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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:29 AM

It's one thing to state that you do not believe in the Christian faith. But when it comes to using words as fables or even down to hearsay rumors, it becomes insultive. You are more then welcome to not believe, that is your choice. But it's an entirely different story when you claim them to be "fables" continuously. We already know you do not believe in the faith, why continue to rub in the fact that you see them as fables? I try to keep our discussions civil, I do not state that Mysticism or or whatever to be a fable, folklore, or anything of such. Along with other beliefs. When in a discussion you are suppose to keep the other's feelings in consideration in the discussion. Cause all in all, these are "discussions" not debates or anything of such.

Cowboy, you're on record here as saying all women undeniably have more ribs than men because Genesis suggested that. You based your whole argument in the debate on 'the Bible tells me so and it's never wrong'.

Well, you were PROVEN wrong and you never recanted. I hardly see your being proven wrong in a debate that you yourself framed for having believed in a fable as being insultive-- it just shows the lengths you are willing to go counter reality so you won't have admit that the Bible is NOT as authoritative as you and some other Christians claim.

Talking snakes? Rabbits that chew cud? Giant floods causing worldwide extinction events? Moses parting the Red Sea?

-Kerry O.

Sorry, I do apologize for the rib thing. Weather men and women have the same amount of ribs or not is irrelevant for the one simple fact. If we cut your arm off and made a woman out of it, would your children then have one arm? No, they would be born just as you were with two. So I do apologize for spreading false testimony in that area. That's not what is insultive lol, I've told you many times what turns it insultive. You disagreeing isn't what's insultive.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:30 AM

Cowboy wrote:

It's one thing to state that you do not believe in the Christian faith. But when it comes to using words as fables or even down to hearsay rumors, it becomes insultive. You are more then welcome to not believe, that is your choice. But it's an entirely different story when you claim them to be "fables" continuously. We already know you do not believe in the faith, why continue to rub in the fact that you see them as fables? I try to keep our discussions civil, I do not state that Mysticism or or whatever to be a fable, folklore, or anything of such. Along with other beliefs. When in a discussion you are suppose to keep the other's feelings in consideration in the discussion. Cause all in all, these are "discussions" not debates or anything of such.

Oh please.

Give me a break Cowboy.

You have called every other faith on planet Earth a "fairytale".

You call Eastern Mysticism a "fantasy"

Christians have renounced the validity of every non-Christian religion in existence throughout all of history!

And now you're going to cry "foul" because I'm suggesting that the Bible is a fable? whoa

Aren't you being a little hypocritical here?

Yes I have in a couple instances to just get under your skin, which I shouldn't have and I apologize. I do not call them fairytales on a regular basis as you, especially while in a religious belief discussion with you.

wux's photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:52 AM

1. Who says there will be nothing to do? <- says I. What would you do when you were happy and all your needs and wants were satisfied? Nothing you would want to do. Not every need is satisfied? Then that would not be heaven. Use your head. In the earlier message I did say "no wants, no needs". I said that for a reason. Read reasonably, man, and use your head, please.

2. Heaven is brought to earth after the tribulations. <- says who? I.e. two can play this game.

3. So why would there be nothing to do? Could one not do what they already do? <- boring. People would wish they were dead after they do the same thing over and over and over again. I aimed to aim at this when I said that Rambo thing, you know, seeing the same movies over and over again, including Rambo. Use your head when you read, please. See the innuendos, read like a thinker, please.

If you keep admitting to not having comprehended what had already been said before, and keep asking questions that had already been pre-emptively answered, like you did in this example, then you keep admitting to having poor comprension. This is a good way to earn yourself a status or a reputation of "ridiculously incapable of comprehension person."

4. Or even try something new perhaps? <- like what? Humans can only do what humans do.

5. It just struck me funny you said that, again why would there be nothing to do and who said there would be nothing to do or where did you get that knowledge? <- I did not gain this knowledge. This is not part of knowledge. If God or Heaven or the Afterlife were subject to knowledge, not to conjecture or to speculation, then you and I would not be arguing, but instead, we would both know.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:05 AM

1. Who says there will be nothing to do? <- says I. What would you do when you were happy and all your needs and wants were satisfied? Nothing you would want to do. Not every need is satisfied? Then that would not be heaven. Use your head. In the earlier message I did say "no wants, no needs". I said that for a reason. Read reasonably, man, and use your head, please.

