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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
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Wed 05/06/09 04:40 PM

Sunshine you have wandered into the Science and Philosophy forum by mistake. You might want to go back to the religion forum if you want to preach or discuss your religious beliefs. We won't bother you in there, honest. :wink:

Well I won't anyway. I can't speak for James. laugh


no photo
Wed 05/06/09 05:49 PM

Sunshine you have wandered into the Science and Philosophy forum by mistake. You might want to go back to the religion forum if you want to preach or discuss your religious beliefs. We won't bother you in there, honest. :wink:

Well I won't anyway. I can't speak for James. laugh


No I didnt. There are no mistakes. There are no accidents. I came into this forum to say what I was told to say. I take my ministry wherever I go.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/06/09 06:04 PM
laugh Im just glad to see some life in these forums againlaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/06/09 06:10 PM
flowerforyou Relax everybodyflowerforyou This aint your first rodeo, folksflowerforyou

wiley's photo
Wed 05/06/09 06:18 PM
Your God is dead and noone cares.

Before you get too bent out of shape, I'm quoting song lyrics.

So take a pill. Relax. It's just the internet.

If you find me offensive, you are probably assuming that you have been offended.

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/06/09 06:44 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Wed 05/06/09 06:45 PM
Well!!!..................... that was ATTRACTIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







A diatribe of vitriole by someone professing to be 'ministering'.... as told to do???

Which voice of the multi-personality disorder was THAT one??? scared

Sheesh Abra, JB...wanna borrow my profile pic????:wink: laugh

no photo
Wed 05/06/09 07:03 PM

Sunshine you have wandered into the Science and Philosophy forum by mistake. You might want to go back to the religion forum if you want to preach or discuss your religious beliefs. We won't bother you in there, honest. :wink:

Well I won't anyway. I can't speak for James. laugh


No I didnt. There are no mistakes. There are no accidents. I came into this forum to say what I was told to say. I take my ministry wherever I go.

Well go back to your master who tells you to say things and tell him I'm not interested.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/06/09 07:19 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Wed 05/06/09 07:30 PM

A diatribe of vitriole by someone professing to be 'ministering'.... as told to do???

Some people just don't trust God to be able to save people on his own.

They figure he needs their help. whoa

It must be pretty sad to have such a lame God.

I wonder if Sunshine is partaking in the new "Bridge Stragety"?

Christians go around trying to convert people in non-Christain locations. It's the lastest fad in proselyting. ohwell

We're bound to start seeing more of it. Unfortuantely. frown


I found this quote by Hemmingway on that Bridge Strategy site:

“Bait the hook according to what the fish likes, not what the fisherman likes.” (Hemingway)

Evangelism is about to get real fishy. laugh

Isn't there something just immorally dishonest about this whole approach? huh

Baiting hooks to convert people to another religion instead of being open and honest about what people are up to?

How low will a Chrisitan stoop for Jesus? frown

It's truly sad.

no photo
Wed 05/06/09 07:51 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/06/09 07:51 PM
From the sight James mentioned:

Most non-Christians are not, by definition, seekers. Most not-yet-Christians have no reason to visit Christian websites. Ever. Why should they? Instead, like most of us, they seek out sites about the issues and interests that they DO have.

A parallel in the real world is libraries. Non-Christians rarely go to the religious section of a library. They go straight to the topics that interest them.

DUH! Yep. We are not seekers of Christianity because it is false doctrine. We already rejected it and moved on. We are seekers of truth.

The Old testament is old worn out Judaic law. The new testament is a forgery and a fiction designed to draw pagans and other cults into it. It attempts to rewrite the old laws into a kinder gentler religious doctrine. It takes a fictional tale of a savior god from old writings and attempts to bring him to life and claim he is real, both man and God.

No, we have no reason to visit a Christian sight. I have no reason to read or post in the religion forum. That is why I am glad this club created a science and philosophy forum.

We gravitated to this forum and left the religious debate for the religious. Now they are coming in like the dark priestess with an agenda of their own.

They are clueless what they are up against, but they fancy themselves as crusaders for their faith. We don't want it. We are not interested. Get a clue oh dark priestess!

We know who you are the minute you speak.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:24 PM
Hey JB...

If The Law of Attraction is true, why has Jesus not appeared to take away the Christians?



I likes Jeeezus!


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:43 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Wed 05/06/09 08:51 PM

Hey JB...

If The Law of Attraction is true, why has Jesus not appeared to take away the Christians?



I likes Jeeezus!


Good point CS. :wink:

I wish he would come and take them away.

It's not that I dislike them. It's just that they are like pesky mosquitoes. They have absolutely no respect for the beliefs of others.

All they can think about is proselying and converting.

Well, ok, they aren't all like that. THANK GOD! laugh

Some of them are actually more like Jesus. bigsmile

In fact probably most of them are. We're truly lucky that the proselytizing Christains are far and few between actually.

If all Christians were evangelists we'd be in seriously bad shape and wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:53 PM
Evangelism was birthed by the great commission, which has been the heat of many a debate...

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

These words were claimed to have been spoken by Jesus after his initial death and consequent resurrection. First one must believe that he rose from the dead, then one must also believe that he instructed those disciples(none of which actually watched his death) to do this!

Ad lib?

Who knows?


Sorry Jb...

We now resume your regularly scheduled LOA...


no photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/06/09 10:29 PM

Hey JB...

If The Law of Attraction is true, why has Jesus not appeared to take away the Christians?



