Topic: Obama kills at least 7 in Pakistan
Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/24/09 10:30 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/24/09 11:18 PM
I was at a party tonight...not alot of happy Obama supporters...they really didn't expect these policy changes...closing Gitmo...extending the rights of terrorists...overseas funding for abortion...400 million a year of taxpayers dollars...and...his next move is to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act...then...he wants to's to hire people...even though their lifestyle...doesn't agree with their religious passing...the Employment Non-Discrimination Act...:cry: ...what have you done....

Winx's photo
Sun 01/25/09 12:49 AM

I was at a party tonight...not alot of happy Obama supporters...they really didn't expect these policy changes...closing Gitmo...extending the rights of terrorists...overseas funding for abortion...400 million a year of taxpayers dollars...and...his next move is to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act...then...he wants to's to hire people...even though their lifestyle...doesn't agree with their religious passing...the Employment Non-Discrimination Act...:cry: ...what have you done....

You were at a party?shocked :wink:

Winx's photo
Sun 01/25/09 12:49 AM

I was at a party tonight...not alot of happy Obama supporters...they really didn't expect these policy changes...closing Gitmo...extending the rights of terrorists...overseas funding for abortion...400 million a year of taxpayers dollars...and...his next move is to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act...then...he wants to's to hire people...even though their lifestyle...doesn't agree with their religious passing...the Employment Non-Discrimination Act...:cry: ...what have you done....

You were invited to a party?shocked :wink:

stonekeeper's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:04 AM
Edited by stonekeeper on Sun 01/25/09 08:05 AM
im thinkin maybe we need to at least let him get his socks and underwear put away before we accuse him of being the problem...the things that are happening are things that had built there momentum long before he was even a dont stop a frieght train on a dime...dont make hasty blame and expect him to change the world over night...its not only unrealistic but impossible...the state of the world handed to him is in its worst shape in history...he has alot on his plate...i believe he will do the best he can with what he has...think about the situation of our government as a coporation in peril...just because a new ceo takes charge of the corporation doesnt mean that the corporation will turn around overnight...he certainly cant do anything in a week to turn the world for the worse and you cant expect immediate results for the better...i most certainly wont agree with all of his policies...yet i cant help but hope for the world that he will do best he can to fix the disaster left in the wake of the worst leader in history.

Lynann's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:44 AM
Perhaps you recall my posting on the Defense of Marriage Act?

The conservative author of this act, Barr sees it as flawed legislation, and called for changes or it's repeal long before Obama did.

If anyone would care to look beyond their knee jerk prejudices for just a moment below is some information on it.

There is some concern...just for your consideration conservatives that some language in the act could force states not allowing gay marriage to have to recognize gay marriages made in other states.

Repealing DOMA could actually help you gay marriage haters.

Not that I expect many reads here to understand that...

DOMA Author Bob Barr: Repeal DOMA
By: Teddy Partridge Monday January 5, 2009 11:38 am
digg it

gay-wedding-cakae.thumbnail.jpgThe author of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which allows states to violate the full faith and credit section of the Constitution by not recognizing valid marriages performed in another state in addition to construing a federal definition of marriage, has called for its repeal. In a Los Angeles Times op-ed article today, former Georgia Congressman and 2008 Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr says the law's unintended consequences -- he calls it "reverse federalism" -- mean it is not working as legislated and can no longer be defended.

Barr provides some legislative history and illustrates how DOMA ended up the inverted law that it is today:

Contrary to the wishes of a number of my Republican colleagues, I crafted the legislation so it wasn't a hammer the federal government could use to force states to recognize only unions between a man and a woman. Congress deliberately chose not to establish a single, nationwide definition of marriage.

However, we did incorporate into DOMA's second part a definition of marriage that comported with the historic -- and, at the time, widely accepted -- view of the institution as being between a man and a woman only. But this definition was to be used solely to interpret provisions of federal law related to spouses.

