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Topic: The Prophecy
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 05/09/12 06:15 PM

Incorrect. Incest only is with your CLOSE relatives, this will include without fail a BLOOD relative.

Sara was the half sister of Abraham...do you not regard a half-sister as being a blood relative?

Only partly, cause again they are HALF sister/brother. No matter which way you wish to look at it, we're ALL related in one way or other way on down the line. Weather you believe in creation, evolution, or any other belief. There had to have only started with 2 or at most, a few. Regardless we are all related in one way or other.

So again, no it was NOT incest. Incest ONLY accures when it is IMMEDIATE family members. Brother/sister and MAYBE one could consider a cousin.

A half brother/sister does NOT have the same make up as one another as a brother/sister would. So again, no it would not be incest. They were not IMMEDIATE family related.

no photo
Thu 05/10/12 06:08 AM

Incorrect. Incest only is with your CLOSE relatives, this will include without fail a BLOOD relative.

Sara was the half sister of Abraham...do you not regard a half-sister as being a blood relative?

Only partly, cause again they are HALF sister/brother.

Cowboy...so that means you have no problem marrying and having children with your half-sister ....that's gross

TBRich's photo
Thu 05/10/12 06:36 AM
My day is never complete, until I read an exchange between Cowboy and Funches.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 05/10/12 07:03 AM

Incorrect. Incest only is with your CLOSE relatives, this will include without fail a BLOOD relative.

Sara was the half sister of Abraham...do you not regard a half-sister as being a blood relative?

Only partly, cause again they are HALF sister/brother.

Cowboy...so that means you have no problem marrying and having children with your half-sister ....that's gross

That boils down to a personal opinion though. How is it gross? You are only related to this person through marriage. She wouldn't be of the same blood as you, again only related because of the marriage.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 05/10/12 07:05 AM

My day is never complete, until I read an exchange between Cowboy and Funches.

lol, I wished more people posted as activly as Funches does. Yes morningsong and a few select other's post often as well. But they say what the say, then stop. They see it as "arguing" or "debating", not just some nice in depth discussion, then they stop.

no photo
Thu 05/10/12 07:28 AM

That boils down to a personal opinion though. How is it gross? You are only related to this person through marriage. She wouldn't be of the same blood as you, again only related because of the marriage.

now I see your problem...you're confusing a half-sister with a step-sister....

a step-sister is a relative by marriage
a half-sister is a relative by blood...

Sara was Abraham's half-sister... which is why when God give a prophecy that they "will" have a child he was commanding and aiding them to committ incest

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 05/10/12 08:00 AM

That boils down to a personal opinion though. How is it gross? You are only related to this person through marriage. She wouldn't be of the same blood as you, again only related because of the marriage.

now I see your problem...you're confusing a half-sister with a step-sister....

a step-sister is a relative by marriage
a half-sister is a relative by blood...

Sara was Abraham's half-sister... which is why when God give a prophecy that they "will" have a child he was commanding and aiding them to committ incest

Yes was his half sister. Notice the word "half". These two would only at most have the possibility of having half the same blood line. It is not incest, for again incest is a total BLOOD relative. But this has been explained to you many of times in this thread and I'm tired of repeating myself. So peace be with you Funches, and much love to you and yours.

no photo
Thu 05/10/12 08:40 AM

Yes was his half sister. Notice the word "half". These two would only at most have the possibility of having half the same blood line. It is not incest, for again incest is a total BLOOD relative. But this has been explained to you many of times in this thread and I'm tired of repeating myself.

Cowboy...generally by now you would have ran to Satan's dictionary and post the definition of "half-sister" ...but you can't...because you know it would refer to a sibling

your God promotes incest....he did it first with Adam and Eve and thrust mankind into original sin ...

So peace be with you Funches,

you turning Muslim again?

and much love to you and yours.

nah...I've leave the half-sister stuff to you

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 07:20 AM
Edited by funches on Fri 06/01/12 07:22 AM

The Prophecy

that dating sites will give the option for it members to become 3D virtual clones of themselves in which the members will be able to interact within a simulated environment as a walking talking person and can go out on dates with other clone members on the site.....the clones will be able to eat dinner go to the movies and even be able to have sex

have sex?.....oh my God....oops...er... I meant WTF?

but anyway is this why the bible deem "Lust" an abomination...because it prophesied that one day Lust will be used in a way that would make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a girl scout bake sale

because when you think about it "Lust" and the interactivity by clones brings up a hell of a lot of religious moral questions

for instance

if two religious unmarried clones have sex....is it fornication

are the two persons controlling those two clones committing heathenous fornication and fornicating in their heart

an example of this prophecy coming true is the holographic clone technology used in a concert in which a dead tupac shakur performed on stage, , imagine a hologram Bach or Beethoven directing a concert on stage, these performances will be sold out

this technology will also be used in bars, the biggest complaint that night clubs owners have is that bands do next to nothing to promote themselves and bring in customers, this hologram technology will change all of that, simply drop some coins in the jukebox and a hologram Ozzie Osbourne and band pops up and start performing, this will first become a fad and then the norm and put an end to live bands, or even learning how to play a musical instrument

imagine the first church to have a holographic Jesus or God deliver a sermon, the church will be packed for months, or an entire biblical story delivered to the audience exactly how it took place in the bible , this will cause people to start back going to church which will become little more than movie theaters ...

