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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
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Fri 03/11/11 09:07 AM

Of course back in the days when an atheist would be hanged, banning together and defending themselves might have been necessary, but I think many of those atheists lied about how they really believed and became Catholic Priests.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:09 AM
Wow, excellent points of view. I don't agree with most of them, but that is the beauty of the blog.

Here was an excellent question that was posted:

"Why christians are NoT afraid to die. They have a lot at stake: eternal happiness or eternal anguish in heaven."

This is a fantastic question. The easiest way to explain this is that if you are a Christian and you believed that Jesus Christ died for you, and you have a personal relationship with Christ, you are going to go to heaven.

Hope this helps,

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:21 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 03/11/11 09:22 AM

Hope this helps? Please stop being so condescending. You are talking to what you consider to be atheists. How on earth can you think that any of your kind of churned out B.S. can possibly help anyone? You aren't really having a real conversation with anyone. You are simply spewing rhetoric. You aren't connecting with, listening to or helping anyone. Get real.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:28 AM

Christians are afraid to die. Most have doubts. Most don't really believe as they pretend they do. They just hope that what they say they believe is true.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:31 AM
JeannieBean, JeaanieBean, JeannieBean why are you so grumpy? Nobody is being condescending here. Someone asked a question on this post, and I answered it.

It is interesting that you take what I am writing as condescending, when that is not the case. We're here because we have different points of view.

On the other hand, you are referring to what I believe as condescending, B.S., or "spewing rhetoric."

But, you are so wrong when you say that I am not connecting with anyone. I think the time has come when we can all sit down and have a civilized conversation even though we have opposite points of view. This way, we are all the better because of it.

Just my two cents,

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:41 AM

Why am I grumpy? People who lie piss me off. The entire Christian religion is one big fat lie and people who don't even realize it go around repeating those lies as if they were truth. They have no proof to back up any of it. They are not logical. They expect everyone else to join in their insanity. When they don't, they ask the ridiculous question: Why don't you believe? When the simple answer is because none of it is the least bit believable.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:56 AM
Jeanniebean writes:

"Why am I grumpy? People who lie piss me off."

Shiki does not lie.

"The entire Christian religion is one big fat lie and people who don't even realize it go around repeating those lies as if they were truth."

Where are the lies? Just because you don't agree with it, that does not make it a lie.

"They have no proof to back up any of it."

Ah, the proof angle. Well, I can say that you have no proof that God does not exist, right? It's not about proof. It's about faith.

"They are not logical."

Untrue. I am a Christian and am extermely logical.

"They expect everyone else to join in their insanity."

First of all, we're not insane. Second, what you are writing is not true. Did I ever say one time that you should believe or become a Christian? Nope, we're just discussing.

"When they don't, they ask the ridiculous question: Why don't you believe? When the simple answer is because none of it is the least bit believable."

The questions are not ridiculous, but I am sensing that you are a bit miffed. Have you tried a hot cup of tea and Girl Scout cookies? They are seeling them now, and the peanut butter ones are quite tasty.

Just my two cents,

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:02 AM

Jeanniebean writes:

"Why am I grumpy? People who lie piss me off."

Shiki does not lie.

"The entire Christian religion is one big fat lie and people who don't even realize it go around repeating those lies as if they were truth."

Where are the lies? Just because you don't agree with it, that does not make it a lie.

"They have no proof to back up any of it."

Ah, the proof angle. Well, I can say that you have no proof that God does not exist, right? It's not about proof. It's about faith.

"They are not logical."

Untrue. I am a Christian and am extermely logical.

"They expect everyone else to join in their insanity."

First of all, we're not insane. Second, what you are writing is not true. Did I ever say one time that you should believe or become a Christian? Nope, we're just discussing.

"When they don't, they ask the ridiculous question: Why don't you believe? When the simple answer is because none of it is the least bit believable."

The questions are not ridiculous, but I am sensing that you are a bit miffed. Have you tried a hot cup of tea and Girl Scout cookies? They are seeling them now, and the peanut butter ones are quite tasty.

Just my two cents,

Never cared for penut butter. Although I do like the cookies they make.

As for tea, I think this neat one called sleepy time would really calm her down. I drank it when I was sick.

I would wake up every two or three hours. The tea relaxed me enough to sleep for four.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:13 AM
not too patronizing.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:13 AM
She has something against jellybeans. I wrote the word "jellybean" in one post, and she went ballistic.

I also recommend Snickerdoodles. It's not just a cookie; it's a term of affection.

Monier's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:53 AM
Trolling the Atheists. Interesting. We need a don't feed the trolls sign, even if they are righteous trolls.

In reality, religion and atheism are'nt so extremely different. It is how people express those beliefs that is often misunderstood. The biggest arguement seems to be the fight for control that we also see in political views.

God based religion has a bad name historically with non believers because of it being used by the powerful and extremists looking to exert their will on the less organized. The first power hungry act took place with the creation of the first bible and the slaughtering of it's scribes along with the destruction of the library of Alexandria. It continued to make enemies with the Crusades and soiled it's name even more with the Inquisitional period. To this day we are still feeling the results of it being used as a force for control in the past, ala contemporary terrorism.

With the amount of information sharing internationally that happens via the internet, it is my greatest fear that one day all who believe in God will be persecuted for their beliefs because of all of the killing in the name of God that happened in our dark past.

For over two thousand years, a wonderful movement has survived that embraces the untainted teachings of Christ. A movement that will surface one day once the 'controll issues' have been removed from religion and when people can finally accept each other for who they are and not what they claim to believe. At that point we will all truly be free.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:56 AM

Awesome post. You made my day.


no photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:04 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 03/11/11 11:18 AM

Shiki does not lie.

