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Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get Destroyed
Chazster's photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:38 PM

I don't know how people could think it was a controlled demolition. Have you seen videos of those? The point that there are tons of super loud explosions before the collapse that sounds like a fireworks finale. That is for buildings much smaller than the WTC. There would be no "people thought they heard explosions" there would be people definitely heard them and they would be on the WTC videos as you can hear the sounds of the collapse so you should have heard the explosions prior to that. Not to mention demolitions implode from the bottom. The WTC started from where the plane crashed. Conspiracy theoriests can't claim its almost impossible to even hit the tower with a plane yet think they could have set explosives in advance to implode the building at the exact spots the planes hit.

Just some food for thought.

i guess you never heard of smart bombs they were outfitting planes as missiles before they had missiles

The Tomahawk missile provides a long-range, highly survivable, unmanned land attack weapon system capable of pinpoint accuracy.




That has nothing to do with controlled demolition. Not to mention we have seen footage of the planes hitting the towers. As did tons of people in NY that were there.

i never said it was a missile that hit the towers.i said they could of use missile guidance systems on the planes.those towers were hit perfectly wingtip to wingtip.

they found thermite dust. why would our goverment send a crime seen to china?where did all the steel go?shouldnt that been kept for evidece. they say they didnt release the footage because it was evidence.where are the towers now?

Why would they want to keep a bunch of steel? Thermite isnt used for demolition and is more common in cutting steel which they would have done to remove it and to save people that were trapped inside.

There could be lots of reasons for thermite. Anyway there were no explosions on the videos hence no demolition.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:39 PM
National Institute for Standards and Technology Encounters Resistance, Pretends to Investigate

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration. In NIST's May 7, 2003 News Release on the progress of its investigation, there is clear evidence that the agency has been hampered in its investigation by a lack of access to evidence.

In contrast to FEMA's investigation, which relied on volunteers from the ASCE, NIST's investigation was funded by Congress. However, NIST's investigation would not even start until virtually all of the steel had been removed from Ground Zero and recycled. On March 5, 2002, W. Gene Corley, leader of FEMA's Building Performance Study, testified to the House Science Committee about the need to further investigate the performance of buildings that were damaged or collapsed on 9/11/2001. With his own study almost finished, Corley stated that it would take $40 million to adequately study the issue.


Lpdon's photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:42 PM
Once again..........

Those were NOT Mossad Agents. Mossad Agents NEVER let themselves get photographed or videotaped under ANY curcumstance. Not only to you get kicked out of the Mossad but it will also get you killed.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:43 PM
FEMA's WTC Investigation

Ground Zero was the site of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 -- the only three cases of total collapses of skyscrapers in history, and the only collapses of steel-framed high-rise buildings being blamed mostly or exclusively on fires. Based on the official explanations, these collapses represented the most mysterious engineering failures in history, with profound implications for the safety of high-rise buildings. Consequently they warranted a serious investigation of unprecedented scale. No such investigation occurred. Instead, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) took control of Ground Zero in Manhattan in the immediate aftermath of the attack and assured that no real investigation could be conducted.


no photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:43 PM
FEMA's so-called investigation had the features of a complete farce:

No independent investigation was funded: FEMA allocated $600,000 for the BPAT's study, which included the cost of printing their report.
Except for an early "tourist trip", The BPAT volunteers were barred from Ground Zero.
They did not see a single piece of steel until almost a month after the disaster.
They had to guess the original locations of the few pieces of steel they saw.
They collected 150 pieces of steel for further study (out of millions of pieces).
Their report, which called for "further investigation and analysis", was published after Ground Zero had been scrubbed.
In May of 2002 FEMA's hand-picked team of volunteers released their report that, although self-described as preliminary and incomplete, would be promoted by government officials as the last word on the causes of the building collapses -- at least until the completion of NIST's Report, more than three years later. FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations is full of vague and evasive descriptions of the buildings, deceptive illustrations, and misleading scenarios. Although the report called for more study, by the time it was issued the crime scene had been scrubbed, and the structural steel, which was so essential to any investigation, was long gone.

The first detailed critique of FEMA's report was provided by an anonymous author, whose critique of FEMA's chapter on WTC 7 was widely circulated.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 01:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 01:49 PM

Once again..........

Those were NOT Mossad Agents. Mossad Agents NEVER let themselves get photographed or videotaped under ANY curcumstance. Not only to you get kicked out of the Mossad but it will also get you killed.

If that is true, that Mossad will kill you if you admit to being Mossad, or get videotaped or arrested, then what does that tell you about Mossad and Israel ?

That they are ruthless murderers and assassins?

I watch plenty of spy movies, and they always tell their spies that if they get caught, they will be cut loose.

So don't expect me to believe any denials you or they are spouting about who they were.

