Topic: Who does Christmas Offend? | |
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very strange, I get all the complaints from non believers about Jesus or manger displays,,,I dont get whats offensive about a decorated tree though If anything, I think decorated trees ought to offend the die-hard Christians. |
very strange, I get all the complaints from non believers about Jesus or manger displays,,,I dont get whats offensive about a decorated tree though If anything, I think decorated trees ought to offend the die-hard Christians. lol, how sad, is there anything left that offends NOONE? |
very strange, I get all the complaints from non believers about Jesus or manger displays,,,I dont get whats offensive about a decorated tree though If anything, I think decorated trees ought to offend the die-hard Christians. lol, how sad, is there anything left that offends NOONE? I've met a few Christians who disapproved of the use of Christmas trees, and many who were offended by the overall commercialization of Xmas. But I don't recall any who were actually offended by the use of trees. |
lol, how sad, is there anything left that offends NOONE? I'm offended by those who are not offended by anything. ![]() |
people should just go about their own business...and not worry about what others are doing...
My country is Roman Catholic...period...if you are of another faith or atheist, you just need to deal with god in your face all the time...if you dont like it or are "offended" are always welcomed to live somewhere else... the way, Im I just deal with it and hang out with other jews... ![]() |
ok to bored and Bryan that triple dog dared me....I will take a picture soon and post it
![]() These days every one (not literally lol) wants to be PC. It gets out of hand. I'm a Christian but I don't celebrate holidays in a religious sense because of my own personal beliefs. But I wouldn't even suggest to others how to celebrate the season. Whether they celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule/Winter Solitice....whatever. The whole thing about saying Happy Holidays to not offend people is crazy. What about those that don't celebrate at all? Won't they be offended? ![]() The decorations are festive...leave them alone. If someone wishes you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Blessed Yule....or whatever....take it as a well wish and be happy. |
The whole thing about saying Happy Holidays to not offend people is crazy. What about those that don't celebrate at all? Won't they be offended? ![]() I only suggest the Happy Holidays in the sense of a verbal greeting. For me, I'm just trying to avoid an awkward sense of embarrassment from saying "Merry Christmas" to someone only to have a "you mean Happy Chanukah" thrown back at me. So rather than guess if someone celebrates one or the other, "Happy Holidays" manages to be festive without playing the guessing game. For me. Ultimately, I don't care about decorations etc., or even greetings. When someone wishes me any of the holiday greetings, I just say "You too" back to them. By the way, can we post images in here? I don't think I've seen one yet! I tried to put videos in another discussion thread, but I couldn't seem to embed or whatever...I'd like to post my "tree" as well... |
The whole thing about saying Happy Holidays to not offend people is crazy. What about those that don't celebrate at all? Won't they be offended? ![]() I only suggest the Happy Holidays in the sense of a verbal greeting. For me, I'm just trying to avoid an awkward sense of embarrassment from saying "Merry Christmas" to someone only to have a "you mean Happy Chanukah" thrown back at me. So rather than guess if someone celebrates one or the other, "Happy Holidays" manages to be festive without playing the guessing game. For me. Ultimately, I don't care about decorations etc., or even greetings. When someone wishes me any of the holiday greetings, I just say "You too" back to them. By the way, can we post images in here? I don't think I've seen one yet! I tried to put videos in another discussion thread, but I couldn't seem to embed or whatever...I'd like to post my "tree" as well... I disagree with this. I will explain my point of view. If I told you to "have a good weekend." Would you bee offended? If I asked you when Christmas was could you answer the question? I would argue the answers are No and Yes respectively. Someone does not have to celebrate Christmas to have a Merry Day on December 25th. The person is merely wishing that person a good day on a specified date that just happens to have the name Christmas. If you don't celebrate it as a holiday that is ok. They are just wishing you well. |
Apparently, Chase and a whole lot of others in business know something the OP is oblivious to. To remain competitive in their perspective markets, whether it’s global or regional, a company must consider the values, attitudes, and beliefs, of all individuals or groups within their market. Once upon a time, few companies extended their market base beyond a town, city, county, district, region or state. Larger organizations may have had broader interstate markets but only a considerably few dealt internationally, and global markets was all but an unknown concept. During that era, the recognition of Christian holidays was not a spiritual act, nor was it particularly a reflection of the business owner’s personal religious values. It was however, a good marketing tool. That whole era had a rather unfortunate side affect, it seemed to make Christians feel as if their