The first part of DOMA, then, is a partial bow to principles of federalism, protecting the power of each state to determine its definition of marriage. The second part sets a legal definition of marriage only for purposes of federal law, but not for the states. That was the theory.

Barr says the theory behind DOMA isn't working:

In effect, DOMA's language reflects one-way federalism: It protects only those states that don't want to accept a same-sex marriage granted by another state. Moreover, the heterosexual definition of marriage for purposes of federal laws -- including, immigration, Social Security survivor rights and veteran's benefits -- has become a de facto club used to limit, if not thwart, the ability of a state to choose to recognize same-sex unions.

Even more so now than in 1996, I believe we need to reduce federal power over the lives of the citizenry and over the prerogatives of the states. It truly is time to get the federal government out of the marriage business. In law and policy, such decisions should be left to the people themselves.

When the author of a law says the time has come to repeal it, whether for reasons of federalism or civil rights for all, then Congress needs to pay attention. This thirteen year old law serves no purpose any longer but a restriction on the rights of the states to determine that they will treat people equally. That's a bad law.

Barr concludes:

In 2006, when then-Sen. Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, he said, "Decisions about marriage should be left to the states." He was right then; and as I have come to realize, he is right now in concluding that DOMA has to go. If one truly believes in federalism and the primacy of state government over the federal, DOMA is simply incompatible with those notions.

Time to repeal DOMA.

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 12:30 PM

im thinkin maybe we need to at least let him get his socks and underwear put away before we accuse him of being the problem...the things that are happening are things that had built there momentum long before he was even a dont stop a frieght train on a dime...dont make hasty blame and expect him to change the world over night...its not only unrealistic but impossible...the state of the world handed to him is in its worst shape in history...he has alot on his plate...i believe he will do the best he can with what he has...think about the situation of our government as a coporation in peril...just because a new ceo takes charge of the corporation doesnt mean that the corporation will turn around overnight...he certainly cant do anything in a week to turn the world for the worse and you cant expect immediate results for the better...i most certainly wont agree with all of his policies...yet i cant help but hope for the world that he will do best he can to fix the disaster left in the wake of the worst leader in history.

Once again, I agree with you. It would be nice to allow him to get his socks and underwear put away; However, the precedence to invalidate that consideration was established in the year 2000 by the supporters of the losing democrat nominee. Obama has already been touted as one of the smartest presidents ever by some "unbiased" sources (the same ilk that proclaimed Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the US). Now one doesn't necessarily have to be an Einstein to understand that when people are needlessly dying in phoney war perpetrated by a congential liar, thief, and murderer who should be tried for war crimes against humanity (Bush) that there is only one viable course of action. To stop immediately. Stop the death and destruction. "...the state of the world handed to him is in its worst shape in history..." though survivors of "The Great Depression of the 30's might disagree with you, this should be no problem for the smartest president ever, to handle. I believe it impossible for Obama (my great leader) to have been totally oblivious of world events before he became the democrat nominee, or my one term senator, or a community actvist. I tend to believe that smart people do their own homework before they take a test, instead of copying off the dumbest student ever(in this case that war mongering, murderer Bush). I've already noticed a significant difference already watching CNN as for my only source of news. Not one single soldier has died or been injured in Iraq or Afganistan since Obama has become my president (if those tragic events are occurring, they aren't being reported with nearly the same zeal and passion, maybe it's just my post Bush indocrination latent memories, resurfacing). I know when that despotic Bush was the president, there used to be a daily death/injury count. The simple fact remains- Obama lied, innocent Pakistani's died.

FearandLoathing- "Well if any of you "Americans" knew a thing or two about politics chances are it would have been a closer race for Ron it is I don't even know if any of you even know what a write-in ballot is..."

