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Topic: Secession....view points please...
willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:25 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 04/17/09 06:28 PM

I would say have Congress Vote on it.

Have all Texans vote on it.

Have the United States vote on it.

Then use the statistics to determine the outcome.

If the majority agree then the secession succeeds.

If the marjoity doesn't agree then Texas remains part of the United States.

Just a idea. It would be interesting just to see the results if it was done.

Sounds fair actually...with the exception of Congress...I say, just put it to the popular American vote...(Just my opinion) I have no doubt that many of the bitter ones here would vote for it.

Texans should be the only ones having a say in Texas secession affairs. The rest of the States would only want us to suffer BHO BS with them.

:smile: The Supreme Court has said that no state has a right to secede:smile:

Ohhhhhhh...that means we should probably just shut up, bow our heads, tuck our tails..and take it up the @ss.
flowerforyou I dont have a problem with it.:smile: I am just telling you the facts.:smile: The Supreme Court has deemed seccession to be illegal and thats that. :smile: I assume any Governor that tried it would be arrested immediatly by federal officers.flowerforyou But it aint going to happen in the first place.flowerforyou

Do you feel like you're being ignored, MM? I get that a lot to. On my part, it's a lot of wishful thinking.
BHO, scares the heII out of me. He just took away our freedom of speech and gave DHS power to arrest anyone who speaks out like we Pro-Secessionists are doing.

We, by DHS classification, could be classified Terrorists.

I want my Constitution reinstated. I want my Freedoms back.

I don't want to live under the threat of the BHO Regime.

What would you rather?
Die Free or live the life of a Slave to BHO?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:25 PM
krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:25 PM

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:34 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:34 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 04/17/09 06:40 PM

I would say have Congress Vote on it.

Have all Texans vote on it.

Have the United States vote on it.

Then use the statistics to determine the outcome.

If the majority agree then the secession succeeds.

If the marjoity doesn't agree then Texas remains part of the United States.

Just a idea. It would be interesting just to see the results if it was done.

Sounds fair actually...with the exception of Congress...I say, just put it to the popular American vote...(Just my opinion) I have no doubt that many of the bitter ones here would vote for it.

Texans should be the only ones having a say in Texas secession affairs. The rest of the States would only want us to suffer BHO BS with them.

:smile: The Supreme Court has said that no state has a right to secede:smile:

Ohhhhhhh...that means we should probably just shut up, bow our heads, tuck our tails..and take it up the @ss.
flowerforyou I dont have a problem with it.:smile: I am just telling you the facts.:smile: The Supreme Court has deemed seccession to be illegal and thats that. :smile: I assume any Governor that tried it would be arrested immediatly by federal officers.flowerforyou But it aint going to happen in the first place.flowerforyou

Do you feel like you're being ignored, MM? I get that a lot to. On my part, it's a lot of wishful thinking.
BHO, scares the heII out of me. He just took away our freedom of speech and gave DHS power to arrest anyone who speaks out like we Pro-Secessionists are doing.

We, by DHS classification, could be classified Terrorists.

I want my Constitution reinstated. I want my Freedoms back.

I don't want to live under the threat of the BHO Regime.

What would you rather?
Die Free or live the life of a Slave to BHO?
:smile: DHS was started by Bush and we still have right to freedom of speech.:smile: We only become a problem if enough people listen to us.:smile: Its always been that way.:smile: You gotta have rich and connected buddies to be able to wield influence.:smile: And the sedition laws have been in effect for centuries.:smile: And the Supreme Court decision was made over a century ago.:smile: Its not an Obama issue.:smile:

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:36 PM

Well, thus far into this dialogue...

I have met people for and against...

understand or bitterly empirical..

and a couple of complacent ones who just kind of shot out randoms thoughts with a lot of logic behind them...(I ain't referring to you Dragoness..the "bitterly Empirical" statement was for you honey)

I did notice that I did not see any Texans in disagreement.

I see it this way...if you are in a car and your buddy is driving like an idiot who is gonna get you in trouble or really screw something up...(govt)..and you say "Pull over man...I will just walk..go one without me"

Is that really a reason for such spite?...or should I just put on my seat belt and wait for the disaster I see coming?

As far as the "If you don't like this country..leave it" that is exactly what I hope happens...When I gave the flag the finger today when I went to the tobbacco shop..I apologized first..when they rang it up..I gave the finger..so did everyone else in the store.

Considering I am not in the least bitter and if your definition of empirical is the same as mine it is accurate. Meaning relies on experience and/or experimentation. I will give you a 50% right on your description.

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:37 PM

Well, thus far into this dialogue...

I have met people for and against...

understand or bitterly empirical..

and a couple of complacent ones who just kind of shot out randoms thoughts with a lot of logic behind them...(I ain't referring to you Dragoness..the "bitterly Empirical" statement was for you honey)

I did notice that I did not see any Texans in disagreement.

I see it this way...if you are in a car and your buddy is driving like an idiot who is gonna get you in trouble or really screw something up...(govt)..and you say "Pull over man...I will just walk..go one without me"

Is that really a reason for such spite?...or should I just put on my seat belt and wait for the disaster I see coming?

As far as the "If you don't like this country..leave it" that is exactly what I hope happens...When I gave the flag the finger today when I went to the tobbacco shop..I apologized first..when they rang it up..I gave the finger..so did everyone else in the store.

flowerforyou Only 31% of Texans agreed with the Texas Govenor and he backed away from his statements the next day.flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:39 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

i agree 100%. I am proud to be an American as well as a Texan. My dad served this country and died doing it because he believed in this country

willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:40 PM

Well, thus far into this dialogue...