They were Israeli's. They were questioned and released. They would not have been released if they had been Muslims would they? Nope. No way. The only way they would have been released is that they had important connections with Israel.

metalwing's photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:09 PM
Edited by metalwing on Fri 08/05/11 02:39 PM

FEMA's WTC Investigation

Ground Zero was the site of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 -- the only three cases of total collapses of skyscrapers in history, and the only collapses of steel-framed high-rise buildings being blamed mostly or exclusively on fires. Based on the official explanations, these collapses represented the most mysterious engineering failures in history, with profound implications for the safety of high-rise buildings. Consequently they warranted a serious investigation of unprecedented scale. No such investigation occurred. Instead, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) took control of Ground Zero in Manhattan in the immediate aftermath of the attack and assured that no real investigation could be conducted.


That's absurd. Where do you come up with this junk? I knew how the buildings were going to fall before they hit the ground. Other's like me did the investigation and spent most of their time doing "show" explanations because the actual analysis takes less than an hour.

There were no "government officials" giving the explanations of how the towers fell. They were parroting what they were told by the engineers... or at least what they could understand of it.

The actual explanation in true engineering speak is too complex and technical for general consumption. It is called catenary shear deformation caused by thermal modification of steel truss elastic moduli. I have explained it here before.

To say that the failure is "mysterious" is simply ignorant. There is nothing mysterious about it to people in the business of knowing why material behaves the way it does under load.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:11 PM

What would happen to a person who did have proof that the official version of 9-11 was wrong?

Probably this:


no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:12 PM

FEMA's WTC Investigation

Ground Zero was the site of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 -- the only three cases of total collapses of skyscrapers in history, and the only collapses of steel-framed high-rise buildings being blamed mostly or exclusively on fires. Based on the official explanations, these collapses represented the most mysterious engineering failures in history, with profound implications for the safety of high-rise buildings. Consequently they warranted a serious investigation of unprecedented scale. No such investigation occurred. Instead, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) took control of Ground Zero in Manhattan in the immediate aftermath of the attack and assured that no real investigation could be conducted.


That's absurd. Where do you come up with this junk? I knew how the building were going to fall before they hit the ground. Other's like me did the investigation and spent most of their time doing "show" explainations because the actual analysis takes less than an hour.

There were no "government officials" giving the explanations of how the towers fell. They were parroting what they were told by the engineers... or at least what they could understand of it.

The actual explanation in true engineering speak is too complex and technical for general consumption. It is called catenary shear deformation caused my thermal modification of steel truss elastic moduli. I have explained it here before.

To say that the failure is "mysterious" is simply ignorant. There is nothing mysterious about it to people in the business of knowing why material behaves the way it does under load.

bah. I don't believe you and i don't think you are an expert.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:13 PM
FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) took control of Ground Zero in Manhattan in the immediate aftermath of the attack and assured that no real investigation could be conducted.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 02:18 PM
Bottom line is, who can you really trust? FEMA? That's a laugh.

The media? Ha that's a bigger laugh.

The official government story? The biggest laugh of all.

Are people suspicious and paranoid?? You bet they are!!

Do they have good reason to be? You bet.

We have seen what FEMA did in New Orleans.

We know of real crimes committed by our government and covered up.

Can anyone seriously put their trust in their leaders at this point?

I don't see how that is possible.

metalwing's photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:18 PM
Edited by metalwing on Fri 08/05/11 02:38 PM

FEMA's WTC Investigation

Ground Zero was the site of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 -- the only three cases of total collapses of skyscrapers in history, and the only collapses of steel-framed high-rise buildings being blamed mostly or exclusively on fires. Based on the official explanations, these collapses represented the most mysterious engineering failures in history, with profound implications for the safety of high-rise buildings. Consequently they warranted a serious investigation of unprecedented scale. No such investigation occurred. Instead, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) took control of Ground Zero in Manhattan in the immediate aftermath of the attack and assured that no real investigation could be conducted.


That's absurd. Where do you come up with this junk? I knew how the building were going to fall before they hit the ground. Other's like me did the investigation and spent most of their time doing "show" explainations because the actual analysis takes less than an hour.

There were no "government officials" giving the explanations of how the towers fell. They were parroting what they were told by the engineers... or at least what they could understand of it.

The actual explanation in true engineering speak is too complex and technical for general consumption. It is called catenary shear deformation caused by thermal modification of steel truss elastic moduli. I have explained it here before.

To say that the failure is "mysterious" is simply ignorant. There is nothing mysterious about it to people in the business of knowing why material behaves the way it does under load.

bah. I don't believe you and i don't think you are an expert.

That is obvious. You don't even know what the words mean.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:20 PM
What is obvious is that the official story is not true.

What is obvious is that the truth is being covered up.

metalwing's photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:27 PM

What is obvious is that the official story is not true.

What is obvious is that the truth is being covered up.