2. Heaven is brought to earth after the tribulations. <- says who? I.e. two can play this game.

3. So why would there be nothing to do? Could one not do what they already do? <- boring. People would wish they were dead after they do the same thing over and over and over again. I aimed to aim at this when I said that Rambo thing, you know, seeing the same movies over and over again, including Rambo. Use your head when you read, please. See the innuendos, read like a thinker, please.

If you keep admitting to not having comprehended what had already been said before, and keep asking questions that had already been pre-emptively answered, like you did in this example, then you keep admitting to having poor comprension. This is a good way to earn yourself a status or a reputation of "ridiculously incapable of comprehension person."

4. Or even try something new perhaps? <- like what? Humans can only do what humans do.

5. It just struck me funny you said that, again why would there be nothing to do and who said there would be nothing to do or where did you get that knowledge? <- I did not gain this knowledge. This is not part of knowledge. If God or Heaven or the Afterlife were subject to knowledge, not to conjecture or to speculation, then you and I would not be arguing, but instead, we would both know.

We would spend out time praising and worshiping God, we would do loving things with other people of heaven, there would be plenty of things to do in heaven.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 10:09 AM
we would do loving things with other people of heaven,

I assume that means sex with anyone we want?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/12/11 10:12 AM

Cowboy wrote:

It's one thing to state that you do not believe in the Christian faith. But when it comes to using words as fables or even down to hearsay rumors, it becomes insultive. You are more then welcome to not believe, that is your choice. But it's an entirely different story when you claim them to be "fables" continuously. We already know you do not believe in the faith, why continue to rub in the fact that you see them as fables? I try to keep our discussions civil, I do not state that Mysticism or or whatever to be a fable, folklore, or anything of such. Along with other beliefs. When in a discussion you are suppose to keep the other's feelings in consideration in the discussion. Cause all in all, these are "discussions" not debates or anything of such.

Oh please.

Give me a break Cowboy.

You have called every other faith on planet Earth a "fairytale".

You call Eastern Mysticism a "fantasy"

Christians have renounced the validity of every non-Christian religion in existence throughout all of history!

And now you're going to cry "foul" because I'm suggesting that the Bible is a fable? whoa

Aren't you being a little hypocritical here?

Yes I have in a couple instances to just get under your skin, which I shouldn't have and I apologize. I do not call them fairytales on a regular basis as you, especially while in a religious belief discussion with you.

You just demanded in the other thread that we must worship God through your religion otherwise you accuse us of worshiping false God. So you're lying if you claim that you don't constantly accuse all other spiritual faiths of being false and worshiping false Gods.

You do it continually with the relentless arrogance. Yet if someone suggests the very same thing of your religion, you become highly offended and scream insult and injury!

That's as hypocritical as can be.

You can't go around accusing everyone of rejecting God if they don't bow down to your beliefs, and claim that there beliefs are FALSE, and then scream bloody murder if they suggest the very SAME idea right back at you.

That's absurd.

Why should you be insulted by what you just did to them?

And chances are they weren't even insulted by your disbelief in their religion. Most of them couldn't care less whether you believe in their spirituality or not. All they expect from you is the very same respect that they give to you for whatever it is that you do believe. They don't need to believe in what you believe to respect that you believe.

This is where you seem to be highly confused.

I'm not asking you to believe in Buddhism, or Pantheism, or anything else. I couldn't care one iota if you believe that these things are total fantasy, as you have stated that you do believe.

That's perfectly fine with me.

All I ask from you is to respect my choice to believe in my spiritual choices and not to constantly ACCUSE me of refusing to worship "God" because I don't worship YOUR BELIEFS!

Do I do that to you?

No! I most certainly don't and I never have.