I likes Jeeezus!


I think Jesus is an alien. In fact there is a new age cult that worships alien Jesus seriously. His name is Sananda. (Do a google search if you want.) Last I read about him, his is here and he hangs out in a mother ship called "hope" parked behind the moon. I don't know if it is still there, it may have moved to another location, I don't keep up with that cult anymore.

Maybe this Sananda guy has abducted a few Christians who knows.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:07 AM

Evangelism was birthed by the great commission, which has been the heat of many a debate...

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

These words were claimed to have been spoken by Jesus after his initial death and consequent resurrection. First one must believe that he rose from the dead, then one must also believe that he instructed those disciples(none of which actually watched his death) to do this!

I wonder where they get the idea to use dishonest tactics like Bridge Strategy? huh

Shouldn't they just be open and honest about what they're up to?

Where did Jesus tell anyone to be deceptive? huh

How does Hemmingway's quote fit in here?

“Bait the hook according to what the fish likes, not what the fisherman likes.” (Hemingway)

Bait the hook?

Sounds more like a brainwashing techniques of a cult to me. ohwell

If a person is being asked to do anything deceptive in the name of Jesus I think it's time to wake-up and start to re-think just what it is that Jesus is supposed to stand for?

Stooping to Bridge Strategy sounds like the underhanded tricks that Satan is accused of pulling.

Of course, Christians would probably argue that they need to fight fire with fire, but that would just be a confession that God needs to stoop to Satan's level in order to beat him.

I think the whole religion is in a hopleless state of despair.

In fact, Bridge Strategy is nothing but a sign or total frustration and desperation.

They can't get people honestly, so they need to start using sly dishonest tricks to 'hook' them.

It's deteriorated to become a truly disgusting religion.

Of course, I'm not sure if "deteriorated" is the right word. I don't think history has many examples where it wasn't always this disgusting (or even worse). ohwell

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:10 AM
Sorry JB.

I see what you mean about being drawn off topic.


Ok, back to the LOA.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:43 AM
Energy and good vibrations.

In my last house I lived in I had three plants that I gave water too, moist soil, sufficient sunlight. They all died on me with only its stem standing straight up.

Today in a different house I did the same thing. I gave everything that a plant needed. I even read books about it just incase I maybe doing something wrong like giving them too much water or providing the wrong soil. The only difference that I did this time is that I now talk to them when I give them a good quench of water. One of my plants that was 4 feet is now hitting to 9 feet tall! Another one is growing so many leaves that I have to get a new pot.

So in the end what I realize is perhaps this positive energy that some call the "law of attraction" for me it is the "law of mystery" may have somekind of impact on life.

I am doing the same thing to the plants I did in my first house, but only talking to them now. My family thinks I am crazy! I don't mind for I am happy that I can sustain life on something so beautiful.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:52 AM

Energy and good vibrations.

In my last house I lived in I had three plants that I gave water too, moist soil, sufficient sunlight. They all died on me with only its stem standing straight up.

Today in a different house I did the same thing. I gave everything that a plant needed. I even read books about it just incase I maybe doing something wrong like giving them too much water or providing the wrong soil. The only difference that I did this time is that I now talk to them when I give them a good quench of water. One of my plants that was 4 feet is now hitting to 9 feet tall! Another one is growing so many leaves that I have to get a new pot.

So in the end what I realize is perhaps this positive energy that some call the "law of attraction" for me it is the "law of mystery" may have somekind of impact on life.

I am doing the same thing to the plants I did in my first house, but only talking to them now. My family thinks I am crazy! I don't mind for I am happy that I can sustain life on something so beautiful.

Well this isn't the Law of Attraction John.

This is the Law of Emanation.

It's not what you are attracting but what your putting out!

I think it called,

ah,.... lemmie think,...


It's called

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 11:07 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 05/07/09 11:27 AM

Energy and good vibrations.

In my last house I lived in I had three plants that I gave water too, moist soil, sufficient sunlight. They all died on me with only its stem standing straight up.

Today in a different house I did the same thing. I gave everything that a plant needed. I even read books about it just incase I maybe doing something wrong like giving them too much water or providing the wrong soil. The only difference that I did this time is that I now talk to them when I give them a good quench of water. One of my plants that was 4 feet is now hitting to 9 feet tall! Another one is growing so many leaves that I have to get a new pot.

So in the end what I realize is perhaps this positive energy that some call the "law of attraction" for me it is the "law of mystery" may have somekind of impact on life.

I am doing the same thing to the plants I did in my first house, but only talking to them now. My family thinks I am crazy! I don't mind for I am happy that I can sustain life on something so beautiful.

Well this isn't the Law of Attraction John.

This is the Law of Emanation.

It's not what you are attracting but what your putting out!

I think it called,

ah,.... lemmie think,...


It's called

Either it is love or the plants are attracted to melaugh drinker

Which has me thinking maybe we should call it 'the law of love'

positive energy is pretty much sending out love signals in the endlaugh

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:01 PM
Plants can feel vibrations and energy. They grow better when you play music for them too. Soft classical.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:03 PM

Which has me thinking maybe we should call it 'the law of love'

The Law of Love!

Of course! slaphead

Now, we're going to have to do a RECALL on all those "Law of Attraction" CD's and videos have have them RELABELED! bigsmile

Notice: "We have inadvertently confused "The Law of Love" with other philosophical concepts. Please accept our deepest apologies for any inconveinence this may have caused". flowerforyou

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