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Topic: The Anti-Bush Nobel Peace Prize
no photo
Mon 10/12/09 11:57 AM
I never said you couldn't think that way. You're free to think how you'd like, of course. Just as others are free not to put their hand over their heart at all times when they hear the national anthem. :smile:

franshade's photo
Mon 10/12/09 11:57 AM
Edited by franshade on Mon 10/12/09 11:57 AM

Look I responded to a post of someone saying we need to respect the president. IMO holding your hand over your heart during the national anthem shows respect to our country. You either do it every time or not at all. And IMO doing it once in a while or when you feel like it is not doing it at all.

Ah, so it's because of your preferences. You prefer someone hold their hand over their heart at all times for the pledge and the national anthem. If they didn't do it once in a while, you would not respect them? Ok.

Is that not my choice? Yes it is. And that's how I feel about the subject.
Or am I not entitled to my opinion because it differs from yours?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion (after all like noses we all have one) :wink: sometimes two; sometimes more; sometimes less (opinions not noses) :laughing:... dayyyummm I just can't make up my mind today :wink: laugh

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 11:58 AM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

Pish, I don't put a hand over my heart either. But that's just me. I will listen respectfully, and enjoy the national anthem, but I'm not selling my soul to anyone over it.

I'm with you on this. I would stand and allow everyone to do their thing, but that doesn't mean I have to be just like everyone else. Looks like Obama was being himself. Wow, how offensive can one get. slaphead

:laughing: why is there only one person facing forward? why is he not being singled out? Why is there only one person wearing short sleeves? why is she not being singled out???


I'm ticked off that there are 5 chairs and only 4 people showing. I demand to know who fell off the stage. I want to know if that person pledged...

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:01 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by hoarlding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

If you're going to post stuff like this take some time to know what you are posting. It took only a few moments of research to find out this picture was taken during the national anthem not during the pledge of allegiance (guess why no one posts a video of this "event" LOL). And as for your comment "when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!" here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzlG6ldRNNU&feature=related, start showing some respect... or perhaps your not up to keeping YOUR word :-)

I did state in my post it was the national antem.
And yes you can find videos of him now doing it.
I don't pick and chose times when I feel like doing it. I do it every time. Then again that is just me.

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:02 PM

I never said you couldn't think that way. You're free to think how you'd like, of course. Just as others are free not to put their hand over their heart at all times when they hear the national anthem. :smile:

I never said anything about them not being free to not hold their hand over their heart.
I just have no respect for them on this topic.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:07 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by hoarlding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

If you're going to post stuff like this take some time to know what you are posting. It took only a few moments of research to find out this picture was taken during the national anthem not during the pledge of allegiance (guess why no one posts a video of this "event" LOL). And as for your comment "when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!" here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzlG6ldRNNU&feature=related, start showing some respect... or perhaps your not up to keeping YOUR word :-)

I did state in my post it was the national antem.
And yes you can find videos of him now doing it.
I don't pick and chose times when I feel like doing it. I do it every time. Then again that is just me.

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

I was just on the phone with the help desk about something for work and laughed in the middle of the call because of this picture. laugh

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:11 PM

I never said you couldn't think that way. You're free to think how you'd like, of course. Just as others are free not to put their hand over their heart at all times when they hear the national anthem. :smile:

I never said anything about them not being free to not hold their hand over their heart.
I just have no respect for them on this topic.


I'm pretty sure I have not put my hand over my heart every single time I've heard the national anthem.

franshade's photo
Mon 10/12/09 12:11 PM

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

:laughing: reminds me of an alka seltzer commercial, his hand and Laura's facial expression in pic :laughing:

Winx's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:01 PM

TJN is the one who posted the picture.

TJN, do you know the answers to Winx's questions above?

Yes ma'am I do!


Nobody knows where the flag is located.rofl

Pssst it's right behind themlaugh

Where's the one that they're supposed to be looking at? The one hanging from the pole?

Winx's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:01 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

Pish, I don't put a hand over my heart either. But that's just me. I will listen respectfully, and enjoy the national anthem, but I'm not selling my soul to anyone over it.

I'm with you on this. I would stand and allow everyone to do their thing, but that doesn't mean I have to be just like everyone else. Looks like Obama was being himself. Wow, how offensive can one get. slaphead

:laughing: why is there only one person facing forward? why is he not being singled out? Why is there only one person wearing short sleeves? why is she not being singled out???


I'm ticked off that there are 5 chairs and only 4 people showing. I demand to know who fell off the stage. I want to know if that person pledged...


Winx's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:03 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/12/09 01:04 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by hoarlding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

If you're going to post stuff like this take some time to know what you are posting. It took only a few moments of research to find out this picture was taken during the national anthem not during the pledge of allegiance (guess why no one posts a video of this "event" LOL). And as for your comment "when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!" here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzlG6ldRNNU&feature=related, start showing some respect... or perhaps your not up to keeping YOUR word :-)

I did state in my post it was the national antem.
And yes you can find videos of him now doing it.
I don't pick and chose times when I feel like doing it. I do it every time. Then again that is just me.

