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Topic: Secession....view points please...
krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:25 PM

:banana: Great thread discussion:banana:

Amen brother....

wasn't seeking a fight...just different perspectives beyond my own...it is GREAT to know that I am really as self-deludedly superior as I thought I might be!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:27 PM

winx...I've been through the school system here and now my son....studying the other states comes from US history...so yes...they do learn that as well. and why not focus one the state you are in a little more than others???? I don't get the problem. I wouldn't have a problem if CA focused on CA history

Our children study all history. Just saying.

as do we...maybe we study more history then....we have texas, US and world history

The State of Texas is not what it was when they were annexed by the US!

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:29 PM

You noticed a said they are the minority. When lefties get told by the righties to leave the country and that they are unAmerican if they disagree with the government, why can't the same be held to the righties? That is my point. Why get all militant when it was good enough for the lefties to leave if they disagree?? See?

Even the minority of 30% is way to massive to move to another country.

I don't think ANYONE should be told they need to leave their homes because they don't agree with the way things are being run. I think they have the right to demand change by whatever means are necessary.

Secession is too drastic of a move, something else is going on anyway besides disagreement with how the government is running things. There is something malevolent underlying this move.

Nobody has said it's happening tomorrow. Sure it's drastic, but one has to remember it's not the first time Texas has used the threat. Nor will it be the last and more and more states are beginning to look at it that way. Nothing malevolent about it, it's people saying they are fed up with things the way they are and demanding change

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:29 PM

It is funny it seems like many countries have counties or districts that wishes to seperate themselves into a independent country.

I am German from Bavaria and Bavaria always wanted to be a independent country seperated from Germany. If it will ever happen, I doubt it, but some say "never say never".

I think it is just human nature that we always want something better. We are always searching a resolution that will satisfy our tastelaugh

I would just say take a nationwide vote to get a answer. This will resolve the problem and the people can focus on other things.

I also heard there are still quiet alot of islands for sale out there. The Texans could buy one and call it New Texas. I am talking about the Texans who want to have their own independent country.

Just ideas popping through my head.drinker

Guetentaag my good man! I do apprecieate the sentiment and rationale Smiless (the ss thing is a bit creepy for me cause I come from the survivors of Auschwits and Beuchenwald)..but, it wasn't your bad so, it is cool...

My grand mothers are buried here..(planted one in the bone orchard on wednesday)..so are my grand fathers...as well as quite a few friends....

I could never...and would never...walk away from the grounds where the bodies of those that I love are buried. The whole.."If you don't like this country..leave it" is REALLY easy to say. I have served this country. I have shed blood for this country. I seriously doubt that many of the cows here can say the same...cause if they ever did make that sacrifice..or shed those tears...I really doubt that they would pitch out some of the callous and heartless answers I have heard here.

(step up kids...this is your time to shine and put me down) You are up to the podium first Dragoness...remember...you will hit harder if you aim low baby.

One should never forget there were many Germans who helped end the war, let alone spies who worked for the US government.

My family actually participated in getting handicapped germans out of the country for they were subjected like the jews to be gased.

So yes it was a terrible war that I hope everyone can use as a lesson to not be so eager to fall into a system that doesn't tolerate or accept different idealogies or practices.

In the end I can understand that if your family is buried there then it would be difficult to leave the state of Texas to ground a new country on a abandoned piece of land.

I would just say as I stated before that a nationwide vote should be conducted. I don't see why not. Make it like a presidential campaign where a good candidate represents the independency of texas talks to the people of the nation and a candidate against it challenges the many reasons why it should or not be a independent country or not.

Just an idea.

I mean put your reasons why it should be a seperate country.

and those who don't agree put your reasons why it shouldn't be a independent country.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:29 PM
hey I can give credit where credit is due mirror.

and i can take it AND give it out as well. maybe it's me ....but i find some hypocracies everytime a texas thread comes up. IMO...it seems we can't have texas pride even though others can for their states....we focus too much on texas and our history....when other states do as well. we are generalized as racist gun toting rednecks that segregate....happens up north and other states as well.

maybe it's just me seeing this...but it is my opinion

willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:29 PM
At the Texas Capitol on Thursday, Rep. Jim Dunnam of Waco, joined by several fellow Texas House Democrats, said some people associate talk of secession with racial division and the Civil War and that Perry should disavow any notion of seceding. <quote

That is one mans opinion. He don't speak for me.
My opinion weighs the same as his.
I see secession as being a benefit to all Texans, regardless of race, color or creed.