The official story of "how the building fell" came from the ASCE
Structural Division which is about as peer reviewed as any science in the world. And you can bet that there are plenty who could spot a fabricated falsehood. It did not come from any government agency.

Just like this thread points out, the stupid lies continuously being spread about explosives, et. al., are easily debunked.

There are some so incredibly ignorant as to believe there are explosives being built into the structures.

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:28 PM

What is obvious is that the official story is not true.

What is obvious is that the truth is being covered up.

what is obvious is metalwing is a structural engineer and knows more about this stuff than anyone else in the thread. What is also obvious is if he was wrong then why are there not tons of other structural engineers claiming the official story is impossible? They aren't because they know that should have happened.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:29 PM

Once again..........

Those were NOT Mossad Agents. Mossad Agents NEVER let themselves get photographed or videotaped under ANY curcumstance. Not only to you get kicked out of the Mossad but it will also get you killed.

If that is true, that Mossad will kill you if you admit to being Mossad, or get videotaped or arrested, then what does that tell you about Mossad and Israel ?

That they are ruthless murderers and assassins?

I watch plenty of spy movies, and they always tell their spies that if they get caught, they will be cut loose.

So don't expect me to believe any denials you or they are spouting about who they were.

They were Israeli's. They were questioned and released. They would not have been released if they had been Muslims would they? Nope. No way. The only way they would have been released is that they had important connections with Israel.

The Mossad won't kill you, the constant enemy intelligence agencies that hunt down and kill outted Mossad Agents current and former will. Any covert agency like the Mossad will cut you loose if you are identified.

And yes the Mossad are ruthless killers and assassins. Do you know what they were first created for? Hunting down Nazi war criminals and either killing them or bringing them back to Israel to face justice, mostly to kill them.

Oh, so just because they are Israeli they are Mossad? surprised I seriously need to go take some Advil now.frustrated

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 02:57 PM

What is obvious is that the official story is not true.

What is obvious is that the truth is being covered up.

The official story of "how the building fell" came from the ASCE
Structural Division which is about as peer reviewed as any science in the world. And you can bet that there are plenty who could spot a fabricated falsehood. It did not come from any government agency.

Just like this thread points out, the stupid lies continuously being spread about explosives, et. al., are easily debunked.

There are some so incredibly ignorant as to believe there are explosives being built into the structures.

"Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis" was published in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE on 9/13/01. Peer review of this paper and of other theories volunteering to explain the collapses was conspicuously absent."

Would you happen to know where I might look at these peer reviews??

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 03:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 03:08 PM

Once again..........

Those were NOT Mossad Agents. Mossad Agents NEVER let themselves get photographed or videotaped under ANY curcumstance. Not only to you get kicked out of the Mossad but it will also get you killed.

If that is true, that Mossad will kill you if you admit to being Mossad, or get videotaped or arrested, then what does that tell you about Mossad and Israel ?

That they are ruthless murderers and assassins?

I watch plenty of spy movies, and they always tell their spies that if they get caught, they will be cut loose.

So don't expect me to believe any denials you or they are spouting about who they were.

They were Israeli's. They were questioned and released. They would not have been released if they had been Muslims would they? Nope. No way. The only way they would have been released is that they had important connections with Israel.

The Mossad won't kill you, the constant enemy intelligence agencies that hunt down and kill outted Mossad Agents current and former will. Any covert agency like the Mossad will cut you loose if you are identified.

And yes the Mossad are ruthless killers and assassins. Do you know what they were first created for? Hunting down Nazi war criminals and either killing them or bringing them back to Israel to face justice, mostly to kill them.

Oh, so just because they are Israeli they are Mossad? surprised I seriously need to go take some Advil now.frustrated

Well to be honest, I don't know if they were mossad. I read somewhere that they claimed to be.

But in any case, I did not know that just because they were Jews or Israeli's that they were exempt from being suspects.

Who ever they were, they had advanced knowledge of the attack. Why were they questioned and released? Why did they have advanced knowledge of the attack? Who were they if they were not mossad agents?? (I believe they were or at least working for Israel in some capacity.)

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 03:02 PM

What is obvious is that the official story is not true.

What is obvious is that the truth is being covered up.

what is obvious is metalwing is a structural engineer and knows more about this stuff than anyone else in the thread. What is also obvious is if he was wrong then why are there not tons of other structural engineers claiming the official story is impossible? They aren't because they know that should have happened.

How do you know that there aren't??

Read this and decide:


no photo
Fri 08/05/11 03:05 PM
And what about this guy?

What would happen to a person who did have proof that the official version of 9-11 was wrong?

Probably this:


Where are all these stories coming from and why do they keep coming?

Do you actually think people don't have anything better to do?

Do you feel we should trust the official stories completely and never question the authorities?

Are you really that trustful of the people in power?

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