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Topic: The Anti-Bush Nobel Peace Prize
DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:19 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

that would not exempt him if it did he would not hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance as well. Since he does do that then he should follow protocol on this as well. Again I just can't tell if he is or not based on even the video.

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:22 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

that would not exempt him if it did he would not hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance as well. Since he does do that then he should follow protocol on this as well. Again I just can't tell if he is or not based on even the video.

If there is no flag present one should direct their salute towards the music.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:22 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

that would not exempt him if it did he would not hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance as well. Since he does do that then he should follow protocol on this as well. Again I just can't tell if he is or not based on even the video.

Every single American is exempt. It doesn't signify anything concrete anyway.

We are not nazi's, if you do not respond the way we think you should, off with your head....lol

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:23 PM

And to answer your question yes IN MY OPINION I would find it disrespecful.

Ok just clarifying. Then I still very much disagree with your assumption that Obama is being disrespectful but I can respect your belief.

I wasn't trying to make anyone agree with what I believe. Just others try to discredit what I was saying(I should have posted the link with the pic so I guess I deserved some of what I got NOT)
I find it disrespecful if someone dosn't hold their hand over their heart during the national anthem.
If others don't see it as being disrespecful that is their right.

Interesting development here, I may have to modify my opinion some. I found the governments stance on this and if there was a flag present. I watched (and sadly listened to) that video a few times. The flag behind them does not appear to fall into the definition of a real flag though I could be wrong. If they are facing a flag then you are absolutely right he should have had his hand over his heart, according to our government and he should know that. But I can't tell if there is an actual flag present.

If there is no flag present one should direct the salute towards the music.

That, from the way I read this, would be your opinion. Not regulation. I imagine it could be read the way you are stating but because of the way our laws and rules are generally written I would find it hard to believe. They generally spell it out quite explicitly. Interpreting this in the manner you suggest would be just that an interpretation and not what it says.

(Please note the source on this)

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:26 PM

And to answer your question yes IN MY OPINION I would find it disrespecful.

Ok just clarifying. Then I still very much disagree with your assumption that Obama is being disrespectful but I can respect your belief.

I wasn't trying to make anyone agree with what I believe. Just others try to discredit what I was saying(I should have posted the link with the pic so I guess I deserved some of what I got NOT)
I find it disrespecful if someone dosn't hold their hand over their heart during the national anthem.
If others don't see it as being disrespecful that is their right.

Interesting development here, I may have to modify my opinion some. I found the governments stance on this and if there was a flag present. I watched (and sadly listened to) that video a few times. The flag behind them does not appear to fall into the definition of a real flag though I could be wrong. If they are facing a flag then you are absolutely right he should have had his hand over his heart, according to our government and he should know that. But I can't tell if there is an actual flag present.

If there is no flag present one should direct the salute towards the music.

That, from the way I read this, would be your opinion. Not regulation. I imagine it could be read the way you are stating but because of the way our laws and rules are generally written I would find it hard to believe. They generally spell it out quite explicitly. Interpreting this in the manner you suggest would be just that an interpretation and not what it says.

(Please note the source on this)

I'm just stating what is traditional flag etiquette.
But we all know tradition means nothing now days.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:30 PM

And to answer your question yes IN MY OPINION I would find it disrespecful.

Ok just clarifying. Then I still very much disagree with your assumption that Obama is being disrespectful but I can respect your belief.

I wasn't trying to make anyone agree with what I believe. Just others try to discredit what I was saying(I should have posted the link with the pic so I guess I deserved some of what I got NOT)
I find it disrespecful if someone dosn't hold their hand over their heart during the national anthem.
If others don't see it as being disrespecful that is their right.

Interesting development here, I may have to modify my opinion some. I found the governments stance on this and if there was a flag present. I watched (and sadly listened to) that video a few times. The flag behind them does not appear to fall into the definition of a real flag though I could be wrong. If they are facing a flag then you are absolutely right he should have had his hand over his heart, according to our government and he should know that. But I can't tell if there is an actual flag present.