I believe it's a little late to be speculating about "what if" and "what could have been" now. As a former indoctrinated Dr. Ron Paul supporter myself (now an unquestioned, devoted Obama disciple), It's my opinion that we just need to put all that kind of rhetoric behind us and move forward (lest thou stands accused of being a 2000 Al Gore presidential supporter by those PavROVEian repukeblicans). I suggest we treat Obama and his supporters with the same "fair" and "equal" accords/respect our former president was provided. Surely there will be absolutely no objections, what-so-ever, from ANYONE that we hold our dear leader Obama to the same, identical standards. When he (Obama) murders innocent Pakistani's in a continuation of an unjust and morally irrehenisible "war" started by the "butcher of Crawdford, TX" for corportate greed... it is our duty as American citizens to speak out, protest, and become "community activists". I would encourage you to follow in examples set by and best personify our dear leader and bestest buddy before he became our president. Totally embrace the ideals and tactics of his supporters (except Bill Ayres). Nay, I say... allow not thy eyes gaze behind thy shoulder, focus thy occular devices forward with intent and purpose to opportunity and the bounty that awaits us!

stonekeeper's photo
Sun 01/25/09 05:58 PM
its easy to say cease and desist immediately...yet doing so would put countless of our brave troops at risk...entrenched as they are at a very minumum they would have to fight thier way out in retreat...its not a logical part of the sure obama had no intent to kill innocent people where as bushes intent did indeed kill countless thousands...thats part of it...intent...its an unfortunate part of war..innocent people sometimes die...the murderous hand still belongs to our former commander in chief...regardless of who is at the controls of a runaway train...i agree...the fighting needs to stop...but stop today isnt possible.

beeorganic's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:22 PM

its easy to say cease and desist immediately...yet doing so would put countless of our brave troops at risk...entrenched as they are at a very minumum they would have to fight thier way out in retreat...its not a logical part of the sure obama had no intent to kill innocent people where as bushes intent did indeed kill countless thousands...thats part of it...intent...its an unfortunate part of war..innocent people sometimes die...the murderous hand still belongs to our former commander in chief...regardless of who is at the controls of a runaway train...i agree...the fighting needs to stop...but stop today isnt possible.

I'm more than confident that if Obama reaches out and announces to the world "If nobody fires on our troops, we will leave the middle east immediately", those opposing our efforts would cease firing (just like the North Vietnam freedom fighters did for several hours when we pulled out of Siagon and left Vietnam). Afterall that is what these fearless patriots defending their homeland say they wanted all along... the US military occupying forces to leave. They would have no reason to shoot or attack us anymore. Though we couldn't trust one word from the former liar and chief Bush, there's no reason at all we should doubt the word of people like Bin Laden. He has always been a man of his word in the past. I think before Obama opted to display his testosterone by utterly obliterating those innocent people, he should have tried to reach out to them first (I think he's like trying to overcompensate for not having any military experience). Talk to them. Show them the sensitivity they probably weren't shown as vulnerable youths. Obama, since his presidency has adopted the "kill first, talk second" murderous Bush policy. Appears we have an "Obushma" doctrine now.

I really wish I could attribute the deaths of those 17 innocent individuals in Pakistan on that coke-head drunk Bush, but I can't. In this ball game, Obama has come in as the relief pitcher to continue the carnage, death, and destruction. Nobody is forcing him to stay on the mound to continue the game. There is no reason this has to continue one more day. No more blood for oil, no more blood supporting Cheney's (Satan's right hand man)corporate cronies like Halliburton. I was just thinking today of all the poor animals there too... subjected to all that gunfire, mortar explosions, and such. There is no dispute now, Obama has innocent blood on his hands. Obama is violating international law. President Obama, if you read this... please be a real man and admit/accept total defeat and pull our troops out of every foreign country and conflict in the world and bring them home NOW! You have the power and authority to do it today!

"Hey Obama, the question of the day, how many innocent people in Pakistan did you kill today"?