Referring to yourself in the third person? Oh that's real cute.

You do much worse than lie. You repeat the lies you have been told, that you actually believe. So you don't actually realize that you are lying. It's not really your fault. You don't know any better.

"Where are the lies? Just because you don't agree with it, that does not make it a lie.

The entire new testament is a fabrication, a lie, a fiction. Not to mention that none of it makes rational sense. It has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with it. As a rational person, why on earth would I "agree" with something that clearly makes no sense at all and is completely unbelievable?

"They have no proof to back up any of it."

Ah, the proof angle. Well, I can say that you have no proof that God does not exist, right? It's not about proof. It's about faith.

laugh laugh laugh

I am not trying to prove whether or not God exists. It is you who are making the claim that God exists and that the Bible is God's word. (Who says so? )

He who makes the claim has the burden of proof. It is not my responsibility to go around disproving every claim someone makes.

"They are not logical."

Untrue. I am a Christian and am extermely logical.

No, you are neither logical or rational. But of course because you are neither logical or rational, you can't possibly realize that.

First of all, we're not insane. Second, what you are writing is not true. Did I ever say one time that you should believe or become a Christian? Nope, we're just discussing.

Just because you have refrained from trying to convert me to your belief, does not mean that you are not insane or irrational. If you would use one ounce of rational thinking, you would see that the new testament is pure fantasy and fiction.

"When they don't, they ask the ridiculous question: Why don't you believe? When the simple answer is because none of it is the least bit believable."

The questions are not ridiculous, but I am sensing that you are a bit miffed. Have you tried a hot cup of tea and Girl Scout cookies? They are seeling them now, and the peanut butter ones are quite tasty.

Just my two cents,

The questions have been answered. I don't believe it because it is completely unbelievable.

And I don't think you have any concept of what faith is. Your kind of faith is to believe the authority that tells you lies.

I never said I did not believe in "GOD."

I just have a different concept of what that is, and my beliefs are very personal.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:07 AM
Jeanniebean, my suggestion would be to actually read the Bible and to show me where it is irrational. To state that the entire New Testament is fantasy and fiction without providing evidence does not make sense. Now, you may not believe it, but there is logic behind it.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:16 AM

Jeanniebean, my suggestion would be to actually read the Bible and to show me where it is irrational. To state that the entire New Testament is fantasy and fiction without providing evidence does not make sense. Now, you may not believe it, but there is logic behind it.

Again, it is not my burden to prove that the New testament or the Bible is true or false. You claim is that it is true. Fine, if that helps you get through your life. I am not convinced. I'm sorry if that bothers you. We disagree. I don't intend to waste my time proving to you that the Bible is untrue, or false, or irrational. Plenty of other people have already done a fine job of that.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:17 AM
I read the entire Harry Potter series. I wasn't very convinced about anything that was in it. It was just a really good story.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:19 AM

She has something against jellybeans. I wrote the word "jellybean" in one post, and she went ballistic.

I also recommend Snickerdoodles. It's not just a cookie; it's a term of affection.

Shiki, you are clearly being extremely hypocritical and caustic.

You said in your OP:
Here's my question. Whenever I speak with atheists, they seem to be very angry, and rather insulting. So, I was wondering if this might be a great place to have an open discussion about God, where we are not insulting one another, but simply discussing our respective viewpoints.

Well, this shouldn't come as a surprise to you that people become angry with you and feel insulted by your comments when you claim that everything you say is logical and everything they say is illogical. whoa

That an extremely arrogant and condescending view right there.

This is so typical of evangelizing fanatics. They try to "beat" their religion down the throats of other people by insulting the other people's reasoning and demanding that only they hold the ultimate truth and logical.

That utter baloney.

Clearly you're out to SELL your religion to other people.

Other people are simply going to tell you why they aren't buying it and then you are going to insult their reasons for not being interested.

And then you're going to wonder why they feel that they have been insulted? slaphead

In that very act you have proven that you are neither a logical nor reasonable person. Nor do you respect the views and beliefs of others, especially the views of atheists obviously.

And clearly you can't even understand the difference between an atheist and a spiritual person because from your perspective if a person doesn't believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God then by your way of thinking, they are indeed an "atheist" even if they claim to believe in a god or a spiritual essence to life.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:21 AM
I have read Brahm Stokers "Dracula" and it is classified "fiction" and that book was ten time more believable than the Bible.

Its a very entertaining book by the way.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:26 AM
I am not out to sell anyone to anything. I believe in Christ and you do not. As for me saying someone is logical or illogical, you have to read the whole post, and not just one part of it.

With that, I state that belief in God is logical (to me), and not believing in God is illogical (to me). You may feel the opposite. And that is OK.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 11:29 AM
I think for a Christian to approach an atheist wanting to talk about "God" is irrational in itself as an atheist does not believe in God.

Therefore, what the Christian really wants to talk about his own belief in God. He wants to know why everyone else does not believe as he does.

1. An atheist can't talk about something he does not believe in.

2. Second, for people like me who do have a belief in a spiritual essence and/or an intelligent universal consciousness beyond the physical; In order to answer the question about whether I believe in "GOD" you would have to define exactly what you mean by "GOD." which is just a word with many interpretations.

Instead, Christians always assume that they are right and everyone else is in the dark. They can't understand why everyone has not joined the insanity that is dominant in the world of religious beliefs.

To a pure atheist, I am irrational and insane. I actually understand why they might feel that way.

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