If there is no flag present one should direct the salute towards the music.

That, from the way I read this, would be your opinion. Not regulation. I imagine it could be read the way you are stating but because of the way our laws and rules are generally written I would find it hard to believe. They generally spell it out quite explicitly. Interpreting this in the manner you suggest would be just that an interpretation and not what it says.

(Please note the source on this)

I'm just stating what is traditional flag etiquette.
But we all know tradition means nothing now days.

a) Designation. - The composition consisting of the words and
music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
b) Conduct During Playing. - During a rendition of the national
anthem -
(1) when the flag is displayed -
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at
attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;
(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with
their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at
the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and

(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face
toward the music and act

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:37 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:41 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 10/12/09 03:42 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Yea, people do not have to hold their heart when the president is in the room or if the anthem is playing when he is in the room...lol So the same applies for the flag.

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:48 PM
Edited by TJN on Mon 10/12/09 03:49 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Yea, people do not have to hold their heart when the president is in the room or if the anthem is playing when he is in the room...lol So the same applies for the flag.

But military personel have to salute him and the flag.
So should the president not be held to the same standards seeing he is the commander in chief?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:51 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Yea, people do not have to hold their heart when the president is in the room or if the anthem is playing when he is in the room...lol So the same applies for the flag.

But military personel have to salute him and the flag.
So should the president not be held to the same standards seeing he is the commander in chief?

TJ...I agree with you. IMO the presidents should....but people have different opinions ohwell

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:51 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

so some group adopts some ritual that doesn't represent something you like, then tells you that you are not being respectful if you don't honor that ritual. Seriously TJ?

I think people should be free to do it or not do it, period. I certainly can't help that you would disrespt me if I didn't follow you lead on something you think should be done. In fact that would just make me all the more likely to NOT do it.:tongue: But then I am stubborn anyway. I don't like people telling me what I should and should not do to prove loyalty to my country.

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:57 PM
Edited by TJN on Mon 10/12/09 03:58 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

so some group adopts some ritual that doesn't represent something you like, then tells you that you are not being respectful if you don't honor that ritual. Seriously TJ?

I think people should be free to do it or not do it, period. I certainly can't help that you would disrespt me if I didn't follow you lead on something you think should be done. In fact that would just make me all the more likely to NOT do it.:tongue: But then I am stubborn anyway. I don't like people telling me what I should and should not do to prove loyalty to my country.

First of all I would not disrespect you. There is a diference between disrespect someone and not having respect for them.

Second the military protocal is to salute the flag and the president.

Is the president not the commander in chief of the military?
Then he should be held to those same protocals.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:00 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Yea, people do not have to hold their heart when the president is in the room or if the anthem is playing when he is in the room...lol So the same applies for the flag.

But military personel have to salute him and the flag.
So should the president not be held to the same standards seeing he is the commander in chief?

TJ...I agree with you. IMO the presidents should....but people have different opinions ohwell

"I say the pledge and put my hand over my heart for my own reasons. Not everyone has the same reasons as me for doing it or not doing it. as long as people don't try to say I can't do it....I am not bothered by what others do."

Make up your mind Rose.laugh If you are not bothered by what others do then that should include Obama, he too is an american. Because some believe they should preform some ritual doesn't mean everyone has to think so or do so. Are we free in this country or not?

I don't need my president to be a robot, I expect him to be who he is. If he prefers to do it sometimes or no times, that's him. Just as it is TJ to do as he thinks is right for him. And for me to not do it at all.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:06 PM

The president is the figurehead for this country so to me the flag is synonymous with him. He represents this country in the exact same line as the flag.

So then if one shows respect to the president they should also show respect towards the flag?

Yea, people do not have to hold their heart when the president is in the room or if the anthem is playing when he is in the room...lol So the same applies for the flag.

But military personel have to salute him and the flag.
So should the president not be held to the same standards seeing he is the commander in chief?