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:30 PM

winx...I've been through the school system here and now my son....studying the other states comes from US history...so yes...they do learn that as well. and why not focus one the state you are in a little more than others???? I don't get the problem. I wouldn't have a problem if CA focused on CA history

Our children study all history. Just saying.

as do we...maybe we study more history then....we have texas, US and world history

The State of Texas is not what it was when they were annexed by the US!

The US is not what it was when it annexed the state of Texas... time changes everything

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:30 PM

winx...I've been through the school system here and now my son....studying the other states comes from US history...so yes...they do learn that as well. and why not focus one the state you are in a little more than others???? I don't get the problem. I wouldn't have a problem if CA focused on CA history

Our children study all history. Just saying.

as do we...maybe we study more history then....we have texas, US and world history

The State of Texas is not what it was when they were annexed by the US!

what does that have to do with my post????

Winx's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:32 PM

winx....we do study alot about our state history and if i read you correctly you don't study your as much. if i misunderstood i apologize. but even davey said they study cali history....so why is it wrong for us to study texas history on top of US and world?

I never said that it was wrong to study Texas history!

I said that we study all history. You said that maybe you study more history then. I don't see why that means that you study more history.

All history means all history - our city's, the state's, all the other states and the world. I'm talking about elementary school, btw.

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:32 PM

we are generalized as racist gun toting rednecks that segregate....happens up north and other states as well.

You mean you're not? I've been misled!!tears

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:32 PM

We're not really alone. 20 some odd other States have or are doing the paperwork to restore their Sovereignty, a prelude Secession.

February 6th, 2009
States including Washington, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii and New Hampshire have drafted bills reminding the Federal Government of their voluntary submission under the Tenth Amendment.
Here is a list of the others claiming their Sovereignty;

Anybody here posting from Oklahoma?laugh laugh laugh

Where did you hear this? I searched and only found the Republican Liberty Caucus talking about it. I can't find in the Missouri House.

Google this. 22 states seeking sovereignty

I can't find it in the Missouri House or the St. Louis newspaper.
I did find it on right wing sites. I'm still looking.

That's all it is winx and if you notice the word is sovereignty!

States sovereignty is guaranteed in the Constitution!
Secession is a different word and it is illegal!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:34 PM
Secession is an act of treason!

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:34 PM

We're not really alone. 20 some odd other States have or are doing the paperwork to restore their Sovereignty, a prelude Secession.

February 6th, 2009
States including Washington, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii and New Hampshire have drafted bills reminding the Federal Government of their voluntary submission under the Tenth Amendment.
Here is a list of the others claiming their Sovereignty;

Anybody here posting from Oklahoma?laugh laugh laugh

Where did you hear this? I searched and only found the Republican Liberty Caucus talking about it. I can't find in the Missouri House.

Google this. 22 states seeking sovereignty

I can't find it in the Missouri House or the St. Louis newspaper.
I did find it on right wing sites. I'm still looking.

That's all it is winx and if you notice the word is sovereignty!

States sovereignty is guaranteed in the Constitution!
Secession is a different word and it is illegal!

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:34 PM

winx...I've been through the school system here and now my son....studying the other states comes from US history...so yes...they do learn that as well. and why not focus one the state you are in a little more than others???? I don't get the problem. I wouldn't have a problem if CA focused on CA history

Our children study all history. Just saying.

as do we...maybe we study more history then....we have texas, US and world history

The State of Texas is not what it was when they were annexed by the US!

You are right...now we manufacture nuclear weaponry...(my company supplies the water and has to adhere to U.S. Military standards as well as FDA and Texas codes) for the plants that make the Core units..(I am well aware that they get shipped off to Maryland for wiring the components.)

