith that I will meet a woman who will make a commitment to me (and I to her) and that we will never break that commitment. I never have cheated, and to be honest, when my ex wife did, it floored me. Still, I believe in trusting another. If I didn't (or I couldn't) then I would know I am not ready for any kind of relationship.

navygirl's photo
Wed 01/25/12 07:41 PM

I was married. My ex and I had seven good years. Last two were hell. She lied, cheated on me, and then put me through months of wishy washy "I want to work it out- I don't want to work it out"....blah, blah, blah. Thing is, when we divorced, I never felt I needed to re-marry cause I should. I wanted to date. I wanted to take my time.

If I met (or meet) the right girl, and then it leads to both of us wanting to marry, then of course I would do it. I'm not gonna marry cause it's the next step, or cause people think I should. But I would marry for reasons she and I felt were right for us to.

Youre a smart guy, sir.

I second that. :thumbsup:

s1owhand's photo
Thu 01/26/12 02:28 AM
"Pitt has actually brought up marriage talk with his famous partner of seven years, Angelina Jolie. Pitt dropped hints to Ellen DeGeneres and USA Today in September. "We'd actually like to," he tells the Hollywood Reporter, "and it seems to mean more and more to our kids. We made this declaration some time ago that we weren't going to do it 'til everyone can. But I don't think we'll be able to hold out. It means so much to my kids ... and it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment."

Mended1's photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:50 AM
it is not good for man to be alone.. Marriage is very important to me and as a christian, marriage is one constitution ordained by God. cant imagine not being married.. Its like the sweetest thing ever..

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 01/26/12 07:13 AM

Do you honestly think its for everyone? Couldn't people just be together for as long as they want? I see friends on facebook and just people I knew in high school, already married for quite a while. I'm 27!! I would be afraid of that stuff right now. For the people who were married, what's it really like? Is it really any different from just being in a long term relationship?
the very thought of that makes me cringe

tweedy711's photo
Wed 02/01/12 05:09 PM
well I think everyone should get married,at least once, gay or straight, if it last then that means it was meant to be if not then it wasnt. but dont hate other women/men bcause ur marriage to the wrong person didnt work.

josie68's photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:12 PM
I think it's like everything, it's great for some and not for others, to some it's just a piece of paper, while others feel the need for it..

Basically everyone is different.

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 02/02/12 08:18 PM

I think it's like everything, it's great for some and not for others, to some it's just a piece of paper, while others feel the need for it..

Basically everyone is different.

:thumbsup: flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 10:54 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 02/02/12 10:55 PM

Do you honestly think its for everyone? Couldn't people just be together for as long as they want? I see friends on facebook and just people I knew in high school, already married for quite a while. I'm 27!! I would be afraid of that stuff right now. For the people who were married, what's it really like? Is it really any different from just being in a long term relationship?

from a spiritual point of view, I think we could stretch marriage to be any commitment 'intended' to be for a lifetime

and, because people are impatient, selfish, and unforgiving, NO, its not for everyone

no photo
Sun 02/05/12 06:43 PM

I found it suffocating and stifling, extremely uncomfortable and unnecessary. I wouldn't do it again....

Is it any different from being in a long-term relationship? Well, yeah, it's messier and a lot harder to get out of....

Why was it so suffocating, stifling and uncomfortable? Why more so than a long term relationship? Just because it was harder to get out of?

I'm guessing cause of the legality part of it. Its never a pretty picture when you get divorced. I was thrust in the middle of parents divorce, ever since then I despised courts and lawyers. It destroyed my mom in the process.

no photo
Sun 02/05/12 06:50 PM

I was married for thirty years and loved being married. I cannot say what the difference is between being married and in a long term relationship because I have never been in one other than marriage.
I do know my daughter is living with a man ,but they still want the special commitment they feel they will get from marriage, rather than just living together.

yes - technically - and this is not just for religious folk - or intended to turn away others who are not - it's just FYI

in the Church marriage is a sacrament. Sacraments have outward signs that signify the internal spiritual blessing - like a symbol

marriage ceremonies are the outward sign of the blessing of God upon the union & love of the couple - and a celebration

you do not have to agree - but that's what the religious meaning was long before it became a secular civil proceeding

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 02/05/12 07:17 PM
I miss my husband every day. Marriage is a two-way street. It is not 50-50. Its 100-100.

You have to know in your heart that you want this man or woman by your side 24/7/365/forever.

Because if there is any doubt in your heart about the person to be your life partner, you might want to reconsider marriage.

Trust me.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 02/05/12 07:26 PM

Do you honestly think its for everyone? Couldn't people just be together for as long as they want? I see friends on facebook and just people I knew in high school, already married for quite a while. I'm 27!! I would be afraid of that stuff right now. For the people who were married, what's it really like? Is it really any different from just being in a long term relationship?

It was really hard to me to imagine what marriage was supposed to be like even with the good role models I had from watching television. Children from broken homes raised by the single parent have the disadvantage of being brought up with the lack of interaction of how married people respond to each other. It wasn't for my parents. I guess they didn't want to be together for that long enough time since they were divorced before I was three. I really didn't know what to expect expect for the one side of the relationship that my father gave me. Since I was male like my father who partially raised when he was home from the military I was raised also by grandmother who too had a different husband by the time I was with her. The first time for me in marriage was me taking the advice of my father from an outdated type of philosophy based on just the male perspective. It was like wow at first until we got married when of course everything changed do to the wife's in-laws running interference which of course puts the husband in the relationship at a disadvantage. I can't really remember any long term relationships. Yeah. Be afraid. Be very afraid would be my view, too. Not all fear is a bad thing. If you have a relationship I would value the relationship but would not necessarily advise marriage. If it works don't fix it.