On the contrary, I respect your choice to believe in the Biblical picture of God, and I've even told you that I feel absolutely confident that God is pleased with your choice as well.

I don't question that in the least.

I can view your choice of doctrine to believe in as being totally false, and/or misrepresented by the Christian faith, and still understand that from YOUR point of view, it's your way of recognizing and worshiping God.

In fact, unlike you, I don't believe that God is an egotistical being who has an extreme obscession to be worshiped.

That to me is a bogus idea already. I mean, hey, if you want to view God in that way, then more power to you. drinker

But asking me to view God as such a hateful self-centered egotist isn't going to fly.

I wouldn't even bother with religion or spirituality at all if I though the creator of the universe had the character traits that you demand. I'd far rather have FAITH that atheism is true.

I have no need for any pathetically egotistical godheads who are going to throw extremely immature temper tantrums if they aren't worshiped and obeyed. Especially if they are claiming that FAITH and LOVE are supposedly involved with that process. Those ideas are in absolute total conflict with each other and cannot possibly coexist within the same philosophy, IMHO.

Yet, that's precisely the type of philosophy that you demanding that I must accept as the "Word of God".

I refuse to cower down to your religion DEMANDS.

And I refuse to accept your constant badgering on me, that my religious and philosophical beliefs are FALSE.

You make those accusations of my beliefs all the time, yet you don't seem to think that I should be insulted by that.

So why should you be insulted if someone does to you precisely what you do to them?

Have you ever heard of the "Golden Rule"? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If you don't want other people to be telling you that you are worshiping a false religion or God, then stop telling other people precisely that very thing!

I really don't care if you want to claim that my religion and faith are false. But don't doubly insult me by screaming insult and injury when I return the favor.

Look in a mirror?

You're doing worse than me!

You accuse me of refusing to accept God if I don't buy into your religious beliefs.

I have NEVER accused you of anything remotely close to that.

I don't JUDGE your beliefs.

But you are hell bent on JUDGING mine!

It's one thing to try to explain to me WHY you believe as you do. And perhaps even WHY you do not believe as I do.

But that's not what you do Cowboy.

You ACCUSE me of refusing to worship God if I don't cower down to your beliefs!

That's a totally different thing from merely explaining why you believe as you do, or stating why you don't believe as I believe.

If you can ever grasp this one simple concept, everyone on these forums would very much appreciate it I'm sure, including yourself!

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 03/12/11 10:23 AM

Hello all! Shiki here!

OK, I joke about a lot of things. Because after all, laughter is good for the soul, and when a woman laughs, the big boobies bounce more, which is a win-win situation.

However, one thing is not a laughing matter, and it is those people who do not believe in God.

Now, I am not one of these blind believers, but rather someone who believes that (a) God exists; and (b) He grades on a HUGE curve.

Here's my question. Whenever I speak with atheists, they seem to be very angry, and rather insulting. So, I was wondering if this might be a great place to have an open discussion about God, where we are not insulting one another, but simply discussing our respective viewpoints.

Atheists, what say you?

I must admit, I have lost my cool when confronted by what I call the "God Squad." The people that want to stop me on the street, when I am busy, and explain how my life would be so much better if only I took Jesus into my heart.

I am 49 years old. I have heard the "good news" before and have given it al the thought I feel it's due. At first I am polite. "No thank you," I say,"I'm not interested." Then they want to know why.

In a coffee house setting, I'm happy to sit and discuss ideas for hours and often do with friends. But, when accosted on the street by strangers trying to save my soul, I'm just not interested.

However, I must point out that my rudeness is a reply to what I feel is their own rudeness.

I sometimes work as a street performer. I've had people stop me mid song and ask to use my mic so they can do a little preaching! I am taken back by their lack of respect.

Here I'd like to say something that may offend some of you. I don't mean to, I simply don't know another way to make my point. Remember, you opened this can of worms.

