Topic: Out of the slammer
beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:13 PM

Depends on the state. Sounds like you are in a zero tolerance state. Contact a group called NORML. The are 4:20 advocates that might be able to help. The thing is what drugs did they accuse your friend of distributing? If it was Meth they just had their bust hosed. They may try to lie but a good attorney can find out. The whole 'firearms and drugs' thing is federal anyway. Still, you can also fight the bust on a profiling rap. If the herb you were busted with matches the stash prepare to say ouch. If they were looking for something else in your house besides weed and could not find it can you say "Illegal Search and Seizure?" I bet you can!
At that point I would say find an attorney who loves cops and sic him on them with a nice fat as**d law suit! There are attorneys who would take one look at a case with proper merit and dump their money into getting the heap of cash the city will be offering to keep it out of court (work it Pro Bono).

Hope you are on the right end of this! the reason they like to pick on 4:20 is that 4:20 does not get violent like trying to bust up someone with whiteness under their noses (or in their glass pipe!).

Also look up 4:20 advocacy groups! They can also be a great source of information for defending yourself. Still, doing it in their face is not very smart either even if it is your living room.
A little paranoia can save you a lot of misery.

He doesn't need help trying to get away with using illegal drugs. I hope he does time for whatever he had in that little bag that he didn't want to tell about. Then he will get the help he needs. What are the guns for? So he can shoot up some innocent person for money to get his next fix?

Should we get his dope dealing buddy help as well. Who probably sells to children as well and makes our streets unsafe to walk down.

who are you to say he would shoot anyone that could be construed as a slanderous inflammatory statement which is also illegal (just a thought)

well when the police come in your house illegally we will see how you feel then

the police breaking the law illegally entering a residence is worse than any drug related charge
And who's to say they entered his house illegally...were you there PLEASE

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:13 PM

but i would not hold my breath you will have to proove they entered illegally and get a judge that agrees

Ding ding that is the kicker right there!!

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:15 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 04/03/09 03:25 PM

Depends on the state. Sounds like you are in a zero tolerance state. Contact a group called NORML. The are 4:20 advocates that might be able to help. The thing is what drugs did they accuse your friend of distributing? If it was Meth they just had their bust hosed. They may try to lie but a good attorney can find out. The whole 'firearms and drugs' thing is federal anyway. Still, you can also fight the bust on a profiling rap. If the herb you were busted with matches the stash prepare to say ouch. If they were looking for something else in your house besides weed and could not find it can you say "Illegal Search and Seizure?" I bet you can!
At that point I would say find an attorney who loves cops and sic him on them with a nice fat as**d law suit! There are attorneys who would take one look at a case with proper merit and dump their money into getting the heap of cash the city will be offering to keep it out of court (work it Pro Bono).

Hope you are on the right end of this! the reason they like to pick on 4:20 is that 4:20 does not get violent like trying to bust up someone with whiteness under their noses (or in their glass pipe!).

Also look up 4:20 advocacy groups! They can also be a great source of information for defending yourself. Still, doing it in their face is not very smart either even if it is your living room.
A little paranoia can save you a lot of misery.

He doesn't need help trying to get away with using illegal drugs. I hope he does time for whatever he had in that little bag that he didn't want to tell about. Then he will get the help he needs. What are the guns for? So he can shoot up some innocent person for money to get his next fix?

Should we get his dope dealing buddy help as well. Who probably sells to children as well and makes our streets unsafe to walk down.

who are you to say he would shoot anyone that could be construed as a slanderous inflammatory statement which is also illegal (just a thought)

well when the police come in your house illegally we will see how you feel then

the police breaking the law illegally entering a residence is worse than any drug related charge
And who's to say they entered his house illegally...were you there PLEASE

read the post

he did

who is to say they did not (were you there pppllllllllzzzzzzz) lol

and read my posts if you want the rest of the story

no one has to let them in because they ask

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:16 PM

but i would not hold my breath you will have to proove they entered illegally and get a judge that agrees

Ding ding that is the kicker right there!!

like i said lol

franshade's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:18 PM

Long boring story, but i wanna tell it anyway so will try and make it quick. Cops were watching my buddy. Saw me visit and leave real quick. They came to my house next day asking what I was doing there. They said he's a known dealer and I was buying drugs there. They came in my front door without permission and saw some weed on the table. They asked to search the house. I told them to kiss my ass.