TJ...I agree with you. IMO the presidents should....but people have different opinions ohwell

"I say the pledge and put my hand over my heart for my own reasons. Not everyone has the same reasons as me for doing it or not doing it. as long as people don't try to say I can't do it....I am not bothered by what others do."

Make up your mind Rose.laugh If you are not bothered by what others do then that should include Obama, he too is an american. Because some believe they should preform some ritual doesn't mean everyone has to think so or do so. Are we free in this country or not?

I don't need my president to be a robot, I expect him to be who he is. If he prefers to do it sometimes or no times, that's him. Just as it is TJ to do as he thinks is right for him. And for me to not do it at all.

he is also the commander in chief and the leader of the country, but I didn't say he should be forced to or thrown in jail for not doing it. yes I hold certain people more accountable for certain things. never said to get him out of office because he choses not to do it or to do it.

I never said anyone HAD to do it. should and has to aren't the same. I think he should....but that is my opinion but he (like everyone else) does have the right to chose not to.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:10 PM

I'm just stating what is traditional flag etiquette.
But we all know tradition means nothing now days.

Here, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_there_a_national_anthem_etiquette, it states that Congress addressed this in 2007. What was the etiquette before that?

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:10 PM
Flag Etiquette
The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are:

The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

The pledge of allegiance should be rendered by standing at attention, facing the flag, and saluting.
When the national anthem is played or sung, citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag, if displayed, otherwise to the music.

Should the Comander in chief not be held to the same standards as the military?

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:13 PM
Doesn't military have to salute while in uniform? The President is not in uniform..

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:15 PM

And to answer your question yes IN MY OPINION I would find it disrespecful.

Ok just clarifying. Then I still very much disagree with your assumption that Obama is being disrespectful but I can respect your belief.

I wasn't trying to make anyone agree with what I believe. Just others try to discredit what I was saying(I should have posted the link with the pic so I guess I deserved some of what I got NOT)
I find it disrespecful if someone dosn't hold their hand over their heart during the national anthem.
If others don't see it as being disrespecful that is their right.

Interesting development here, I may have to modify my opinion some. I found the governments stance on this and if there was a flag present. I watched (and sadly listened to) that video a few times. The flag behind them does not appear to fall into the definition of a real flag though I could be wrong. If they are facing a flag then you are absolutely right he should have had his hand over his heart, according to our government and he should know that. But I can't tell if there is an actual flag present.

If there is no flag present one should direct the salute towards the music.

That, from the way I read this, would be your opinion. Not regulation. I imagine it could be read the way you are stating but because of the way our laws and rules are generally written I would find it hard to believe. They generally spell it out quite explicitly. Interpreting this in the manner you suggest would be just that an interpretation and not what it says.

(Please note the source on this)

I'm just stating what is traditional flag etiquette.
But we all know tradition means nothing now days.

It is also traditional etiquette to show a president of the United States respect no matter how you might feel about him (or her). But of course that has gone by the wayside many years ago.
So it seems to me that if you are going to go against that tradition then you should come up with a something more substantial. Again having now read the regulations as posed by our government... if I could see that there was a flag present, and there may well have been, then I would absolutely agree with you. Such regulations and traditions are not binding on us as Americans but our presidents and other government officials should observe them regardless.

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:15 PM

I'm just stating what is traditional flag etiquette.
But we all know tradition means nothing now days.

Here, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_there_a_national_anthem_etiquette, it states that Congress addressed this in 2007. What was the etiquette before that?

Does it matter what it was before that?
Should the president not be held to the same standards as military personel? He is the commander in chief of the military.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:16 PM

Flag Etiquette
The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are:

The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

The pledge of allegiance should be rendered by standing at attention, facing the flag, and saluting.
When the national anthem is played or sung, citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag, if displayed, otherwise to the music.

Should the Comander in chief not be held to the same standards as the military?

Yes I think to TJ!! It's a matter of respect. These men and women go above and beyond the call of duty. President Bush would salute them, it's a matter of respect. You don't give respect, don't expect it.

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