Written on 02/01/2011
i dont have to sign on fb to perve you darlin...ill do it anywhere ; )
Written on 07/10/2010
ive missed you too sweety! ive driven thru kansas at least ten times in as many months. think bout you all the time sug!
Written on 07/07/2010
*insert wifey here* DONE!
Written on 03/23/2010
i agree with sir whats his face
i saw the pic and thought it looked like a mini enforcer
hope life is good and your happy
Written on 02/25/2010
well thats more likely, as i do want to go to canada. But i have a few conditions
1. you pay for my flight
2. you leave a peanut M&M`s trail for me to follow/eat
3. you stop sending me all these damn pics of you, naked, covered in jam
4. you adhear to all my conditions. failure to do so will result in constsnt testimonial piss takeing :)
Written on 02/17/2010
ummmm, no
even your sexy arse wouldnt get me to enter Scotland :p
Written on 12/27/2009
you just pop a guys testimonial cherry, then ignore him in afghanistan, I see how it is *pouts* <3 I miss chatting with you dear, we'll have to catch up!
Written on 12/17/2009
Hey sweetie hope all is well :)
Written on 11/19/2009
what an incredibly gorgeous wifey i have. love thenew pics and look girl.quite stunning. damn i have great taste! lol. ill be deactivating my act here this week...but you know how to reach me! keep in touch you wonderful woman! id hate to lose ya! MUAH! - rynnie
Written on 11/16/2009
for f`s sake, ive told you 100 times, I`M NOT GOING TO SEND YOU RUDE PICS
please stop harrasing me. yes, you have lovely boobies, but i have enough pics of them now