They put me in cuffs for 4 hours while they got a warrant. They found no more weed, but a postage scale so added an intent to distriubute charge. Then they found my guns and charged me with posession of firearms during a felony. They also found another small bag of something I won't mention in detail.

So I got to spend a day and a half in jail. The judge let me bond myself out. So I'm free for a couple weeks. I'm speaking with the public defender and a couple more lawyers next week. Think I can beat the charges for illegal entry. We'll see how it goes.

Not excusing the OP's actions but he states the police came in my front door without permission. I am assuming (yup don't like that word) that when they knocked on the door, OP responded by answering the door. During police questions they were able to see the weed giving them probable cause to enter, as OP states weed was in plain sight. Am I right?

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:19 PM

Well first of all the gun issue I do feel is a bit much I mean if you hunt at all you will own a gun. Helllllooo

I don't hunt but my son has a deer rifle which in fact I bought him myself for Christmas one year.

I'm not into guns but I do not see anything wrong with owning a gun it is not guns that kill it is people that are responsible for that one. Besides

I myself think there are some pretty kewl pistols I would love to own.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:22 PM

Not excusing the OP's actions but he states the police came in my front door without permission. I am assuming (yup don't like that word) that when they knocked on the door, OP responded by answering the door. During police questions they were able to see the weed giving them probable cause to enter, as OP states weed was in plain sight. Am I right?

That is what he said and not sure about Georgia but I do know in the state of Texas if they in fact could see it in plain site from the front door that is all they need to ask for a search warrant. As you said it is considered "In Plain Site"

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:23 PM
a neighbors grandson was " holding" for a friend. well to make it short his grandson is now spending 5 years in prison. I learned a long time ago never trust anyone when their azz is on the line .. they rat every time. As for them coming into the house your not going to beat that. as for what ever else there was? refer to above statement. as I read some of the comments I figure your just going to have to deal with it. You picked that course of action and lifestyle.

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:24 PM

Long boring story, but i wanna tell it anyway so will try and make it quick. Cops were watching my buddy. Saw me visit and leave real quick. They came to my house next day asking what I was doing there. They said he's a known dealer and I was buying drugs there. They came in my front door without permission and saw some weed on the table. They asked to search the house. I told them to kiss my ass.

They put me in cuffs for 4 hours while they got a warrant. They found no more weed, but a postage scale so added an intent to distriubute charge. Then they found my guns and charged me with posession of firearms during a felony. They also found another small bag of something I won't mention in detail.

So I got to spend a day and a half in jail. The judge let me bond myself out. So I'm free for a couple weeks. I'm speaking with the public defender and a couple more lawyers next week. Think I can beat the charges for illegal entry. We'll see how it goes.

Not excusing the OP's actions but he states the police came in my front door without permission. I am assuming (yup don't like that word) that when they knocked on the door, OP responded by answering the door. During police questions they were able to see the weed giving them probable cause to enter, as OP states weed was in plain sight. Am I right?

probable cause was not stated it is a possibility tho

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:27 PM

I can also say that I don't trust cops one bit.

And why not?

Lot of em are on power trips. They will lie and and their fellow officers will back them up. It's then your word against theirs and who's gonna win that battle? Having said that, I believe that most cops are honest, decent people doing a hard job.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:28 PM

probable cause was not stated it is a possibility tho

Hummm re-read it is stated due to the actions of the day before and visiting a known drug dealers house. That was their probable cause.