majority status gave them special privileges. Back then (not really that long ago) Christians NEVER had to be tolerant to any other belief system. The only mainstream religious ideal that was ever recognized was Christianity. Naturally Christians rarely learned about any other religion and naturally they were suspicious of and even offended by businesses that did not recognize Christian holidays but closed instead for some ‘other’ non-Christian religious reason. As companies began to pursue a greater share of a wider and more diverse market, the ‘non-Christian’ cliental in this country began to feel empowered, because their beliefs were being recognized and respected by virtue of being shared with international and global markets. Those markets had at least as great and generally greater financial clout as the ‘Christian majority’ within the confines of the USA. Of course that didn’t change the fact that USA culture was still resting on Christian tradition which heavily influenced how those with other religious views were being treated. No longer willing to accept being oppressed in a country that stood on a premise of religious freedom, court battles ensued – remove prayer from schools, anti-pledge of allegiance, take down all symbols of religious origin from government property….etc. These actions and similar legal activism has been an attempt to equalize the minority voice within the private sector, just as representative government and laws governing over minority issues were meant to equalize the minority voice in the political arena. This extreme action is necessary in order to break down the sense of Christian ‘majority’ privilege that has long endured in this country. At this point, Christian tradition, as the defining characteristic of this nation, is in the process of decline. At some point in the future, Christianity in this country will become one of many tolerant religious views within a nation and a global community of religious views. When that happens, I will welcome an elaborate Christmas display in a business in which the values of the owner are reflected, because next store to that business, perhaps at another time, I will see an elaborate display of another kind of religious expression. Neither store will suffer a loss of clients because the vast majority will be as they were ‘once upon a time’ - But instead of ONE religious expression tolerated by everyone .... it will be every religious expression tolerated equally ... and no single religious tradition will create a cultural climate indicative of an oppressive 'privileged' majority. ![]() Stores and companies that don't have Christmas lights,trees,and decorations at Christmas time is almost un-American.It is even worse if a company did have decorations and some Atheist demanded them to be taken down and the company took them down.Not only does the company look like a push over,it looks like a victim of bullying,weak,and someone who doesn't stand up for what they believe in.Even if I was a Atheist or a member of some other religion I would shake my head and wonder why they don't at least put up a fight instead of crawling into the dog house. Like the article says a massive majority of people celebrate Christmas and want to see the lights,trees,and Merry Christmas.Stores that say and do these things will have a lot more respect from the community and will get much more business then those who don't.Because nobody respects a business that is on it's knees kissing some Atheist's a** because it wants to be politically correct. By the way in case you haven't figured it out yet....houses and business's that put those lights and trees all over the city because they are Christian owned business's.The put them there to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.That is why it is called Christ-mas.The lights,trees,and decorations will never go away because you will always have several hundred million Christians in American putting up those lights to celebrate the birth of Jesus.1,000 years from now you will still see hundreds of millions of Christians decorating their houses with lights. Not all atheists are like this, I know a great many that celebrate christmas as a time to be with family and friends. No they don't do it for religious reasons but christmas isn't only about religion, it is also about peace on earth, good will towards men and spending time with loved ones. I celebrate christmas, even with religious people and I respect their religious belief. I will bow my head in respect when they pray. I do not attend church but I've never been a firm believer in "must go to church to worship the lord". I feel that you can worship w/e deity you choose to worship (or not worship as the case may be) anywhere you like. Christmas is my favorite season, I love the decorations, I love the feeling of family in the air, and can only hope to one day be able to decorate with more than just a tree for christmas. |
Its actually just as offensive to say Merry Christmas. Our offices here say Seasons Greetings. Fact is not all of us celebrate Christmas. I personally wouldn't put up a tree as I don't believe in killing trees. I also don't buy gifts either as I just don't believe in the commercialization of Christmas. I think you should be able to sit down with family and friends at Christmas with just a simple meal. There is no need for trees, lights, gifts, and the gluteny of over eating. Some how over the years; we seem to have forgotten how to celebrate a simple Chrismas without making it about money and silly decorations.