I have zero respect for religion. None. My reason for this is the same as your's is for not respecting the views of people who believe in unicorns or that flowers can speak if you'd only learn to listen the right way. IMHO religion and the concept of a god is stupid and I'm amazed that people I'd usually think of as smart buy into it.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/12/11 10:26 AM
intellect and faith operate differently

we say people are 'smart' who can remember what they have read in books,, basically, and apply it

this ability in no way contradicts what it is to believe in a religious doctrine and apply it,,,

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/12/11 11:13 AM
TexasScoundrel wrote:

I have zero respect for religion. None. My reason for this is the same as your's is for not respecting the views of people who believe in unicorns or that flowers can speak if you'd only learn to listen the right way. IMHO religion and the concept of a god is stupid and I'm amazed that people I'd usually think of as smart buy into it.

I personally don't blame you one bit. And I agree with you that religious people, especially people who proselytize their religion showing absolutely no respect for other people, deserve no respect themselves. That should be a given really.

I also respect your atheistic views. I've heard many atheistic arguments against any belief in any sort of spirituality. And as a scientist trained in logical analysis, I have to agree with the atheists that their conclusion are indeed perfectly sound and logical.

It's makes perfect logical sense to totally dismiss any spiritual beliefs as being totally unsupportable by any sort of tangible evidence.

However, if an atheist goes to the extent of saying that a belief in spirituality is "illogical" they have gone too far. Because ultimately it is not more "illogical" than to believe that the universe sprang into existence from nothing for not reason. That's just as "illogical".

So from my perspective, based on pure logic I can't say that atheism or spirituality is "more or less" logical. They are on totally equal ground as far as I can see.

Having said that, I will be the first to agree that highly dogmatic religions based on things like the Hebrew writings are indeed utterly absurd. They not only defy logic, but IMHO, they also defy and contradict the very notion that the godhead they are describing is even remotely intelligent much less all-wise. So I personally see them failing via shooting themselves in their own foot. No logic or science required to dismiss them.

However, if we want to consider the possibility of some "mystical" spiritual essence to life, I would suggest two things:

1. Our current scientific knowledge cannot rule it out.
2. Atheism is just as "mystical" as spiritual mysticism.

The mere fact that anything at all exists is a "mystery" and the fact that the stuff that does exist has evolved into conscious beings that can actually sit around and question how they came to be is even a greater "mystery".

So how could an pure athestic view of life be any less "mystical" than an idea of spiritual "mysticism"?

So the only thing I would like to toss out there is that these two idea should truly be views as equally 'possible', or equally 'absurd', if you prefer.

An atheistic world is just as big of a mystery as a mystical spiritual world, and so if one can exist (and we know that at least atheism would need to be true if nothing else), then perhaps the other can exist as well. Because they are both equally absurd.

That's my views on that.

So when it comes to atheism versus mystical spiritualism my conclusion is that there's no contest. They both have the very same unanswered mysteries ultimately.

So atheists and spiritualists should be able to respect each others views without a hitch.

I think what ruins it for the mystical spiritualists are indeed the "proselytizing dogmatic religions" that demand that everyone cower down to their dogma and worship it as the "word of God". A male-chauvinistic Zeus-like godhead no less who will cast you into a hell fire if you refuse to conform to the belief! devil

That just religion going berserk, IMHO.

And that totally ruins it for people who would simply like to believe in a mystical spiritual essence for reality. Because the dogmatic proselytizers have the atheists running for COVER!

It's no wonder that the atheists don't even want to hear the word "spiritual" ever again!

I don't blame them at all!

2smileloudly's photo
Sat 03/12/11 11:16 AM
Jeanniebean is on the mark.....
Religion is imaginary, made up, in our minds
like the easter bunny and Santa Claus

as an atheist (no god belief) and an agnostic (I do not know), the Jesus myth can only be discussed as another imaginary mythological story......Today's religion will be tomorrow's mythology

People who believe in imaginary beings are delusional
People who talk to imaginary beings are delusional
People who believe in imaginary superstitions like prayer are delusional
Delusion–a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.
Religion by definition is a Psychosis….
an entire imaginary, delusional belief system
We can call it Religious Belief Syndrome… an acronym could be… Religious B S

The real question is:
What is the need or weakness in some people that allows them to grasp onto religion to answer their life problems and questions??