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

Bush's heart is in his stomach.shocked

His wife forgot where her's is too! Oh...too funny...nobody knows where their heart is located.laugh

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:05 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 10/12/09 01:07 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by hoarlding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

If you're going to post stuff like this take some time to know what you are posting. It took only a few moments of research to find out this picture was taken during the national anthem not during the pledge of allegiance (guess why no one posts a video of this "event" LOL). And as for your comment "when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!" here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzlG6ldRNNU&feature=related, start showing some respect... or perhaps your not up to keeping YOUR word :-)

I did state in my post it was the national antem.
And yes you can find videos of him now doing it.
I don't pick and chose times when I feel like doing it. I do it every time. Then again that is just me.

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

Closer to his crotch??? LOL That was hilarious.

Anyway it isn't that big of a deal. Obama does hold his hand on his heart sometimes and sometimes not. Maybe he is thinking too hard and forgets, who knows. I know I don't do it every time either. But it doesn't effect my patriotism. I don't have to show anyone else how patriotic I am, it is only me I have to impress....lol

franshade's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:07 PM
WINX - rofl the girl in pink made sure she covered herself - she crossed her heart alright rofl

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:19 PM

So, next time a crisp salute will do and then you can be on your way."

when Obama will show respect for our country by hoarlding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!

If you're going to post stuff like this take some time to know what you are posting. It took only a few moments of research to find out this picture was taken during the national anthem not during the pledge of allegiance (guess why no one posts a video of this "event" LOL). And as for your comment "when Obama will show respect for our country by holding his hand over his heart during the national anthom than I will show him respect!" here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzlG6ldRNNU&feature=related, start showing some respect... or perhaps your not up to keeping YOUR word :-)

I did state in my post it was the national antem.
And yes you can find videos of him now doing it.
I don't pick and chose times when I feel like doing it. I do it every time. Then again that is just me.

Ah my apologies I miss read due to all the other garbage being posted. However I suppose this means you didn't like a lot of our other presidents who also did not hold their hand over their hearts (Plenty of pictures of that out there also), or perhaps you think it best they should hold their hands near their crotch like Bush . Really though in no case is it a sign of disrepect to not hold your hand over your heart during the national anthem including this relatively funny picture. It's simply a matter or preference and in Bush's case perhaps stomach indigestion, or just plain exhaustion.

Closer to his crotch??? LOL That was hilarious.

Anyway it isn't that big of a deal. Obama does hold his hand on his heart sometimes and sometimes not. Maybe he is thinking too hard and forgets, who knows. I know I don't do it every time either. But it doesn't effect my patriotism. I don't have to show anyone else how patriotic I am, it is only me I have to impress....lol

Let's not go overboard here. Obama still needs to show respect for the national anthem and the flag even if you and I don't necessarily. My point was that he IS showing respect just not in the same way that TJN thinks it should. And he is not the only person in a high position who has chosen to simply take a respectful stance. (I won't say president because now I can't find the d@mn picture and can't back it up).

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:24 PM
Edited by TJN on Mon 10/12/09 01:24 PM
Can we pose the same questions Winx asked on this photo?

We don't even know if the National Anthem had started or had completed on that pic.

Had he just raised his hand and lowered it?

Just asking because those supporting Obama are now making fun of Bush in that pic. But I guess that's ok it's their opinions.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:28 PM

Can we pose the same questions Winx asked on this photo?

We don't even know if the National Anthem had started or had completed on that pic.

Had he just raised his hand and lowered it?

Just asking because those supporting Obama are now making fun of Bush in that pic. But I guess that's ok it's their opinions.

I laughed at it. I don't recall making fun of it, though. Though yes, it was a funny picture.

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:30 PM

Can we pose the same questions Winx asked on this photo?

We don't even know if the National Anthem had started or had completed on that pic.

Had he just raised his hand and lowered it?

Just asking because those supporting Obama are now making fun of Bush in that pic. But I guess that's ok it's their opinions.

I do agree on that TJ. Like the photo you posted there is no video proof that I know of. My point was and still is neither man is showing disrespect... well not intentionally anyway that picture of Bush does seem a bit rude but it's explainable I'm sure. I just have a problem with making gross statements about Obama's lack of respect or anyone else's based on a single photo.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:30 PM

Can we pose the same questions Winx asked on this photo?

We don't even know if the National Anthem had started or had completed on that pic.

Had he just raised his hand and lowered it?

Just asking because those supporting Obama are now making fun of Bush in that pic. But I guess that's ok it's their opinions.

Also, was anyone accusing him of being disrespectful in that picture?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:31 PM

Can we pose the same questions Winx asked on this photo?

We don't even know if the National Anthem had started or had completed on that pic.

Had he just raised his hand and lowered it?

Just asking because those supporting Obama are now making fun of Bush in that pic. But I guess that's ok it's their opinions.

I do agree on that TJ. Like the photo you posted there is no video proof that I know of. My point was and still is neither man is showing disrespect... well not intentionally anyway that picture of Bush does seem a bit rude but it's explainable I'm sure. I just have a problem with making gross statements about Obama's lack of respect or anyone else's based on a single photo.

could be (as I told you before lol) that the picture could have been snapped while he was raising or lowering his hand. but I agree that if a video is demanded for one....should be demanded for the other as wellohwell

TJN's photo
Mon 10/12/09 01:34 PM

TJN is the one who posted the picture.

TJN, do you know the answers to Winx's questions above?

Yes ma'am I do!



I posted this on page 4.

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