It saddens me (and has caused me to weep profusely) that so many people are sitting on their hands now doing nothing. There is undeniable evidence Obama is engaging in war crimes. Where's the zeal and vocal passion when Bush was illegally killing innocent people? I would gladly get out there with you in the trenches and hold a protest sign and march, but it's a little too cold out today, my sinuses are acting up, and my pet cat is going in for a psychic paw reading sesson in a little while.

stonekeeper's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:31 PM
psychic paw reading huh??? i guess that says it all!!!!!!!

beeorganic's photo
Mon 01/26/09 04:31 PM

psychic paw reading huh??? i guess that says it all!!!!!!!

Agnes, my personal pet pyschic informed me a little while ago that my cat "Saul" (named after one of my presidents idols "Saul David Alinkski") is as equally outraged that Obama has killed innocent people in Pakistan. FYI- Pet psychics are not covered by Progressive insurance company. I so dearly want to dress precious little "Saul" up in Pakistani attire, put organic ketchup all over him (to symbolize blood), take a picture of him and send it to Obama to make him aware of the atrocities against humans and animals he's committing. We're currently working on this adorable peace sign poster to help him get over the pain Obama has caused him. I've been dipping his little paw in union-made, eco-friendly, organically grown (catnip flavored) biodegradable ink and dabbing onto the poster. So when people finally wake up and realize Obama is no different than Bush, we'll be prepared for the protest marches... which should be any day now. I've also been practicing my shoe throwing technique as well... tossing my sandals (made from hemp and recycled tires for the soles) at a poster of Obama to symbolicly vent my frustration.

FACT: Obama attacked a sovereign country unprovoked (violation of international law).

FACT: Innocent people and probably some animals were killed by Obama (without a trial or at least some form of legal representation).

FACT: Untold damage to the enviroment...innocent trees, insects, and microscopic organisms, not to mention the carbon footprint by Obama's military (contributing to global warming... uhhh, I mean... climate change).

FACT: Obama has the power and authority to stop all these assaults on man, beast, and mother Earth right now but isn't doing squat to do so.

We finally got rid of that lying, cheating, son of a Mr. "Read my lips" and look what we've got now. Another war-mongering male. We need to impeach Obama and call for special elections. It's time to give Cindy Sheehan a chance! I know her first act as president would be to bring all the troops home immediately instead of playing media-footsies with the likes of Rush Limbaugh (like Obama is doing) whilst innocent people are dying. I think like we need to start a protest camp like right across from the street of Obama's home in Chicago. Maybe we could all have like this giant peace rally down the street at Bill Ayres house... BYOB (means bring your own bong... not bomb).

nogames39's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:10 AM
Edited by nogames39 on Tue 01/27/09 12:11 AM

FACT: Obama attacked a sovereign country unprovoked (violation of international law).

FACT: Innocent people and probably some animals were killed by Obama (without a trial or at least some form of legal representation).

FACT: Untold damage to the enviroment...innocent trees, insects, and microscopic organisms, not to mention the carbon footprint by Obama's military (contributing to global warming... uhhh, I mean... climate change).

FACT: Obama has the power and authority to stop all these assaults on man, beast, and mother Earth right now but isn't doing squat to do so.

We finally got rid of that lying, cheating, son of a Mr. "Read my lips" and look what we've got now. Another war-mongering male. We need to impeach Obama and call for special elections. It's time to give Cindy Sheehan a chance! I know her first act as president would be to bring all the troops home immediately instead of playing media-footsies with the likes of Rush Limbaugh (like Obama is doing) whilst innocent people are dying. I think like we need to start a protest camp like right across from the street of Obama's home in Chicago. Maybe we could all have like this giant peace rally down the street at Bill Ayres house... BYOB (means bring your own bong... not bomb).

Man, even if, no, EVEN IF Obama continues this war for 8 more years, he will be doing this because he "had to deal with what was handled to him".

But, if, let us say, there is a Republican president again after Obama, he will be continuing "unnecessary act of aggression, that he has all powers to stop".

And, these two above lines of mine, have nothing to do with Obama, ipsum, ut talis. These two lines have everything to do with how people see it.

