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Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get Destroyed
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Sun 08/07/11 11:23 AM
Its just the same old story about how the big fish eats the little fish.


War, conquest, power, money... that is what the world is about. That is the game. It will never ever change.

It is the state of affairs here on this planet, and in this entire galaxy.

The truth is, it could be worse.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 08/07/11 05:09 PM

Its just the same old story about how the big fish eats the little fish.


War, conquest, power, money... that is what the world is about. That is the game. It will never ever change.

It is the state of affairs here on this planet, and in this entire galaxy.

The truth is, it could be worse.

Don't get me wrong, Communism was a GREAT idea BUT Human Nature itself worked completely against it.

It might change but it takes a change of heart world wide for us to reach a higher state of being and a true golden age of man. For now things need to be thinned down a little because there is going to always be wars of ideology until mankind in general gets smart enough to see past the idealistic bullshitte that government leaders, media, and religion feeds us daily.

God yes it could be worst. But God no this is no Golden Age either! This is the Aluminum age if you think about it. Also this is the forefront still of the Space Age. We barely have even gotten ourselves out there even vicariously through space probes. But what if we do indeed cross paths with intelligent non terrestrial life? Who fires at who first? I hope we don't start a war in space! Chances are we probably will!

no photo
Sun 08/07/11 05:58 PM
Yes we are a long way away from the golden age. You can't force communism onto people. Its like trying to force small children to share their candy out of the goodness of their heart. It ain't gonna happen. LOL

So its a contest. People just need to realize that. Wars are not about freedom or peace or what is right or wrong or what God we should worship. Those are just the excuses.

Wars are about survival of the fittest. It is very sad but true. And who is the fittest? The ones with the most power to manipulate, the ones with the most money to buy politicians and pay soldiers and control supply and demand.

Its all about business. Not much else. That's why it makes me sick to see people get manipulated using emotional ideas like "freedom, injustice, the wrong God, etc.

If we are going to kill each other over money and land, then just admit that and get on with it.

We don't need heroes and villains, good or evil, or all the propaganda that goes with that. Its just business. Admit that.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 08/07/11 08:30 PM

It was OBVIOUSLY an evil plot to demolish the towers with explosives
and collect the insurance money. For a long time we were puzzled about
the planes flying into the buildings though.

Now we are pretty sure that was just a coincidence or that
Al-Qaida was in on it probably the CIA too.

laugh laugh laugh

Everything is always about money.

Absolutely everything. Its always about money and power.

The plan to fly planes into tall buildings has been in the works for years. We have had plenty of warnings.


Correction. Everything is about money for you.

If it were true generally then people wouldn't marry for love,
or work for low wages for good causes or contribute to charities

The terrorists of Al-Qaida are not in it for the money.
The firefighers and rescue workers and people who cleaned
up the terrorist destroyed WTC towers were not doing it for
the money.

Obama isn't in it for the money. It's a paranoid fantasy.
Bin Laden may have been planning an air attack for years
but there is absolutely no evidence at all that our Govt
was involved in terrorizing US citizens.


We're paying with love tonight...

I am not talking about Osama Bin Laden either. He was fighting for his religious beliefs. Stupid religious beliefs that were invented by someone else. People are fighting and dying for fake religions and they are being manipulated, and bought and sold.

They are being trained to kill each other and the powers that be will sell weapons to both sides and make a fortune.

Don't you see that you are contradicting yourself?

Osama Bin Laden is not doing it for money so money is not the
dominating force here. Idealism is. Jealousy. Pride and superiority.
Intolerance and bigotry. Religious hatred.

Terrorists are not being manipulated. They are trying to be the
manipulators. If there were no arms salesmen and no centralized
governments and no captains of industry even there would still be
terrorists and killings and wars - just with rocks and homemade
weapons. Take the machete massacres in Rwanda.

If it is not about money for Bin Laden then it is not about money
in general....and...It's not!

no photo
Sun 08/07/11 08:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/07/11 09:02 PM
Don't you see that you are contradicting yourself?

No I am not contradicting myself. DUH!!

How long will it take you to understand what is going on and who is in charge?

Osama bin Laden is just a pawn being manipulated by the company. Just like a mercenary, only the mercs are paid with money. I'm sure he gets money too, but he also fights for a cause. He is not one of the power brokers. He is just a pawn just like presidents and dictators are pawns.

You should do some research about how Capitalism actually works. It is the wealthy who control most of everything. They start wars ON PURPOSE TO PROFIT FROM THEM.

Oh just forget it. I'm done with this crap.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 08/07/11 09:17 PM
The money brokers and capitalists are not the boss of you.

Nor are they the true boss of anyone.
We have free will.

Most make good choices but terrorists kill innocent people on purpose.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 08/07/11 10:36 PM

The money brokers and capitalists are not the boss of you.

Nor are they the true boss of anyone.
We have free will.

Most make good choices but terrorists kill innocent people on purpose.

Yes we have free will, but they manipulate us through things such as this to bend us to theirs.