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/12/11 11:18 AM

Jeanniebean is on the mark.....
Religion is imaginary, made up, in our minds
like the easter bunny and Santa Claus

as an atheist (no god belief) and an agnostic (I do not know), the Jesus myth can only be discussed as another imaginary mythological story......Today's religion will be tomorrow's mythology

People who believe in imaginary beings are delusional
People who talk to imaginary beings are delusional
People who believe in imaginary superstitions like prayer are delusional
Delusion–a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.
Religion by definition is a Psychosis….
an entire imaginary, delusional belief system
We can call it Religious Belief Syndrome… an acronym could be… Religious B S

The real question is:
What is the need or weakness in some people that allows them to grasp onto religion to answer their life problems and questions??

more assumptions, I guess its natural

as one who believes in what YOU apparantly BELIEVE to be 'imaginary'

I can assure you I am no weaker or more delusional than you areflowerforyou

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:15 PM

Cowboy wrote:

It's one thing to state that you do not believe in the Christian faith. But when it comes to using words as fables or even down to hearsay rumors, it becomes insultive. You are more then welcome to not believe, that is your choice. But it's an entirely different story when you claim them to be "fables" continuously. We already know you do not believe in the faith, why continue to rub in the fact that you see them as fables? I try to keep our discussions civil, I do not state that Mysticism or or whatever to be a fable, folklore, or anything of such. Along with other beliefs. When in a discussion you are suppose to keep the other's feelings in consideration in the discussion. Cause all in all, these are "discussions" not debates or anything of such.

Oh please.

Give me a break Cowboy.

You have called every other faith on planet Earth a "fairytale".

You call Eastern Mysticism a "fantasy"

Christians have renounced the validity of every non-Christian religion in existence throughout all of history!

And now you're going to cry "foul" because I'm suggesting that the Bible is a fable? whoa

Aren't you being a little hypocritical here?

Yes I have in a couple instances to just get under your skin, which I shouldn't have and I apologize. I do not call them fairytales on a regular basis as you, especially while in a religious belief discussion with you.

You just demanded in the other thread that we must worship God through your religion otherwise you accuse us of worshiping false God. So you're lying if you claim that you don't constantly accuse all other spiritual faiths of being false and worshiping false Gods.

You do it continually with the relentless arrogance. Yet if someone suggests the very same thing of your religion, you become highly offended and scream insult and injury!

That's as hypocritical as can be.

You can't go around accusing everyone of rejecting God if they don't bow down to your beliefs, and claim that there beliefs are FALSE, and then scream bloody murder if they suggest the very SAME idea right back at you.

That's absurd.

Why should you be insulted by what you just did to them?

And chances are they weren't even insulted by your disbelief in their religion. Most of them couldn't care less whether you believe in their spirituality or not. All they expect from you is the very same respect that they give to you for whatever it is that you do believe. They don't need to believe in what you believe to respect that you believe.

This is where you seem to be highly confused.

I'm not asking you to believe in Buddhism, or Pantheism, or anything else. I couldn't care one iota if you believe that these things are total fantasy, as you have stated that you do believe.

That's perfectly fine with me.

All I ask from you is to respect my choice to believe in my spiritual choices and not to constantly ACCUSE me of refusing to worship "God" because I don't worship YOUR BELIEFS!

Do I do that to you?

No! I most certainly don't and I never have.

On the contrary, I respect your choice to believe in the Biblical picture of God, and I've even told you that I feel absolutely confident that God is pleased with your choice as well.

I don't question that in the least.

I can view your choice of doctrine to believe in as being totally false, and/or misrepresented by the Christian faith, and still understand that from YOUR point of view, it's your way of recognizing and worshiping God.

In fact, unlike you, I don't believe that God is an egotistical being who has an extreme obscession to be worshiped.

That to me is a bogus idea already. I mean, hey, if you want to view God in that way, then more power to you. drinker

But asking me to view God as such a hateful self-centered egotist isn't going to fly.