One should never open the door and have anything that is illegal laying out in plain site for others to view. Sorry common sense tells one to look before you leap or in this case open the door.noway slaphead

franshade's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:28 PM
He was charged with having firearms during a felony... hmmm wonder just how small that other little bag was...

isn't it the amt of drugs you have a factor in charge? distribution or personal use???

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:29 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 04/03/09 03:31 PM

I can also say that I don't trust cops one bit.

And why not?

Lot of em are on power trips. They will lie and and their fellow officers will back them up. It's then your word against theirs and who's gonna win that battle? Having said that, I believe that most cops are honest, decent people doing a hard job.

yes those are the ones that give the good ones a harder job to do

it is not always about justice -- it is about a feather in the cap way to often

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:30 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 04/03/09 03:31 PM

He was charged with having firearms during a felony... hmmm wonder just how small that other little bag was...

isn't it the amt of drugs you have a factor in charge? distribution or personal use???

it needs to be above a certain quantity or divided into multiple retail sale size containers for intent to distribute

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:31 PM

Lol not when they find other drugs and scales too boot. Helloooooooooo

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:33 PM

Lol not when they find other drugs and scales too boot. Helloooooooooo

scale does not constitute intent

or anyone with a diet scale could be charged

needs to be above a certain quantity or divided into multiple containers to get intent to distribute charge to go to court

franshade's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:35 PM

Lol not when they find other drugs and scales too boot. Helloooooooooo

scale does not constitute intent

or anyone with a diet scale could be charged

needs to be above a certain quantity or divided into multiple containers to get intent to distribute charge to go to court

ok my question is gonna sound pretty stupid, but what about if the person is a habitual user, hence no distribution in mind - they have it for personal use (doesn't make it right I know) but would that be reflected on charges??

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:40 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 04/03/09 03:41 PM
i would imagine it being a first offense would be taken into consideration

it would depend on the judge and the state of commitment

i am not sure put i think in ohio you can have nearly 3oz before intent is charged i can check if you wish

i heard ohio and florida laws are very coinsiding

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:45 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 04/03/09 03:46 PM

Lol not when they find other drugs and scales too boot. Helloooooooooo

scale does not constitute intent

or anyone with a diet scale could be charged

needs to be above a certain quantity or divided into multiple containers to get intent to distribute charge to go to court

ok my question is gonna sound pretty stupid, but what about if the person is a habitual user, hence no distribution in mind - they have it for personal use (doesn't make it right I know) but would that be reflected on charges??

to tell you the truth , first I have to state that I don't smoke weed and never did and hopefully i never will, but they start out from the fact that in order to have weed, you have to buy them, and since selling weed is illegal, you are buying weed from a dealer , hence you are a criminal or part of the criminal act. Again, this is not based on my opinion but logic.
About my personal opinion - even if that I don't smoke weed and never even tried it and don't know what it is like- the government should not be deciding and making laws how you or me what wish to do with ourselves and our lives.

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/03/09 03:50 PM

Lol not when they find other drugs and scales too boot. Helloooooooooo

scale does not constitute intent

or anyone with a diet scale could be charged

needs to be above a certain quantity or divided into multiple containers to get intent to distribute charge to go to court

ok my question is gonna sound pretty stupid, but what about if the person is a habitual user, hence no distribution in mind - they have it for personal use (doesn't make it right I know) but would that be reflected on charges??

to tell you the truth , first I have to state that I don't smoke weed and never did and hopefully i never will, but they start out from the fact that in order to have weed, you have to buy them, and since selling weed is illegal, you are buying weed from a dealer , hence you are a criminal or part of the criminal act. Again, this is not based on my opinion but logic.
About my personal opinion - even if that I don't smoke weed and never even tried it and don't know what it is like- the government should not be deciding and making laws how you or me what wish to do with ourselves and our lives.

the last part is correct

the first part is not correct in ohio tho

and you do not have to buy weed to obtain it it grows wild anywhere corn can grow

and there is a predetermined amount you may have b4 distribution charges come into play as long as it is not divided into multiple amounts