And yes terrorists DO kill innocent people on purpose, but the thing you need to understand is, the terrorists live a lot closer to you than you think. THEY are the terrorists and terrorizers in the end of it.

no photo
Sun 08/07/11 10:55 PM
The money brokers and capitalists are the terrorists

s1owhand if your so smart whats bohemian groove and whys there an owl

on the dollar bill?

The money brokers and capitalists are the terrorists

s1owhand if your so smart whats bohemian groove and whys there an owl

on the dollar bill?

s1owhand's photo
Mon 08/08/11 06:07 AM


Just don't do what the capitalists and money brokers want if
you don't like it. They cannot control you or anyone else.


Who cares if there is an owl on the dollar bill? I don't and
it means nothing to me. Might as well be a grecian urn.

Bohemian groove?

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.[1][2]

Read all about it here. It is no big deal just a place where
wealthy and powerful people and celebrities meet. Just one of
any number of places. People got to meet somewhere. It's nothing,


Kleisto's photo
Mon 08/08/11 06:23 AM



Just don't do what the capitalists and money brokers want if
you don't like it. They cannot control you or anyone else.

The problem with that is, they got the system so much in their back pocket that they can "punish" us anymore if we do things that go against or undermine them. So how free are we really given that?

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 07:48 AM
Edited by volant7 on Mon 08/08/11 07:50 AM



Just don't do what the capitalists and money brokers want if
you don't like it. They cannot control you or anyone else.


Who cares if there is an owl on the dollar bill? I don't and
it means nothing to me. Might as well be a grecian urn.

Bohemian groove?

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.[1][2]

Read all about it here. It is no big deal just a place where
wealthy and powerful people and celebrities meet. Just one of
any number of places. People got to meet somewhere. It's nothing,


the owl on the dollar bill is molech and some of the most powerful

men in the world hold satanic rituals at Bohemian groove where

wealthy and powerful people in government

and celebrities worship him by having a ritual about sacrificing

children to him.this is made up of 2600 men only

Just don't do what the capitalists and money brokers want if
you don't like it. They cannot control you or anyone else.

they control how much i pay for gas, food ,utilities.

they help make the laws i am forced to live by

they are the reason behind most of the suffering in the world today

and im tired of looking at it

they are the reason we dont have electric cars and good energy

they are satanists and no good can come from them

fun fact

Hiroshima was mostly christian

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 08:24 AM

so last time why is there an owl on the dollar bill ??????????

here is one explanation of the dollar bill

here is one explanation of the dollar bill

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 09:08 AM
theres a 30 ft tall stone owl at Bohemian groove.

if you line up the lines what does it look like? lol



turn down volume first


no photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 08/08/11 12:30 PM
Here is a very interesting video about explosions being heard on 9-11.

Watch this and tell me that there were no explosions, watch this and tell me that this was not a demolition.

This is not fake stuff!!!


Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!


no photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:31 PM
Bombs, explosions, secondary explosions, explosive devices....how many more times do we need to hear these words being said by 9/11 witnesses before we start asking questions about what really happened on that awful day?

All of the individual news reports in this video can be found on YouTube and other video sites. This video shows that many actual 9/11 witnesses heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell. These witnesses include police, firemen and reporters.

And what is even more shocking is the fact that all of this has been largely ignored by the mainstream media after the day itself.

For those debunkers who wish to keep saying that the explosions were caused by gas lines, please save your breath. All of the three buildings that were blown up on 9/11 were all Class-A buildings. This means that gas lines were not permitted because the buildings had to comply with the safety regulations set out for Class-A buildings. So there were no gas lines!

We really need to wake up to the facts and ask questions. If we don't, what does that say about us?

Sorry about the sync loss with the audio. All of these news clips are available elsewhere on YouTube as well as in the archives of the main news media sites.


mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:37 PM
there was no bombs, NO BOMB materials, no wires, NOTHING found by any of the 1000's of clean up crews.... i guess they are Cheney's demons?

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:57 PM
Video of building going down from a different angle.
Also video of Larry Silverstein telling that they decided to "pull" the building.

He did not say he decided to evactuate the building, he said they decided to pull it. That means DEMOLISH IT.


no photo
Mon 08/08/11 12:59 PM

there was no bombs, NO BOMB materials, no wires, NOTHING found by any of the 1000's of clean up crews.... i guess they are Cheney's demons?

The area was top secret. Only authorized by FEMA. Of course they didn't claim to find anything. They covered it up. If they did find anything, they got rid of it.

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 01:54 PM

there was no bombs, NO BOMB materials, no wires, NOTHING found by any of the 1000's of clean up crews.... i guess they are Cheney's demons?

The area was top secret. Only authorized by FEMA. Of course they didn't claim to find anything. They covered it up. If they did find anything, they got rid of it.


these people are either idiots or getting paid to post propaganda

bs here


no photo
Mon 08/08/11 02:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 08/08/11 02:09 PM
If you watch that video of eye witnesses to the explosions,(and there are also news reports of explosions) and are not convinced, you are in very serious denial.

To say that they "did not find any evidence" is an absurd statement. Its like sending a murderer to investigate a crime that he himself committed. Of course he wouldn't find any incriminating evidence... against himself.

laugh laugh

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