Topic: One GLORIOUS profile - part 6 | |
"i take the internet surfing twice a month."
That's nice of you. I bet you need a really big board. |
"My lifetime listens to yours."
I think it needs a hearing aid. |
"my smile is very sweat."
Are you sure that's not just drool? |
"I like music very much, she can make me quit and happy."
Have you tried heroin yet? |
"If u are a business man who want to purchasing products in China, please and would u like to give me a massage."
How is that going to help? |
I'm assuming that's some sort of bird. |
"there are so many things i wanna do , like climbing the mountain in my holidays , running in the ground ,having a picnic in the park and so on."
That running thing might be a problem. |
"i dont like carrot."
You can't leave the table until you finish your vegetables. |
"somebody told me i look like koera."
Oh, you do. I can totally see it. |
"I am understatement."
Nice. How do get to be a concept? |
"mmmh its hard to do it how about u finding out."
I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. |
"why is it still too short?"
Medical condition. |
"i am your sugar sister."
Can't get enough of that Sugar Crisp.... |
"my hobbies are reading literally romantic novels."
The figuratively romantic novels are always somewhat disappointing. |
"I like rading, for it keeps me ingelligent."
Oh look, you just shot yourself in the foot. |
"I'm pretty sure that the idea of the Burka is to maintain modesty by totally covering up the woman wearing it."
Conversely, it would be a great way to keep the Wolfman from getting caught. |
"Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one."
He needs some new material. |
"I have been studying after graducation."
It doesn't seem to be helping much. |
"I'm a girl who loves good company and animals, speaks four languages and has no interest in money.I have only one demand: you must be prudens." I don't even know what that is. maybe she meant prudent, in which case, they must have money, since she "has no interest in it?" She's a liar! |
"My goal is to do everything on my bucket list before I die."
If you do a few after I bet you develop quite a following. |