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Topic: Pledge of Allegience
Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 10/13/09 03:20 PM
I'm wondering how Benedict Arnold got brought into a discussion of the Pledge of Allegiance?

there wasn't a pledge then

there wasn't even a United States then

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 03:22 PM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 10/13/09 03:23 PM
I was mentioning that he was loyal without a pledge, I wasn't sure if the military had some for of it even back then. He was loyal, at least till he got screwed a few times.

Now to get it back on topic lol

Sorry equus for veering it off course.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 10/13/09 04:05 PM
well last I knew it was not federally mandated, and never has been federally mandated that children are required to say it. I specifically remember a big stink over schools mandating it several years ago, and getting sued for it over the words "under god". One of the biggest rivals to it at the time was the same lady who tried to get shows like "touched by an angel" taken off public television, claiming it infringed her rights to watch non-religious tv". In the end however, the courts overhearing the case about the pledge of allegiance dictated that it can not be held mandatory for a child to say it, or even stand up and put their hand over their chest if they do not wish to do so.

So, in regards to schools trying to"punish or discipline" students for not saying it, I say have the parents stand up to the school board and take it to court if necessary. The issue has laready been won in court, and like when schools were forced to desegregate, you will find some that still try to follow "the old ways". So the parents of students in these schools need to step forward and take LEGAL action in order to enforce the freedom tha has laready been granted.

Benedict Arnold was originally a general, promoted once to major general, in the american continental army. He switched sides after he was passed over many times for a promotion. Somehow I doubt they would have promoted him if they thought he wasn't loyal. I also believe that there was a pledge in order to be a high ranking officer.

Regardless of that, there shouldn't be a need to say a pledge to prove loyalty to ones country. That just shows lack of trust in our citizens (in my own opinion that is)

benedict Arnold was always loyal to england . the pledge is not manatory nor should it be ,but makeing a big deal about not saying it shows disrespect to what ever country you live in . if you don,t want to say it don't.

for someone that was always loyal to england, he battled them off a quite well. He fought them off at saratoga, delayed them at lake champlaigne as well as having a successful military career in the american continental army. He didn't defect until he was passed over for promotions a few times, and credit for his wins was given to other people, that is when he negotiated with the british.

As for "if you don't want to say, don't say it" tell that to the children that schools tried to suspend for refusing to say it. I could care less if people want to say it or not.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 10/13/09 10:20 PM

I'm curious as to if anyone remembers being in school, and just how nasty and clique-ish kids are? Look at what we have with regards to bullying and we know its being done!

It's all well and good to say that kids can ignore other kids praying, and everyone mind their own business and live in their own happy worlds. It doesn't happen that way in school.

I remember a kid threatening to burn a cross on my front yard because I was reading The Naked Ape. He asked my religious views and I told him and it offended him. I didn't go spouting off. He backed off when I threatened him that if it did, I'd come for him, and there'd be a long session of skinning, and then I'd know who else was Klan and go hunting.

These kids and their parents are suing the schools BECAUSE other kids don't keep their mouths shut on the religious crap.

Heck, my parents went in to complain when the 10 minutes of silence the school had caused me trouble. My 10 minutes consisted of flipping open the book I had and silently reading to myself. I got all sorts of grief from the fellow students because of it. The teacher didn't do anything, so my parents did and threatened a lawsuit. School backed off and quit.

Why should kids keep their mouth shut about religion or anything else that doesnt directly insult someone? I seem to remember when I Was in school there were kids complaining and jesting about me in an all white class when they indoctrinated black history into the school calander. Im sure plenty of those parents would have wished black students would keep their mouth shut too but Im glad we/they didnt. If everyone backed down from beliefs and speaking whenever others wished they would shut up,,we wouldnt have forums like this.

I also dont think OBama would ever want anyone saying a pledge to him or that the majority would say a pledge to any man. Do you realize the kinds of things one can buy on EBAY? What folks choose to make profit from generally doesnt determine political mood.

That's the problem. Kids happily and gleefully WILL insult others, be it religion, looks, etc. And no one really does anything, until someone walks in and shoots up a school. And after that, it doesn't last. Parents aren't telling their kids to just leave so-n-so alone. Most parents are so out of tune with their kids, that it take lawsuits to shake their attention.

It's like the Gideons group handing out Bibles at one of the local Dallas school. The kids were throwing the books at the Jewish kids.