It offends me that big business uses Holidays to convince people to buy buy buy.........and to lose the true meanings behind the celebrations It is called "commercialization" and it has ruined the holiday and its true meaning. Giving something is the most beautiful thing, even if it only your heart. Smiles are free and the heart accepts kindness readily and without doubt. |
All I can say to Chase Bank is:
Give 'em a call and wish 'em a Merry Christmas.
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Its actually just as offensive to say Merry Christmas. Our offices here say Seasons Greetings. Fact is not all of us celebrate Christmas. I personally wouldn't put up a tree as I don't believe in killing trees. I also don't buy gifts either as I just don't believe in the commercialization of Christmas. I think you should be able to sit down with family and friends at Christmas with just a simple meal. There is no need for trees, lights, gifts, and the gluteny of over eating. Some how over the years; we seem to have forgotten how to celebrate a simple Chrismas without making it about money and silly decorations. But wouldn't saying Season's Greetings be offensive to those that don't celebrate the season in any way??? How each person celebrates or doesn't is up to them. If I say Merry Christmas to someone as a well wish and they get offended then that is on them. I'm not changing who I am or my beliefs because no matter what someone says, someone can get offended. |
Santa doesn't care if he offends people. He says Merry Christmas. I'm with Santa. It's just a well wishing thing. It's the holidays and people are happy and are wishing you to be happy too. If you can't see that for what it is and and actually get offended then I think you have a stick up your ***. IMHO. If you actually told the people that said Merry Christmas that you were (example) Jewish I am sure they would apologize and say Happy Hanukkah. They are just trying to spread holiday cheer.
Edited by
Mon 12/06/10 08:50 AM
Its actually just as offensive to say Merry Christmas. Our offices here say Seasons Greetings. Fact is not all of us celebrate Christmas. I personally wouldn't put up a tree as I don't believe in killing trees. I also don't buy gifts either as I just don't believe in the commercialization of Christmas. I think you should be able to sit down with family and friends at Christmas with just a simple meal. There is no need for trees, lights, gifts, and the gluteny of over eating. Some how over the years; we seem to have forgotten how to celebrate a simple Chrismas without making it about money and silly decorations. so what about people who feel no need to celebrate anything, should we stop saying seasons greetings as to not offend them either? lol, sorry yellow, hadnt read your post yet gosh people, doesnt HAPPY or MERRY in front of a holiday(even if you dont celebrate it) mean something GOOD, isnt it a well wish from someone who does celebrate it? how did a well wish become offensive,,,,, |
I can see it being offensive if someone...let's say....walks into a synagogue and yells "Merry Christmas" knowing they don't celebrate Christmas. But if someone comes to me and says Happy Hanukkah I would feel good because they are sending me well wishes.
The PC stuff is getting whack-a-doo I'm going to start making up holidays. Can't be offended if you don't know what it is, right???? Happy blubatoney everyone ![]() |
I can see it being offensive if someone...let's say....walks into a synagogue and yells "Merry Christmas" knowing they don't celebrate Christmas. But if someone comes to me and says Happy Hanukkah I would feel good because they are sending me well wishes. The PC stuff is getting whack-a-doo I'm going to start making up holidays. Can't be offended if you don't know what it is, right???? Happy blubatoney everyone ![]() lol, I dont like blue, how offensive! |
I can see it being offensive if someone...let's say....walks into a synagogue and yells "Merry Christmas" knowing they don't celebrate Christmas. But if someone comes to me and says Happy Hanukkah I would feel good because they are sending me well wishes. The PC stuff is getting whack-a-doo I'm going to start making up holidays. Can't be offended if you don't know what it is, right???? Happy blubatoney everyone ![]() lol, I dont like blue, how offensive! not blue....blub. and what do you have against blub??? huh huh huh??? riddle me that batman ![]() |