I have met people for and against...

understand or bitterly empirical..

and a couple of complacent ones who just kind of shot out randoms thoughts with a lot of logic behind them...(I ain't referring to you Dragoness..the "bitterly Empirical" statement was for you honey)

I did notice that I did not see any Texans in disagreement.

I see it this way...if you are in a car and your buddy is driving like an idiot who is gonna get you in trouble or really screw something up...(govt)..and you say "Pull over man...I will just walk..go one without me"

Is that really a reason for such spite?...or should I just put on my seat belt and wait for the disaster I see coming?

As far as the "If you don't like this country..leave it" that is exactly what I hope happens...When I gave the flag the finger today when I went to the tobbacco shop..I apologized first..when they rang it up..I gave the finger..so did everyone else in the store.

flowerforyou Only 31% of Texans agreed with the Texas Govenor and he backed away from his statements the next day.flowerforyou

What poll was that number taken from? Or, was a number taken off a blog?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:42 PM
huh move a state as big as Texas????

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:43 PM

Well, thus far into this dialogue...

I have met people for and against...

understand or bitterly empirical..

and a couple of complacent ones who just kind of shot out randoms thoughts with a lot of logic behind them...(I ain't referring to you Dragoness..the "bitterly Empirical" statement was for you honey)

I did notice that I did not see any Texans in disagreement.

I see it this way...if you are in a car and your buddy is driving like an idiot who is gonna get you in trouble or really screw something up...(govt)..and you say "Pull over man...I will just walk..go one without me"

Is that really a reason for such spite?...or should I just put on my seat belt and wait for the disaster I see coming?

As far as the "If you don't like this country..leave it" that is exactly what I hope happens...When I gave the flag the finger today when I went to the tobbacco shop..I apologized first..when they rang it up..I gave the finger..so did everyone else in the store.

flowerforyou Only 31% of Texans agreed with the Texas Govenor and he backed away from his statements the next day.flowerforyou

What poll was that number taken from? Or, was a number taken off a blog?
:smile: Hardball discussed this issue in length this afternoon.:smile: The whole episode was about it.:smile:

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:44 PM

Dude...that is my new absolute favorite theme song and I hope it becomes our national anthem....thanks bro...

let's face it..people can say what they want..even our cattle make eveyone elses look like p**sies....

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:44 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 04/17/09 06:47 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

Don't hate the south at all. It is like stepping back in time to the civil rights period when you go down there. It is stuck in time, stuck in rut or something. Racial lines still stand down there and the few that don't stand anymore are not appreciated AT ALL by some of the whites. I am white so I get blessed with hearing their opinions of others and they are still racially biased at large levels. No bitterness, just don't get the non-movement into this centuryhuh

As for my personal opinion on this subject, I haven't voiced it yet... just kidding.

I am too proud of an American to even remotely entertain the thought of handing in my US citizenship and be rewarded rightfully by anarchy and descention. That is my personal opinion.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:47 PM

This is an option that is gaining real momentum locally and I personally am for it.

Please do not misunderstand...

I love the United States of America and I would like to see the States exist in prosperity and happiness. I have served them in the military and I feel I have the right to an opinion as well as an honest and intelligent dialogue on this subject.

Texas does maintain the legal right to secede from the Union and I believe that we should. I have absolutely nothing against the American way of life...I am really dead set against the avalanche of U.S. taxation policies and free-for all spending/bail out policies as well as dictations of legalities and foriegn policies. (Yeah, I know that The Bushes got this ball rolling)

I firmly believe that as an independant nation, Texas can indeed prosper.

The down side is that I do understand that the other states would suffer from trying to shoulder the fiscal void secession would bring as well as limiting access to huge seaports..petroleum stocks, refineries...some agricultural venues and nuclear weapon making facilities...(pretty sure that the U.S. citizenry wouldn't bat an eye at losing NASA)

Suppose Texas did secede....how do you think it would affect you or your states economy?

Texas does not have the right to seceede from the Union!

If it did its economy would fail, not another states, and not the Unions!
Texas ranks third in the Nation in Fed aid recieved!

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:49 PM

huh move a state as big as Texas????

Ain't happening honey...the sooner the non Texans figure that out...the easier it will be for them to figure out that we do not need Uncle Sam to guide us through our lives. (I do realize that some folks need the government to think for them...but, that angle don't play that well around here)

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:50 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

I'm sorry, where do you suppose they should form this new country? I don't think there's much land that isn't claimed by one country or another. even the south pole is divided into territories held by different countries. Beside why should they leave their homes? Their State? Their lives, so that you can have part of Thier state?

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:50 PM

I heard Perry said it's a real possibility. Don't know if he's for real or it's just a pacifier.
If it happens, I think we can expect the possibility of a Union invasion. That's talk around town.
I, too wish a secession. DC has gone nuts.

No he did not! LMAO

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:50 PM
As a foreigner I like the stories of Cowboys and Indianslaugh

Today I was researching on the town of Tombstone with Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, and so forth.

Very interesting. Probably boring for you guys since you have this in history class or something. lol

and I know Tombstone is in Arizona and not Texas, but still it is interesting to study the old west and how they lived in the 1800's.

If you are a history buff on this then don't hesitate to send me stuff on cowboy stories or even important events of the time from your state. I invite it.:smile:

Maybe you have something on "Texas Jack"drinker

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:52 PM
fanta....i don't disagree with you. but remember that we have had refugees here and illegal immigrants as well as natural disasters here as well

smiles...i went to tombstone...awesome. i also love billy the kid

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:53 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

I'm sorry, where do you suppose they should form this new country? I don't think there's much land that isn't claimed by one country or another. even the south pole is divided into territories held by different countries. Beside why should they leave their homes? Their State? Their lives, so that you can have part of Thier state?

You read me incorrectly.

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