this technology will make the television set obsolete in which everything will appear in front of you as if you are actually there,

the more the technology advances the more real the illusion will appear, anything can appear as a hologram .. you will not be able to tell if an item or even a person is real or a hologram clone ....you will no longer be able to trust what you see...

would a baby that were reared up in an hologram fantasy world up to adulthood cause the adult to question their own existence , especially if you were to ask such a person the question

do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist...

which option would they choose.....they would not pick either "believe" or "know" but choose a non-option "both"......

and this is the effect that religion has on people as they attempt to exist in a fantasy driven reality in which they must place their own existence behind that of an entity which can not even be proved to exist beyond faith

but if the hologram clone craze teaches anything it will enlighten us to the fact that beliefs and reality is not truth and that the only absolute truth is your own existence to yourself

the link is to a video that provides further evidence of my "Prophecy" of hologam clones replacing "humans and reality" being full filled


it's only a matter of time before a hologram of God and Jesus appears ....which brings up some interesting questions

what will they look like...probably start a lot of controversy

will each denomination fight over how there particular God or Jesus look ..since Jesus was Jewish will he be sporting a Yamaka

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/01/12 08:03 AM

Incorrect. Incest only is with your CLOSE relatives, this will include without fail a BLOOD relative.

Sara was the half sister of Abraham...do you not regard a half-sister as being a blood relative?

Only partly, cause again they are HALF sister/brother. No matter which way you wish to look at it, we're ALL related in one way or other way on down the line. Weather you believe in creation, evolution, or any other belief. There had to have only started with 2 or at most, a few. Regardless we are all related in one way or other.

So again, no it was NOT incest. Incest ONLY accures when it is IMMEDIATE family members. Brother/sister and MAYBE one could consider a cousin.

A half brother/sister does NOT have the same make up as one another as a brother/sister would. So again, no it would not be incest. They were not IMMEDIATE family related.
you'd be in a Heap of Trouble these days,and also a long time back,if you get it on with a Half-Sister of yours,in most Jurisdictions!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/01/12 08:07 AM

That boils down to a personal opinion though. How is it gross? You are only related to this person through marriage. She wouldn't be of the same blood as you, again only related because of the marriage.

now I see your problem...you're confusing a half-sister with a step-sister....

a step-sister is a relative by marriage
a half-sister is a relative by blood...

Sara was Abraham's half-sister... which is why when God give a prophecy that they "will" have a child he was commanding and aiding them to committ incest

actually a Step-Sister would be adopted,and a Sister-In-Law would be the one related by Marriage.
But getting it on with a Blood-Relative,which a Half-Sister would be,is wrong in so many forms,I don't want to even enumerate them.

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 08:54 AM

..that which is supposedly known about god...was written by man,when asked to support their religion they turn to a book written by man,so does one's individual interpretation become tainted by that which is read,their belief now of that which has been written and their faith the same..a belief in that which was written.. by man


no photo
Fri 06/01/12 10:19 AM

That boils down to a personal opinion though. How is it gross? You are only related to this person through marriage. She wouldn't be of the same blood as you, again only related because of the marriage.

now I see your problem...you're confusing a half-sister with a step-sister....

a step-sister is a relative by marriage
a half-sister is a relative by blood...

Sara was Abraham's half-sister... which is why when God give a prophecy that they "will" have a child he was commanding and aiding them to committ incest

actually a Step-Sister would be adopted,and a Sister-In-Law would be the one related by Marriage.
But getting it on with a Blood-Relative,which a Half-Sister would be,is wrong in so many forms,I don't want to even enumerate them.

an adopted sibling would either be referred to as being a sibling or an adopted-sibling they would not be referred to as being a step-sibling ...

a step sibling would be if either of the biological parents married another that already have children which means that a step sister is a result of marriage not adoption

a half-sibling is a result of two individuals having either the same mother or the same father and therefore of the same blood which in this case applies to Abraham and Sara and why God's prophecy that they would have a child was God commanding them to committ incest

this is why a prophecy of God automatically takes away "Free WIll" because it was God's Will that Abraham and an "infertile Sara" be forced to spawn a child

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 02:06 PM
The Prophecy

that the copier machine will eventually replace the oven and make food stores and going on a diet obsolete

it's based on the concept of that "pink slime meat" incident, and a 3D printer

since meat or any organic substance can be liquified or puree, and a 3D copier can print out an item in 3D...then by replacing the ink jets in the 3D copier with liquified organics...the copier can be used to make an exact duplicate of what you want to eat...

this organic substance low or void of fats can be pumped into storage vats located in ones abode or connected to the 3D printer ...

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