I wouldn't even bother with religion or spirituality at all if I though the creator of the universe had the character traits that you demand. I'd far rather have FAITH that atheism is true.

I have no need for any pathetically egotistical godheads who are going to throw extremely immature temper tantrums if they aren't worshiped and obeyed. Especially if they are claiming that FAITH and LOVE are supposedly involved with that process. Those ideas are in absolute total conflict with each other and cannot possibly coexist within the same philosophy, IMHO.

Yet, that's precisely the type of philosophy that you demanding that I must accept as the "Word of God".

I refuse to cower down to your religion DEMANDS.

And I refuse to accept your constant badgering on me, that my religious and philosophical beliefs are FALSE.

You make those accusations of my beliefs all the time, yet you don't seem to think that I should be insulted by that.

So why should you be insulted if someone does to you precisely what you do to them?

Have you ever heard of the "Golden Rule"? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If you don't want other people to be telling you that you are worshiping a false religion or God, then stop telling other people precisely that very thing!

I really don't care if you want to claim that my religion and faith are false. But don't doubly insult me by screaming insult and injury when I return the favor.

Look in a mirror?

You're doing worse than me!

You accuse me of refusing to accept God if I don't buy into your religious beliefs.

I have NEVER accused you of anything remotely close to that.

I don't JUDGE your beliefs.

But you are hell bent on JUDGING mine!

It's one thing to try to explain to me WHY you believe as you do. And perhaps even WHY you do not believe as I do.

But that's not what you do Cowboy.

You ACCUSE me of refusing to worship God if I don't cower down to your beliefs!

That's a totally different thing from merely explaining why you believe as you do, or stating why you don't believe as I believe.

If you can ever grasp this one simple concept, everyone on these forums would very much appreciate it I'm sure, including yourself!

You can't go around accusing everyone of rejecting God if they don't bow down to your beliefs, and claim that there beliefs are FALSE, and then scream bloody murder if they suggest the very SAME idea right back at you.

No my friend, you're not listening again. Just because you don't agree or believe the same as I do does not make the insult. The insult comes when you talk about how inept another's beliefs are, that they are folklore, they are hearsay rumors. You feel this way, we're well away. There is no need to continually state it. It's one thing to say if you believe or not believe ONCE, after that we understand. And it's ok to say you don't believe, but when you start proclaiming them to be hearsay folklores and the god we worship is inept is when again it becomes an insult.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:36 PM
You guys should give it a rest. You don't believe the same way. Period. Neither one is going to convince the other of anything. Right?
So why not just give it up?

The general religion chat is supposed to be a place to discuss different religions, not a place to beat each other over the head with your personal opinions.

Cowyboy, everyone in the world by now has heard the claims made by Christianity. There are churches on every other street corner. You are not going to find anyone who has not heard what you call "the good news."

Good news to me, would be that I won the lottery or something.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:37 PM
Cowboy wrote:

No my friend, you're not listening again. Just because you don't agree or believe the same as I do does not make the insult. The insult comes when you talk about how inept another's beliefs are, that they are folklore, they are hearsay rumors. You feel this way, we're well away. There is no need to continually state it. It's one thing to say if you believe or not believe ONCE, after that we understand. And it's ok to say you don't believe, but when you start proclaiming them to be hearsay folklores and the god we worship is inept is when again it becomes an insult.

I'm listening to what you are saying my friend. I just don't agree with what you are saying.

The bottom line is quite simple. You are on a mission to shove your dogmatic religion down the throats of others. When they give their reasons why they don't accept it (i.e. they feel that it's utterly stupid and most likely just ignorant fables). Then you claim insult and injury.

That's hogwash. All they are doing is telling you why they refuse to accept your dogma as the "word of God". They are trying to tell you that they don't believe that it is intelligent enough to be the word of any God.

You say:

There is no need to continually state it. It's one thing to say if you believe or not believe ONCE, after that we understand.

Well, you haven't shown and understanding at all.

You continually come right back at me with more excuses and attempts to try to convince me that the dogma isn't stupid.

So obviously you didn't understand.