Foliel's photo
Wed 10/14/09 05:46 PM
I agree with Daniel, parents will have to stand up to the schools to make sure that kids have a choice :)

cashu's photo
Wed 10/14/09 07:15 PM
Edited by cashu on Wed 10/14/09 07:16 PM

Benedict Arnold was originally a general, promoted once to major general, in the american continental army. He switched sides after he was passed over many times for a promotion. Somehow I doubt they would have promoted him if they thought he wasn't loyal. I also believe that there was a pledge in order to be a high ranking officer.

Regardless of that, there shouldn't be a need to say a pledge to prove loyalty to ones country. That just shows lack of trust in our citizens (in my own opinion that is)

benedict Arnold was always loyal to england . the pledge is not manatory nor should it be ,but makeing a big deal about not saying it shows disrespect to what ever country you live in . if you don,t want to say it don't.

He was a spy from the start .

Foliel's photo
Wed 10/14/09 08:20 PM

Benedict Arnold was originally a general, promoted once to major general, in the american continental army. He switched sides after he was passed over many times for a promotion. Somehow I doubt they would have promoted him if they thought he wasn't loyal. I also believe that there was a pledge in order to be a high ranking officer.

Regardless of that, there shouldn't be a need to say a pledge to prove loyalty to ones country. That just shows lack of trust in our citizens (in my own opinion that is)

benedict Arnold was always loyal to england . the pledge is not manatory nor should it be ,but makeing a big deal about not saying it shows disrespect to what ever country you live in . if you don,t want to say it don't.

He was a spy from the start .

I'm not arguing this anymore, we just do not agree on this. I have done my homework and studied this man. I'm not gonna beat this to death. Let's get the topic back on track :)

TJN's photo
Sat 10/17/09 03:00 PM
I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 10/17/09 03:08 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

no photo
Sat 10/17/09 03:10 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/17/09 03:18 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 10/17/09 03:19 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

:smile: What is a "new world order"?:smile: What was the old world order?:smile:

jrbogie's photo
Sat 10/17/09 06:28 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

Dragoness's photo
Sat 10/17/09 06:33 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?


Well considering that communism and socialism are these invisible "threats" we face whenever someone gets in office that is not "conservative". I suppose we have to have a new world order each time too....lol

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 10/17/09 09:20 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 10/17/09 09:21 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

There is always a "new" world order. The question is, will you like it or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Should we have a "new" world order or not?

no photo
Sat 10/17/09 09:27 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

There is always a "new" world order. The question is, will you like it or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Should we have a "new" world order or not?

Wasn't it the first Bush that talked about a new world order, I could have sworn it was because I remember getting a chill when he used those words. I don't know what it was about the words but it really had an affect on me at the time.

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 10/17/09 09:34 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

There is always a "new" world order. The question is, will you like it or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Should we have a "new" world order or not?

Wasn't it the first Bush that talked about a new world order, I could have sworn it was because I remember getting a chill when he used those words. I don't know what it was about the words but it really had an affect on me at the time.

Every one of them talks about a 'new' world order. It means usually an indication of change in foreign and domestic policy. They only hope they gonna set up a "new" world order. It has nothing to do with Orwellian nightmare scenarios as many would think, it has more to do with foreign relations.

no photo
Sat 10/17/09 09:36 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

There is always a "new" world order. The question is, will you like it or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Should we have a "new" world order or not?

Wasn't it the first Bush that talked about a new world order, I could have sworn it was because I remember getting a chill when he used those words. I don't know what it was about the words but it really had an affect on me at the time.

Every one of them talks about a 'new' world order. It means usually an indication of change in foreign and domestic policy. They only hope they gonna set up a "new" world order. It has nothing to do with Orwellian nightmare scenarios as many would think, it has more to do with foreign relations.

Ok I'll hold you to that then and sleep well.. Grin :wink:

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 10/17/09 10:08 PM

I pledge alliegance to the flag of Barack Hussein Obama,
and to the new world order for which he stands,
one world under Obama with no rights and socialism for all.

i thought last year's new world order was the new new world order. we have another new new new world order because the white house got redecorated?

There is always a "new" world order. The question is, will you like it or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Should we have a "new" world order or not?

Wasn't it the first Bush that talked about a new world order, I could have sworn it was because I remember getting a chill when he used those words. I don't know what it was about the words but it really had an affect on me at the time.

Every one of them talks about a 'new' world order. It means usually an indication of change in foreign and domestic policy. They only hope they gonna set up a "new" world order. It has nothing to do with Orwellian nightmare scenarios as many would think, it has more to do with foreign relations.

Ok I'll hold you to that then and sleep well.. Grin :wink:

LOL, you were actually worried about the new world order? flowerforyou I have never lost sleep over any of these things.

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