Open your heart and embrace "the change", man.

Winx's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:13 AM
They weren't all innocent people:

"The town, a known Taliban and Al Qaeda hub, is also the main stomping ground of Maulvi Nazir, a key Taliban commander accused by the United States of recruiting and sending fighters to Afghanistan to attack US and NATO forces.

Soon after the blast, electricity went down and the area was plunged into darkness, as Taliban militants sealed off the attack site, officials said.

The first missile strike killed five foreign militants just outside Mir Ali, in North Waziristan at 5:10 pm (1210 GMT), a security official told AFP.

"A militant den was successfully destroyed. At least five foreign Al-Qaeda militants were killed and three locals but there was no immediate confirmation of any high value target," a security official said.

The house belonged to tribesman and Taliban sympathiser Khalil Dawar. The identities of the three dead locals were not immediately known."

Winx's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:15 AM
Edited by Winx on Tue 01/27/09 12:15 AM

FACT: Obama attacked a sovereign country unprovoked (violation of international law).

FACT: Innocent people and probably some animals were killed by Obama (without a trial or at least some form of legal representation).

FACT: Untold damage to the enviroment...innocent trees, insects, and microscopic organisms, not to mention the carbon footprint by Obama's military (contributing to global warming... uhhh, I mean... climate change).

FACT: Obama has the power and authority to stop all these assaults on man, beast, and mother Earth right now but isn't doing squat to do so.

We finally got rid of that lying, cheating, son of a Mr. "Read my lips" and look what we've got now. Another war-mongering male. We need to impeach Obama and call for special elections. It's time to give Cindy Sheehan a chance! I know her first act as president would be to bring all the troops home immediately instead of playing media-footsies with the likes of Rush Limbaugh (like Obama is doing) whilst innocent people are dying. I think like we need to start a protest camp like right across from the street of Obama's home in Chicago. Maybe we could all have like this giant peace rally down the street at Bill Ayres house... BYOB (means bring your own bong... not bomb).

Man, even if, no, EVEN IF Obama continues this war for 8 more years, he will be doing this because he "had to deal with what was handled to him".

But, if, let us say, there is a Republican president again after Obama, he will be continuing "unnecessary act of aggression, that he has all powers to stop".

And, these two above lines of mine, have nothing to do with Obama, ipsum, ut talis. These two lines have everything to do with how people see it.

Open your heart and embrace "the change", man.

That's right. He has to deal with what was handled to him.
He inherited a terrible mess.

SarahsF8's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:16 AM
No joke, I just laughed until I peed.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:17 AM
war war war war war war war war
bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb BOMBexplode explode

i love nucs

i lov e bush

this is what i support

I dont care abput people......and i DONT care about CHANGIN anything for the mideast. let em rot...afterwe bomb.

we are heartless.

send more bombs

Winx's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:23 AM

No joke, I just laughed until I peed.

It will help us know who you are talking to if you use the quote button under their post.flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:23 AM
Calm down, Cat.laugh

catwoman96's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:26 AM

Calm down, Cat.laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seriosuly..............can we put the idiot psychopath corrupt people on an island and nuc em????

omg help me..........would that be cruel????????

(i think it would be easier)

Winx's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:28 AM

Calm down, Cat.laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seriosuly..............can we put the idiot psychopath corrupt people on an island and nuc em????

omg help me..........would that be cruel????????

(i think it would be easier)

But..who would be the one to decide which ones are the idiot psychopaths?

catwoman96's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:19 AM

Calm down, Cat.laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seriosuly..............can we put the idiot psychopath corrupt people on an island and nuc em????

omg help me..........would that be cruel????????

(i think it would be easier)

But..who would be the one to decide which ones are the idiot psychopaths?

idk....hard to diagnosis as a antisocial...let alone a psychopath...usually once the damage is done it is known.

ima invent an evil cruel detector.....or something.