And moreover, when you do that, I'm just going to try to re-explain to you why I don't accept your excuses for the dogma.

What you're doing is continually trying to SHOVE your dogma down my throat, and every time I spit it back up at you, you claim insult and injury and just try to SHOVE it right down my throat again.

I regurgitate, you claim insult, and SHOVE away again relentless.

You won't be happy until I swallow it and quit regurgitating it.

But that, my friend is never going to happen. This is why attempting to proselytize your religion to non-believers of your religion is FUTILE, and will only result in them telling you why they do not accept it. And if there reason is that they feel that the dogma itself is stupid and insulting, then that's their reason.

The whole sacrificial lamb thing where you are demanding that I must accept that a God had his totally innocence son crucified to pay for my sins is a totally SICK DEMENTED concept, as far as I'm concerned.

And I find it highly insulting that you would suggest that God would be like that, or that I would be in need of having someone crucified on a pole to pay for my sins.

Your very religious dogma OFFENDS ME!

I find your entire religion to be highly insulting, not only of me, but of any spiritual essence or beings that might even actual exist.

I find your religion to be an INSULT to humanity!

As well as an INSULT to any divine essence that might actually exist.

So I find you to be the epitome of insult because you refuse to quite proseylitzing your own personal warped version of Christianity on the GENERAL RELIGION FORMS.

How do you like them apples? drinker

If you want to believe in Christianity more power to you!

Don't be trying to SHOVE it down my throat or I'll just throw it up all over you!

And if you're insulted by that I have absolutely no sympathy for you whatsoever. You religious arrogance is unbearable. And I personally find YOU to be highly insulting.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:39 PM

You guys should give it a rest. You don't believe the same way. Period. Neither one is going to convince the other of anything. Right?
So why not just give it up?

The general religion chat is supposed to be a place to discuss different religions, not a place to beat each other over the head with your personal opinions.

Cowyboy, everyone in the world by now has heard the claims made by Christianity. There are churches on every other street corner. You are not going to find anyone who has not heard what you call "the good news."

Good news to me, would be that I won the lottery or something.

I concur, there comes a time in these threads where the 'discussion' becomes counterproductive,, I think it was PAGES ago,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:45 PM

Cowboy wrote:

No my friend, you're not listening again. Just because you don't agree or believe the same as I do does not make the insult. The insult comes when you talk about how inept another's beliefs are, that they are folklore, they are hearsay rumors. You feel this way, we're well away. There is no need to continually state it. It's one thing to say if you believe or not believe ONCE, after that we understand. And it's ok to say you don't believe, but when you start proclaiming them to be hearsay folklores and the god we worship is inept is when again it becomes an insult.

I'm listening to what you are saying my friend. I just don't agree with what you are saying.

The bottom line is quite simple. You are on a mission to shove your dogmatic religion down the throats of others. When they give their reasons why they don't accept it (i.e. they feel that it's utterly stupid and most likely just ignorant fables). Then you claim insult and injury.

That's hogwash. All they are doing is telling you why they refuse to accept your dogma as the "word of God". They are trying to tell you that they don't believe that it is intelligent enough to be the word of any God.

You say:

There is no need to continually state it. It's one thing to say if you believe or not believe ONCE, after that we understand.

Well, you haven't shown and understanding at all.

You continually come right back at me with more excuses and attempts to try to convince me that the dogma isn't stupid.

So obviously you didn't understand.

And moreover, when you do that, I'm just going to try to re-explain to you why I don't accept your excuses for the dogma.

What you're doing is continually trying to SHOVE your dogma down my throat, and every time I spit it back up at you, you claim insult and injury and just try to SHOVE it right down my throat again.

I regurgitate, you claim insult, and SHOVE away again relentless.

You won't be happy until I swallow it and quit regurgitating it.

But that, my friend is never going to happen. This is why attempting to proselytize your religion to non-believers of your religion is FUTILE, and will only result in them telling you why they do not accept it. And if there reason is that they feel that the dogma itself is stupid and insulting, then that's their reason.

