TexasScoundrel "I'm a rolling stone"
63 year old man from Ft. Worth, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About TexasScoundrel
Ah! You're here! I was starting to think you weren't coming. But, here you are. AWESOME! What? Well of course I'm expecting you. You're the girl of my dreams, right? I was getting a little worried though. You've kept me waiting a very long time. But, that's okay. I'll give you a chance to make it up to me. The first thing you have to understand about me is that I'm an over the road truck driver. That means I'm out on the road for four to six weeks at a time and then home for only a few days. This is something most women cannot handle and I can understand why. But, if you're looking for a man that's never around, I'm your fella! Since I spend most of my time in a truck, I don't keep a house or apartment. It just doesn't make sense to pay rent or a mortgage on a place I'd only use a few days a month. So, when I'm in town I either rent a hotel room or stay with friends. Living this way forces one to give up most possessions. But, I've found I can be very happy with only a few gadgets and clothes. When I retire, I still plan on living very small. Either in a tiny apartment or I may build myself a little trailer and park it in or near a big city someplace in the South or Southwest. I prefer the warmer weather. Right now Austin, Tx. is high on my list. It's just such an awesome place and the cost of living is very low compared to Dallas or Houston. I have two sons. One was born in 1992 and the other in 2011. I love my sons with all my heart, but I will not be a father for a third time. This is not negotiable. I drink only rarely and don't indulge in narcotics at all. I don't mind recreational use as long as it's kept under control. But, it's just not my thing. I'd prefer a nice gl of scotch. I guess I'm sort of a nerd. My text message alert tone is the Star Trek communicator sound effect. I enjoy nerd jokes like: Dr. Schrodinger, what have you done with the cat? She looks half dead. (Extra points if you get that joke without Google.) I like talking to strangers (even though my mom said I shouldn't do it). I'm just a friendly, social guy that can talk about most anything with most anybody. I'm also a bit of a smart . I tend to get along better with people much younger than myself. Maybe I'm ahead of my time or maybe I just never grew up. You can decide that for yourself. I play guitar. But, these days, I don't practice as often as I'd like. I just don't have enough space on the truck for my jumbo acoustic. However, I do have a short youtube video. If you want to see it, just ask and I'll send you a link. I value open mindedness and consider myself very open minded. But, that doesn't mean I'll swallow any BS coming from some crank conspiracy theorist. I think, most of the time, the simplest answer is the true one. Can a man say he likes sex without sounding like a total pervert? Let's hope so. I LOVE SEX! I should probably mention I will not get married again. I feel that marriage is nothing but a legal contract. It has nothing to do with love and everything to do with the merging of ets. There's simply nothing gained by doing it and you open yourself up to all kinds of problems down the road if things don't work out. So, I'll take care of my business and you'll take care of yours and everything will be cool because we'll have nothing to argue about. Really, I'm just a fun loving, hard working, blue collar guy with an affinity for old Blues songs and a mild Dr. Pepper addiction. But, that's enough about me. Let's talk a little about you now. So, how do you like me so far? I'd like to meet a fun, interesting, sophisticated, woman that takes care of herself and takes pride in her appearance. A woman that's ertive, yet still maintains her femininity. She should have a good outlook on life and have any bad habits under control. Someone that's NOT a right wing wacko or a convicted felon. But, a true alpha female that doesn't complain about the hand she's been dealt or the choices she's made in her life. I know, this is one long profile. But, it's almost over now. I only have one last thing to say. If you're one of those women that has trouble paying your bills, your car needs repairs, your kids need meds or you just generally have trouble making ends meet, I have one very important thing to say to you. I'M NOT CAPT. SAV-A-HO! So go away and bother some other guy. Still haven't clicked that message button? What are you waiting for? Are you shy or something? Do you know what happened to the woman that saw the fun, charming, interesting man with the dashing good looks, but didn't send him a message? nothing.
Profession: Driver
Physical Appearance
6' 4"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
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