Completely disreguard our agricultural, textiles, petroleum (hahahahaha), technologies, refineries and ports...

you may be right..perhaps Texas is just another spot on the map.

then again...maybe not.

We Got Texas Industries..(who do you think builds all the crap for NASA?)

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:34 PM

Secession is an act of treason!

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:35 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Fri 04/17/09 07:37 PM

We're not really alone. 20 some odd other States have or are doing the paperwork to restore their Sovereignty, a prelude Secession.

February 6th, 2009
States including Washington, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii and New Hampshire have drafted bills reminding the Federal Government of their voluntary submission under the Tenth Amendment.
Here is a list of the others claiming their Sovereignty;

That's all it is winx and if you notice the word is sovereignty!

States sovereignty is guaranteed in the Constitution!
Secession is a different word and it is illegal!

Well since this whole discussion has been initiated because the fed government is trampling all over the constitution why should I care?

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:36 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

Don't hate the south at all. It is like stepping back in time to the civil rights period when you go down there. It is stuck in time, stuck in rut or something. Racial lines still stand down there and the few that don't stand anymore are not appreciated AT ALL by some of the whites. I am white so I get blessed with hearing their opinions of others and they are still racially biased at large levels. No bitterness, just don't get the non-movement into this centuryhuh

As for my personal opinion on this subject, I haven't voiced it yet... just kidding.

I am too proud of an American to even remotely entertain the thought of handing in my US citizenship and be rewarded rightfully by anarchy and descention. That is my personal opinion.

bigsmile As a Southern man I must say that when I have visited Up North Yankee land, I noticed that they are much more racial than we are.flowerforyouThe "Rascist southerner" is becoming a stereotype.flowerforyou

Racists are everywhere. Only in southern town do they split population and require each race stay in their "designated" areas at fear of death, especially after dark. Only in the south would a noose be hung from a tree to show black folks they better stay away. I can go on and on.... Only in the south would the lunchrooms in schools be segregated voluntarily, experienced that one when I attended school there.

There is a difference. In the south "it is the way it is" and nobody rocks the boat because the tension is too tight and they fear the break.

We have racists here but they know better than to act like those of the south because there are a whole lotta whites like me who go to bat for others who might possibly be discriminated against.
laugh The cities up north looked pretty segregated to melaugh

They aren't. At least not in the ones I have been to here.

Now the small town here sometimes you will find very few minorities in general. They are not segregated but they are few and far between. That would be the most you would see up here.

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:36 PM
Sometimes I think that even though the civil war has ended a long time ago that in many cases by just watching the many people who post in here that the civil war is still silently continuing.

but in the end it looks like just alot of hot air blowing both ways claiming they have the better answer to the problems of this nation.

tug of war type of discussions where one side loses ground but gains ground later on and then the other loses ground to only gain ground at a later time.

If it will ever come to a civil war, I wonder?

Reminds me a movie called Vendetta. Although it is fiction, it just seems like that as the English would predict the US would go to a civil war and England becomes somekind of fascist regime with marshall plan curfews and rebels blowing up things trying to gain the independence for the people again.

Who knows what will happen. As long as I can go home with a loaf of bread without bullet holes in it, I am in good shapedrinker

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:37 PM

winx....we do study alot about our state history and if i read you correctly you don't study your as much. if i misunderstood i apologize. but even davey said they study cali history....so why is it wrong for us to study texas history on top of US and world?

I never said that it was wrong to study Texas history!

I said that we study all history. You said that maybe you study more history then. I don't see why that means that you study more history.

All history means all history - our city's, the state's, all the other states and the world. I'm talking about elementary school, btw.

i was commenting on the previous comment that you replied to about how we seem to be arrogant and focus on texas history. like i have said...other states study their state history too so how is texas wrong.

we study all of that as well. you didn't say in the beginning (unless i missed it) that you have state history there as well

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:38 PM

we are generalized as racist gun toting rednecks that segregate....happens up north and other states as well.

You mean you're not? I've been misled!!tears

well the redneck part for me is true lol...but my sister is the total opposite...and drivin won't let me have a gun lol...and I HATE racist jokes of any kind

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