The whole sacrificial lamb thing where you are demanding that I must accept that a God had his totally innocence son crucified to pay for my sins is a totally SICK DEMENTED concept, as far as I'm concerned.

And I find it highly insulting that you would suggest that God would be like that, or that I would be in need of having someone crucified on a pole to pay for my sins.

Your very religious dogma OFFENDS ME!

I find your entire religion to be highly insulting, not only of me, but of any spiritual essence or beings that might even actual exist.

I find your religion to be an INSULT to humanity!

As well as an INSULT to any divine essence that might actually exist.

So I find you to be the epitome of insult because you refuse to quite proseylitzing your own personal warped version of Christianity on the GENERAL RELIGION FORMS.

How do you like them apples? drinker

If you want to believe in Christianity more power to you!

Don't be trying to SHOVE it down my throat or I'll just throw it up all over you!

And if you're insulted by that I have absolutely no sympathy for you whatsoever. You religious arrogance is unbearable. And I personally find YOU to be highly insulting.

What you're doing is continually trying to SHOVE your dogma down my throat, and every time I spit it back up at you, you claim insult and injury and just try to SHOVE it right down my throat again.

You're truly not hearing me. You don't believe it, that's fine, enough said. I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throat. You don't believe, again that's fine. But you continually claim them to be folklore, fairytells, hearsay rumors, ect. It's one thing to state you don't believe in someone elses beliefs but it's another when you downgrade them to "folklore, fairytells, and rumors". If you do not wish to hear about God, I would suggest not talking in the GENERAL religion forum. General religion meaning any and all religions may be discussed here. Not going out of my way to shove anything down anyone's throat, just coming to discuss.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:48 PM

You guys should give it a rest. You don't believe the same way. Period. Neither one is going to convince the other of anything. Right?
So why not just give it up?

The general religion chat is supposed to be a place to discuss different religions, not a place to beat each other over the head with your personal opinions.

Cowyboy, everyone in the world by now has heard the claims made by Christianity. There are churches on every other street corner. You are not going to find anyone who has not heard what you call "the good news."

Good news to me, would be that I won the lottery or something.

I've tried to end this foolishness with Cowboy for months now.

I've told him countless times that I respect his belief in Christianity to be a valid form of spirituality and I don't question his relationship with any God, or judge him in any way.

All I have ever asked from him is the very same respect. He refuses to give it.

Speaking of "good news", I don't consider a religious doctrine that proclaims that only FEW make it into the kingdom of heaven whilst the VAST MAJORITY are cast into a hell fire to be "good news".

Sounds like pretty bad news to me.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:49 PM
You're truly not hearing me. You don't believe it, that's fine, enough said. I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throat. You don't believe, again that's fine. But you continually claim them to be folklore, fairytells, hearsay rumors, ect. It's one thing to state you don't believe in someone elses beliefs but it's another when you downgrade them to "folklore, fairytells, and rumors". If you do not wish to hear about God, I would suggest not talking in the GENERAL religion forum. General religion meaning any and all religions may be discussed here. Not going out of my way to shove anything down anyone's throat, just coming to discuss.


You are doing the same thing as Abra. You call it TRUTH, and he calls it MYTH AND FOLKLORE.

If you will stop calling it truth, then maybe he will stop calling it what he thinks it is.

Realize this, you are doing the same kind of thing to him and he is insulted, and you are in turn, insulted by what he says.

Just stop it.

We are sick of it.

If you two want to continue your silly insults you can do it in private emails can't you? Most of what you are talking about is off topic anyway.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:51 PM
Abra, we both know that the only way to end it is to stop responding to his posts.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 12:51 PM

intellect and faith operate differently

we say people are 'smart' who can remember what they have read in books,, basically, and apply it

this ability in no way contradicts what it is to believe in a religious doctrine and apply it,,,

Not to be contrarian, but I sure as hell don't think people who remember and apply what they read in books are 'smart'. Its one of my pet peeves, actually. I have a lot of respect for intelligence, real intelligence, and it bothers me that so many people try to masquerade as intelligent by using a bit of knowledge... and worse, that people fall for the sham.

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